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Daddy's Boy

Page 10

by T C Heffer

  Jeremy agrees readily. "Fine by me."

  After gathering together the rest of the ingredients and the glass dish to put it all in, Jeremy turns on the oven to preheat and then ends up standing back and watching as Pete assembles everything by himself. From the way Pete moves, it's obvious that he has a lot of experience with cooking, only hesitating occasionally because he's unfamiliar with the layout of Jeremy's kitchen. It makes Jeremy curious.

  "Do you cook often?" he asks.

  "Quite a lot, yeah," the boy answers, wisely not looking up from where he's chopping tomatoes. "I used to cook with my mom before she died, and then I did it by myself. If I didn't, my Dad would've basically lived off of junk food and that's not good for his heart."

  Jeremy thinks back and can pick out a few times the Chief has complained about his son badgering him to eat better. He hadn't realised that Pete was actually cooking most of that healthier food himself. "Is your Dad's heart bad?"

  "It's not terrible, but losing one parent was enough," Pete says, his voice quiet. "I'm gonna do everything in my power not to lose a second to anything but old age."

  If anyone can understand that, it's Jeremy. He puts a hand on his boy's shoulder. "You're a wonderful son."

  Pete stills for a split second before tipping the chopped tomatoes into the glass dish with the tuna and half-cooked pasta. "Doesn't feel like it sometimes."

  "You mean your falling out this morning?"

  Pete nods jerkily.

  "He'll come around, baby," Jeremy reminds him. "Just have faith."


  The sombre mood that has settled over them doesn't sit right with Jeremy. As his Daddy, he's supposed to keep Pete happy, not bring him down. Wanting to fix his mistake, he spins Pete around to face him and kisses him deeply, reminding him that he isn't alone. Jeremy is in this with him, and he won't leave. Pete moans when their tongues slide together, hands clutching at Jeremy's shoulders. Jeremy keeps kissing him for a little while longer, until their stomachs rumble in tandem, reminding him that they're supposed to be making dinner.

  He pulls back and ruffles Pete's hair, happy to see that the gloominess has disappeared from the boy's countenance. It's replaced by blown pupils and flushed cheeks, clear signs of arousal that look so much better on him.

  "Are you okay to finish up here?" Jeremy asks.

  Pete tilts his head to the side, watching him suspiciously. "Yeah, but why?"

  "No reason," Jeremy says evasively. "When dinner's in the oven, come upstairs." He can't resist kissing his boy a final time before exiting the room with a wink.

  In the master bedroom, Jeremy takes a pair of grey sweatpants and a cuddly red sweater from his dresser and places them on the marble counter in the en suite. Next, he retrieves some bubblebath from beneath the sink and walks across the room to the bathtub, ready to make a start at delivering the surprise he promised Pete earlier. He's going to do all he can to make his baby feel better if it kills him, and getting Pete into a hot bath should provide Jeremy with the perfect amount of time to set up the first part of his surprise. He just hopes it all goes smoothly.

  It's when the tub is almost filled that Jeremy hears soft footsteps behind him. He looks back over his shoulder and greets Pete as he enters the bathroom.

  "Are you gonna take a bath?" Pete enquires.

  "Nope," Jeremy replies, turning off the hot tap and pushing away from the side of the tub. "You are."

  Pete's blue eyes widen. "I am?"

  "Yup. You're going to have a nice, relaxing soak while dinner cooks, and then we're going to spend a quiet evening in together. Sound good?"

  That's all it takes to get Pete on board. "Sounds very good, Daddy."

  "Let's get you undressed, then."

  Jeremy helps Pete out of his clothes and holds onto his hand as he steps into the bathtub. He doesn't miss that his boy is still half-hard from their kiss down in the kitchen. Once he has Pete lying back in the tub, the bubbles going up to his neck and his eyes closed as he enjoys the warm water, Jeremy strokes a hand down the side of his face. "You just relax, okay?"

  Pete cracks open one eye. "Aren't you getting in with me, Daddy? 'Cause that would make this a thousand times better."

  "Not this time. There's something else I need to do."

  "What is it?"

  "Don't you worry your cute little butt about it, baby."

  Pete pouts at him. "You're mean."

