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Climax Taboo Erotic Collection

Page 4

by Kelly Fleming

  He walked into the temp office, identified himself to the receptionist, and was ushered into the interview room with Tina. As soon as he walked in the door, he saw her and smiled. She was adorable! She stood up to shake hands. She, too, was smiling. James was about 5'8", trim and if not muscular, at least he kept himself in shape. Under normal circumstances, Tina would have been attracted to this man. She was wearing a low-cut t-shirt, and had ample cleavage on display. Since he knew the routine, he asked her to sit and lean forward just a bit. Tina realized that he was looking down her shirt, he made no attempt to be subtle, after all. James advised Rose Ann that he was satisfied. She turned to Tina, "James has indicated that he will accept you. If you are likewise satisfied, I'll leave you two to get acquainted. If you, too, are satisfied, you must both sign the contract. As of the moment you sign, the agreement is in force. Do you understand?"

  Tina looked at the attractive man smiling at her, weighed her options and said, "I understand". With that, Rose Ann left the room.

  James was looking appraisingly at Tina. As soon as she turned and saw him, she blushed. He said, "Please take off your shirt."

  "You don't waste any time, do you?"

  "I've done this before. Given the nature of our relationship, all I really care about is your body. I don't mean to seem cold, but what else would I care about? They're going to give you a shot that will keep you from becoming pregnant for thirty days, and they have both of our complete medical histories. They got yours as soon as you signed the employment application. If you had any diseases, I wouldn't be here. Likewise, if I had anything wrong with me, they wouldn't accept me as a client. It's all right there in the contract," he said nodding toward the touch-screen pad Rose Ann had left for them to sign. "Please feel free to take your time to read it, but I'd appreciate it if you'd take off your clothes while you're reading, as I have an appointment this afternoon."

  His clinical coldness bothered her a little at first, but then she realized that this was just going to be a physical relationship, and that his attitude actually made sense. She peeled off her shirt and picked up the pad to read. "Please keep going while you're reading," he said. She looked up at him, a bit annoyed. "I'm going to be seeing you naked a lot, and touching you, and having sex with you. I just want to see what I'm buying before I sign." She set down the pad, took a deep breath and released her bra, letting it fall into her lap. James' smile widened, and his pants began to tighten. "Wow!" he exclaimed, "very nice!" She turned red and smiled. "May I?" he asked. She nodded. He reached over and cupped each breast in turn, running a thumb over each nipple. "Excellent!" he said, leaning back in his chair.

  "If you wouldn't mind, please stand up when you take off your pants and bend over for a moment. I like to see breasts hang." Tina couldn't tell if she was annoyed or pleased by his directness. It would certainly be less awkward later on to know exactly what he wanted. She had to keep reminding herself that this wasn't a date. That there wasn't going to be a getting-to-know-you phase. If she signed the contract, this man would be in charge of her body for the next three weeks.

  When Tina released the clasp of her bra, James could hardly control himself. She was hot! When the bra dropped, he could see that her breasts were firm and perky. As the room was chilly, her nipples were prominent. That just added to her already high score in his mind. She stood to undo her slacks and let them fall. Her legs were slender and shapely. He immediately noticed her singular flaw, her dwarfish arms, but overall, more than acceptable!

  She placed her hands on her hips and bent over to slide her panties down her short legs, and stopped, looking up at him. He was not looking at her eyes, and he was nodding. She could feel that she was bright red. She sat back down, crossed her legs, and began to read. James reached across to the pad, turned it towards him, signed it and turned it back to her. She went back to reading, feeling his eyes on her breasts. As he saw her reach the final paragraph, he placed his hands on her knees and spread her legs, running his hands on the tops and insides of her thighs. She had to fight the automatic urge to grab his hand, and remain passive.

  James stood and took off his dress shirt. He knew he was attractive. Not 25 anymore, he didn't exactly have a six-pack, but he was trim and muscular. He was watching Tina read. As he peeled off his t-shirt, she looked up and smiled. She was actually reading the contract, and nodding her understanding. He undid his slacks, stepped out of them, and folded them over the chair back. At that point she looked up and noticed his fully --formed erection poking out of the waistband of his briefs. She quickly looked down, blushing, and finished the document. James pulled down his underwear and placed it on the chair, standing for her to see. "I can't imagine she's a virgin," he thought. "Um, you're not a virgin, are you?" he asked.

