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Climax Taboo Erotic Collection

Page 41

by Kelly Fleming

  After a few minutes I let her go and pulled away. She gasped, taking in huge gulps of air.

  In between breaths she managed, "Dan, oh my god!"

  I let her sit for a second before standing aside and pointing at my bed, "Go bend yourself over that." Yeah I know...

  That same shocked look came to her face, but this time with a face-splitting grin. She got unsteadily to her feet and wobbled over to my bed. Flopping face first on the bed with her feet still touching the ground, she looked back at me with excited eyes. I took a moment to look her over. She was shaking slightly, probably from the shock of what I had just done to her. Her inner thighs glistened with her own juices and streaks from my tongue.

  "Are you just going to stare at me?" she teased. "I know I'm pretty but you're gonna make me blush."

  I smirked, "You're already blushing." I pointed between her legs and watched as her face turned dark pink to match her pussy.

  She shifted her legs self-consciously and I watched as her fingers slowly appeared to cover her slit.

  "I'm going to do it all by myself if you don't, Daniel," she breathed, desperately pleading me with her eyes.

  I came closer, pressing against her backside. My cock nestled itself between her perfect cheeks.

  She bit her lip as I leaned over her, pressing against her body, "I know you love touching yourself. Show me." I nibbled on her ear for added emphasis.

  She pushed her butt back against me, "No way, you have you facts wrong. My fingers aren't enough for me. I need more..." She let her last words hang there as I felt the tips of her fingers on my balls and the base of my cock. I'd tried to make her masturbate for me before but she was always too embarrassed and fought me tooth and nail to do something else.

  "More? What does that mean?" I leaned in and kissed her cheek, her neck, her ear...

  She groaned, twisting her hips against my dick. "Dan, don't make me say it, please."

  "But I want to hear you beg," I breathed, putting more weight on her and effectively pinning her to my bed. My hands slid underneath her and quickly found her pert little tits.

  "I do enough begging around you. You're going to make me sound like a slut." She was breathing heavily and I knew she would crack soon; she was a slave to her needs.

  "But you're my slut," I protested, pumping my hips gently against her, working my cock betwixt her butt-cheeks. "And besides, if you don't, all you will get is your fingers for the rest of the day."

  "Y-yeah right! You couldn't handle that either." She was trying to call my bluff.

  Except it wasn't a bluff.

  I chuckled darkly, "Really?" I backed up, taking the pressure off of her body. Had we just begun a little foreplay or something, she would have won. But because I had already put her through this much she was beyond playing mind games.

  "No! No, I'm just kidding, baby, let's not be hasty." She rose partially, trying to reach for me before I pushed her back down.

  "You know what you have to do," I said distractedly, too busy resuming my former position and rubbing the head of my cock against her swollen outer lips. Damn but I was already about to explode. The tip of my dick was already soaked with her fluids.

  She whimpered pitifully, defeated, tensing her body every time we made contact. "Daniel, please, fuck me. I want your cock so badly I can't even stand it! I'm so wet for you. I know you can feel it," she pushed back a little and the head of my cock entered her slightly. "Don't you want to cram your big dick inside of me? Don't you want to make me cum for you?" And just for added effect she twisted her neck around to give me her kryptonite eyes.

  I smiled, leaning back over her to lock our lips together as a reward. I was sure to make it known how appreciative I was. My leaning forward had the added effect of pushing my cock deeper into her scorching pussy.

  "Mm, such a good girl," I cooed. I continued to kiss her deeply until the penetration of her pussy became too much for her to handle and she could no longer concentrate on working her mouth. I leaned back so I could push inside her even more without having to deal with the curve of her ass in my way. I began slowly driving my cock in and out of her body, feeling the tight grip of her inner muscles every time I tried to pull myself out.

  "Yesss, that feels so good," she moaned, arching her back and spreading her legs even wider for me. I kept it slow at first, getting used to her clenching pussy and revving her up all the same. Every now and again I would slow way down and lean over her, kissing her hard or nipping at the skin of her neck and ears.

