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Daddy's Boy

Page 17

by T C Heffer

  Yeah, Pete is definitely going to have to look deeper into the whole little thing and not dismiss it outright like he had before.

  When all the food is gone, Jeremy takes the glass of orange juice and gives it to Pete before he bends over the side of the bed to deposit the empty tray on the floor. Pete takes a drink of the OJ and wonders if it's fresh. It tastes like it, the liquid cool, smooth and pleasantly tangy. It's not sugary-sweet, and there's no pulp in it either, so Jeremy must have put it through a sieve or something. How did Jeremy know that's how Pete prefers his OJ?

  "So, are you ready to talk?" Jeremy asks, sitting up again.

  "About what?" Pete says evasively, even though he knows there's no getting out of it and he doesn't really want to. His nerves are just a lot.

  "You already know."

  Pete takes his time finishing his juice, and Jeremy lets him, but then Jeremy takes the empty glass back, puts it on his nightstand and there are no more distractions to take advantage of. Pete groans.

  With a chuckle, Jeremy wraps his arm around Pete's shoulders and brings him in close again. "It's not going to be that bad. I promise. I'll wait while you get yourself into a more adult mindset."

  Turning his head, Pete hides his face in Jeremy's shoulder. He'll talk, but he's not going to take the initiative, and there's no way he's going to find the nerve to look Jeremy in the eye. Not very adult, but it's the best he's going to be able to do right now.

  "I'll go first then, hmm?" Jeremy suggests, correctly guessing that Pete needs help. "We'll start easy: explain to me why you chose that teddy bear yesterday."

  It's not a question or a request. It's another command, and Pete can't refuse it. Damnit. In as few words as he can, he tries to vocalise his thought processes and feelings. He stumbles and has to take many pauses as he goes because even he isn't sure exactly what's going on his head, but he makes the effort for Jeremy. When he's finally finished, Jeremy rubs a hand up and down the side of his arm and interlocks the fingers of his other with Pete's.

  "So you're considering a bit more experimentation when it comes to what you want out of this relationship," Jeremy summarises.

  Pete nods slowly. "Basically. It just…the bear felt right, and you feeding me felt nice too. Not all the time—I'm still adamant about that—but every now and then, yeah. It's…nice."

  "I have no problem with that, Pete."

  Picking his head up, the teenager meets Jeremy gaze. "You don't?"

  "Not at all. We can even get some stuff, if you want," Jeremy offers.

  "What kind of stuff?"

  "Well, you won't know that you like something if you don't actually give it a fair shot, so some cute PJs would probably be a good jumping off point."

  Pete cringes. His immediate instinct is to shut all talk down right then and forget about it, but Jeremy has a point. There's a chance that Pete will actually like it if he lets himself. "Alright," he whispers, the only response he's able to give in that moment.

  Jeremy lays another kiss on Pete's temple, telling him without words that he's proud of him. "D'you want to have input on designs and colours? It could be a bonding moment."

  "I don't want something that's obviously…kid-like…for the pyjamas," Pete stipulates.

  "No cars, trucks or even pretty things then?"


  Jeremy hums softly. "How about just some simple, bright colours? They'll be your PJs when you want them, but if anyone else ever sees them, they won't really be able to tell their real purpose."

  Pete considers it, maintaining his open mind. "That could work."

  "Then that's what we'll do. I don't think we can really go to a store and get what we need." Jeremy purses his lips. "All the options there would be way too small since they won't be made with grown bodies in mind. I know there are websites for this sort of stuff, though, which'll provide clothing for grown adults who are littles. We'll sit down one of these days and go through everything together, choose some of the less obvious stuff."

  That sounds like a decent plan to Pete. He says as much, still timid.

  "I'll look forward to it, then," Jeremy says sincerely.

  Pete closes his eyes and kisses him, parting his lips straight away for Jeremy's tongue. From the taste of the man's mouth, it's clear that he already ate his breakfast downstairs before bringing up Pete's, and Pete is glad that neither of them have morning breath. It wouldn't have stopped him, but it definitely makes the kiss more enjoyable.

