Climax Taboo Erotic Collection

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Climax Taboo Erotic Collection Page 9

by Kelly Fleming

  I whimper out load, hoping this will continue as I pull away and you pull me back to you by the shoulders. Your hand starts an exploration of my body as the other stays on my shoulder. You trace the swell of my breast with your fingers making me gasp in surprise. They're just so sensitive. Your fingers close around my breast and squeeze it. Your fingers begin plucking at my hard swollen nipples. I have to bite down on my lip to stop from screaming. You keep up this torture for the next few minutes and I can feel the pull of my orgasm slowly building. All the while you're pulling me against your body. Your fingers make a trail down my stomach around my piercing and to the top of my jeans. Just as you pop the button on my jeans you place your lips on my neck.

  "Please" I whimper as I can't take much more of this. I need a release the sexual tension and frustration is building in my body.

  "Patience is a virtue," you reply to which I answer, "A virtue which I don't possess."

  And just as your hand slides down the waistband of my jeans...... I wake up.

  The End.

  She Stands Corrected

  She had been teasing her husband all day with text messages and pictures. He works nights and often long into the morning, so they usually communicate by text message in the morning on her way to work, while she is at work and before he lays down to sleep. Lately their hours had been such that they only had 15 minutes together in the evening to eat, and say good bye as he went off to work. So to say that she was frustrated would be an understatement.

  Now she was on her way home to make dinner, let the dogs out and wake up her husband, to start the routine all over again. She went in to wake him up for his evening, with a kiss as was her habit. They sat and talked about mundane topics for about ten minutes. While they were talking, he reached over and started arranging her summer peasant skirt so that her upper thighs and a bit of her white cotton panties were showing. This was very unusual, he didn't normally take control and arrange the way her clothes showed off her body. He made no outward sexual moves, only arranging the way her body was displayed as they talked.

  After about 10 minutes of conversation, he suddenly told her she had been very bad that day. Between her pictures and texts, she had made it very difficult for him to sleep that day. He said that she would have to answer for her wanton behavior. Somewhat alarmed by this change, in both his normal manner and the conversation, she asked what he intended to do about it. He did not answer her immediately. From behind him he took out a bandana which he tied around her eyes so that she could not see.

  A thrill shot through her body, sharp and insistent. Her deepest desires had always been for her husband to truly take control and become her Master. She wished that she could give up the control she had to wield every day; give over to being told what to do and when to do it. Her job as Office Manager of a law office left her feeling overwhelmed and strung out most days. She wished to give in to sweet subservience and have someone else be responsible for a while. They had been together so long, and her husband knew her desires he had never acted on them though.

  He led her through the door and into the garage, her apprehension growing not knowing what was to be made of this change in him. He led her to his motorcycle and made her bend over it. He told her not to move, or things could go worse for her, she had already been very naughty, indeed. He very slowly raised her skirt, it grazed the back of her legs as it climbed higher. Almost sensually, he draped the flowing skirt over her hips, exposing her presented back side dressed only in her white cotton panties. He adjusted her feet so that she was standing in her high healed shoes with her legs apart. Then there was nothing. He said nothing further and for a while there was no movement for her to discern what he had in mind.

  She waited, growing more and more ill at ease as the silence lengthened. What could he be planning, he had never taken such initiative before? Had she truly gone too far that morning? Suddenly there was the sting of a riding crop. He had planned well and taken it from the tack room that afternoon. She let out a surprised cry as she felt the sting again across her exposed and vulnerable buttocks. She didn't move, she cried out as the crop came down again, and again. She didn't count, but lost herself to the exquisite pain and pleasure of the crop. Her cheeks were warmed to the crop, she squirmed in her stance, but he did not stop. With the riding crop he spread her legs farther and struck at her inner thighs and her mound. The force was not the same in the confinement of the space, but the intent was clear and she cried out again. Her panties soon were soaked with her flowing juice. She wanted to pull away from the punishment of the crop, but also wanted more, to feel his control strengthen over her. To take him to the height of his power and truly make him her Master. Finally, the crop was silenced. Her ass and thighs were red, welts raising along her butt cheeks.

  His correction of her was not complete though. There was more in store. He bade her raise up from the seat of the motorcycle. He took her by her shoulders, removed her blindfold, kissed her tears and pushed her to her knees on the concrete floor in front of him. What she saw was almost frightening. Although they had been together for many years, she had never been presented with his cock in such an engorged and erect manner. Truly he must have enjoyed beating her! Now he took her head in his hands and pressed his cock to her lips. Suck it, and do not stop, or there will be worse for you, he said. She opened her hungry lips and took him in as he thrust from in front and pulled her head into him. Pushing his cock to the farthest point in her mouth, she gagged on his head. There was no mercy for her though. He continued to work her head back and forth, gagging her at every thrust, forcing her to take him in as deeply and intimately as she could possibly do. Fresh tears streamed down her face from the effort not to lose control and vomit on his cock. That would surely go wrong for her. Soon she felt him tense, his balls tighten, his knees give slightly and he was cumming in her mouth. Pushed in as deep as he could go. She swallowed his gift to her greedily. He knew she was always thirsty for his cum. He stilled, but she continued to suck, her greatest treat was to clean him up with her loving mouth after they had sex. This time it was only his cum, but maybe next time there would be the mingling of their two juices.