  It was during one of these moment when she surprised me with, "I'm cumming, oh fuck! Oh fuck!" I immediately began pounding her for all I was worth. Her loud moaning would have surely turned into a scream had I not clamped my hand over her mouth and used it as leverage to piston in and out of her.

  She wailed into my hand as she came hard; her eyes even rolled back into her head. Her muscles clenched me tightly, trying their best to make me cum with her. God she was tight! There was no bit of my shaft left unsqueezed by her internal workings. After a solid minute or two I slowed down so as not to end our fun too soon. Kara deflated under me, completely spent and trembling ever-so slightly. I wondered, briefly, if I could have made Ashley do the same. Someone so apparently experienced and well versed in all things sexual must be hard to please. That would be a satisfying feeling I think.

  Carefully, I pulled out and began rolling her over. She groaned tiredly and seemed barely aware of what was going on. This would change soon enough. Once I had her turned over, I spread her legs and slowly began pushing my uncomfortably hard cock back inside her.

  "Oh my god," she gasped, coming fully awake once more and slowly wrapping her legs around my waist, pulling me tightly into her with only enough give to fuck her deeply. Which I proceeded to do with gusto. Her entire body rocked with my efforts. I seized her tits, my hands engulfing the soft mounds almost entirely. Her hands, previously clawing at my bed sheets, now sought out new positions. One seized the back of my hand and mashed it harder into her right breast; the other hand rushed to her clit, rubbing it fiercely.

  It wasn't seconds after she began doing that before her mouth opened in a silent scream and her entire body tensed up. Still forcing myself in and out of her roughly, I thought this would be as good a time as any. I waited until her body exploded on my cock before wrenching it out of her. She gasped in shock and loss and desperately tried to pull me back into her. But it was too late for that...

  Kara could only watch as I gave my dick a few rapid jerks and shot everything I had onto her stomach. I had fully recharged from last night and I managed to shock myself but shooting rope after white rope of cum onto her washboard stomach. Some even managed to make it to her breasts which now heaved with every big lungful of air. I stepped back in shock and collapsed into my chair. Kara's stomach was covered and her bellybutton was flooded.

  We were both frozen where we were for a long time, gasping for breath.

  "Where the hell did that come from?" Kara finally asked, breaking the silence. She was still spread out on my bed and hadn't moved an inch except to turn her head to look at me.

  Your damn best friend, that's where! I wanted to say that so badly. I wanted to scream that she was driving me insane. But I couldn't. I mean how can you say that to your girlfriend of over a year? Oh hey, I want to fuck your new best friend like the apocalypse is upon us, what do you think? I loved Kara dearly and it was seriously bothering me how much Ashley was affecting my state of mind.

  With that in the back of my head I answered, "I have no idea. I just sorta did it."

  "Well," she began, touching the puddles of jizz on her stomach, "I hope you just sorta do it more often. That was great." I tossed her a small hand towel and stood to put some clothes on. She quickly cleaned herself off and snuck over to my dresser while my back was turned.

  "Oo, you have new ones!" she squeaked delightedly as she opened up my underwear drawer.

  "Kara, no! They're brand new!" I rushed over an
d seized her around the middle, lifting her up and away from my delicates. Kicking and giggling like a little girl, she fought my grip on her bare stomach. Mind you, she's still naked and I had only just managed to put shorts on.

  "Put me down, I just want to try them on!" she laughed,

  "Not a chance. I'll never see them again." I turned toward my bed, lowering her only slightly so more of my body was behind her.

  She knew what was coming and her struggles doubled in intensity.

  In my best announcer's voice I declared, "Oh it looks like it's all over for Kara Devine! Valentine has her in his signature move! We're looking at a body-slam in the making here!"

  "Danny, no! I'm so sore!" she was still laughing even though she knew her fate was sealed.

