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Page 24

by Lucretia Stanhope

Matvei snarled and spoke in their language. Timofei turned his head sharply and they circled each other.

  Mikhail held her close to him.

  She felt she had it in her to carry on and wanted them both gone. The hum of Percy in the distance gave her enough energy to pull more sun and fire.

  “You need a rest. Let them fight.” Mikhail's voice was gentle as he tried to pull her away.

  Her mind flashed over all the ways it could play out. If Matvei ruled, the explorations would continue. His cruelty would know no bounds. If Timofei ruled, it would be no different. He was no different.

  She thought of their conversation. She would be his forever. Her children would be his forever. She would never have the chance again to take one or both of them out.

  “Go get Brac. Make sure he is safe.” She pushed Mikhail away. “Please, if you ever cared for me, protect my baby.”

  Gwen kept her eyes on the two men, who were now in full monster form. She knew Matvei, she had seen his monster before, the day he removed Dmitry's head. She would never forget that day.

  Matvei was losing. Timofei had him pinned. He was draining him and pummeling him with the same rage she heard in his voice.

  Timofei knew she had a hand in this. He knew her daughter fought in the resistance. He would own her forever. He weakened Matvei enough, she reasoned. If she didn't act while Matvei had his attention, she would never get the chance again. The thought fueled all the rage she needed to rain sun on him.

  He wailed and turned toward her.

  Matvei snatched him back, holding his wing and tearing as she focused a ray squarely at his chest.

  Matvei was on his feet, moving with a speed she assumed he wouldn't have left in him. Timofei gave her one last look of hate before his head flew off and rolled to her feet.

  She screamed and looked up to focus the ray on Matvei.

  He was gone. She didn't feel anyone. She was alone.

  Only the body parts on the ground and hum of Percy in the distance kept her company.

  Gwen stepped over the head and walked to where Matvei had been. She felt around for a tear. She was no tracker, and didn't feel a disturbance. There was no time to cry.

  She pulled her cloak on and raced to Percy. After a fast healing, she tore the veil and slipped onto the colony grounds.

  Mikhail ran to Gwen when he saw her. “What happened? Timofei, is he?”

  Her hand reached up, touching his face. She felt relief that he felt strong and unaffected. She felt like a lifetime passed rather than a few minutes. “Matvei got away. Where is Brac? The witches?”

  “Brac and a group of witches jumped to Percy's realm. We have a few more to get off. The fire witches here stopped the few compound soldiers that gave resistance in their tracks.” He looked at her and frowned. “You need to go to Percy, you feel awful.”

  “Matvei, did you hear me? Matvei got away. He is the ruler now. Timofei is gone.”

  Mikhail shook his head. “No, Matvei has siblings. He will not be giving chase to us. He will retreat to avoid the onslaught of claims to his rule.” He paused and looked around. “They were ordered to let you go. Let you all go.”

  She looked at him puzzled. “By?”

  “Matvei. His orders were not to harm witches. He, he wanted me to thank you and let you know he would repay you.”

  Against Mikhail's advice, Gwen stayed, and they managed to get all the witches safely with Percy.

  Kyna and Brac funneled the remaining eternals from site two to a realm Kyna knew would be safe.

  “We need to gather some forces to take to Malvina and Roman's realms. They have been given a lot of eternal witches lately.” Gwen looked to Kyna. “It is my understanding that Matvei has given orders for their release.”

  Kyna pursed her lips. “I will arrange that. Brac, come with me. I want you to meet the resistance leaders and help us plan the rescue.”

  They took a minute to embrace. Kyna, Brac, and Gwen hummed with happiness. When they broke the embrace, each of their faces were serious.

  “Go, I will be safe with Mikhail, we will make sure things here and on earth are stabilized. I will see you again via Percy. I love you. I love you both.” Gwen said, and gave them both quick kisses.

  When they walked away, Gwen leaned back against Mikhail. “Matvei, he will eventually be the ruler?”

