Climax Taboo Erotic Collection

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Climax Taboo Erotic Collection Page 8

by Kelly Fleming

"Good girl" said Lilith. Lilith worked her way down to my wife's pussy. Cecil leaned over and kissed my wife. He started nibbling her neck and chest. Lilith started licking my wife's pussy. My wife was under complete control of the vampires and she would submit to any of their desires. Though, despite her surrender to the vampire spell, she was tired and drained. After a few minutes of licking pussy, Lilith popped her head up and told Cecil to put her on the swing.

  I wondered what was going on. I watched as Cecil set up a sex swing to the side of our table. Lilith opened a cabinet in the hutch and pulled out a strange looking appliance. The Darkblades helped my wife off the table and secured her to the swing so that she was leaning forward. They attached some suction cups to her nipples and strapped them securely to her breasts and around her back. They activate the breast pump and started to encourage lactation in my wife's breasts. Lilith lied down on her back and Cecil lowered the swing so that my wife's pussy was right over Lilith's face. Lilith started eating my wife's pussy. Cecil reached into a drawer and pulled out some lube. He applied some to my wife's ass hole and his finger. He started fingering her backdoor and the stimulation apparently aroused my wife and she squirmed and started to moan. Cecil then lubed his cock and stepped up to my wife. He held her hip with one hand and slid his long cock into her virgin anus. She had never let me fuck her in the butt, but she had no problem surrendering to the seductive vampires. My wife moaned in rhythm to Cecil's fucking. He started slow and my wife let out long and slow moans. But as he pumped her ass faster and harder, she moaned faster and shorter. Her voice grew high pitched and her moans were almost squeals or bleats like what a prey animal would make. Her body really started to sway in the swing and I could tell she was feeling intense sensations having a milking device on her boobs, one lady vampire eating her pussy, and one vampire fucking her ass. I could see her thighs really start shaking as her body quivered. It almost looked like her whole body was vibrating and she let out a loud and high pitched shriek as she evidently experienced a deep, full body orgasm.

  A moment later my wife was beside me on the table sound asleep. I wondered if my wife had any idea that being vampire donors would be anything like this. The Darkblades were washing the suction cups as they put the breast pump away. I was thinking that we would be leaving soon hoping the vampires would be satisfied with their feeding. I guess I didn't know any better. Lilith was back and sucking on my dick. I was tired and drained and only semi-erect.

  "Do you think he has anything left?" asked Lilith.

  "I think he has another load in there" replied Cecil. "Let's take him to the swing."

  Like my wife, I was now secured to the swing and leaning forward. Instead of squatting over Lilith's face, however, I was standing up on my weakened legs as Lilith knelt in front of my cock. I squirmed as I felt my ass hole getting lubricated and a finger work inside. Lilith began stroking my semi-erect cock in her hand very soothingly. She looked up at me and said, "Relax. He is just going to stimulate your prostate. We just want to get out your last load. You will give me your last load won't you?"

  "Yes", I surrendered. I felt a hand on my hip and soon Cecil's long cock was inside me. It was an intense sensation. He leaned into me and put his fangs around my neck and began to suck. He began to fuck me harder and faster. I felt the warm and moist sensation of Lilith's mouth engulf my cock. I started feeling as though the room were spinning. I felt my prostate activate and a last wad blew out of me and into the mouth of Lilith. She sucked me hard and almost painfully as she took every last drop that I had. Cecil continued to fuck my ass for another few moments. He suddenly stiffened up as though he was having an orgasm. He pumped slowly a few more times and pulled out without blowing his load. I later learned that vampires master their ejaculations and retain their loads to be reabsorbed. The last thing that I remember before falling into a deep sleep was hearing the voices of vampires telling us how delicious we were.

  I don't even remember getting home that Saturday night. My wife and I apparently slept completely through Sunday and we didn't wake until our alarm clocks went off Monday morning. We felt tired and weak throughout the next week. We had large appetites and felt as though we couldn't get enough nourishment for several days. Even after a recovery of rest and eating, my wife and I still had lost weight. This of course made the case for my wife wanting to continue being vampire donors as it was easier and much more exciting than diet and exercise.

  The End.