  "She's begging for her life but he's just not listening! Oh, here it is!" With that I threw myself on to the bed, crushing her beneath me. My arms and elbows took most of the impact but it was still enough to get a satisfying 'oof' out of her. My body covered her almost entirely except for her legs. She was stunned for a moment but recovered quickly and couldn't stop giggling.

  "Looks like Valentine gave her his best but we all know Kara Devine cannot be defeated!" she laughed, mocking my announcer voice.

  Making sure she was trapped beneath me, I said, "Little does Kara Devine know, Valentine has a surprise in store."

  She froze, glaring at me out of the corner of her eye, "No!"

  "Oh yes," I whispered, angling my hands so I could tickle her ribs. She screamed, desperately trying to escape my evil clutches. I didn't let up for several minutes until she could laugh and struggle no longer. I gently lowered myself down on top of her and kissed her flushed cheek, my hands gently caressing her body.

  She sighed contentedly, turning her head so we could kiss properly. It kept occurring to me that she was still naked and it didn't take long for my own body to remember that as well.

  Wiggling her butt against my crotch, more by accident than design, she said, "Daniel is that what I think it is?"

  "If you think it's a roll of quarters in my pocket then yes, you are right."

  "You little bastard," she trilled excitedly. "Always giving me crap about my sex drive and you're the one ready to go before I am."

  "Yeah but you're naked!"


  "So... it's only natural for me to be like this when you're naked."


  "But you just said you're sore!"

  "So?" There was no way she would let me salvage some kind of victory out of this.

  "So... what are your plans for the rest of the day?"

  She kissed me, grinning. "That's exactly what I wanted you to say. Good boy." With some quick maneuvers she rolled over to face up at me. "Now, about these clothes of yours..."

  The week was pure, unadulterated, boredom. Nothing exciting happened. I had no run-ins with Ashley; and Kara and I had only managed to hook up a couple times for one reason or another. Not nearly enough for either of us. So by Friday there was a big build up sexual tension between the two of us. But again, I would have to put my desires on hold to satisfy our (her) need to socialize.

  "Baby, you had fun last time. Why don't you want to go again?" she asked, sitting in the seat next to me in the dining hall.

  Well, because if I got drunk in the same room as Ashley I might do something stupid!

  "I don't know, Kara. It's just not my thing. And besides, Ashley said some stuff last time; it was kinda weird." That was as close as I could make myself come to telling her the truth.

  She turned her full attention on me but still held a slight smile on her lips. "Oh? What did she say?"

  "I don't really remember, I was kinda drunk, but it creeped me out." Not the most convincing line I suppose.

  She gave me a look. "That's hardly an excuse to have a little fun! You're going." And with that I had no choice.


  "And," she added, "we're pre-gaming at Ashley's so you and she can work out whatever nonsense you think is between the two of you."


  "Um, alright," I demurred. Yeah, I'm whipped, wanna fight about it?

  She grinned triumphantly and kissed me despite my mouthful of pasta.

  Less than an hour later we were walking back to the quad and Ashley's building. It looked like all the others but there were doors with broken locks so you could always get in. We entered through one of them and I followed Kara through the maze of hallways to a door on the first floor. After a knock or two we had to wait for a moment before the door opened and Ashley appeared, radiant as ever despite her scraggly attire. She was dressed in an over-sized T-shirt and a pair of large plaid pajama pants. Oddly enough, she also wore a black ribbon choker around her shapely neck.

  "Well hello my lovely," she beamed, hugging Kara. "And Daniel!" She opened her arms and gave me a 'come on' sort of look. I didn't move an inch, glaring daggers at her. Kara, having stepped back from her hug, didn't see my face but thought it would be a good idea to push me into Ashley's open arms.

  "Aww, that's better," she giggled, catching me and crushing me in her arms. I thanked all that is holy that I was as tall as I am, any shorter and I would have face-planted into her tits. I would have lost it had that happened. As it was, she hugged me for too long, squeezing her big breasts into my chest. She smelled so good it was frightening and the blond hair against my face was silky soft.