  "Hardly. I'm just not used to sitting naked with a man I hardly know, being appraised and touched while reading a life-altering contract. That's all. I'm fine."

  "Um, I have only done the little-people program once before, so I'm assuming that my size won't be a problem for you, but really let me know if it is. Maybe I could not come in all the way or something?"

  "Really, it's okay. Your size is not an issue. I mean you are pretty big, but I believe I can, um, accommodate you."

  Tina finished the document just as James set his underwear on the chair and stood up. She looked him over and smiled. "Given the circumstances," she thought, "not an awful start." She signed the form and hit "enter".

  As soon as he saw her hit the green button he said, "please come over here." He said. Tina stood and walked to the man, standing well within his reach, her hands at her sides. He ran the backs of his fingers over cheeks, cupping her face in his hands, running them down her neck and over her shoulders. He ran the backs of his fingers over her nipples, tracing circles with his finger tips around her aerola. As her nipples became fully erect, he rolled them gently between thumb and forefinger. He dropped his hands to her belly, feeling the gentle roundness, then dropped to his knees as his hands went to her hips. From there he worked his way around to her firm buttocks, and back to her legs. He placed his palms on the tops of her thighs with his thumbs between them. "Spread your legs," he said quietly. Tina shifted her weight to one foot and moved the other out to shoulder-width. He ran his hands up and down both legs, brushing her vagina with a finger, but not penetrating. He stood up and said, "please kneel, and take me into your mouth."

  "He doesn't waste time," she thought. "Are you going to come in my mouth?" she asked, looking him in the eye and trying to sound as cold and clinical as him.

  "Not this time; I'm giving you the opportunity to get me wet before we have sex," he replied. There was a twin bed against the wall of the interview room. She hadn't paid much attention to it up until that moment. "They change the sheets after each use," he said, seeing her eyes move to the bed.

  She dropped to her knees and put his member into her mouth, both hands grasping the shaft firmly. She was confident that her vagina could accommodate him, her mouth was not as stretchy, and he was pretty well endowed. "I'm not sure how deep I'll be able to get you, but don't push and let me work you in, okay?"

  "Fair enough," he replied, and she took him into her mouth.

  "I'd like you to wrap your lips over your teeth, press you tongue against my shaft and push me against the roof of your mouth," he instructed. "Also, I like to feel you swallow". She sucked him softly, moving her head up and down, pulling him in as deeply as she could and still breathe, swallowing as necessary. He had both hands on her head, mainly feeling her soft hair, but also controlling the motion just a bit.

  After a short time, he lifted her head and turned her around. He held her by the shoulders, guiding her to the bed. She walked as directed. At the edge, he cupped his hands over her breasts and kissed her neck, then pushed her gently face-down. "We haven't discussed anal penetration," she warned him, as clinically as she could muster.

  "Don't worry," he replied, "that's not the plan right now", and he caressed he
r back and buttocks. She lay there, feet still on the floor, resting on her elbows, allowing him to explore. He caressed her breasts, fondled her nipples, then moved his hands to her buttocks again. When he stopped, she turned and sat on the bed, moving herself to the center, where she lay on her back, hands at her sides.

  "How do you want me?" she asked.

  "I want you to lift your legs, put your feet flat on the bed, and spread yourself wide." She complied with his instructions and waited; hands at her sides.

  James walked to the foot of the bed, admiring the naked woman at his disposal. She was submissive and compliant. This was going well! He kneeled on the bed and scooted himself between her legs. He ran his hands up her legs, kissing her knees. In spite of the clinical coldness of the exchange so far, Tina was becoming aroused. When the attractive man ran his hands up her legs, she felt a shiver. When he touched the insides of her thighs, she felt herself become moist. And when his finger touched the front of her vagina, she became excited.

