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Climax Taboo Erotic Collection

Page 11

by Kelly Fleming

  He smiles - stands - starts to unbutton his shirt - the blonde watches as she continues to moan from the brunettes ministrations. He kneels next to the blonde - still in his jeans - and his hand joins the brunettes on her breasts. The moans from the blonde become more urgent - the odd "oh God" for good measure.

  He pulls away - off the bed and stands behind the brunette - the blonde looking at him as undoes his belt unzips his jeans and slips them to the floor. He kneels and positions himself behind the brunette and she lets out a deep moan as he slowly pushes the head of his cock into her wet pussy. All the while the man and blonde eyes lock - and he pushes slowly inside the brunette.

  In a cruel act of teasing - he then slowly withdraws his cock - and slips back on the bed and kneels with cock at the blondes face - "would you like to taste her" he says with a broad smile on his face

  The only reply to his question is for the blonde to open her mouth and push herself towards the hard cock.

  He moans as the blonde mouth surrounds him - her own moans stifled as she does so. He looks down to see the brunette now furiously licking and fingering the blonde. A beautiful site.

  The blonde struggles to concentrate on her cock sucking - he realizes she is reaching her point of no return and reluctantly pulls himself from her - he brings his mouth down to her beautiful breasts and starts to gently suck and lick her. Her panting and moans get harder and she accelerates to towards her orgasm - and within seconds she shudders and groans underneath them both.

  As the blonde recovers fingers and tongues trail all over her - his fingers meet the brunettes over her pussy lips. The brunette looks up at him - "my turn - you tease"

  He lies down next to the blonde - and the brunette kisses her way from his feet to his groin - she takes one slow lingering lick - and lets the cock slip deep inside her mouth. The second mouth around him this evening - his mind reeling.

  And then - swiftly - she is crouched above him - and his cock is at the entrance to her pussy. And then slowly oh so slowly she lowers herself onto him.

  She pauses as he fully enters her - the both look around to see the blonde smiling. Her hand slips down to her the brunettes, pussy and she feels the hard cock slipping inside her - meanwhile her other hand caresses the brunettes' breasts.

  The brunettes starts her grind on the cock - savoring - slowly at first then building The blondes hands caressing them both - and the moans from the brunette grow. His eyes close - savoring the moment - he senses the brunettes excitement growing - and he opens his eyes to see the blonde sucking and caressing the brunettes' breasts. The blonde smiles - "you two look so good" - and her hand slips down to the joining of their bodies - the blondes hand touching both his cock and her wet pussy simultaneously. This takes the brunette over the edge - he feels her wet pussy contracting around him and low groan comes from her lips.

  As they recover - the brunette rolls to the side - he looks at his so hard cock then at the blonde - "your turn" he says and smiles at her. He stands - gestures for her to kneel at the edge of the bed - he grabs her ass and pushes his cock into her - her face pushed into the bed sheets.

  He fucks her - slow at first - then building - she was close - and it takes her less than a minute to come. Somehow he manages to delay his own orgasm as she comes on his cock - she's even louder than the brunette - just for a moment he thinks about the neighbors in the nearby hotel rooms - they are really going to wonder what going on.

  His meandering thoughts are interrupted by the brunette - in the noise and intensity of the blondes' orgasm they had not noticed she had slipped off the bed - grabbed a quick sip of wine - rummaged through a purse and was now kneeling on the bed with a long black double dildo in her hands.

  He smiles - "now this I have to seen!"

  He walks across the room to the wine bottle - pours into his glass - and takes a long sip. He turns around - and gasps audibly at the site in front of him. The girls are intertwined the dildo between them - slowly they are pushing themselves towards each other. He applauds and they both look around to him and smile - and then their gazes return to each other.

  He stands - enthralled - glass in hand. He steps closer - watching the dildo slipping into them both - their pussies touching before pulling back and then repeating the action. Their movement is slow and sensual - savoring every moment.

  He kneels next to them - his hand slips down between them and wraps around the slick dildo. Moans slip from both the ladies - and they reach up - the blonds' hand surrounding his cock - the brunettes on his balls.