  Count Down To Moonlight

  Have you ever woke up after a really great night out and wondered what the fuck? Well that is exactly what Keelay thought when she awoke bright and early Sunday morning, with the sound of birds chirping outside and a memories of a wild night out fresh in her mind. You might wonder why then, if the night before was such a blast, did Keelay think such a thought. The reason being that she had awaking to a bright sunny day, birds chirping, wonderful memories....and 6ft 4 inches worth of hunk chained ( yes chained!) to her right arm. Said hunk was currently snoring away, unaware of the 2ft chain that linked him to little Keelay McBride. Not only was he snoring but Keelay noticed he was sporting a serious case of morning wood. She guessed he was about 10 inches long, but was unable to tell correctly as his package was safely tucked away inside his khaki pants. Realising she was gawking, Keelay sharply turned her head and finally noticed the rest of the male. He was certainly handsome, with strong features and thick black hair that looked unruly and untamed. His nose was slightly bent, as if it had been broken a few times and his lips were definitely kissable. As well as being tall, he was muscular, but not to the point of looking ridiculous. No, he had just enough to make women want to rub and touch his bulging biceps.

  Sighing, Keelay looked away from the tempting hottie on the floor and glanced around her. She was in a plain white bedroom, that was sparsely decorated and smelt like old gym socks. The wallpaper was falling off at the corners and the ceiling really needed another coat of paint. Keelay actually didn't remember how she got there. Or how Mr Hottie, as she was now thinking of him, came to be handcuffed to her. She was going to have to get some answers. Which meant waking him up.

  Now usually Keelay isn't such a meanie and would never normal wake someone up prematurely after a night getting hammered, but she really wanted to know what was going on, wanted to get out of the rather uncomfortable cuffs, and shee desperately needed to pee. She leaned over the stranger and shook him firmly. "Hey, mister." She shouted several times. But the guy slept like the dead! Just then a scary thought passed through Keelay's mind. What if the guy was dead? She quickly shoved her hand under hes face, directly over his mouth and nose and sighed in relief as his warm breath bathed her palm.

  She jumped in surprise as Mr Yummy groaned and moved. He turned towards her, throwing his arms out, which resulted in his chained left wrist pulling Keelay's right one. She ended up sprawled over his chest, her face over his chest and her left hand on his shoulder. He moaned again and his arms came around her, pulling her further down. He rolled again but this time taking Keelay with him. They ended up sprawled on the floor with Keelay on her back, and a tall, dark and gorgeous stranger nestled between her legs, his head on her breast. Strangely all Keelay could think about was how badly she needed to pee.

  Now you would think that, having woke-up, chained to a stranger, and then had said stranger roll on top of you in a very intimate way, a girl's first thought would be for her safety. Keelay however felt extremely safe with this man. She didn't know why but she was sure that he wouldn't hurt her. She tried again to wake him up, this time pulling at his head so she could see into his face. Again he groaned and responded sleepily, this time allowing his head to be pulled up before latching his mouth on to hers.

  Keelay, bad girl that she is, did not fight it. He tasted of stale beer and smelled like a brewery but his kiss was soft and sweet and everything a kiss should be. His tongue carefully traced the seam of her lips as she parted them, before sweeping inside her mouth to duel with her own
tongue. He kissed her slowly and deeply and his kisses told her that this man knew how to take his time.

  His large, strong hands stroked the skin that was exposed just above her denim skirt, his fingers making light patterns as his mouth seduced. Keelay was in heaven. Her own hands slipped into his hair and pulled him closer. God! She thought, he's delicious. The kiss got hotter and his hands travelled north until he was rubbing the underside of her breasts through her light tank-top. Everywhere he touched her, she burned for more.

  Gasping, Keelay pulled away. She had never felt such a strong animalistic reaction before. She was sure that is she let her instincts rule her, she would have been naked and full before she knew what hit her. The male, however did not like her ending their kiss. He seemed to growl deep in his chest and his lips nuzzled at her neck and shoulders as he rubbed his very impressive erection against her panty covered mound.

  "Stop. Please." She moaned as the tip of his cock rubbed against her clit just right. Her legs, of their own accord, wrapped around his waist, giving him better access and completely contradicting her words.