  “He is the last of the powerful royals. The wars he and his father waged have taken a huge toll on his armies and resources. He will be fighting his siblings to secure his rule, and that will take time, and resources he doesn't have. There is now chaos for my people. The resistance will easily push him back. You did it.”

  She reached up and touched his face. “We did it. We. Take me to Percy.”

  He put his hand on hers and let time stop for a second. “Yes, boss.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “Y ou knew all along how this would end?” Gwen looked from the plate of cookies held out to her, to Gregor's calm face. The wrinkles that formed around his eyes when he smiled held wisdom beyond years and time.

  When he spoke, his voice held a gentleness that matched his face. “I did. Had I not seen it, I would have still known you were something of a treasure for this realm. You and your selfless bravery will be spoken of forever in hushed tones across realms, between species you have never even seen.”

  Gwen shook her head, refusing as he nudged the plate closer. She was there for closure not cookies. “Is Sebastian still with the collective? Jarrod?” It was a question she asked before, and one that always had the same answer.

  He gave a nod.

  She looked back at Gregor. “Will I be happy now? Can I let love in again, or will it always be taken by darkness?”

  Gwen rubbed her hands together and sighed. She knew he wouldn't tell her.

  He wouldn't even let his eyes or expression give her a hint.

  “I can't tell you things like that.” He sat the cookies down and looked up at her. “Had I told you how things worked out, would you have believed me?”

  She shook her head. “No, I still don't believe it, and I was there. I feel like I'm missing something. Something important. Can you at least tell me I am not leaving you vulnerable?”

  “No. There is something I want to tell you about. The demon.” He looked at her and frowned. “After what happened with the vampires on the lawn, a witch came forward.”

  “Why didn't you say that first? They confessed? Who?” Gwen sat down hard in the chair. She drew in a breath and braced herself to hear who there hated her enough to try and kill her.

  “You seemed so happy.” He sipped his drink and took a bite of cookie. “I had their story confirmed and recorded from their memories.”

  His stalling made her hands sweat as she wrung her fingers together. “It's someone I know closely?” Her brows furrowed. She watched him chew and swallow while her mind raced over who it could have been, and why he didn't tell her immediately. “What happened?”

  “They were entranced to do it.” The look on his face was serious and she didn't doubt his sincerity. “You were never the target. You were never really in danger.”

  “I don't understand. Entranced. Like a vampire?”

  He ran a finger over the rim of his cup. “Yes, it was a vampire.”

  Gwen put her hand to her mouth. “David died because…” She paused. “Dear gods. It was Matvei. He wanted me there at the colony. He wanted me angry.” Her voice trailed off as realization sank in.

  Every move she made had been manipulated by him. Matvei wanted the twenty years of her complacency to end. He wanted his father unsteady. He wanted her to make a move. He wanted to rule, and she was the only way he could. He was the one who pulled her strings. He used her. He was cunning.

  She had no idea.

  Gwen felt fire boiling to the surface and pushed her anger down. She had not done it exactly as he planned. She allowed herself to take small pride in that he was unsteady when the bricks fell. He underestimated what he woul
d awaken in her.

  She gathered herself and stood. “I am sure you will handle it appropriately. Don't punish them, and please don't tell me who it was.”

  They walked into the hall where they were greeted with what had become the new normal in the last few days, smiles and touches, blessings and gifts.

  Gwen returned the blessings, even though her mind was still reeling from the realization.

  “I'm suggesting Kyna to act on the behalf of elementals here. She will be occupied for a long while as we establish our own realm and figure out what it means to be free elemental witches. We can be reached through Percy until we settle.” She turned to Gregor with sadness in her eyes. “Thank you. I know you will make sure things here are run evenhanded.”

  He placed a hand on her face. “Thank you for waking us from this nightmare.”

  “Don't thank me. I am afraid vampires will never be gone.” Gwen hugged him goodbye. “If there is any sign of trouble, Percy can get word to us.”

  He agreed, and she made her way to say goodbye to Kelly.