  When it reaches its natural end, Jeremy points out that it's almost time for Pete to begin getting ready for school.

  "Ugh…it's gonna be a long day," Pete complains. He sets his bear aside, gets out of bed and stretches.

  "Why's that?" Jeremy enquires.

  "Because I'm gonna be thinking about my Dad all day without you around to keep my mind off it. I know you were hopeful when you left, but you know me; I'm a worrywart."

  "Oh." Jeremy regards Pete thoughtfully, and Pete can almost see the lightbulb turn on above his head. "I might have a solution that'll help keep you focused."

  His interest piqued, Pete takes a step closer to the bed again. "I'm all ears."

  "It might also be a good reminder to stay on task during Math class." Jeremy shuffles sideways, swings his legs off of the bed so that his feet hit the floor but stays sitting. "Take off your underwear and lie over my lap. Facedown."

  Pete gets an inkling as to what Jeremy has planned. He does as he's been told and wiggles in place a bit to get more comfortable. He can feel Jeremy's bulge get bigger and harder beneath his stomach but doesn't comment on it. It's not as if he has any high ground here, not when he has the beginnings of a hard-on too. He suspects that, a few minutes from now, both of them are going to be fully erect and leaking. They'll still have to shower afterward, so maybe they can take care of their erections in there, rub off on each other or something.

  Yes, that sounds great. Maybe—

  "I'm going to spank you," Jeremy announces, bringing Pete back into the present. He lovingly caresses the pale skin of the teenager's ass cheeks.

  "Oh God yes…" Pete breathes, excited.

  Jeremy laughs. "I thought you'd like that. You seemed very eager for a spanking yesterday morning."

  Now that the serious talk is over, Pete slips back into his boy mindset. "Daddy, please…"

  "Shh, baby boy, I'll take care of you," Jeremy hushes.

  He rubs over Pete's cheeks a few more times and then finally brings his palm down. Like the first time he spanked Pete, he's gentle at first, using nowhere near the level of strength he's capable of. Each spank makes Pete jolt in place, so badly that Jeremy has to use his other hand to hold him still as he continues to administer the spanking.

  After a while, when the pain of each spank has begun to morph into a strange sort of pleasure, Pete stops moving and, remembering that he's allowed to enjoy it this time, lets every part of his body go lax. The only part that doesn't is his dick, which only gets harder. Finally, when Jeremy kicks things up a notch and spanks him with more force, the flesh of his ass jiggling with each swat, Pete loses all capacity to think. His mind is filled with white noise and the passage of time means nothing to him. It doesn't even exist. His world has narrowed down to the aching of his dick and the bright sparks of pain zinging up his spine from each time his Daddy spanks him. It's wonderful and over all too soon.

  "That's it, there you go. Come back, baby," Pete hears, Jeremy's voice sounding far away as he gradually returns to consciousness.

  "Daddy?" he croaks confusedly. He sluggishly arches his back when he feels Jeremy caressing his ass again, soothing the soreness his spanking left there.

  "There you are," Jeremy says fondly. "I lost you for a while."

  Pete doesn't understand. "Huh?"

  Jeremy doesn't stop touching him as he comes back down. "How was your first time going into subspace?"

  It takes him a moment, but Pete's brain catches up. "That's what that was?"

  "Yup. I
'm more than happy to've sent you flying." Jeremy moves his hand from Pete's ass and runs it up the dip of Pete's spine. "So how was it?" he asks again.

  Pete groans and thrusts lazily into the space between his Daddy's legs. The dark hairs covering the insides of Jeremy's tanned thighs provide interesting friction. "Awesome," he slurs, his vision still slightly blurry around the edges.

  "Well, you came out of it with just enough time to catch a shower without having to rush. How about it, baby?"

  "Sounds good to me, Daddy."

  Jeremy has to assist Pete in getting back to his feet. His legs are wobbly, and when he takes a step, they almost give out on him. Jeremy is there to keep him upright, though, and together they make it into the en suite without an accident. While Jeremy switches on the shower and gets it to the right temperature, Pete turns his back to the mirror above the sink and looks at the state of his ass. Both cheeks are a shockingly bright shade of pink. He hisses through his teeth when he reaches behind himself to touch one of them.

