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Climax Taboo Erotic Collection

Page 21

by Kelly Fleming

  The simultaneous "Ahhhh's" that came from both of us soon gave way to serious fucking. Liz put her hands on my chest., grabbed a handful of hair and flesh and started bouncing on Rex like there was no tomorrow. I reached under and grabbed her tits and roughly pinched and twisted her nipples, something she likes when she is on the edge of control.

  "God DAMN I love your cock baby!" she cried. I decided to up the ante. I reached down and grabbed her juicy, beautiful ass and pulled her down hard onto my cock every time she descended on my shaft. Then I put my finger in my mouth, wet it and reached behind her and pushed it into her ass!

  Her eyes flew open, her mouth followed suit. She said upright on my cock and finger and allowed me to bury my slick digit deep inside her tight hole.

  "Imagine that's Pete's cock inside you," I hissed. "Does it feel good to have a cock in your ass baby?"

  She almost looked possessed, "Oh, fuck yes!!!! Fuck me Pete, bury that cock in my ass and fuck me hard!" I honestly don't know if she was just playing along for my sake or was totally into imagining that Pete was there. All I know is that about 30 seconds after I started fingering her ass, her pussy went into full-on seizure as she came. Liz doesn't cum all the time when we have intercourse, but every time I feel her pussy spasming around Rex, I'm good for about two shoves and then I'm painting her insides – this time was no different. She was gushing, I was gushing, this was going to make one colossal wetspot – glad it was on her side!

  A few minutes later after the endorphin rush subsided, we lay tangled together talking.

  "So," Liz teased, "You've actually been checking out other guys' junk!"

  I laughed, "No, just one guy's. As I said before, if Pete wasn't into it, I wasn't even going to mention it to you. I know that you are "ok" with us not doing anal sex, but I wasn't "ok" with you not being able to get what you wanted. Having said that, Pete was the one and only guy I felt comfortable with. So, I checked him out, discretely. "


  "Well, if soft is any indication, he is very average. If he would have been like me or if he would have been really small, I wouldn't have done anything because that would have defeated the purpose."

  "Average, eh? Well, sometimes average is ok. I also understand why you are ok with him. In all the years we've known him, he's always been a complete gentleman – no gutter jokes, no innuendo and you never hear him talk about the girls he dates."

  "Exactly, that's why I figured he was the one and only choice."

  "And he's into it?"

  "Baby, you don't know how desirable and hot you are. Any man would jump at the opportunity that I presented Pete."

  Liz blushed," You say that all the time – thank you babe – you always make me feel so special."

  "Well, take all the time to think about it you need – I won't bug you about it – I know better!"

  "Eighteen years of putting up with me will do that to a guy!"

  And I was true to my word. It KILLED me to not ask her about it every day, but I didn't. I knew she needed time to process it and think about it and after a few days it wasn't in my every waking thought. Pete, too, was good as his word. He never said anything at the gym, even when we were alone in the locker room or walking out to the parking lot. In fact, I laughed to myself thinking it was as if it never happened.

  Liz, Emma and I text each other quite frequently – "Can you pick me up?" "Can you pick up milk?" "Be home in an hour" – that type of thing. So, when my phone buzzed with a text from Liz I wasn't surprised, but when I read it, I was puzzled.

  "Let's go for it."

  Being the idiotic, slow man that I am, I had no idea what she meant, so my reply was "????"

  A few minutes later came her reply. "Don't ANALyze it so much, figure it out Mr. ABOVE average!"

  Immediately my heart started racing and my mouth went dry (or started to water – not sure which!) I immediately dialled her number, but being the nasty women she can be, she didn't answer – just to make me crazy. I had to call someone, so I dialled Peter praying to God that he would answer. I had to talk to someone about this!

  "Hey Liam, what's up?" he answered, obviously seeing my name on call display.

  "We're on!" I blurted

  Pete chuckled, "I was wondering how long Liz could wait to tell you – I bet her no more than 2 days – she didn't last 18 hours!"

  " knew already?"

