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Climax Taboo Erotic Collection

Page 80

by Kelly Fleming

  You don't answer me. Instead, you pull yourself from me and haul me up off the bed. You turn me away from you, aggressively push me down and position me on my knees at the edge of the bed. You set the head of your cock against my pussy, firmly grasp my hips and thrust deeply into me, over and over and over. I moan at the primal intrusion. I look back and up at your face, and you look almost frightening in your lust. I put my fingers on my still-distended clit and begin to rub in languorous circles, wanting to come again with you inside me.

  You run one hand down my back, digging your nails in as you go, making me gasp. Your thrusts are becoming more jerky, your gaze less focused. You're getting closer to coming, so you slow down and pull yourself out of my pussy. You dip your fingertips into my pussy's wetness and rub it around my asshole and slightly inside. Then you slowly, slowly press your cock forward into my ass. I moan long and low at the combination of resistant tightness and pleasure. I consciously relax my muscles to allow you easier, deeper access.

  You groan with pleasure, stroking slowly, so slowly, at first, then with increasing speed. You tell me roughly that you're going to come in my ass, and I groan yes. I'm breathless because I'm ready to come again. My second orgasm rolls over me suddenly, less sharp but more powerful than the first, the pulses deeper and fuller and longer. You can feel my inner muscles clenching, and it sets off your orgasm. You grip my hips so hard that I know I'll have bruises, but I don't care. You cry out with satisfaction again and again, continuing to thrust until the last vestiges of your climax have left you.

  Thoroughly spent, you pull out of me and collapse onto the bed. I turn and lie down on my back next to you, grabbing a towel you have so thoughtfully laid out, and putting it under me to catch your essence as it leaves me.

  We eventually regain our breath and our sense of reality. I smile at you, and you smile at me, and all is right with the world in that moment. I grasp your hand in mine and we continue to lie there, until we begin to drift off. We catch ourselves before fully falling asleep and get under the covers. We lie on our sides, I spoon myself up against you and we both promptly fall into a gratified slumber.

  The End.

  Neighborhood Watch

  It was too hot too move and lucky me, I had the day off from work. At least there I would have been in air conditioning. It broke 90 degrees that day. We didn't get many days that broke 90 around here. Sadly my home was not air conditioned in fact; it was almost 100 degrees inside my home.

  I changed into my bikini so that I'd be wearing as little clothes as possible. Standing in front of my full-length mirror I gazed at the reflection of my pale body. I needed to get some sun. It wasn't exactly the perfect day for that but I had nothing else to do. So I decided to lie out. I slathered my body in tanning lotion, grabbed my lounge chair, a book and a bucket of ice with bottled waters. Then I retired to my back yard.

  There was at least a nice breeze but it wasn't long before I was a sweaty mess lying out there in that hot sun. I reached for my water to find that the bucket of ice was nearly all melted. I went into the house, took a quick cold shower and refilled my bucket of ice before returning to my chair in the sun.

  I finished the chapter in my book and set it down. Perhaps tanning had not a wise idea. I was already overcome with the heat again. I looked over to my bottled water and I got an idea. Reaching into the bucket I removed a piece of ice. I placed it on my chest before running it up my neck, shoulders and face. It was so refreshing I closed my eyes in enjoyment. Naughty ideas were coming to mind.

  I opened my eyes and looked around. The design of my house blocked view of my tanning spot from any neighbors to the right of me. My neighbor on the left was away out of town and her shed blocked any view of my spot from the house behind her. There was only the house behind me to be concerned with. "What are chances," I thought as I reached around to my back and untied my bikini top. But just then I saw a man pass by the window of that house facing my yard and I quickly laid back down.

  My top was half untied but still covering my breasts when suddenly I realized I didn't care if the man saw me topless. In fact, I kind of hoped that he did. Reaching behind my neck I untied the top strings and pulled the bikini top from my body.