  Despite the situation, Keelay was not afraid that this stranger would rape her. She was confident that he would stop and would never hurt her. This alone scared Keelay and sharpened her resolve to stop things before they went too far. She pushed at his shoulders and squirmed around beneath him. This seemed to work as he slowly stopped rubbing against her and his head was now resting on her shoulder rather than licking the skin behind her ear. He slowly raised his head and looked at the woman pinned beneath him. Keelay gasped. His eyes were the most beautiful blue she had ever seen. So bright and clear. She looked into his eyes and she forgot why she was struggling. She forgot that he was a stranger. She forgot why she shouldn't kiss and stroke and lick the perfect body pressing against her.

  The stranger seemed to have the same reaction to looking at Keelay. His eyes, once clouded with sleep, were now to burning beams staring straight at her. It was almost like he was trying to see into her soul. His lips parted and he looked astonished. Like he was seeing a ghost or something. It wasn't until Keelay remembered her urgent bladder issues that she broke out of her daze and finally spoke.

  "Uhmmm, could you let me up please?" she asked politely.

  This shook him out of his daze too and he seemed to flinch from her voice. He also realised the situation he had awoken too. Sheepishly he removed his hands from her waist and reared back onto his knees. This however gave him the perfect view to her panties as he denim skirt was bunched around her hips. The sight of her small, black lace panties made his cock jump and he groaned again. Keelay tried to straighten herself out as she got up and finally remembered her first problem. She was still chained to him.

  Lifting up her right arm, and also his left, Keelay wiggled it around, causing the chain to jingle, drawing his attention. He frowned at the chain and was about to speak before Keelay interrupted him.

  "Look, I'm just as clueless as you are but right now I really need to pee. So you're gonna have to come with me." She stated.

  "Come with you?" he mirrored. His voice was a gorgeous as his body. Deep and thick and strong. The kind of voice that sends chills down a girls spine and makes panties wet. Keelay barely hide her own reaction.

  "Yea, I need you to come, so I can...uhm...go" she mumbled embarrassedly .

  Mr Hottie stood then, towering over Keelay's 5 ft 5 frame. He looked around himself quickly and, after spotting a bathroom in the corner, he pulled Keelay over to it. Unfortunately it was a single bathroom, which meant the door had to stay open and to make things more awkward, the toilet was facing the door. Keelay got in and looked at the hunk behind her.

  "Could you turn around?" She asked politely.

  He did and Keelay pulled her knickers down and sat on the seat. Or at least tried to. Hunky was too far away. She asked him to move closer and she was sure she heard a moan as he complied. At last she was comfortable. But she was also humiliated. She had never been forced to pee in front of someone before. She was sure the noise was louder and that made things all the worse.

  After she was done and washed her hands, Keelay lead him over to the edge of the bed, the only seating solution in the room, and turned to ask him some question's. But he beat her too it. He asked her name, her age and how they came to be chained together. If she was honest with herself, she would admit that she could listen to him forever if she could but it was soon Keealy's turn to get answers.

  "Ok, what's your name and how old are you?" she asked first.

  "I'm 23 years old, and my name is Duncan." Came the reply. Uhmmm. Only a year older than me. That's cool, Keelay thought.

  "Who did you come with last night?" She would never admit it but she was fishing, she wanted to know if he was single.

  "No, I came with my brothers."

  "Would they have chained us together? As a joke perhaps?" she asked.


  It was agreed that they should head downstairs and ask some of the other party goers if they knew what happened. But when they tried the door, they found it was locked. They were trapped. Though to Duncan that didn't seem like a bad thing right now.

  Duncan had awoken horny and hungry and half an hour later he was still both, It didn't help that his prison mate was a sexy little thing. He wouldn't mind taking a bite out of her. Unfortunately if he didn't get her out of here and unattached to him, then he might just end up biting her. You see Duncan was a Lycanthrope. In other words a werewolf. He came from a long line of strong, fierce werewolves and that Sunday night just happened to be a full moon.

  Now contrary to popular belief, werewolves weren't forced to only change during the full moon. They weren't actually forced at all. They could change anytime they wanted, night or day. But during a full moon, the change became harder to control and it took years of discipline not to change unexpectedly during the full moon. Only the older werewolves, who had trained hard, could accomplish this form of discipline. Unfortunately for Keelay, Duncan was not one of the older weres. There was a more than good chance of him changing as the moon rose.