  He was going to explore for just a bit prior to penetration, but not long. He needed to get back to work. He traced his finger tips along the insides of her thighs, and onto the outside of her vagina. Then he placed his hand on her pubic mound, his thumb onto her clitoris, and rubbed gently. When he felt her getting wet, he guided the head of his erection onto her, and thrust his hips forward. The abruptness of the penetration caused her to suck in a breath. He then lay down fully on top of the short woman, resting on his elbows, his face inches from hers. Feeling how wet she was, he wasted no time penetrating her fully. She sucked in another breath at the complete penetration and turned her head to the side, still unsure of how this was supposed to go. He touched her nipples with the tip of his tongue, making circles around her areola, and her nipples popped to full attention.

  Tina was not having a bad time, all things considered. This man was allowing her to lubricate, and being gentle. It was, if she closed her eyes, like the first time with a new boyfriend, except they usually spent more time with foreplay like kissing. Either way, she was excited and this did not feel bad. He was already deeply inside her, and his attention to her nipples was certainly not unpleasant. He was thrusting into her now, fully, deeply, rhythmically. He turned her head to face him and kissed her on the mouth. She opened her mouth to allow his tongue entry, and in it came, exploring gently, occasionally thrusting in unison with his hips. At this point he was making all of his motion with his abdominal muscles, hardly moving his body at all. He left arm was behind her neck now his right hand exploring her body. His touch was warm and gentle, as was his thrusting.

  After several minutes of being probed and caressed, she felt the tempo of his thrusting increase and his body began to move with each penetration. His right hand was on her left breast, nipple between thumb and finger, his head at the side her neck, kissing and breathing.

  His thrusts became more forceful and fully in each time. She felt his arousal climbing until finally he came. It felt like a great deal of ejaculate to Tina, but as it had been awhile since she'd had sex, and she hadn't really had many partners, so she really couldn't tell. After his climax, he stopped moving for a bit and she began to believe that he had fallen asleep. He mumbled into her ear, "I hate to sex and run, but I've got a lunch meeting." With that he rolled off of her and began to dress. "That was completely acceptable," he said, "I think this will be a good trip for both of us. Are you okay?"

  "Fine, thank you," she replied, turning onto her side, her head on her right hand.

  He handed her a key card. "Here's my room. Go ahead and move your stuff in and make yourself at home. I understand your financial condition, so please let me know if you need to buy anything for the trip. Also, you may order food from room service, but just be reasonable, okay?"

  "I understand. Thank you," she replied, "I don't really have extravagant tastes anyway, but I'll order food as if I was paying for it myself, um, directly."

  "Fair enough," he said, looking at her body and not her eyes. "Maybe we'll have champagne tonight to inaugurate our trip." And he finished dressing and left.

  "No kiss goodbye," she thought, then remembered. "Must keep this in prospective; no emotional attachment. I'm essentially a hooker for the next month. Besides, he's probably married with children" she thought to herself and got up to dress.

  She had just gotten her shirt on and there was a knock at the door. "Come on in," she called out. A nurse entered with a tray containing a syringe.

  "This is your contraceptive shot," she announced. "Which arm?" Tina turned her left shoulder to the nurse.

  "How effective is this shot?" she asked.

  "100% so far," the nurse responded, swabbed her arm with alcohol and gave her the injection. It stung, but if that was the most inconvenient birth-control was going to be for the next month, she could handle it.

  The End.


  Some times what a girl wants is a good solid fuck.

  He is wearing his faded old coveralls, and only his feet stick out from beneath his current project. The sun is hot and sweat trickles down my back as I sit waiting to hand him a wrench or socket when he needs it. He hums a tune to himself and there isn't another sound in this dusty late-afternoon desert junkyard. This place was abandoned years ago after the war, but sometimes he still finds useful parts here. I glance at the line of his leg as it disappears under the vehicle and smile to myself. I know what is under those coveralls and can easily imagine him with out them.

  I start thinking about all the things I could do to him and soon desire for him fills me. I love watching him work and the smell of hot metal, old engine grease, and his sweat just gets to me. He doesn't know what seeing him like this does to me; he thinks I just like old cars.