  With a laugh, Jeremy puts the finishing touch on Pete's bath by setting some soothing music to play from his phone and placing it next to the clothes on the counter. "I'll be back to get you soon," he says as he leaves the room.

  After pushing the door to, he waits a few seconds to make sure that Pete won't get out of the tub before Jeremy comes to get him. When nothing happens, he moves over to the bed, strips off the duvet and pillows and carries them all downstairs to the living room. He collects some more sheets from the linen closet and all of the chairs from the dining room and then stands there for a minute while he determines the best way to carry out his plan. Once a solid idea has come to him, he gets to work, already imagining the look on his baby's face.

  It's going to be great.

  * * *

  When Jeremy has left the bathroom, Pete lies in the tub and stares at the door, confused. He's tempted to get out and find out what Jeremy is up to right away, but he stays where he is because he doesn't want to disappoint him by ruining the surprise. He sinks even further into the water, just low enough so that he can still breathe through his nose. The tub is unbelievably comfortable, and it's big enough for him to stretch his legs out fully without so much as a toe peeking out of the water.


  The music lulls him into a state that's close to sleep, but he never lets himself actually drift off for fear of drowning.

  Soon enough, Pete loses track of time. If someone were to ask him how many songs have played by the time Jeremy enters the bathroom again, he wouldn't be able to so much as guess. He blinks tiredly when Jeremy shakes him gently, rousing him from his dreamlike state.

  "C'mon, baby, let's get you out before you turn into one big prune," Jeremy coaxes, taking his hands to assist him in standing up.

  Feet on the bathmat now, Pete stays still as Jeremy lovingly pats him dry with a fluffy towel and dresses him in his clothes. He's nearly swallowed up by them. The material is so soft and smells so much like Jeremy that Pete never wants to take them off again. It's exactly how he felt after their first night together, when he'd gone back home in Jeremy's clothes.

  "Are you ready for your surprise, baby?" Jeremy asks, sweeping Pete's damp hair off of his forehead.

  "Uh-huh," Pete chirps. He knows his smile must be dopey-looking.

  "Come on, then. I can't wait to show it to you."

  At the top of the stairs, Jeremy stops them briefly to cover Pete's eyes and then brings him down to the foyer, their movements slow and cautious. Once they're at the bottom, they keep walking, and Pete pictures their progress in his head the whole time. He easily figures out when they enter the living room, and he follows along as they make a wide berth around the sofa and coffee table, leaving them with their backs to the entertainment centre. The scent of dinner is strong in his nose, so Jeremy must have already served it and brought it in here.

  "Ready?" Jeremy checks again.

  "Yeah, Daddy. I wanna see already!" Pete whines.


  When Jeremy removes his hand from Pete's eyes, Pete gasps. He'd still been under the impression that his surprise was sexual, but what's in front of him is something else entirely.

  Jeremy clears his throat next to him. "Do you like it, baby?"

  Pete doesn't respond right away, too busy staring at the blanket fort that the man has put together. The sofa has been turned around so that the back of it forms the back of the fort. The coffee table is gone, and two rows of chairs are on either end of the sofa, acting as the sides of the fort. Bedsheets are draped and pinne
d in place over the top of it all, leaving only the one entrance. Pete crouches down to peer inside and sees a nest of blankets and pillows, in the middle of which is a tray that balances their dinner in four bowls. The last thing he sees are a few strings of fairy lights strung up just beneath the sheet that forms the makeshift ceiling, providing the fort with some illumination.

  "I love it, Daddy!" he finally answers, the words coming out slightly breathless. "You really went to all this trouble for me?"

  Jeremy's gaze is fond. "Of course. Now, let's go inside and test it out, hmm? Before our food gets cold."

  Pete bounds into the fort with a squeal, Jeremy following right behind him. They both sit with their backs propped up against the pillows from Jeremy's bed, bowls and forks in hand. "It's so cozy," Pete says cheerfully, wiggling in place. "Like our own little world."

  Jeremy chuckles. "That was the idea. Just pretend that nothing else exists but you and me in this moment."

  The food is as delicious as Pete thought it would be, and his mood rises even higher when Jeremy tells him he really likes it too, practically gobbling his food down. He doesn't think he could feel any better than he does right now. It's such a contrast to how low he'd felt leaving his house after his Dad confronted him all those hours ago, and it's all thanks to the man next to him, who has done everything in his power to make Pete happy since they met.