  "Yes, buddy, I knew last night when we were playing squash. Liz and I had a coffee yesterday morning and a very good talk. I think she just needed to get a couple of things straight in her head and after she said we were on, but that she was going to make you wait a while. The fact that I won the bet means I get to pick the restaurant in Collingwood. To be honest, I think it was also a bit of test for me to see if I would say anything to you last night, which, I'm sure you will report to Liz that I was true to my word."

  "Well, it would only be the truth. God, this is surreal. What happens now?"

  I would suggest we pick a date fairly soon. We don't want buyer's remorse setting in do we?"

  I chuckled, "Hell, if I know Liz, there won't be any of that. What's your schedule like coming up?"

  Ten days later on a beautiful spring Saturday evening the three of us met at a great (and expensive – thanks Pete!) restaurant in the village in Collingwood. To the gym group Pete was at a conference for business and Liz and I were visiting her folks for the weekend – Emma happily ensconced at her friend's for a sleepover. I was nervous as hell, Pete seemed ok, maybe a little amped-up and Liz was completely relaxed and serene. I shouldn't have been surprised. Liz is one of those people that take awhile to come to a major decision. She will fret and stew and roll it over in her head, do her "due diligence" and think non-stop. But, once she makes up her mind, there is absolutely no looking back – it's full steam ahead. She was dressed in such a typical "Liz" way. Her blouse was snug, but not tight, with just enough of a hint of her heavenly cleavage that you were tempted to try to sneak a peak. Her black pants clung to her strong, shapely thighs and nice, big firm butt – earned by thousands and thousands of lunges up and down the corridors of the gym. And, in her typical "less is more" way, she had applied a minimal amount of makeup and had was wearing just enough Ralph Lauren "Blue" to make you want to bury your nose in her decolletage.

  We were all very mindful of what we were eating. Nothing too heavy that would cause drowsiness; and not too much wine to dull the senses. We talked about everything and talked about nothing. Pete sat on one side of the booth with Liz and I opposite him. I even began to relax a bit until our desserts were nearing completion, when the reason we were here came flooding back into my consciousness.

  Then Liz said, "Well, I guess we should get the cheque and go, we have a very busy evening ahead of us," her eyes gleaming. My racing mind was temporarily detoured when we got the bill. "Holy shit!" I quietly exclaimed, clapping Pete good-naturedly on the back. "Remind me never to lose a bet to you!"

  Just then Liz said, "Oh, I think Peter deserves it, seeing what he is providing for us tonight."

  I couldn't have agreed more.

  I had booked us into a great resort in the area and was lucky enough to be able to get one of their private cottages that was completely away from the main building. It was right on the water with a gorgeous view of Georgian Bay and was very, very secluded. Liz and I had checked-in and taken our things to the room just before we went to the restaurant and as we headed to the cars after I dropped a mortgage payment for dinner, Liz said to me, "Honey, I'm going to ride back to the cabin with Pete in case we get split up so he doesn't get lost." When I looked at her quizzically she just laughed and said, "Don't worry, you won't miss a thing."

  To this day I couldn't tell you if I ran over anyone or anything driving the 10 kilometres back to the cabin, because I think that I spent the entire time looking in the rear-view. While I couldn't see anything for sure, based on Pete's death grip on the steering wheel, the absence of Liz's hands in view a
nd the lump in his dress pants when we got out of the car, I might have missed something!

  My thoughts were immediately brought back to the present when Pete opened the trunk of his car and lifted out his overnight bag and a portable massage table! Liz looked at me and smiled, "I'm liking this more and more all the time!"

  Pete laughed, "I thought maybe this might be a welcome addition to the evening."

  We opened the cabin and Pete whistled, "Whoa, guys, this is beautiful." And it was. Separate small kitchen and dining area, a living room with TV and huge picture window overlooking the water and a huge bedroom with a patio door leading to a deck over the bay. The bedroom was finished off with a wood-burning fireplace, huge king-size bed with duvet and a large ensuite bathroom. When we had checked in, we had started a fire and closed to glass doors and put candles out around the room, which Liz now was in the process of lighting. It was a beautiful spring night, but being early in the year and this close to the water, I was glad we had put on the fire. After all, we probably weren't going to have much in the way of clothing to keep us warm!