  And then it becomes a blur - the girls grinding together - hands of breasts and cocks and balls. Getting more urgent - all three moaning - the tension building.

  With two hands oh his cock - he knows he cannot delay the inevitable - "oh God - ladies - I am there". These words seem to just tip the ladies over the edge - and in a blizzard of profanity, blasphemy and moans - he sees them takes them selves over the edge. At that - his cock finally releases - explodes - pulsing over their bellies, pussies and the dildo.

  The End.

  The Ring

  Diana Summers was at a crossroad in her life. Fired from her high-powered job due to a political shakeup, recently out of a bad relationship, and exhausted from the circumstances, she had to shake herself from her doldrums. After weeks of hunting for work, during which her meager savings were nearly depleted, she was thrilled to hear from an employment agency that a job was available if she wanted it. Personal assistant to a somewhat reclusive painter was a live-in position that required her to move to the coast. The wages seemed generous, particularly since she would also receive room and board. "The employer's home is fairly isolated," she'd been told. And the gentleman was very selective. He required detailed background information on job candidates, and he was prepared to pay an appropriate wage to the right one.

  Diana wondered why she was the "right one" but a job was a job. Between her earnings and the room and board, she would be able to save quite a bit so even if she didn't stay, she'd be a better position when she left than when she started. So packing her practical wardrobe, she jumped into her old but reliable car and headed for the coast.

  After driving a few hours, Diana found herself in a beautiful, secluded part of the country. "Diana," she said to herself wryly, "meet rustic America. Let's just hope the cabin has a new roof." But when she finally found the turn into a magnificent gated driveway, she realized that rustic wasn't quite the word for her new home.

  Her surprise grew when she reached the huge stone house and was greeted at the door by a genuine butler. A dignified and attractive middle-aged man, he introduced himself at once. "Miss Summers, welcome. I am Julius. Mr. Darlington will be delighted that you've arrived on time. Please follow me." He led her into a formal living room, where a man stood at the window, his back to her. He turned to greet her and she was suddenly self-conscious, a state to which the confident young woman was unaccustomed.

  While Diana had been used to dealing with captains of industry and government leaders, she found herself unprepared for Oliver Darlington. Aside from being extremely attractive, his commanding presence could have put the most arrogant politician to shame. Not that he himself was arrogant; it was just that he was aware of his dominance and comfortable with using it. Nevertheless, he went out of his way to make Diana feel welcome.

  "Please sit," he said, offering her a very comfortable chair. "Julius, please bring refreshments for Miss Summers. She's had a long drive." Diana started to protest, but he reassured her. "It's no trouble at all, and I take tea this time of day, anyway. Relax after what was probably a tedious trip."

  Diana smiled in acknowledgement. "Well, it did seem as if I was heading straight for the drop off the face of the earth at one point."

  Immediately, concern registered on Darlington's face. "I hope you won't find it too isolated here. I plan on keeping you busy, but you will have time to yourself and civilization isn't too far a drive."

  "Mr. Darlington," she re
plied with a smile, "it's beautiful here, and I know I'm going to appreciate the peace and quiet. It's not what I'm used to, but I'd like to change that."

  "First, it's not Mr. Darlington, it's Oliver. And I appreciate your attitude. I understand that your last employment could be rather contentious, and you're wise to appreciate the beauty and opportunities that my home has to offer."

  As they had a light tea, Oliver explained Diana's new responsibilities in more detail than she'd received from the employment agencies. As a highly successful painter, he was very sought after and there was a great deal of correspondence, including requests for commissions (he didn't do them, insisting on painting only what he chose to paint), charity appeals (he was generous with his money but not with his paintings, which weren't trifles to be bid on by socialites), and solicitations from galleries who wanted to represent him (look into it, do due diligence, then we'll discuss it). And then there were those who sought personal appearances or face-to-face meetings. The media weren't the least of them, but there were also celebrity hounds, undiscovered artists, and would-be models. ("I'm single, wealthy, and under 75. You can imagine.")