  After a moment of her loving ministrations, he raised her to a standing position. She too felt weak from their encounter. He wiped away her tears again, some concern growing on his face that he may have gone too far. She smiled up at him, and kissed him deeply, sharing the taste of his cum with him. When he pulled away, he let her know in no uncertain terms that if she should tease him to distraction again when he was trying to sleep, she would not enjoy her punishment so much. Secretly she knew she would.

  The End.

  A Dominatrix Night Off

  You were running down the steps two at a time in your haste to catch her, but she had disappeared into the cavern-like gloom at the foot of the stairs. Every now and again, strobe lights probed the darkness, and the vibration from the speakers shook the sparkle of dust in the multi coloured lasers. The music was unfamiliar, and seemed to have no tune or rhythm.

  Despite the music, dancers were crowding the space, leather and rubber being the predominant fashion, with chains and plenty of body piercing in view. Even with your strength and persistence, these people seemed intent on holding you up. You swore in frustration, as you felt your chance slipping away; your whole attention on finding that woman who had been sitting tormenting you for the past 20 minutes, remembering the uncrossed legs, which parted slightly when you approached, then moved slowly and teasingly, as she adjusted her position on the stool, and you saw, only for the briefest moment, the pink, shell like folds of her shaved pussy.

  She wouldn't accept a drink, but she had smiled up at you, her gaze direct, and challenging, when all you were trying to do was to look down her blouse, to the black satin bra, which held back her soft breasts, tightly pushing up her cleavage, putting you in mind of how your cock might feel if allowed to slide between the bra and her pale skin. She had made you work for her attention,
not putting you down at all, but teasing you with her pointed tongue caught briefly between her teeth, and her gentle laugh; you could see her eyes clearly sizing you up, then moving her legs, those tantalising legs, and smoothing down the tiny skirt, which hardly covered the tops of her long, black stockings.

  When, after the few minutes you had been speaking to her, she suggested that you moved to the club downstairs, you really thought you had cracked it. As she slid from the stool, you realised she was wearing heels so high you wouldn't need to stoop to get your hands on her naked bottom, and you felt the beginnings of a hard on, as you had a quick vision of dancing with her in your arms. Her black clad figure had stepped quickly from the bar, the heels no impediment; both men and women moved aside, almost as if the woman was actually dangerous. She turned to you at the top of the stairs, smiled in a secretive sort of way, and you had followed, watching her long legs disappear into the dark cavern below.

  In a total strop of frustration you pushed your way across the mass of people, and over to a landing of sorts, where you were able to look across the floor, searching the crowd for her. But there was no chance, the lights and the crush made it an impossible task. You stood, a pull of disappointment dragging at you, so keen it was almost painful. Turning to retrace your steps, you almost didn't see a curtain twitch across an alcove, then, to your amazement, she looked out, and without any surprise at seeing you there, she smiled, and disappeared just as quickly as she had appeared.

  You were utterly enthralled, she was clearly playing some sort of game with you, and you couldn't wait to find out what it was. Reaching the curtain, you yanked it aside, and pushed against the door behind it. Disappointingly there was no sign of the woman. However, as you pushed your way in, standing beyond the door, you saw someone else.

  Your first reaction was disappointment; it was not the woman you were seeking, but curiosity as always overcame any caution, so you advanced towards the tall, leather clad figure. She had long red hair, thigh high boots, and was leaning against what looked like a bar stool. The light from the naked bulb above her made the lines of the short leather skirt and low cut top appear two dimensional. She moved slowly, to stand upright, and then walked slowly towards you, smiling, red lips and white teeth all that was visible. She was masked, the top part of her face was covered; but undeniably attractive for all that. She came to a standstill, her pointed toes twelve or so inches away from your shoes, and, apart from the slight smile flickering around her mouth, she stood perfectly still. You were not at all sure you should be here, and her stillness was deeply unnerving. When she finally closed in, you held your ground, becoming aware of the perfume, like roses, dark chocolate and pussy, just perceptible on the chilled air.