  I had no idea how to start all of this, so I went into the kitchen and dug out the cheese and fruit-tray we had brought with us and carried it into the bedroom with two bottles of wine – a great Sancerre white from France and our favourite red – Marquis de Riscal Rioja from Spain. I noticed that Liz had put on our favourite "fucking music" CD into the player by the bed – John Coltrane and asked either if they wanted some wine – both agreed. I went off to get the corkscrew and three glasses and stopped in my tracks upon entering the room. Pete and Liz were slowly dancing to "Soul Eyes" from the CD. They were very close, but not hanging on each other – just two people enjoying the great music. I busied myself opening the wine and the food and after pouring us all a glass they came over to me, each took one and we clinked them together.

  Pete was the first to speak, "A toast – to two wonderful people, two great friends and to the benefits of being average!" We all had a good laugh about this and I was noticing that my nervous energy was gradually dissipating. I attributed this to the fact that Liz seemed so calm and sure of herself. I figured is she was ok, I had no reason to be – hell it was my idea in the first place.

  We made small talk for a bit, drank some wine and ate some of the fruit and cheese until Liz excused herself to use the bathroom. After she left, Pete said to me very quietly, "Are you still ok with all of this?" And I truly was – I simply smiled, nodded and put my hand on his shoulder and said, "It's all good my friend, it's all good."

  Just then, Liz emerged from the bathroom and Pete and I damn near dropped our glasses. She had taken off all of her clothes and came into the room wearing a very sheer wrap. Underneath she was braless so her beautiful 36D tits were begging to be stared at and she was wearing a hot pink thong – fuck she looked sooo hot!

  "Wow" was all Pete could say – I could manage less than that.

  Liz smiled demurely, "Ever since I saw you brought a massage table I've been thinking about four strong, masculine hands on me and can't wait any longer. Pete, would you set up your table for us please?"

  I was impressed by the table once it was up. Wide, solid and sturdy, unlike many others I'd seen. Pete positioned it so it was at the foot of the bed in the same orientation, so the head was facing the bed and the opposite end was facing the patio door overlooking the water. There was just enough room to comfortably move between the bed and the table. To finish it off, there was a sheepskin pad covered by a sheet – it all looked very professional.

  "Wow, Pete," I said, "Are you a masseur on the side?"

  He smiled, "No, but a former lady friend and I once took a course in massage and I bought this table then. I don't get to use it too much, but it comes in handy once in a while."

  Then he said, "Well, Liz, your boytoys await your instructions!"

  With just the slightest hint of modest self-consciousness, Liz removed her wrap and lay down on the table. When she was comfortable, she said, "I'd love you both to work on me, but I would be more comfortable if I wasn't the only one almost naked!"

  It was at that precise moment I mentally patted myself on the back for all of the hard work I had put in at the gym in the past few months. While far from having a washboard stomach I had lost any hint of "droop", my chest was nicely defined and my arms and shoulders were getting good and thick – as was another part of me! Likewise, Pete had always kept himself in great shape; possessing the long, lean beach volleyball player body developed from doing just that. I was certainly bulkier than he was, but I wasn't feeling self-conscious or embarrassed at all. In fact, if anything I probably looked more masculine, at least in my opinion, since I had a newly "manscaped" hairy chest and arms while Pete was almost hairless.

  Once we got down to our skivvies (both of us choosing boxer briefs) Liz looked at us and whistled, "Mmmm, look at all that manflesh! I am a very, very lucky girl! I can't wait to have these men looking after me!"

  Pete then produced a small, insulated bag from his suitcase and opened it, revealing a bottle of massage oil. "I warmed it up before I left and put it in here so it would be just right for when we wanted to use it." With that, he went to one side of Liz, I to the other. He squirted some of the oil on his hands and offered the bottle to me, and we went to work on my beautiful wife.

  She was a vision.

  So feminine, so soft where she needed to be, so firm where it mattered. We worked her back, kneading the knots and kinks out of her shoulders and neck. Alternatively working on her upper torso and the small of her back. Liz must have been really into it because I could already see her telltale signs of arousal; long sighs, a low, husky giggle from deep in her throat that drives me crazy, her hips moving just a little. "Oh guys, you are making me feel sooo good, sooo special," she sighed. "I'm in heaven!"

