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Pillaged: A Sci-Fi Alien Warrior Romance (Raider Warlords of the Vandar Book 3)

Page 11

by Tana Stone

  Chapter 23


  My body was jelly as I tried to catch my breath. Raas Toraan’s breathing was heavy, his chest rising and falling as he lay next to me on his back. His tail was draped across his corded stomach, and even it looked spent. I rested my hand on the dark fur at the tip, stroking it slowly as my heartbeat attempted to return to normal.

  After a few moments, he rolled his head to face me. “You wish for more?”

  I gaped at him. “Right now?” I wasn’t sure if I could survive another release like the ones he’d just given me.

  “If you continue to stimulate my tail, I will need to fuck you again—and soon.”

  My fingers stilled, and I retracted my hand. “Sorry. I forgot your tail was that sensitive.”

  Toraan rolled over toward me. “Do not apologize. I enjoy your hands on my tail, but it makes me want to do things with it that you might not be ready for.”

  I didn’t think my body could heat any more than it already had, but I felt a fresh pulse of warmth bloom across my cheeks. “And using your tail is not considered one of those fetishes you mentioned?”

  One of his dark eyebrows twitched. “Not for a Vandar.”

  Even though we’d just been as physically close as two beings could be, I was struck by how little I knew him and his people. “There wasn’t much talk of the Vandar on Horl.”

  “Your planet is controlled by the Zagrath. They would not want you to know about us, except the disinformation they wish to spread.”

  As much as I’d loved growing up on Horl, being away from it was making me realize how little I’d known about it and especially about the wider galaxy. My life on my home world had seemed idyllic, if sheltered and controlled, but I’d never known anything else. I thought females everywhere needed to dress to cover their skin and be quiet in the presence of males. The empire was universally accepted as our generous benefactors, and the Vandar were bloodthirsty monsters bent on destroying and killing without care.

  “Does it bother you?” I asked.

  “Does what bother me?”

  “That the empire says such awful things about your people.” I met his eyes. “You aren’t like how they describe you.”

  “No? How are we different?” His hazel eyes flashed. “How am I different?”

  “You aren’t as scary as I expected. I thought you’d tear your enemy apart with your bare hands and feast on their blood. And I imagined a Raas would have a harem of females to which you’d do depraved things.”

  He laughed. “I did not know our reputation outmatched our lust for battle and females.”

  I frowned at him. “Are you making fun of me?”

  “No, but I am shocked you ever set foot off your transport, if you believed us to be such monsters. Did you fear being thrown into my harem?”

  I shrugged. “Kind of. I didn’t know that the Vandar didn’t have females on their ships, and I knew nothing of mating marks.”

  He flicked a hand toward the room. “You can see that I have no harem, and so far, I have served you no flesh from our enemies.”

  “Does it bother you that the Zagrath say such things about you?”

  His expression darkened for a moment. “The only way the Zagrath can justify their illegal actions is to make those of us who fight against them and for freedom into the enemy. We do not go after garrisons that are not imperial, nor to we raid ships unaffiliated with the empire. Those planets we have liberated know who we are. The people who now live without the imperial yoke around their necks have seen the truth. That is enough for us.”

  I couldn’t help the rush of pride I felt. Raas Toraan was far from anything I’d expected. Even though I didn’t know him well, I knew he was a better creature than the Zagrath admiral. “I’m glad your ship intercepted me.”

  “As am I.”

  “I’d take anything over being married off to Admiral Kurmog,” I said, the words rushing out before I could think about them.

  He stiffened. “Yes, it was fortuitous for both of us. Without you, we never would have known about the empire’s search for our colonies.”

  His tone had shifted, and he was now the strategic warlord who had made the deal, and not the passionate Vandar who had trembled in my arms as he’d bellowed his pleasure.

  “I didn’t mean— “

  He pushed himself up before I could finish. “I know what you meant. This was a good move for both of us. We should keep our objective in mind.”