  She found Kelly in the cafeteria with Mikhail. Both of them wore a smile when she approached. They had a quick, but heartfelt goodbye. She didn't want to linger too long on earth, every time she had before, she felt like she was being watched. She never felt cold spots but she didn't want to risk bringing anything dangerous there, or home to her family, now that they were safe.

  After they said goodbye, Mikhail laced his hand in hers and they walked outside. As soon as they stepped on a safer realm, she took the time to tell him about Matvei and the demon.

  “He used me. It makes me angry to think he manipulated me like that and I had no idea. The level of deception they are capable of, is staggering.”

  “They?” He smiled at her.

  “Not you, Casper. They.” She reached out and made a small tear. She hesitated before she walked in. “I still feel like I'm not done.”

  “You won't until we are all gone. I know that.” He placed his hand on her back.

  She frowned at him. “No, not that. We will push them back. Will you stay? Do you serve him now?”

  “I don’t serve anyone, you know that.” He put a hand on her face. “Tell me then, what is it we need to do now?”

  “Now, me, Brac, and Kyna help the witches form a new society. A free magic society. Can you come?”

  He laughed. “Would you want that? To feed me as you did him? No. I’ll stay.”

  She stepped up on the tips of her shoes and pressed her lips gently to his. “Mikhail, I…” she was silenced by another kiss, this one deeper.

  “Don't say it, I'm not ready for the end of the line yet.” His deep brown eyes held a peace she'd never seen on any vampire, not even after they fed from her.

  “We will never say it. Promise me.” She kissed him again. His cold lips sent warmth and hope throughout her.

  “Never.” He ran his hands through her hair and breathed her in. “Never.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  G wen stood blanketed in the darkness of the night. She pulled her cloak tight and stepped closer to the house to get a better view of the older man sat in the recliner. Through the opened window, she could see a fire blazed in front of him. The light from the flames made shadows dance on the walls. She wondered what he thought about while he stared into the flames. She wondered if he remembered her as she used to be so long ago.

  On the mantel were pictures of happy faces, his family. He had family, children, grandchildren. He lived a normal life, filled with happiness as she always hoped for him, as he deserved. She stepped closer to the window. On the table beside his chair was a single frame that held a snapshot she recognized. Her at the lake. The sun shone off her black hair and the light in her eyes still held hope and innocence.

  It was a lifetime ago.

  He looked over toward the window and narrowed his eyes. His still curly hair was no longer all blond, now it was peppered with shining silver. She knew she should step back. She should whisper an unheard goodbye and disappear as she always did in the past. Her feet stayed planted. She watched him stand.

  He walked to the door. Each step gave her another chance to leave. She needed to stay, he needed her to stay. He stepped out onto the porch, the boards creaked.

  She turned to him, seeing every smile and frown played out in the creases of his face. The spark of life and happiness still danced behind his green eyes.

  He took a few more steps and wrapped his arms around her. They held each other, the silence saying more than either of them could put into words. When the embrace broke, there was a contentment in his eyes that made her heart happy.

  She had never taken a bite of cake without feeling his loving presence, and thinking that his pie was missing. She hoped this goodbye would ease her cravings and they could both let go of the what could have been.

  He reached a hand to her face and she held her hand over his. His hand was calloused from a lifetime of hard work. His joints were large and showed the signs of use. In spite of that, his touch was tender as it always was. Too tender. Not for her.

  He was never meant for her.

  His eyes didn't hold the hundred questions she expected to see. Why was she still as young as the day she left? Where had she gone? What was she? Instead, they held a look of understanding as if the answers had always been there for him.

  She held his hand tighter in hers, pulled it to her mouth, and kissed it. “I wanted you to know why I couldn't stay. Dillon, I do love you. I always will.” She wrapped him in both her arms and her magical embrace.

  His voice was soft and shook with age. “I knew you were not for this world.”

  “I'm sorry it had to be that way.” Tears came to her eyes. “I wish it could have been different.”

