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Climax Taboo Erotic Collection

Page 100

by Kelly Fleming

  "Oh. Well come in. No need to take off your boots. You appear to know how to handle dogs."

  "And cattle and horses and if you don't mind me saying so and women."

  "What about men?"

  "Now look here..."

  "You misunderstood me; I meant working as a foreman. You're here looking for work aren't you?"


  "I need three men to help run the ranch. My foreman has left and the two guys I'm left with take next to no notice of me."

  "You ought to go out with a shotgun and allow them to see you load it with birdshot."

  "God I couldn't do that."

  Luke grinned and said then she shouldn't be running a ranch if she didn't know how to be boss. She looked at him and smiled. "Are you going to stand there all day telling me what I should be doing or are you coming in for coffee?"

  "Lead the way ma'am."

  "I prefer Joss. That's short for Jocelyn."

  "According to the woman at the gas station you are called Widow Sutton."

  Joss said softly, "You call me that horrid name and it's you who'll get a shotgun blast up the ass."

  "Sorry Joss. I can say I was confused. When I arrived I took you to be Widow Sutton's daughter."

  "Oh you lovely man. Let me see if I can find a piece of orange chocolate cake for you."

  Luke bit into the cake, rolled his eyes and pronounced, ""Ma'am I'm never going to leave you."

  Brushing aside her auburn fringe Joss, who looked about thirty-five and appeared to be hiding a body good enough to make Luke's mouth water, giggled and her green eyes appeared to soften.

  "You appear to be a nice man. Tell me about yourself."

  Luke said his name was Luke Coleman and he was born and raised in Wyoming and his parents sold the ranch when he was eighteen to retire in Green River. He hit the road, deciding to see the country by working on ranches but in no hurry and he'd been in Oklahoma for two years. He'd have to say there wasn't much about ranching he didn't know. He'd just turned forty and had never married.

  "And that's about it."

  "Well I'll take you on trust and hire you and pay the going rate around here for a foreman on a ranch for this size plus 15% to convince you to work hard and to stay. You can live down at the bunkhouse or room up here."

  "Have other foremen roomed in this house?"


  "Then why make an exception?"

  Eyeing him coolly Joss said, "Mind your own business. You may eat with me but in case your mind is running away on you that's all you'll be sharing."

  Luke grinned.

  Joss blushed.

  They went to the barn and saddled up.

  "I keep one farm quad bike but prefer working cattle with horses because cattle, especially young cattle, are never spooked by horses."

  "Good thinking. This appears to be Hereford country from what I've seen driving up here."


  "Where's my rifle?"

  "I keep them locked away."

  "I always ride with a rifle in case I come across stricken cattle or varmints."

  She said very well and came back with a Winchester and watched him handle in expertly and stroked the stock lovingly.

  He said sounding pained, "Joss?"

  She held out her hand and unclenched it and five cartridges dropped into Luke's work-honed hand.

  "You're a tease."

  She blushed.

  "This 92 short is my favorite rifle."

  "It was my father's."

  Luke attempted to hand it back saying to get him another rifle.

  "No it's your rifle for as long as you stay here. When we returned to the house I'll give you a key to the gun cabinet."

  Luke grunted.

  They rode out and eventually found the two men asleep under a tree.

  Luke dismounted and kicked both awake.

  "You're slacking."

  The shorter guy said, "Who the hell are you?"

  Remaining mounted, Joss called, "This is Luke, my new foreman. You take your orders from him."

  "Like hell we will," said the big surly guy.

  Luke drawled, "Toss me my rifle Joss."

  The toss was wide and the gun spinning but Luke leapt sideways and caught it and everyone watched Luke work the action to lever a .38-40 up from the magazine.

  "I won't put a bullet through a shoulder of each of your guys because that will make you useless for work. Stand sideways and poke out your tongues. It appears their only use is to badmouth me and the boss."

  The smaller guy turned white. "I surrender. Peace to you stranger, er Mr Foreman."