  The End.

  The Dream

  Have you ever had a dream that for the most part was based on real life events but your subconscious brings the rest into light using your imagination.... Well here is one of the dreams I had which some is based on things that happened and things that could have followed on from them...

  You walk into the room and sit down on the closest chair. I look at you, there's a sense of mischief about you today.

  "So," you say with a slight smile on your face, "are you ready for your massage?"

  For the past few weeks there has been some "mild" flirtation between the two of us and the massage mentioned is payment for me winning an argument.

  "I'm as ready as I'm going to be," I replied as I sit on the seat in front of you, sitting up straight so you can massage my shoulders and neck easily. But you pull me back against you and you support my upper body.

  Your voice is low as you say, "Relax just close your eyes and enjoy."

  And that is exactly what I do as your hands move in small circular motions weaving out the knots in my shoulders and neck over my shirt. However I'm getting slightly turned on as I sink back further into you. Your hands slide in under the collar and touch my bare skin for the first time. I inhale deeply as your touch runs an electric current through my body. I bite down on my lip to stop myself from moaning out loud. You continue with the slow circular motions as you move up my neck and on to my collar bone. I'm breathing deeply now and I can't stop the moan that passes my lips. You continue unfazed, but I can feel your heart beating hard against my back. You bring your hands away from my collar bone but I arch up and your hands touch the very top of my breasts. I keep still, anticipating you will continue lower but I'm plagued with disappointment that you'll stop and leave, but yet you surprise me by keeping your fingers circling but just above where I want your hands to be.

  Your hands
move to the buttons of my shirt and you say that it's in the way and you pop them one by one slowly so I'm sitting there with my shirt hanging from my shoulder with a light strap top underneath. To my shame, I had worn lacy underwear that day and my nipples were clearly evident beneath the bra and top. You continue with a greater urgency than before. You massage deeper into my muscles I moan softly. It feels so good I just can't help it. You lean your head down on mine near the nape of my neck. I can feel your warm breath there, causing a delicious shiver to run through my body but I'm not cold. I want more than just your breath on my neck; I want your lips and your tongue. I want to feel the softness of your lips as they touch my skin for the first time, to feel the flick of your tongue as you taste my skin. My body is aching for you to touch me so much more intimately than you are now. My hands are twitching at my sides as I long to take control and give into these feelings I'm having. As you massage my neck your fingers graze across my lips, I can't help myself as I flick my tongue across your fingertip. I want to suck it into my mouth slowly, seductively with my eyes locked with yours, as a taste of what I can do and would be most willing to do.

  But I restrain myself, I can't lose control or else I won't be able to stop myself. Your hands move back down my neck and rest on my shoulders. We sit there silently, our breathing heavy as I wonder what's running through your head? Are you having the same thoughts as I am? Slowly you push me away from your body, but you never completely break contact, keeping your hands on my shoulders.

  Your voice slightly ragged you say, "Kneel up on the chair for me and I'll massage your lower back." I comply and kneel up on the chair, I'm slightly bent over in this position, it's a subtle not clear invitation. I want nothing more than to have you come up behind me and slide every single centimetre of your delicious cock into me from behind. But I doubt you know it or even notice the slight bend of my body. You trace your fingers against my skin at the top of my back as you stand behind me. It feels exquisite. Slowly you take the hem on my strap top and graze it against my skin as you pull it up to my shoulders, the back of my lacy black and purple bra on display. You sigh softly, with exasperation or with disappointment I don't know. You work the muscles in my back the same way as you worked my shoulders and neck. You are so good at this, I don't know why I didn't ask you for a massage before; but I think if I experienced this before I would have jumped you a long time ago. Your fingers feel so good...God I want you to touch me, I can feel a pool of heat and moisture between my legs; I'm so turned on by this and by you. In one part of my back you massage so deep and I moan and buck up my ass rubbing up against you. You massage deeply again and I buck against you again. It feels so good; I can feel your hardness as my ass rubs up against you. I think of the few layers of clothes between us and how easily they can be removed. Your hands slide up to my shoulders and slowly, almost shyly you pull my ass against you. Oh my god! Yes I want this! Please?!


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