  "See, already getting to know each other better," Kara piped in from behind me as Ashley finally let me go.

  "What?" the big blond she-devil asked, ushering us into her room. The room was empty except for Ashley's brother, Tim, who lounged on one of the beds.

  "Dan seems to think you said something weird to him at the last party," she informed her.

  "I'm not surprised," Tim chuckled, "she says stupid shit all the time when she's drunk. When she's sober too actually."

  Ashley whirled around and ripped the pillow from beneath her twin's head and smashed him in the face with it. Laughing, he grabbed it when she tried to swing at him again and yanked her down onto the bed with him. Kara and I watched the siblings fight for a moment before Tim wrapped both arms around her body, trapping her arms. She lay still, breathing hard from her struggle but still smiling.

  "You're denying it?" he asked her, equally breathless.

  "No, I just don't like it when people point it out, especially you!"

  "Play me the violin you big baby," Tim chuckled before tightening his grip as Ashley began to struggle again. Laughing to ourselves, we took seats in the desk chairs and watched brother and sister wrestle for a few minutes. It was reassuring to see someone stand up to her, even if it wasn't seriously.

  When it looked like Tim was still in charge of the situation Ashley turned to us, "So, the house drink is Purple Thunder. Who wants one?"

  "Purple Thunder?" I questioned.

  "99Blackberries and grape juice," Tim clarified, letting his sister go so she could mix us drinks. As she got up she elbowed him and the ribs and quickly scurried out of his reach before he could react.

  "Is it good?" Kara asked.

  "The best!" this came from Ashley as she fished a jug of Welch's Grape juice out of her mini-fridge and a bottle of 99Berries out of her closet. She poured drinks for the three of us; Tim declined for the time being.

  "Holy crap! This is great!" Kara exclaimed, taking a long pull immediately after.

  "It's a little strong," I mumbled, more to myself than anyone else.

  Kara sniggered, "Pussy." I glared at her until she said she was sorry and blew me a kiss. The drinking commenced in earnest after that with Ashley mixing our drinks for us. It wasn't long before I started to feel it, and damn did it hit me hard. I had only had three drinks too. As far as I could tell, Kara and Ashley were still sober.

  "These are really good," I slurred slightly, holding out my cup for Ashley to fill again.

  She smiled at me and paused for a moment before responding quietly, "I know right." She
filled mine and then Kara's, killing the bottle. She took her cup and sat at her brother's feet, giving him a hard look.

  "Ah, all gone huh? I'll call Richey and we'll go on a packie run." Tim stood and pulled out his cell, about to leave.

  "Can I come?" I slowly turned and stared with slack-jawed disbelief at Kara. She was a little over the edge of tipsy at this point.

  "What? I wanna go. I want to see if they have any of that stuff you and I drank over the summer; and I only know what it looks like, not what it's called," she said, standing up with a little bit of a wobble.

  I blinked rapidly, my drunken mind unable to comprehend why she was doing this to me. "Yeah but..."

  "Bye Danny," she kissed me hard, a result of her state of mind not remorse, and followed Tim out the door. "Talk to Ashley!"

  The door slammed closed.

  I stared at it for some time before realizing I wasn't alone.

  "So," Ashley breathed, drawing my attention to her, "all alone at last."

  She sat cross-legged on the bed, her chin in her hand and her eyes only on me.

  "I swear, if you try to kiss me again Ima kick your ass," I threatened drunkenly.

  She smiled, "You can do a lot of things to my ass, Daniel Valentine, but I won't let you kick it." She unlimbered herself from her seated position and got off the bed. I eyed her with narrowed, suspicious eyes as she handed me her drink and reached over me for her laptop sitting on the desk behind me.

  She was reaching for quite awhile and I was face to face with her vast bust for some time. Finally, just as I began to drool, she pulled away with her pink laptop and headed back to her bed.


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