  Pete then moved up to the end of the table between Liz and the bed so he could work on her neck where he found a lot of kinks. I moved to the opposite end and started to massage her legs where she often carries a lot of pain. I moved up and down her legs, squeezing and kneading and emboldened, I nudged her legs apart, which she willingly agreed to, giving me access to her pussy, which, judging by the damp spot on her thong, led me to believe was quite wet already. Sensing that she was ready, I reached up and dragged the thong down and off Liz's legs, her beautiful shaved pussy glistening, waiting for attention. After giving her juicy butt some deep squeezes I tentatively pushed a finger into her overheated core.

  I needn't have been so gentle.

  "Fuck yessssss," was her answer to my non-verbal question. I continued to work one, then two, then three fingers into her and was so totally into it that it took me a moment to figure out the origin of the odd sounds coming from elsewhere in the room. When I looked up from Liz's beautiful pussy to see their origin, my already engorged cock immediately turned rock hard in my underwear. Liz had dragged Pete's boxers down his legs and was now sucking his cock like a champ!

  "Oh my god babe," I panted, "that is so fucking hot!" Peter looked at me with just a hint of apprehension in his eyes. I guess to him it was the last hurdle to cross. It was one thing to see your wife dancing with another man, quite another to see her being massaged by another man, but watching her suck his cock? That's the ultimate test and when he saw that I was more than ok with it he smiled, winked and said, "No wonder you always have a smile on your face, she's amazing! But I'm feeling a bit greedy here – would you like to trade places?"

  I just nodded, my eyes on fire with lust. As Pete withdrew his cock from her mouth Liz smiled, "Mmmm, sure didn't taste average! Liam, why don't you join me on the bed here and get more comfortable." And with that she crawled off of the table and onto the bed looking for all the world like a cat in heat. While I walked over to the edge of the bed, Pete moved the table to the other side of the room. He turned back just as Liz was pulling my boxers down and as she did, Rex plopped out and smacked her right in the face.

  "Jesus Christ!" Pete exclaimed,
"That sure as hell isn't average!" I smiled sheepishly thinking that this was the first male besides me to ever see old Rex in full action posture. I crawled up onto the bed, leaned back against the headboard and spread my legs to let Liz have her way with me. She attacked my cock with abandon. Sucking me, licking me, sucking my balls, deepthroating a good chunk of me – even teasing my asshole with her tongue and finger from time to time. Pete then crawled up on the foot of the bed and started to weave some magic of his own on Liz. Running his tongue all around her feet, licking the insides of her ankles, sucking her toes. (Did she tell him that this drives her crazy or did he just instinctively know?) With all of her hot buttons being hit Liz was animal on my cock. It was like she couldn't get enough of it, jamming her mouth down on it, trying to deepthroat me, gagging occasionally. All of the events of this evening had the cum nearing the boiling point in my nuts and I was starting to get that familiar, rusty tingle that signals an impending eruption.

  By now, Pete had gently moved Liz from lying on her stomach to being on her knees – giving him easier access to heaven. I saw him use his legs to spread hers, lewdly, and get between them and he then placed his mouth directly on Liz's vulva. Even if I hadn't seen it, I would have known exactly when it happened because of the deep guttural moan that vibrated around my cock as it was lodged in Liz's throat. She looked up at me through lust-hazed eyes and said, "Oh Liam, he's eating my pussy and it feels sooo good." Pete was going to town on my wife's dripping snatch. Sucking her engorged outer lips into his mouth, running his tongue up and down her entire slit, tickling her clit and teasing her "taint" with his nose. This was causing Liz to bob up and down on my cock like a piston; her saliva was dripping down my shaft and coating my balls and I knew I was in a losing battle to keep my cum to myself. The end of the battle came shortly after she suddenly pulled off me and looked right at me, eyes wide in wonder and said, "Awww babe, he's got his tongue in my ass! Oh my fucking god, he's got his tongue in my ass! Peter you might have an average cock, but there is nothing average about that tongue!"


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