  "Yeah peace from me too," said the big guy with bushy eyebrows.

  One of Joss's dogs disturbed a rabbit about thirty paces from Luke. He shot chest high and bowled the rabbit and both dogs raced in to fight over the carcass but were called back by Joss.

  "I only shoot varmints," Luke said ominously and both guys came over eager to be seen to be cooperative and introduced themselves to Luke who shook hands with them.

  "Right I've only just been hired so won't work for the remainder of the day. I am to room at the homestead and will be saddling up at 6:00 in the morning. You guys know to be there at that time don't you?"

  "Yes boss," they chorused.

  * * *

  Two Saturday nights later Luke was alone on the ranch. The boys had gone into town to stay overnight in a flophouse that Joss said was their custom and where they could tell lies to other cowhands and women would visit them. Joss had gone to have dinner with neighbors.

  She arrived home and found Luke reading an old book about livestock improvement from her late father's bookcase. She noticed he was squinting.

  "You're at the age where you might need reading glasses."

  "Who me?" he said in astonishment.

  Joss looked around and said there didn't appear to be anyone else in the room.

  Luke ignored that comment and asked her about her evening out.

  After replying Joss left the room and returned with a pair of reading glasses and said, "Here try these."

  Luke sighed and put them on and said, ""Jesus I didn't know the print in this book was this big."

  Joss sat at the end of the table by him and said, "Why haven't you gone to town like the boys to drink and boast and sweat over some money-hungry woman?"

  "Because there is no need."

  "And why's that?"

  "Because I have you."

  Joss's breath caught and she walked off down the passage.

  She returned a few minutes later not wearing her dress.

  "I'm running a bath. Do you wish to join me?"

  Luke looked up and gaped and then croaked, "You mean in the bath?"

  "Well I guess you can sit on the side and stare at me bathing if you are allergic to water."

  "No water is fine with me. Do I have to undress you?"

  "No I'm capable. Doing that might make you too sexy."

  "Joss are you really sure you want to do this?"

  "Don't be too long getting off you butt and don't be embarrassed if you begin to get a hard-on or it gets fully erect when you see my boobs bared."

  "Right," Luke wheezed.

  He walked into the bathroom nervously, a hand shielding his genitals.

  "I've never bathed with a lady."

  "I'm sure not many guys have."

  Luke struggled for conversation.

  "Are you lonely?"


  "Oh god, sorry. I shouldn't have asked that."

  "It's exactly the right comment to make. I drove home from my friendly host and hostess thinking they would be off to bed and most likely would fuck."

  "But you can't be sure of that?"

  "No but the thought made me horny. I'm sure they'll either row or have sex or perhaps both. I began thinking of you and thought about doing this. Climb in. Push those skinny legs on the outside of my legs."

  "Do you mind if I look at you, er below the neck?"

  "Not at all, that's why are you here and I hope we'll do more than look at one another."

  Luke, already in the water, watched in horror as his erection rose from the water like a submarine periscope.

  Joss looked at him hungrily, giggling.

  She worked her feet around it and Luke eased back against the end of the bath, eyes closed and a big smile spread slowing across his face as Joss exercised her feet. She tired before she could get him off.

  Disappointed but aware some women find foot-fucking strenuous, and assuming Joss would be out of practice, Luke thought he ought to indicate his approval of her sexual interest in him and climbed to his feet and began jerking, enjoying watching her eyes darken and open hugely.

  After about twenty big strokes he called, "Here it comes baby" and she calmly opened her mouth and moved her head to maximize collection and then stared at him as she protruded her dripping tongue and then curled it back into her mouth and swallowed.

  Luke climbed out and dried and then Joss followed him and held out her towel to be dried and when that was finished commanded, "Come to my bed and fuck me stupid."

  Only when she was blathering and rolling her eyes and coming for the fourth time did Luke realize what she'd meant by fucking her stupid.

  When she was asleep he went to his room and slept until awoken by the smell of breakfast bacon cooking. He dressed hurriedly and went to the kitchen.

