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Firestorm Mountain

Page 10

by Raymond L. Weil

  “Then I suggest we get more of the cameras functioning,” said Bryan. “That will let us monitor most of the complex from here.”

  Jacob nodded. “See to it. Hopefully we’ll hear from Cathy or Lynol in the next week or two. Until then let’s see how much of this complex we can get working.”

  The group filed out of the conference room. They all knew their jobs but everyone was nervous about what their future held for them. To put it simply they were in a new world, one they had not been born into. They had no idea how that world was going to receive them.

  Chapter Nine

  Ashley and Todd were well on their way toward Firestorm Mountain. The two dragons flew for many long hours each day though they did have to stop several times to allow Ashley and Todd to eat and rest. They were also flying much slower than normal since the two dragons had riders.

  “It’s almost dark!” shouted Todd. They were high up in the air flying over a desolate landscape. Occasionally they would pass over small areas of green but they were few and far between. “There’s a green area up ahead and what looks like a small lake.”

  “Put us down there, Snowden,” said Ashley.

  “We will,” answered the dragon. “Maybe we will find some food there.” Neither dragon had eaten for several days.

  The dragons began to descend and landed gently next to the small lake. The land around it was green with a few tall trees. This area looked untouched by the Worldfire.

  Ashley got off Snowden and stretched. She felt stiff from being on the dragon for so long. Todd climbed down from Braxam and began unloading their supplies and removing the harnesses they used to stay safely on the dragons. Once he was finished both dragons took to the air.

  “We’re about halfway there,” said Todd as he sat down and took a deep breath. “Has Snowden said any more about Cathy?”

  “Yes, he’s greatly concerned. He told me Gilmreth is awake and feeding on people.”

  “Gilmreth,” replied Todd, a worried look appearing on his face. “He’s supposed to be the worst of all the dragons.”

  “Also the biggest,” added Ashley. She placed her left hand upon her amulet, which began to glow dimly. “I’m scared, Todd. I’m not sure what Snowden expects me to do. We’re talking about fighting the biggest dragon ever created.”

  Todd stood up and came over putting his arm around Ashley. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll figure it out when we get there. Also remember Cathy will be there as well and Snowden says she’s a very powerful sorceress.”

  In the distance, they heard one of the dragons roar with triumph. One of them had made a successful kill.

  “I’ll start gathering some firewood,” said Todd. There were several dead trees nearby that will be an excellent source.

  Ashley nodded. “I’ll get some food out. I’m starving after spending so much time on Snowden.” She heard the second dragon roar as it too made a kill. She was glad the dragons had found something to eat. They needed to keep up their strength for what was ahead of them.

  Digging into one of the packs she took out some of the food her mother had prepared for them. At least for the time being they had plenty to eat. All she had to do was toss it into a skillet and warm it up.

  It didn’t take long for Todd to gather a large pile of firewood. Ashley used the fire spell to start a roaring flame and after a few minutes had their food warmed up.

  “What do you think the people around Firestorm Mountain will be like?” asked Todd as he filled his plate and sat down next to Ashley to eat.

  “Like us, I imagine. I’m just surprised there are still people near the mountain. From what my father told me it was the center of the war that ended the Golden Age.”

  “A war that nearly destroyed the world,” said Todd. “It’s hard to imagine the power it must have taken to do that.”

  “Snowden told me there are other survivors across the ocean. That’s where he encountered Braxam as well as Gilmreth. Gilmreth killed another dragon there, one Braxam had been flying and hunting with. Snowden forced Gilmreth to leave. Snowden followed Gilmreth clear across the ocean making sure he wouldn’t be a threat to those people again.”

  “Snowden must really be brave to have faced Gilmreth,” said Todd impressed.

  “Snowden doesn’t like Gilmreth,” explained Ashley. “Gilmreth feeds on people and Snowden says that’s wrong. The dragons were created to help people not to threaten them.”

  Todd looked up to see both Snowden and Braxam returning. “They look content.”

  Snowden landed first followed by Braxam.

  “We food a herd of deer,” explained Snowden. “We both took one of the older ones to eat.”

  “I’m glad you found something to eat,” replied Ashley. She knew both of the dragons had been hungry.

  “We’ll sleep now,” said Snowden as he laid his head down upon the ground. “It’s good to rest.” With that Snowden closed his eyes and was soon asleep.

  Todd was watching as both dragons slept. “They sure have no trouble falling asleep.”

  Ashley nodded her agreement. She also knew if there were any hints of danger both dragons would come awake almost instantly. It made her feel safer knowing they had two powerful protectors.

  She finished her meal and then began putting everything up, being careful not to disturb the two sleeping dragons. Todd was busy unrolling their bedrolls close to the fire so they would be warm while they slept.