  I lay back down and closed my eyes but only for a minute. I was becoming incredibly aroused and I wondered if I had been caught. I opened my eyes and looked to the man's window to see if he was there. He was not. I was a little disappointed.

  I lay for a little while longer before it inevitably felt like it was time for another cold shower. Half forgetting that I was topless I sat up and reached for my water bottle. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him. That man in the house behind me had indeed caught me sunbathing topless and he stood to the side of his window watching.

  He didn't flinch when I saw him so I assumed that he did not catch me catching him watch. I smiled a little devilish smile to myself as my excitement grew. I reached my hand into the bucket lifting out some of that cold water which I dribbled across my chest. I checked from the corner of my eye; still there.

  Lying back in my chair I reached my hand back into the bucket, this time grabbing a piece of ice. I again set the ice on my chest but this time, rather than running it up my neck I ran it down and around my breasts in a figure-8 fashion. I checked; still there.

  The ice was meting fast on my hot body, leaving trails of glistening water. I grabbed a second piece of ice and curiously ran it over and around my left nipple. Expressing some rather exaggerated enjoyment I tipped my head back with a great smile and closed my eyes. When I opened them I checked; still there. And although I couldn't really see anything exactly with him standing half out of view, the undeniable jerking motion of his arm told me that he had begun pleasuring himself while watching my show.

  I had become incredibly aroused. I finished up that piece of ice on my right nipple, being sure not leave that one neglected. Then I reached for yet another piece of ice, my own body growing hotter with the anticipation of my intentions.

  I placed that piece of ice on my stomach. Then, covering it with my hand I slid it down under my bikini bottoms and in between my legs. The ice felt amazing on my hot and already wet pussy. I was so excited that I disregard being discreet about checking and I looked directly at the man's window. I was staring at him, my hand in my bottoms, rubbing my pussy with the ice. Realizing that I was not only OK with his watching but enjoying it myself, he moved into full view of the window. I was a decent distance away but there was no mistaking that in his hand he held a huge, thick cock.

  He started stroking for me. It was crazy! My ice was gone. Before grabbing another piece I untied the side strings to my bikini bottoms. I didn't take them off, just created more easy access. I reached into the bucket and grabbed another piece of ice. Thrusting my hands between my legs my bottoms were barely in place. The towel beneath me was soaked! I was incredibly wet with both melted ice and my own cum. I pushed the ice inside my pussy, sliding a finger in to push it farther. I checked; still there and still stroking.

  The whole scene was so incredibly hot that I lost all sensibilities. I pulled the bikini bottoms from my body and threw them aside. I grabbed another piece of ice, the largest one left. Spreading my legs wide for him I teased my own clit with the ice while staring at him wantonly; grinning playfully. He jerked forward abruptly and I saw something hit his screen. I giggled. He disappeared from the window. Lying back in my chair I casually finished myself off. And then I laid there a little longer, just enjoying the feel of that cool breeze blowing across my entirely exposed and refreshingly relaxed body.

  The End.

  The Dance

  After 30 plus years of marriage, I have to admit that we don't have very many "Romantic Evenings" or go out on the town very often. Oh, we like to travel, take cruise ships to exotic ports, and visit many different places, but budgets will only allow one or two of those adventures each year.

  The kids are all grown, married, and out of the house with fa
milies of their own. Now, we have the regular family Sunday Dinners and frequent visits from the grand kids, which we love. I suppose, we've fallen into the quiet, less-adventurous, less-sexy, stay at home grandparent's category.

  Sadly, our sexual adventures were also lack luster. I think we have tried every position in the book. Yes, even at our age, we still enjoy a wide variety of sexual activity. We still want sex. It just doesn't happen that often or with the same energy as it did in our younger days. Some things don't get better with age!

  When we received an invitation to go to a dance for seniors at a local hotel, we agreed it would be a good chance to get out, so we sent back the "RSVP" and put the date on the calendar. We had not been to a dance for many years and we were soon to discover just how rusty we were.