  He asks for a socket but as I am lost in day dreams I don't quite catch the size. Breathless, I ask, "Sorry, what size do you need?"

  "3/8," comes the muffled reply.

  I search through the set of tools, struggling to get my brain back in gear.

  He wiggles out from underneath the old car, and looks up at me, "Are you ok?"

  "Mmm, yeah, I'm fine," I reply, looking away.

  He puts a finger on my chin and turns my head to face him. He looks at me with concern, then understanding blossoms on his face. He smiles and laughs, "I forgot how much you like seeing me work."

  "It is a bit, distracting," I reply.

  He sits up and brushes a stray strand of hair away from my face and seductively whispers in to my ear, "Distracted? I think I can do better than that."

  I shiver in delight as he kisses a line down my neck. His warm lips on my skin are incredibly arousing.

  Breaking the contact, he leans back and wipes grease off his hands then looks at them. "My hands are a little dirty. I guess I'll just have to use my tongue."

  My groin tightens at the thought. His full lips meet mine, as he starts to unbutton my shirt. Rough fingers slide around my back and unfasten smooth white satin. Then both shirt and bra fall to the dust and the sun shines down on my bare skin.

  He sighs appreciatively as taut nipples and smooth tanned skin greet his touch. His lips are gentle as they find the valley between my breasts, and slowly kiss out onto their firm flesh. Then his tongue encircles one hard nipple. I moan in pleasure as his tongue explores the sensitive skin, and sigh deeply as he starts to suck on me.

  His hand drifts down the skin of my belly to the fly of my jeans, and he teases open the button and fly. He motions for me to stand up and rises with me, sliding his hand down the naked curve of my ass, as he slowly pulls my pants and cotton underwear down.

  He lifts me and gently sits me on the hood, which, thankfully, is not too hot. He pulls the shoes and pants off from around my feet and kneels down, lifting one leg over each shoulder. He sighs at the slight of my full and glistening slit. He enjoys the view before placing a soft kiss on my mound.

  I moan as each kiss draws closer to my pink lips.

  "Mmm, you're so wet,"
he murmurs.

  "Please" I beg him. His warm tongue slides down the side of my slit, and I moan. He knows just how to tease me. His tongue makes long slow strokes over the inner lips, before gently brushing aside the hood of my clit. My hips jolt when his tongue touches it, and I moan deeply as his tongue slowly flicks over it, tantalizing me. He starts slow, then flicks his tongue a little faster and my hips start to rock, then I feel his teeth gently grip is as he sucks me. I press into him and lock my legs around the back of his head. He's got me bucking and moaning on the hood of this old car. He brings me to the edge, then backs off, then brings me to the edge again. My juices run freely as he pleasures me.

  I can tell he wants me as much as I want him from the firm pressure of his hands on my legs. He groans and pulls back, and I unlock my legs and let him go. He stands up and unzips the front of the coverall, peeling it back to reveal bare shoulders. He lets it fall in a pile around his feet, and I admire his gorgeous body. But he doesn't give me long. He slips his hard cock out of his shorts and I want it. I sit up and run my tongue down his beautiful shaft. He moans softly as I lick the smooth, taught skin.

  "Oh yeah," he sighs as my lips close over the sensitive head and slide down. He relaxes into me, with his hand on my shoulder as I suck him slow and deep. I slide my lips up and down his shaft, teasing the head with my tongue then plunging it in deep again, just the way he likes it.

  I feel his muscles start to tighten, and he pulls back.

  He looks at me, and kisses me softly then gently pushes me down on to the hood. "You want me?" he asks in a husky voice.

  "Yes," I reply, the need clear in my voice.

  Slowly he presses his cock into me and I moan with the pleasure of it filling me. With warm American sheet metal at my back and his beautiful thick cock buried inside of me it is a perfect summer day. He thrusts deep into me, bracing one hand on the front grill, and the other under my ass. He closes his eyes and focuses on fucking me deep and slow. Each long stroke feels so good, and makes me want him more. I push back against his hard cock wanting him deeper inside of me. He breathes out sharply as I pull him tight in to me with my legs and thrust against him. He knows I want it now and long strokes change to deep short thrusts.


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