  Is it possible to fall in love after just two weeks of knowing a person? Pete would've said no before that fateful basketball game, but now? As he and Daddy share a meaningful look, Pete thinks that maybe—just maybe—it really is possible after all.

  He takes his earlier assessment back. The bath wasn't heaven.

  This is.


  - Sunday, December 1st, 2013 -

  After they finish their dinner and some chocolate fudge brownie ice cream for dessert, Pete and Jeremy lie together in their blanket fort with the TV on as background noise. Pete is tucked up against Jeremy's side with his head on Jeremy's chest, a position that just about allows him to see the TV screen through the fort's opening. He barely pays attention to what's on, though. He's so comfortable and content that he's reached a state of complete inaction. He doesn't think or worry about anything, just exists in the moment, kept warm by the blankets and his Daddy's body heat.

  Eventually, when almost half an hour has passed and their dinner has settled, Pete's body reacts to being so near Jeremy. His dick hardens in his borrowed sweatpants and he lazily thrusts against Jeremy's hip. He's still acting without conscious thought, simply chasing the pleasurable sensation until Jeremy's chest vibrates with a laugh beneath his cheek.

  "Is my boy feeling playful?" Jeremy enquires, voice dripping with amusement. He switches off the TV and wraps his arm tighter around Pete's back.

  "Mmm…Daddy…" Pete murmurs, still thrusting.

  The older man is quiet and then uses the hold he has on Pete to roll him on top of himself. Pete finally becomes coherent again and lifts himself up to look at Jeremy with a confused frown on his face. He's met with a smirk, and then Jeremy spreads his legs apart so that Pete's hips slot between his thighs and their crotches meet.

  Pete's bafflement only grows. He's not used to being on top like this, and he doesn't know how to proceed.

  "Something wrong, baby?" Jeremy asks him, reaching up to fist his hand in the hair on the back of Pete's head.

  Pete's eyelids flutter at his Daddy's touch. "Y-yeah," he stammers. "What's going on?"

  "What does it feel like?"

  "I…I dunno…"

  Jeremy hums quietly and tightens his grip. "No? Why don't you make a guess? You're a smart boy. I'm sure you can figure it out."

  Pete racks his brain, and the answer finally comes to him when Jeremy curls his legs around his hips, digging his bare heels into Pete's ass. "You want me to…?"

  Jeremy grins. "To fuck me? If you're up for it, baby, then yes, I do."

  The frown returns to Pete's face. "But…you're Daddy."


  "I just thought…well, I don't know what I thought," Pete says, averting his gaze to Jeremy's big chest instead.

  "You thought that because I'm the Daddy and the Dom that I'd never want to bottom," Jeremy finishes for him. It's not a judgment. It's just a statement.

  Pete nods ashamedly. "Yeah."

  "If you never want to top, then I have no problem continuing to do what we've been doing," Jeremy tells him. "But if you do, I'm definitely curious about what my boy's cock will feel like inside me."

  Pete shuts his eyes with a groan, imagining it.

  Jeremy chuckles. "Do you like that, baby? You want to slide your cock inside Daddy's tight ass? Want to know what I feel every time I'm inside of you? I bet you do."

  Pete can only nod, his hips moving again, grinding their erections together.

  "I thought so. Have at me, baby. For tonight, you can do whatever you want to me."

  Opening his eyes again, Pete looks down at Jeremy and swallows tightly, overwhelmed. He leans down and brings their lips together in a kiss, starting things off slow. He's incredibly nervous, just like he was the night he returned Jeremy's credit card and Jeremy fucked him for the first time. This is another first for him. He would really love to make it good and not make a fool of himself by coming within two seconds.

  Yeah, good luck with that, he tells himself.

  For a few minutes, Pete stays right where he is, just kissing his Daddy and enjoying the lingering taste of chocolate on his tongue while he works up the nerve to move on to the next step. When he has it, he sits back and pulls Jeremy up with him long enough to get him out of his henley, then he pushes him back down so that he can remove the rest of Jeremy's clothes. Once he has, each item of clothing thrown behind him so that they land outside of the fort, he swiftly strips naked as well.