  We arrived at the hotel just as the dance was starting. There were the usual drinks and refreshments, minimal decorations, soft lighting, and a small, live band playing music with a great dance beat up on a raised platform. We helped ourselves to a drink and wondered around to see if we knew anyone else there. The crowd was still small in numbers, but new people were constantly arriving.

  My wife, Jenny has always been a pretty woman, and in my eyes, she is still gorgeous! She was dressed in a simple white, V-neck blouse with a white, lacy, softly padded bra underneath, which I strongly encouraged her to wear. It supports and shows off the deep cleavage between her beautiful 38D breasts very nicely. The bra was moderately visible through the white blouse fabric, and she looked very sexy. We both noticed several approving glances as we moved around. Her black skirt was a few inches shorter than normal, and I enjoyed seeing a little extra leg above her knees. The skirt would flare up when she turned and I couldn't wait to get her on the dance floor!

  Boring, as usual, I was dressed in the standard business suit, white shirt and tie. With my wife's encouragement, though, I did have the elastic waist band of my underwear pulled down under my penis and balls. It made a nice bulge in the front my pants and the exhibitionist in me was hoping it would be visible to anyone who looked.

  Not immediately finding anyone we knew, we got our drinks and placed them on a small vacant table along the wall and went out on the dance floor. The band was playing a good mix of dance music from the "Big Band" era and "Oldies" from the 60's and 70's. Jenny put her arms around my neck, rested her head on my shoulder, and pressed her breasts into my chest, like she use to do back in our dating days. It was comfortable and exciting to hold her like this. As we moved together, I felt my penis awaken as it brushed against her. I let my right hand drop down her hip a little lower than normal. She noticed, but said nothing, silently telling me it was okay.

  After the 3rd or 4th dance, we went back to our little table for a short break. As we sat down, the hostess for the evening stepped up to the microphone and gave the usual welcome. She then explained that this was a special dance of "seniors only" and continued with the "rules" for the dance this evening.

  Jenny and I looked at each other. "Rules? What kind of rules do you have at a dance?"

  Our hostess continued. "Tonight, we have many guests who are married, and have been married for many years. We also have a lot of single people who have lost their partners, for whatever reasons. To keep the dance interesting for everyone, this next dance is for married couples. Singles are encouraged to pair up and join in later. After this dance, the dance tonight will be a snowball type dance where you will all get to choose a new partner for each dance."

  There were now about 150 or more people present. It looked fairly balanced, but as expected had a few more women than men.

  Jenny and I looked at each other. We knew what the other was thinking. We had planned this evening to be together, and visit with friends. After a few moments of discussion, we decided to stay, at least for a while, and see what happened.

  Jenny took my hand as we moved toward the center of the room. She wrapped both her arms around my neck and I again pulled her tightly to me. We danced to the slow beat of the band, rubbing our bodies together like a couple of teen agers just discovering the opposite sex. My arm rubbed along the side of her bra covered breast and she pressed tightly into my growing groin and we kissed softly. Her tongue pressed against my lips and met my tongue in a friendly duel.

  The crowd politely applauded the band as they finished their music.

  The hostess returned to the microphone. "Tonight, we want everyone to have fun. And there are a few surprises for you." Then, the second rule caught us by complete surprise!

  "Now we want you to all switch partners. Starting with this next dance, when the person you ask to dance accepts your invitation, they will respond by asking you to remove one article of clothing."

  A quiet "gasp" could be heard across the room.

  "When you have done so, you may ask your new partner to also remove one piece of their clothing. You may then proceed to the dance floor."

  Jenny and I looked at each other. The unspoken question was, "Do you want to stay?" This was a nice hotel - certainly not a strip club.

  We looked around and saw a few couples bolt for the door. Some people retreated to their seats to watch what happened. Others, shifted around, looking for a new partners.

  Slowly, couples began to emerge onto the dance floor. Most of the women had taken off their shoes. I guess it's difficult to dance with only one shoe, no matter how high the heel. The men, it appeared, had removed their suit coats and/or ties.