  You were feeling the excitement now, the fascination of the unknown, the sexual pull exerted by the redhead, with her leather clad body and deep cleavage, as she moved to your side, slipped her arm around yours, and moved back toward the pool of light, taking you with her. You could feel the warmth of her body, curvaceous under the leather, pressing against you, as she turned you around to push your back against the wall; her slippery thighs firm against your legs, then the heat of her pussy, just lower than your cock, followed by the length of her body gently moving in to allow you to feel the warm heaviness of her, the teasing push of her breasts displayed almost under your nose. Her pointed chin was lifted, and as her smile flickered on again, you wanted to get hold of her long hair, and pull her backwards, so you could see her nipples, which were almost peeking over the top of the leather laced up corset she was wearing. But she was too quick for you, and, before you had worked out what she was doing, she had both your wrists fastened securely to chains held by the hooks in the wall.

  As slowly as she had poured herself against you she backed off. She stood, motionless, and you could see the almost imperceptible shake of her pulse, throbbing in her neck, and shaking a tiny tremor in her breast. You also felt the beat of your own heart, as the full impact of your situation made the hair on your arms stand on end. This place was clearly some sort of sex pit, and the woman now calmly sizing you up was possibly a big mistake. The thought of sex with her brought back the memory of the blonde upstairs, and a vision of the pink flash of her cunt under her skirt, made your blood pound fiercely, despite the strangeness of the situation.

  As the woman gazed at you, an almost tangible sexual tension in the air made you conscious of the throb of your cock. Although you were not uncomfortable, you would be powerless to hold her off, and you could see, by the defiant tilt of her head, she was not about to leave. As she came close again, the heat of her fingers touched your chest, her fingers got busy in the long leather gloves, and she opened the buttons of your shirt. Her hands were touching your body, sending the message of arousal down into your groin, and the tension mounted as she pulled off the leather belt you were wearing, and you felt first the button, then the zip of your trousers, release.

  She stood back again, surveying her handiwork, then, in two long strides, moved away from the light, and you heard another door open. Your heart went into overdrive as you watched what happened next. As she came back into the circle of light, she was followed by two females. Each was wearing a collar, complete with a leash, both held by the redhead. These girls were both very scantily clad; a long haired brunette, and a small blond, whose hair had been dyed to look like leopard spots. The redhead held their collars, as they knelt at either side of her, three pairs of eyes gazing at you standing half undressed, shackled, and staring back at them. The first one released was the brunette, who, still on her knees, crept forward, and rubbed herself around your legs, like a cat. As she ventured further, her cheek gently brushed against your prick, and it was inevitable you would start to get hard. She didn't touch you with her hands, just moved her body, until, kneeling in front of you she let your cock rub across her breasts, tempting you with her nipples, and making a soft purring noise in her throat. You were unable to stop the pleasure surging in you, and you badly needed more stimulation, as the soft pressure of her flesh was tantalising, but just not enough. Before you saw her coming, the animal print had you, kneeling very close to the other girl, and so slowly, so gently, licking your balls. They worked as a team, always making sure you were either sucked, or stroked, but not allowing you to feel enough speed or pressure to even approach an orgasm. It was like a dream, but it was not enough, as the frustration of their constant friction and suck was causing a deep ache in your balls. They didn't seem to care, when as if of the same mind they left off you, and, sitting on the ground in front of you, began to lick and stroke one another, making sure you were able to see their evident pleasure. It didn't take long before they were both panting in satisfaction, but it only made you need release more. One by one, they crept back, and the brunette again stroked your cock, the other took you in her mouth. You dare not breathe in case they changed their mind, and stopped, as it was very urgent now, the need to shoot cum into or onto someone....


  I thought he would enjoy it, right from the moment I caught him eyeing me up in the bar.....he was easy to reel in, one flash of cunt and he came like a lamb to the slaughter. A large, interesting lamb, one who would be quite a challenge; I always follow my experience in sussing out the men from the boys, so to speak. So when I thought he had lost me in the crowd, I was actually disappointed. The club does get so busy, despite being exclusively members only. I cheered up again when I found him standing, looking for me, almost outside the door. I had changed into my gear, and put my head around the curtain trying to spot him; when he saw me, he moved in so fast I thought he would be too quick for me, but I was in position, red hair and all, when he got through my door.

  It was one of those nights, OK, no punters in, no friends of the boss asking for favours; a night off, and I felt like a bit of fun for myself for a change. Not that I don't enjoy my job you understand, it's just as much of a turn on for me, dressing up and making fantasies come true, e
specially unacknowledged fantasies. Women too, we all need a little something extra every now and again, so where's the harm.....a few bruises, scratches maybe, but nothing compared to the eroticism of the experience.

  So when I saw this tall, tough looking guy, alone in the bar, I knew it should be my play time. Even a dominatrix has her moments, and this one was mine. By the way he responded to me, and the sight of my bare pussy winking at him from under my skirt, my instincts told me I was in for a treat; I knew my little girl friends would also like this one too, so everyone would get happy.

  Once I had him cuffed, always the tricky part, but a large pair of breasts laced up in leather helped to subdue any resistance, I got inside his trousers and I knew I was not going to let this go to waste. He had a cock worth a good fucking, not something normally I would do, but I was considering this as "me" time, not business, so what the heck...


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