  His sharp words stung, and I swallowed back tears. Why had I said that? When I’d escaped from the Zagrath ship, I had been willing to take anything over marriage to the admiral, but that did not mean I saw the Raas as something barely better than the alternative. Not anymore.

  He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood quickly. “I should return to my inventory of the ship.”

  I sat up and tracked him as he strode naked toward the bathroom. “Do you really have to go?”

  He didn’t glance over at me, but instead, looked down at his bare chest. “I will return. Mating marks do not appear so easily.”

  The thought that he would be back because he needed to mark me as part of his plan made me pull the dark, silky sheets up around my chest. The tears clouding my vision blurred the sight of his hard body as he disappeared through the arched doorway.

  Stop being such a baby, I told myself as I blinked rapidly. You never wanted to fall in love with a Vandar. You never wanted to fall in love with anyone. You just wanted to escape a loveless marriage and experience more than your cloistered life on Horl had allowed.

  “Well, you got your wish,” I said under my breath.

  Splashing noises told me that the Raas was bathing himself, but even though I would have liked to watch or even slip in the steaming water with him, I remained in bed. He was right. I shouldn’t get carried away just because he felt so right inside me. This was a Raas of the Vandar, who was used to being with two females at a time on these pleasure planets. He barely knew me, after all. He wasn’t going to fall for a human who’d only ever been with a stable boy and couldn’t even imagine half the things he probably did with his tail.

  My pulse quickened. As much as the alien warlord with the huge cock and skillful tail aroused me, I needed to focus on keeping my emotions in check. This was about sex and strategy. Nothing more. Fucking him was what I needed to do to get his mating marks and keep me out of Zagrath hands. He’d been clear about that from the beginning.

  But that didn’t mean I couldn’t enjoy it. A lot.

  Chapter 24


  “We’re loading the shuttles now, Raas.” My majak joined me on the command deck as I observed the planet we orbited out the front view screen.

  I grunted in acknowledgment. Our raiders had descended to the surface—several shuttles from each horde warbird—and after securing the needed supplies for our journey, we’d gotten a transmission that they were loading up and preparing to return. There was no need to stay any longer than needed. The planet of T’Ploc was a small, class-M planet with an arid climate and frequent windstorms.

  I eyed the beige surface covered with swirling clouds of the same color. Not much grew in the planet’s soil, so its natives had become skilled at acquiring supplies from other worlds and then redistributing them to those wishing to stay off the empire’s radar. It was not the first time we’d resupplied at T’Ploc, and I doubted it would be the last.

  “We found everything we need?” I asked, scraping a hand through my damp hair.

  “Everything but wine and females.”

  I choked back a laugh. “We will find neither of those on this rock.” The natives of T’Ploc were tall, spindly, hairless creatures with bulbous eyes that never blinked. My raiders were not yet horny enough to desire these aliens.

  “Incoming ship, Raas.” One of my command deck warriors turned from his console.

  “Identifier?” I asked, as Rolan shifted beside me.

  We both watched as
a hulking, gray ship came into view. It was massive, but it was no warship. I spotted no externally mounted weapons, and it moved slower than was optimal for any kind of tactical vessel.

  The warrior returned his gaze to his console, tapping and swiping quickly. “Doloran. No significant weapon capability and limited defenses.” He let out a small sigh. “They’re hailing us.”

  “Doloran?” My majak’s voice brimmed with curiosity. “Are we truly this lucky?”

  I clasped my hands behind me and rocked back on my heels. “On screen.”

  The view screen flickered, and then the image of the dusty planet was replaced with a stunning female. She sat on a gilded captain’s chair, surrounded by cushions in sumptuous jewel tones. White-blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders in elaborate braids, and the sheerest of fabrics covered her lush body, pale-blue skin showing through the gossamer.

  Rolan emitted a growl, and several other command deck warriors made low noises of hungry approval.

  “The Vandar,” the female purred as she sat forward and smiled seductively.