  "You'll be sore for a while," Jeremy tells him too late. "I'll put something on it to soothe it a bit before I get you dressed."

  Shrugging to himself, Pete figures that some residual pain is worth what he just experienced. He'd do it again in a heartbeat, and he has a feeling that Jeremy was right. Not being able to sit down properly in class will definitely remind him of Jeremy's expectations of him.

  The shower is equally as awesome as the spanking. They wash each other with lingering touches and hands on cocks, as has become their routine. After an orgasm each, Pete's seed going down the drain and Jeremy's going down Pete's throat, they get out of the stall, dry off and exit the bathroom to get dressed. As he said, Jeremy brings with him some cream from the medicine cabinet and rubs it into the inflamed skin of Pete's ass. The coolness of it is just what Pete needs. It mitigates the sting to something that's actually quite pleasurable.

  "Thank you, Daddy," Pete grins, kissing the man on the cheek.

  "You're welcome, baby." Jeremy grins back. "We can make it a regular thing, if you want. Not every day, because your ass needs a break in between, but I'd definitely be open to giving you a spanking more often." He pokes the end of Pete's nose. "If you behave."

  Pete giggles. "For more spankings? I can do that."

  "There's my boy."

  All that's left is to get dressed. Pete is confident enough today to choose his own outfit, opting for brown chinos and a yellow T-shirt that will contrast nicely with his leather jacket. To Pete's surprise, Jeremy goes for a pair of black dress trousers, a white tank top and a clean white dress shirt on top which he buttons up all the way to the collar.

  "What's with the fanciness?" Pete asks. "I mean, not that I mind. It's sexy as hell."

  Jeremy smirks. "I have a meeting with a prospective client today. I've got to look professional."

  "Mmm, makes sense." Pete looks at the way the trousers hug Jeremy's ass when he turns around to find a tie. "You'll have to get dressed up for me sometime. Could be fun."

  "I'll think about it, baby." From the glint in Jeremy's eyes when he turns back around, Pete knows it's already a sure thing.

  Grabbing his phone from where Jeremy must have plugged it in to charge last night, Pete walks downstairs with Jeremy and stops in the foyer to put on his shoes. They spent a bit too long in the shower and now he has to leave or else he'll be cutting it close. He doesn't regret it, though.

  "Have an excellent day, baby," Jeremy says, kissing Pete's forehead. "Knock 'em dead."

  Pete wishes Jeremy good luck with his meeting and is out the door, ready to tackle the day with alacrity.


  - Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013 -

  Jeremy was right about the spanking—throughout the school day, the constant soreness in Pete's ass was a good way to keep him on task in his classes, but now that it's over and it's time to talk to his Dad again, the soreness isn't enough to prevent him from being one nudge away from freaking out. His palms are sweaty as he holds the steering wheel of his Kia in a death grip. He's not unconfident about what's to come, but that's as generous as he can be about his feelings. He just takes comfort in the fact that, if his Dad changed his tune for some reason and contradicts everything he told Jeremy yesterday, he'll still have Jeremy to run back to.

  "Don't think about that, Pete," he tells himself as he turns onto his street. "It'll all go fine. Jeremy wouldn't let you come back here if he thought it would turn out bad."

  That's enough to calm him down a bit.

  After he pulls into his driveway and parks next to his Dad's cruiser, Pete cuts the engine, wipes his palms on his chinos and stares with trepidation up at the house. He thinks he sees the living room curtain twitch, which means that his Dad knows he's here. Not wanting to look weird by remaining in his car talking to himself, Pete makes himself get out.

  To feel like he does when he's approaching the front door is weird. He doesn't think he's ever experienced feelings like this when coming home before, not even if he got a bad report card or he and Steve pulled some prank at school that went so poorly that his Dad got a call about it. Pete stands in front of the door for a few moments to give himself another pep talk, and then he turns the handle and steps inside.