  Jenny didn't think that was too bad, so she kicked off her shoes, while I removed my suit coat and tie. We broke the first rule and danced tightly together for this dance. I pressed her breasts close to my chest while my penis probed at her belly through our clothes. Her breathing was a little faster than normal, but not from the dance. The anticipation of what would happen next had us both a little excited.

  The music ended all too soon, and next began the scary part of the evening. I ask Jenny if she wanted to go. With a mischievous little wink, she quietly said, "not yet."

  We both saw him at the same time. A very handsome gentleman, a little over 6 feet tall who had smiled at Jenny earlier, approached Jenny and politely asked if he may have the next dance. Almost without hesitation she accepted. Then came the shock.

  "What would you like me to remove?" he ask. A long pause. Jenny could not respond. With a warm smile that removed any fear, he suggested, "Lets both remove our shirts." Jenny could only nod as he pulled off his neatly pressed shirt and tossed it against the wall.

  This guy looked like he worked out in the gym 24 hours a day! His tanned chest was firm, his muscles and stomach were tight. I quietly wished that I was built like that!

  I watched Jenny as she stared at his handsome face and sculptured chest.

  With nervous, shaking fingers, Jenny began to unbutton her blouse. She looked the gentleman in the eyes as she unbuttoned her blouse, starting with the top buttons. His eyes shifted excitedly between her eyes and her chest as her lacy bra covered breasts came into view. The tops of Jenny's breasts swelled as she drew in a deep breath, slid the fabric off her shoulders, and neatly hung it on the back of her chair. Still wearing her bra, he took Jenny's hand and led her to the dance floor. The band started off with a faster dance.

  Regaining my senses, I looked around and saw a slightly older woman, sitting alone at her table. I walked over and asked her if she would like to dance? She looked up at me with a worried smile and said, "Yes."

  After witnessing the way Jenny's dance partner had ask her, I suggested that we both remove our shirts. She lowered her head, looking down, as if pondering my request. I was worried that she would refuse my invitation.

  She nodded, then slowly stood up. It was at that moment I saw she was wearing a dress. With a deep sigh, she reached behind her back, slowly pulled down the zipper, and let the dress fall off her shoulders and onto the floor. I was speechless as I watched it fall.

  Like Jenny, she wore a lacy bra that pushed her breasts together giving her beautiful curv
es and deep cleavage. She daintily stepped to the side, picked up her dress and folded it over her chair.

  Dressed only in her bra, panties and stockings, she looked at me for my approval. My eyes sparkled with admiration, and with a nod, I reached for her hand. With a more relaxed smile, she giggled and pointed to my shirt to remind me that I still needed to take it off.

  In a flash, I tore my shirt off and laid it on top of her dress. I took her hand and we moved into the crowd. I was spell bound as I watched the tops of her breasts seductively bounced as we danced together.

  Soon we were dancing like old high school sweethearts. The lack of clothing didn't seem to matter anymore. Every time she spun around, her bra would brush against my chest. I watched her nipples harden and push against the delicate, lacy fabric.

  As our dance ended, she gave me a big hug, squeezing her bra covered breasts to my bare chest and my erect penis against her stomach. I knew she could feel it pushing back as I gave her a last hug. My hands fell to her butt and squeezed the soft flesh through her delicate panties.

  We separated and I walked back past our table, looking for Jenny. She wasn't there. I looked around the room and spotted her on the far side of the dance floor. Was that my Jenny? This shy, conservative woman, who cautiously started the dance without her blouse, somehow managed to lose her skirt, nylon stockings, and bra already. She was laughing and flirting, surrounded by 3 or 4 men, wearing just her lacy white panties. I knew her panties were thin enough to see through. Anyone close enough to look could see her shaved, puffy lips inside.

  I slipped my shoes off, and pushed them under the table. I wanted to remove my pants for the next dance.


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