  "Good morning," Joss said. "It's a beautiful day."

  "Um yes. Um Joss..."

  "I don't wish to talk about it. Have I made myself clear?"

  Luke grunted and went to the table and poured coffee.

  They ate in silence and after Joss left the kitchen Luke grabbed her keys and went to the garage and backed out her four-year-old white F150, noting it was a regular cab with 8 ft box. He hosed it and had finished washing it in soapy water when Joss came out and placed a coffee on a fence post and said, "Here."

  "Thanks. Why the grumpy face?"

  She clamped her clips.

  "Come on Joss, let it out."

  "I can't."

  Luke cajoled, "Come on Joss, I don't like you being like this with a dropped bottom lip."

  That lip trembled. "You were the first guy.... too.... too..."

  She stopped and began to weep.

  "Since your husband died?"

  She sniffed and nodded.

  Luke thought she might whack him if he walked over and attempted to hold her sympathetically and so he acted on instinct. He picked up the half-bucket of dirty warm water and threw the contents over her.

  "You mother fucker," she screamed and picked up a wood fencing spacer (dropper) from a pile near some posts went for him screaming, I'll break your fucking arms."

  "Try catching me you TV-staring and peanut chewing housewife," Luke taunted and begun running round the garages.

  He looked back and squawked "Jesus". She was gaining on him.

  The fucking bitch, she could run faster than Luke Coleman! He was appalled and hurling himself around the far end knew he wouldn't make the pickup to dive inside and lock the doors before she reached him.

  So he stopped and turned, hands held up submissively.

  Joss dropped the length of wood and slammed into Luke, her velocity helping her to tumble him to the ground. She slapped his face hard on both cheeks before he could get his hands up for protection and then sat on him, breathing heavily.

  Believing he was safe he pulled her down by the shoulders and said, "Kiss me."

  She moaned and kissed him wetly.

  "I want it, I want it," she moaned.

  Luke reached under her skirt and ripped her panties apart at the crotch and when she'd lifted cooperatively he undid his pants. He dug out his erection and she sat back on it facing him and began lifting up and down singing, "Ah-ah, oooh oooh, ooh. So lovely. Ah-ah, oooh, ooh..." and that went on monotonously for a few minutes until a horn blared and a slow moving vehicle halted near them.

  "Oh fuck," Joss yelled and came heavily.

  Luke lifted his head and said helpfully, "Late-model Chevy Colorado double cab."

  "Oh god, it will be Jack Strong."

  The woman climbing out answered, "No darling, fortunately for you it's Bella and I can deal with my embarrassment but I don't know about you."

  Joss thoughtfully lifted and dropped the hem of her wide denim skirt over the luckless Luke and waited for Luke to button up. She then climbed off and Luke got to his feet and dusted off.

  Hugely embarrassed, Joss said, "Bella this is my new foreman Luke Coleman."

  "Hi Luke, I guess what your two were doing is what people call Sunday morning entertainment from where you come from. Most people around here go to church."

  "I regret embarrassing you Mrs Strong. Um Mrs Sutton had the blues and I was attempting, um, therapy."

  "Oh when I get the blues Luke I must hurry over here for your novel way of ending that sad state of mood."

  The two women grabbed on another and held on shrieking in laughter.

  "Luke call me Bella. It is so lovely seeing you settle into life on Sutton Ranch so quickly."

  The women were laughing again.

  Bella took Joss by the arm and said she'd called for coffee and to return the earring Joss had lost on the dinning room floor the previous night. She called to Luke to join them.

  "I-I better go and check the main pump."

  "Has it been giving trouble?"

  "No it's fine."

  "The come and join us Luke. You've obviously made a huge impression on Joss and so I feel I should get to know you socially. My husband Jack will be keen to have a lively guy around his age living right by us. Joss told us last night you sorted out Zack and Little Joe and that you obviously know more about ranching than she and the boys do."

  "Well if Joss said that it must be right but I don't talk myself up like that."