  "What d'you want to do to me first, baby?" Jeremy asks him huskily, tucking his hands behind his head.

  Pete doesn't know. He's never been in control any of the times they've had sex so far, so he can't decide where to start. There's so much he wants to do, so much skin he wants to touch. Like in the shower, he half expects and half hopes for Jeremy to tell him what to do, but he's given not a single instruction. All he gets is another smirk. Turns out that Jeremy was serious when he said he'd be handing over control to Pete for the evening.

  Well then…

  Pete hesitates for a few more seconds before running his eyes down Daddy's well-muscled body one last time and zeroing in on the best place to begin—his cock. He's done this before. Just once, granted, but it should still be easy enough.

  Moving backward, Pete lies down on his front between Jeremy's legs, putting himself in the best position to blow him while also giving himself the blankets to rut against. He puts a hand around Jeremy's huge erection and gives it a few strokes before aiming the head down at his waiting mouth. It's a much different experience to his first blowjob, when Jeremy held him in place and fucked his mouth for all he was worth. Now, he's in charge. He controls how many inches he takes. He loved blowing his Daddy before, loved how Jeremy owned him and made him choke on his cock until he cried, but he loves this too, just for different reasons.

  As foolish a desire as it probably is, Pete wants to make this the best blowjob his Daddy has ever received. As he bobs his head up and down, he keeps his eyes open so he can look up the length of Jeremy's body and watch him. It's for two purposes, really.

  One: so that Pete can keep drinking in how sexy Jeremy is, with all his muscles and his hairy chest beginning to glisten with sweat.

  Two: so that Pete can catalogue the reactions he gets for everything he does.

  He uses these reactions to figure out what Daddy likes best. A flick of the tongue here…an increase of suction there…every action has a different reaction—moans, blown pupils, Daddy biting his bottom lip almost hard enough to make it bleed—and Pete finds every single one fascinating.

  "Fuck! So good, baby
boy," Jeremy gasps when Pete wiggles his tongue against his glans. "So good for Daddy."

  The praise lights Pete up inside. He renews his efforts, factoring in everything he's learned over the past few minutes to bring his Daddy to orgasm. He can tell when the man is getting close because Jeremy's hips twitch with the urge to fuck up into the wet heat of his mouth. If said mouth wasn't full of cock, Pete would be grinning proudly.

  "I'm gonna—" Daddy warns him, his green eyes scrunched up.

  To push Jeremy over the edge, Pete uses one hand to cup his full balls and uses the other to explore the shadowy space behind them. He skates his index finger down Jeremy's perineum until he feels the furled skin of his hole, and that's all it takes. One simple touch and a flick of the tongue over his slit has Daddy moaning loudly and his cock jerking wildly as it spurts thick seed into Pete's mouth. Pete keeps his mouth on him through it and rubs his finger in small circles over Jeremy's asshole, only stopping when the man's orgasm tapers off with one last feeble spurt.

  His mouth filled with cum, Pete allows Jeremy's cock to slip from his lips with a wet pop and swallows about half of the bitter fluid so that he can enjoy it more. He loves the taste of it just as much as the first time he had it on his tongue, so he swirls the load around his mouth and hums softly to himself, his attention firmly on Jeremy's face. As soon as Jeremy opens his eyes again and his gaze locks with Pete's, his chest heaving, Pete swallows the rest of the load and then makes a show of licking his lips. He thinks he probably looks a bit ridiculous, but Daddy doesn't seem to think so. The forty-one-year-old makes a sound that's shockingly akin to a growl, and his cock twitches with interest where it lies half-hard atop his toned abs.

  "So tasty, Daddy," Pete says, licking up the length of his cock to make sure he missed none of his release.

  "Yeah? Did my boy enjoy his treat?"


  "I'm glad, baby."

  Pete hums before getting up onto his knees and tapping Jeremy's hip with a finger. "Can you turn over, Daddy?"

  Jeremy winks at him and complies, situating himself on his hands and knees with his glorious ass pointed right at Pete. He slips his hand beneath one of the pillows and tosses a tube of lubricant and a condom Pete's way, revealing that them fooling around in the fort was part of his plan all along. Possibly him bottoming too.


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