  "You'll learn that my family has a reputation for mystery and eccentricity. And I'm known for wanting my privacy. Some people don't give a rat's tail about my art – they just want to say that they rubbed elbows with the weirdo. You are here to deal with them, to cover my back. And then there's the book project, but we can go over that tomorrow."

  He told Diana that unless they were traveling or he had visitors at the house, she should dress as comfortably as she wished. Being somewhat conservative by nature, her casual clothes consisted mostly of khaki slacks, jeans, and knee-length skirts, together with button-down or polo shirts, so that worked well for her.

  Oliver stood and said "I'm sure you'd like to see your rooms, get organized, and perhaps take a bit of a rest."

  Diana nodded gratefully. "That would be wonderful. I would like to unpack and freshen up."

  "Oh, there is one more thing," Oliver added casually as Diana started to rise. He took a box from his pocket and opened it to show her a delicately carved bloodstone ring. "I'd like you to wear this at all times while you're in my employment."

  Diana reached for the ring, then hesitated. She gave him a quizzical look and he continued "The ring has been a part of this house for generations. It needs someone to wear it."

  Okay, this is pretty strange, she thought, but she needed the job and what harm could it do, right? She made a joke of it, saying "Well, it is one of the stranger job requirements I've had, but it's certainly one of the more pleasant ones. It's beautiful, and I'll take good care of it."

  "Good. Now Julius will show you to your rooms."

  After slipping the ring onto her finger, Diana followed Julius as he gave her a brief tour of the house. At one point, Diana started to feel somewhat odd. Not ill, or even uncomfortable, just odd. She brushed the feeling aside as fatigue and stress from wanting to succeed in her new position. Finally, they arrived at a suite of rooms that were beautifully decorated, with a stunning view of wooded hills.

  "Dinner will be at 7:30, Miss." And Julius left Diana to prganize herself in her new quarters.

  After putting away her clothing and belongings, Diana took a nap. When she woke near seven o'clock, she had faint recollections of a dream that left her vaguely disturbed. The odd sensation she'd felt earlier was still with her, perhaps even intensified a bit. Noting the time, though, she brushed it aside and dressed for dinner. Not knowing how formal the meal would be, she settled on a simple shift dress and sandals.

  Arriving at the dining room, she saw that the small table was set for two, and she heard Oliver's step behind her. As he held the chair out for her before taking his own seat, he smiled and gave her a wink. "Arriving a step before your employer will always earn you points."

  Julius served a delicious meal. (He'd also prepared it, making him more than worth his weight in gold, Oliver told Diana). Although Oliver's lighthearted stories about the house and his ancestors should have put her at east, it seemed to Diana that their close proximity intensified the odd sensation that she'd had since before her nap. That was ridiculous, though, she reassured herself. It surely was just nerves and a new environment.

  After dinner, Diana still fell a bit off. A little lightheaded, a bit tingly, she couldn't quite put a finger on it. But while Oliver spoke, rather than focusing on his words she found her mind drifting to extremely intimate thoughts involving him. Her eyes fell on Oliver's strong looking hands, and she imagined them traveling up the insides of her thighs. Forcing that thought away, she looked into his eyes, only to imagine a hungry look in them as he watched her strip for him. Irritated with herself, she lowered her gaze to his mouth, which did no good whatsoever. All she could think of now was how his lips would feel on her now stiff nipples.

  She forced her lust away, unaccustomed to not being in control. Granted, Oliver was an extremely attractive man. Okay, attractive was an understatement. Make that magnificent. But Diana had never been a slave to passion before, and the strong, distracting pull she felt toward Oliver was uncharacteristic.

  "Get a grip!" she silently ordered herself. "The last thing you need is to get involved with another man right away, particularly if he's your boss!"

  With great effort, she managed to subdue the strange feelings. However, when she again met Oliver's eyes, equally strange was the look of knowing satisfaction that she found there. It was as if he had deliberately incited her lust and was pleased at her response. Shaking off that thought as impossible, she turned the conversation to his art, mentioning a few pieces she had seen in museums.