  “I am Raas Toraan of the Vandar. And you are…?”

  “Silaria of the pleasure ship Conkarra.” Her smile widened. “At your service, Raas.”

  “You are all Doloran?” My majak asked. The Doloran were known throughout the galaxy for their throats that could expand and contract at will, a fact that was not lost on a single member of my command deck crew.

  Silaria shifted her gaze to him and lifted a perfectly arched eyebrow. “Not all, but many. I assure you that we have enough variety to satisfy even a horde of Vandar raiders.”

  “Raas?” Rolan’s voice was low and he did not turn toward me. “This would save us an extra stop.”

  “You would be willing to forgo an entire pleasure planet?” I asked, matching his volume.

  “I think I speak for the crew when I say yes.”

  I cut my eyes to Rolan. “Has it really been so long?”

  “If you have to ask, then I know you are enjoying your new mate, Raas.”

  I did not respond to this, memories of how I’d left Rachael filling me with regret. I should not have reacted like I did. She was only being honest, and I was being unfair if I expected her motivations to change just because I’d made her cry out in pleasure a few times.

  It was more than that, I thought. It was more than how eagerly her body responded to mine or how good it felt to be lodged deep inside her. There was something more. Something I had never felt with the many pleasurers I’d fucked. Something I didn’t want to think about.

  “Raas?” Rolan asked. “What is your decision? Should we dock with the Conkarra?”

  I flicked my hand at the warrior controlling the transmission—a signal to silence the audio—and turned my head to my majak. “Do a sweep of the ship to make sure there is no trace that they’ve been in contact with the empire, and obviously, no imperial soldiers. I do not want to walk into a trap with our cocks hanging out.”

  It was not common, but in the past, the empire had used pleasure ships to ambush their enemy. It was one of the reasons I preferred pleasure planets with clear neutrality.

  Rolan’s mouth twitched. “Yes, Raas. It is done.”

  “Once it’s clear, the Conkarra may dock with us, and send transports to the other horde ships.”

  “The crew will be pleased, Raas.” He hesitated before speaking again. “Will you require a pleasurer for yourself? I could arrange for her to join you in your strategy room, if—"

  I waved a hand to cut him off. “No. I will leave the Doloran and their talents all to you and the other raiders. But I will be in my strategy room reviewing the latest intelligence reports, and intercepted imperial transmissions.”

  “Understood, Raas.”

  I signaled to my warrior to resume the audio transmission, then pivoted to the screen where the female pleasurer sat patiently, her smile unwavering. “You and your ladies are welcome on our warbirds.”

  She inclined her head at me. “We are most grateful, Raas.” She ran her tongue slowly across her bottom lip. “I look forward to thanking you personally.”

  “No need. As long as my raiders are happy, that is enough.” I nodded to Rolan. “My majak will discuss the procedure and your compensation.”

  Silaria leaned forward, exposing an ample amount of light-blue cleavage. “As you wish, Raas.”

  I nodded to Rolan, his heels clicking together as I walked off the command deck and through the door to the side that led to my strategy room. The smaller compartment was comforting after the buzz of the command deck, and I sat down behind my massive, ebony desk.

  The arrival of the pleasure ship had not taken my mind off Rachael, as it should have. Seeing the seductive pleasurer had only done the opposite—fuel my desire for the human. My heart pounded and my cock sprang to life as I let my thoughts wander to Rachael.

  I slammed a hand on my desk, the sharp sting clearing my mind. I could not let my feelings get away from me. I needed to focus on the deal I’d made with her, and nothing else. I knew all too well the pain that came from feeling too much for someone who did not feel the same way. Rachael had agreed to be my mate to avoid marrying an old man. Not because she loved me. How could she? She had known nothing of me when she’d agreed to the deal—only that it was her only option to stay out of the clutches of the admiral.