  He reached up and wiped them away. “Don't be sorry. You will always be the cake to my pie. It isn't every man who gets to feel the love of an angel.”

  A fter she left Dillon she shadow-walked to the woods behind her grandmother's estate. She didn't get too near to the actual manor, not wanting to upset the people who now called it home. She walked to the clearing deep in the woods.

  In the center, she sat and cried just as she had so long ago.

  Light flakes of snow drifted down, resting in her hair. This time there would be no Sebastian coming to wrap her in warmth. There would be no Shane. No Dillon. She cried for them all. She cried for every happy moment she never had.

  This world was not for her. This world held all the delicate, beautiful things that propelled her forward in her quest for peace. She gave herself a few more minutes to mourn the lives she could have never had.

  After the tears stopped, she stood and brushed herself off. The snow stopped falling. The trees appeared as dark shadows of some unknown monsters, reflected against the white snow, just as they had so long ago. Now they were known monsters. Monsters she could chop down. She had a life to get back to. She had a family that needed her.

  She reached out and made a small tear. Before she stepped in, she felt a coldness that caused her to suck in a deep breath. She erased the tear and turned to see a familiar, yet unexpected face. She pulled her cloak tight and wondered how he tracked her.

  “Sergei.” Gwen studied his eyes, looking for clues to his first strike.

  He didn't step toward her. His eyes narrowed and lips pursed together. “My queen.”

  Her mind flashed over the thought that he might still see her as anything of rank. She dismissed the idea. He wouldn't. He was vampire. She was food.

  Gwen pulled sun into herself while she still had time and prepared for a fight. Even with all of her battle experience, Sergei would be a challenge. She knew he was a tested soldier and would not go down easy.

  His nostrils flared and he shifted his weight. His eyes looked as if he were contemplating.

  She knew he was aware of what she could do.

  He also knew that as an older, stronger vampire he was much faster than she would ever be.
br />   She saw no fear on his face. His lack of action confused her.

  He turned his head and barked words over his shoulder in his language.

  Since Mikhail had taught her, she understood his words.

  Her confusion deepened as she heard him say. “False alarm.” He looked back to her. “Be wary traveling here, my queen. This realm is not safe for you alone.”

  “He looks for me? He let us go, he let us all go.”

  Sergei’s jaw twitched. “He will help your people rebuild, but you, you, Gwen, should not be at the table with him. You are still his.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “You are looking for just me?”

  “Go, I won’t give chase. See you soon, my queen.”

  She watched him leave. She could have burned him.

  He could have taken her. They both had ample time. Vampires were not all the same. Mikhail taught her that not all monsters were evil at the core. His guard was down, she let him walk away.

  Gwen made a tear and started her journey home. At each realm, she took careful assessments to make sure she had not been followed. If a price needed paid for letting Sergei walk away, she wanted to pay it herself.

  G wen smiled at the sight of Brac and ran to hug him and kissed his daughter, Rose. “I'm glad you took a day off. Where is Maryanne?”

  Brac kissed Gwen and sat Rose down. Rose ran off for the hill a few feet away and started rolling down it as she liked to do. “She is with Kyna, seeing to the last minute baking for the party. Are you going to take a day off as well?”

  “Seems we all are. That is reason to celebrate in itself.”

  “Did you find what you were looking for this time?” Brac asked. “You should be at court, being fussed over, not playing on earth in the shadows.”

  She hugged him again. “I think so. I wish you could have known them. You would understand.”

  “I do understand. I have all of your memories of them.” He reached up and held the charm he wore around his neck between his thumb and forefinger.

  Gwen smiled at that. It was one of the charms she made from the stones Shane ordered. Each of the kids wore one, as did she. She was looking forward to seeing everyone at the party. The founders of the resistance celebrated the day they stumbled into each other and joined forces, with a huge feast and parties that covered the entire realm. Surviving species came from all over other realms to help celebrate what led to their eventual survival and freedom.


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