  "Dad?" he calls out, pleased when his voice doesn't crack or waver.

  "In here, son," his Dad responds from the living room. It's so similar to what happened last time that it cranks Pete's nervousness up a notch.

  Stepping into the living room, Pete sees his Dad sitting on the sofa in his uniform. He's glad to note that the half-empty glass on the coffee table contains water and not whiskey.

  "Sit down," the Chief says, patting the other end of the sofa. "We need to clear the air."


  Fuck. So much for not stammering or anything.

  "It's okay, Pete," his Dad reassures, looking guilty. "You don't have to be scared of me. I'm not mad anymore."

  Pete sits down stiffly. "You're not?"

  "No. I've had some time to think, and…I'm not going to lie and say I get it, but I'm not mad."


  The Chief pats Pete's leg. "Okay, how do I begin?" he asks himself, squinting at the coffee table as if it will provide the answer. "I don't want to make this a big thing again. First, I just need to know that you're happy."

  Pete gradually relaxes back into the sofa cushions. "I am. Jeremy makes me very happy, Dad."

  "That's good." The Chief nods. "I still don't know how I feel about the age difference between you two, and it's going to be a major adjustment seeing you together, but…I suppose it helps knowing that Jeremy's a good man. Finding out so suddenly—and in the way I did—made me lose sight of that, but I remember now. I know I can trust him with you, and that's better than you being involved with someone who'd only jerk you around. It would be easier if you'd found someone your own age who treated you well, but life doesn't always work out the way you think it will. It hardly ever does."

  "So you're really not gonna try and stop me from seeing him?" Pete enquires. "Or change your mind the first time you see us together? Like if you see us kissing—"

  "Then I'll turn away," the Chief interjects. "And it's not just because it's Jeremy, before you get defensive. Believe it or not, I wouldn't enjoy seeing you kiss anyone. You were the same way back whenever you used to catch your Mom and I."

  Pete purses his lips. "I guess that makes sense."

  "And I'm not going to get between you two. You've said he makes you happy and I believe you."


  "But I do still have some concerns and questions I need you to answer before I give you my official seal of approval," the Chief warns.

  Pete tenses up again. "What are they?"

  The Chief reaches for his glass of water and takes a sip. He swallows, puts the glass back down and takes a deep breath before facing his son again. "Have you thought about how it's all going to work in the long run? I mean, really
thought about it."

  Pete frowns. "I don't know what you're getting at."

  "I mean your future together. I don't want to overwhelm you—and please don't take this as me attempting to sabotage your relationship because I'm not—but things are going well between you and Jeremy now. Great. But what about the future? Even just in the fall next year, things'll change a lot. What's going to happen when you go to college? Depending on where you go, you could be all the way across the country, or even in a different country altogether. What'll happen with you and Jeremy then?"

  Pete opens and closes his mouth a few times like a fish. "I…I don't know. We haven't talked about that yet."

  "If things are as serious as both you and Jeremy have said, don't you think you should?"

  "Fine, I will," Pete assures. He purposefully avoids mentioning that he hasn't even applied anywhere yet.

  "Okay, then."

  "What's your next question? I wanna get through this quickly."


  "What about them?"

  "Because of your age difference, you're both at very different places in your lives and your friends all are too."

  Pete suspects he knows what his Dad is talking about. "Yesterday, Jeremy and I went to the carnival in the next town over with Steve and Mia, and it seemed to go okay. It was a bit awkward at first, yeah, but once we got over that, everyone seemed to have fun."

  "And the reverse of that?"


  The Chief takes a moment to think. "Let's come up with an example. Say one of Jeremy's friends—who are my friends too, I'll remind you—gets married, or they do something even simpler like host a dinner party and Jeremy brings you as his plus one, are you going to be okay with that? You'll be surrounded by people in their forties and fifties, the only person there who's in their late teens or early twenties. What are you going to talk about?"

  "I don't think that'll be an issue, Dad," Pete says right away. This is a question that has an easy answer. "You know I've always been good at talking, and I've gotten along well enough with all the people down at the station."


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