  I had agreed to take her as my mate to protect her and inflict humiliation on the empire. If I was feeling more for her—a pull and desire I’d never experienced before—then I needed to control my emotions and remember that this was only strategy. I thought back to her spread out beneath me—her legs open and her smile teasing—and I groaned. Was that even possible?

  Chapter 25


  I’d waited until Toraan had bathed and dressed before getting up, even though he’d been so fast and distracted as pulled on his kilt and strapped on his armor that I doubted he would have noticed if I’d pranced by him completely naked. Once he’d gone—pausing briefly to look at me still wrapped in the sheet and tell me gruffly that he’d be back to dine with me—I’d slipped from bed and padded into the bathroom.

  Even though he’d bathed quickly, the room remained pristine, with a thick-weave mat next to the pools, and an ivory towel draped near the steps. Lowering myself into the hot water, I groaned as the heat enveloped me. I closed my eyes and tried to let the tension of the last few days dissolve, but my mind kept returning to Toraan’s swift departure from bed.

  Why did I have to mention Kurmog? What male wants to hear that the only reason you’re with them is so you wouldn’t have to screw an old man?

  “Apparently not Toraan,” I muttered to myself.

  The truth was, I didn’t know how to be around males. I’d been kept from them for most of my life, so I had no experience in how to flatter them or even just talk to them. Talking had not been high on my agenda when I’d dragged the horse master’s assistant to the hayloft, and he hadn’t cared about being charmed. But if I was going to be this Vandar’s mate, I needed to figure things out fast, or I was going to spend a lot of time watching him stalk away from me.

  After a while of bobbing in the water worrying and letting my fingers prune, the doors outside swished open. I swiped water from my eyes as I blinked rapidly. He was back already?

  I started to stand up, then I stopped. Maybe I should stay in the pool and invite him to join me. It would be easier than talking to him and trying to explain what I’d meant earlier.

  “I’m in here,” I called out. “You should come on in.”


  The figure that appeared in the arched doorway was not Toraan. It was a female. A striking female, with pale-blue skin, and platinum-blonde hair.

  I dipped even lower under the surface of the pool, although she could not see any part of me in the crimson water. “Who are you?”

  “Silaria.” She appraised me openly. “Who are you?”

  “I’m Rachael.” Then I add
ed with a measure of defiance. “I’m Raas Toraan’s mate.”

  Her gray eyes widened, not in shock, but in some sort of approval. “I am pleased to meet you.” She stepped closer, her sheer, dark-blue gown fluttering behind her. “Are you Zagrath? Has the Raas captured a Zagrath and made her his mate?”

  “I’m not Zagrath.” It took effort not to snap. “I’m human from the planet Horl.”

  This Silaria did not appear to notice my sharp tone. “You’re quite beautiful for a human. I have not seen one of you with such lovely, brown skin.”

  “Thank you.” Even though she was flattering me, I was not comfortable with this creature waltzing into the Raas’ quarters and asking me questions. “Why are you here? There are no other females on the ship.”

  “That is true.” She almost floated over to the long counter and hopped onto it, her long legs swinging below her and easily seen through the diaphanous fabric of her dress. “I am the captain of a pleasure ship called the Conkarra.”

  “Pleasure ship?” Toraan had mentioned pleasure planets, but there were pleasure ships, as well?

  “It is our first time servicing this horde, but we are no stranger to the Vandar. My ladies love raiders.” She gave me a knowing look. “I’m sure you would agree that they are quite enjoyable.”

  I was glad the heat of the water would mask any flush to my skin, but I dropped my gaze from her intense one.

  “Horl,” she said. “I’ve heard of your planet, although I’m sure I’ve never recruited a pleasurer from there.”

  I nearly choked back a laugh. “A pleasurer from Horl? Not likely.”

  She nodded, narrowed her eyes. “So how did a human from a sexually repressive planet manage to snag herself a gorgeous Raas of the Vandar?”

  I had a strange urge to defend Horl, but she was right. And her question was not a bad one. “We made a deal.”


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