  Oliver suggested that they move to the library to enjoy an after dinner drink. She followed him to an impeccably furnished room that seemed to invite one to relax. The decoration was masculine enough for a man's private retreat, inviting enough to make a woman feel comfortable, but definitely a male domain.

  Diana took a seat on a sumptuous leather sofa and Oliver sat facing her on a generously proportioned chair that seemed to have been made for him. In fact, she thought, he looked rather like a pasha in his throne. She was very aware of his air of authority and imagined that he frequently, if not always, took the upper hand in his dealings with others.

  The discussion turned to their mutual love of reading, Oliver having offered Diana the free run of the library, when she suddenly became appalled at the posture that she had unconsciously taken. Leaning back onto the sofa with one hand behind her head, and sitting on one bent leg with the other stretched out to the side was inappropriate enough. She realized, though, that her skirt had crept up and that she was giving Oliver a view, obstructed only by her panties, of her crotch.

  "This is insane!" Diana thought. "I only had one sherry!"

  When she tried to assume a more modest pose, however, her body was reluctant to comply. She felt herself blushing furiously as she forced her legs into a normal sitting position. Fortunately, other than that same satisfied look that Diana told herself was all in her imagination, Oliver didn't seem to have noticed anything untoward.

  The rest of the evening was without incident, and after Oliver showed Diana to her room, she felt a tentative confidence that her acceptance of the job as Oliver's assistant had been the right choice.

  Laying her head down on her pillow, Diana fell into the deepest sleep that she had experienced in quite some time. When she woke the next day she felt utterly relaxed. If she had dreamed, they must have been pleasant good dreams because she actually felt like she'd had a good sleep instead of feeling like she'd run a marathon, as she usually did when she woke.

  Julius met her at the bottom of the stairs and directed her to the terrace where she joined Oliver for breakfast. He sat at the table wearing shorts and an unbuttoned cotton short. She couldn't help noticing the well defined muscles of his forearms and legs.

  The sun was already quite warm. Without thinking, Diana pulled her blouse from the waistband of her
skirt, unbuttoned the bottom three buttons, and tied the tails snugly beneath her breasts. When she realized what she'd done, she was beyond embarrassed and wanted to button up again. "Please," Oliver said waving away her concern, "It's hot and there's no reason to be uncomfortable." And he quickly changed the subject to put her at ease.

  Oliver told Diana that several of his lesser known works were going to be the subject of a new book. Diana's job was to catalog them and create a complete provenance for each using his handwritten notes as a basis. Then he led her to the office where she was to work. A state of the art computer sat on her desk, and she eagerly sat down to familiarize herself with her work.

  The next thing she knew, it was nearly seven. Since Oliver clearly valued punctuality, Diana put her work aside and went into the house to freshen up. On her way to her room, Oliver stopped her in the hallway. For some reason, she became flustered and the lightheadedness returned. Seeing her sway slightly, Oliver took her arm and, looking at her intently, asked if she fell all right.

  "Y- yes," she stammered, not sure of what had come over her. "I think I just spent a bit too much time in front of a computer screen. I should have taken a break."

  Oliver replied "Yes, you may be right. And your office seemed awfully warm, so I took the liberty of sending Morton to town to buy you some lighter weight outfits. I hope you don't mind. You'll find them in your room." He still held her arm as he spoke.

  Although Diana found this to be rather an odd thing for an employer to do, the feeling of his hands on her skin was making her feel oddly tingly. She made a feeble attempt to retrieve her arm, but Oliver held fast. With that same knowing smile, he took her hand in his and glanced at the ring, nodding with satisfaction. "Good. The ring seems to fit you well."

  At this close contact, Diana felt a small chill run up her spine, and she unconsciously pressed her thighs tightly together and clenched her tingling pussy. This time, she didn't even try to resist the feeling. She hadn't felt so sensual in a very long time, and she might as well enjoy it. After all, it wasn't as if she was going to act on it, right? she mused.


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