  "Oh what a gentlemanly comment but I take it you are from Wyoming where male courtesy still survives?"

  "I'm surprised you could pick any accent Bella."

  She giggled. "I didn't. Joss told us last night that you were born and raised in Wyoming."

  Bella had a plump ass and was big at the chest. Luke found her very appealing because she had Joss laughing repeatedly and she kept drawing him into the conversation and soon he was interacting. As well as being lively she had great humor.

  They were silent for a moment and then Bella spiked Luke more masterfully than any woman had in his life. She smiled and asked, "How old were you when you had your first fuck Luke?"

  He boggled.

  Joss giggled and said it was rude not to answer a lady.

  He answered and both woman looked at him and swallowed.

  "Who old was the girl?"

  "Two years younger Bella."

  She said Jesus he could have gone to jail.

  "You don't really understand the law at that age. We were just mucking about and it happened."

  Bella whispered to Joss and receiving several nods said, "Luke this next Saturday if Little Joe and Jack go to town Joss will call me. I'll send Jack off to take the kids to visit their grandparents. I'll come over and then would you play around with us both?"

  "Y-you mean in bed?" Luke croaked.

  "Yes or here on the floor rug."

  Luke became mute.

  "Come on Luke, you'll have little else to do," Joss said.

  Luke licked his lips and then decided to test out Bella.

  "Show me your tits, now."

  "Oh testing out my willingness to engaged in a groupie?" she said.

  She fiddled with her dress front and dug out one. It was long and drooped out of the bra.

  "There you go Luke, come over and suck if you wish."

  "No it's okay. You appear genuine."

  "If you want a real genuine test pull out your dick and I'll suck you off right now."

  "Er that's a very genuine offer Bella but that will keep. I'll leave you ladies now. Christ I'm

  "So are we," Joss said. "Bella and I have regular sessions but we've never involved anyone else until now. It seems opportune to share your lovely erection."

  Bella said something interesting. "Yeah we began together in our late teens and never stopped but only became regular after the death of Daryl."

  As soon as Bella drove off Joss grabbed Luke and said that conversation had made her feel ever so sexy.

  "I have dreamed for years of having a threesome but always thought it would never happen for me. Look if you remain embarrassed I'll call it off with Bella, but fuck me now, please."

  "Yeah sure. No it will be okay to engage with you both. It's been years since I've had group sex. I had four women pawing me one night. The bitches almost killed me. We were on some kind of dope."

  "God you've got my pussy pulsating. Lick it and get it in Luke. Then we can have lunch and then do it leisurely."

  Luke had the feeling he should be paying Joss for the privilege of working on her ranch. She told him during lunch she'd hired him for the sex and oh to get real work out of the boys because they were lazy jerks.

  They hit the floor after lunch and Joss said she was so happy. She told Luke she was thirty-five and Bella was thirty-six. When Bella's parents decided to move to a city eighty miles away where they had friends, they decided to keep the ranch and leave Bella to run it. Near her first year as boss Bella married her foreman Jack Strong who'd just turned forty and they now had two kids aged six and eight.

  Luke was interested to learn Jack had been the foreman. They would have things in common, more than Jack might imagine if the threesome went ahead.

  Joss then turned around on her side and took his dick in her hand and tugged it up into an erection.

  "Finger while I suck you off," she said in the same tone as if offering him a cookie after lunch.

  A few minutes later her finger work down his shaft ceased and then her breathing became very regular.

  Luke grinned. Joss had fallen asleep with his dick in her mouth. He stopped jerking and twisting his two fingers inside her pulled out his dripping fingers and soon he was asleep. Luke was used to napping on Sundays. Fucking on Sundays was a real bonus and it delighted him to be engaged in it so leisurely. He thought he must be totally cooperative and submissive with Joss and she could be so happy with him she would marry him to keep him at her side to deliver everything she wanted. Yeah great. He'd make that a condition she sign over half of the ranch to him. This was the only way he could enter ranch ownership because the pay he received was pathetic.


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