  A little while later the two of them lay on the ground looking up at the cloudless sky and the multitude of stars shining down upon them.

  “I wonder what the Golden Age was like?” asked Todd. “It must have been wondrous.”

  “We may never know,” answered Ashley with a yawn. “Dad has books which describe some of the ancient wonders but some of it is hard to believe.”

  “Maybe there are some records at Firestorm Mountain.”

  “Maybe,” replied Ashley. “We won’t know until we get there and we still have a long ways to go.” Ashley closed her eyes. She tried not to think about what was ahead of her. The prophecy haunted her every night when she tried to sleep. She knew in her future was Gilmreth and Snowden’s friend Cathy. She hoped together they could defeat the dragon.


  Early the next morning, after eating breakfast, they were in the air again. Below them the desolate countryside stayed the same. It was almost like a desert with occasional ruins. Those primarily consisted of a few walls and signs of the foundations of massive buildings. They very seldom saw any birds or other signs of life. Overall it was very depressing looking down and knowing in the past this had been a vibrant countryside full of life.

  Ashley spent much of her time examining the landscape they were flying over. They passed over dried up lakes, riverbeds, and blowing dust. She wondered if life would ever return to these lands again. She began to appreciate how fortunate their valley was and the people who lived in the fishing village near the coast. They were up high where the temperature was cooler. She knew down on the ground it was much warmer. She hoped they could find a decent place to camp for the night.


  Todd was enjoying flying on Braxam. He wished he could speak to the dragons like Ashley. It was exhilarating to be flying so high in the air feeling the wind in his face. Looking down he could see a devastated world. The Worldfire had taken so much away from them and left ruins scattered everywhere. Just from the number of ruins they had flown over he knew there must have been a tremendous amount of people living in the Golden Age. Leaning back slightly Todd looked ahead. He was a decent sorcerer but not nearly as powerful as Ashley. He hoped he would be able to help her if she had to face Gilmreth. He was in love with Ashley and would do anything he could to protect her.


  Lynol was standing on the porch looking out over the pasture. Their horses were out grazing as well as the cattle. It was a quiet morning with a light breeze and only a few clouds. Lynol was debating whether she should call up a storm a
s it was starting to get a little dry. She had to be careful not to make everything too wet. It was a delicate balance she was trying to maintain. That was one thing she would soon have help with. Her mother had assured her once all of the sleepers were awake they would take over maintaining the weather and begin to greatly expand the green areas around the mountains.

  “You’re up early,” said Cathy, stepping out on the porch to stand beside her. “I always liked standing on this porch in the mornings and watching the fog hiding the animals. I used to imagine all kinds of shapes and mysterious animals which might be hidden.”

  Lynol nodded. She used to do the same thing. She was amazed at how much she had in common with her mother.

  “I’m so glad to be back. You’re father seems to be pleased too. He just needed to adjust to the fact I was still alive and haven’t aged.”

  “We’ll be leaving early tomorrow,” said Lynol. “Father’s going to hitch up the wagon and take us to Draydon. It will be much faster using the wagon route.”

  Cathy nodded. “Good, I wasn’t looking forward to walking that far.”

  Lynol looked over at her mother. “Can you sense Gilmreth?”

  “Yes, faintly. He’s got a new lair somewhere on the far side of the mountains. He’s been hunting at night. So far he’s stayed away from the villages and Draydon though I’m not sure how much longer that will last.”

  “The dragon’s building up his strength,” said Lynol, feeling concerned. She remembered her last fight with the dragon in Draydon. She had been lucky to drive Gilmreth away.

  “What will we face when we find Joshua and Karl?”

  Cathy let out a deep sigh. “They’re powerful. Not as strong as Adam but still dangerous. I think Gail became involved with them because she was in love with Adam. Now that Adam’s gone it might be possible to turn her back to our side. She’s a very talented technician. She can build just about anything if she has the right parts.”

  Over the last few days Lynol had learned a lot about her mother. Cathy had told her stories about her time in the complex and learning to master her sorcery. She had also told Lynol much about the Golden Age and what had been destroyed. Cathy had even made the claim that if the Worldfire had never happened the human race would be out among the stars by now.

  “Let’s go start breakfast,” suggested Cathy. “Everyone should be up and we need to see what supplies we want to take with us. We might need to make a quick trip into Galvin this afternoon. I would like to see Gwen before we leave. It’s so sad she’s by herself now.

  Lynol agreed. It had taken her months to get over Tohm’s death. Lynol still felt responsible for it even though everyone told her it was not her fault.


  After breakfast they were all sitting around the kitchen table talking.

  “I can’t believe how comfortable everything is,” commented Kristi. “Your house is really nice and you have nearly everything one could want. This is much better than I had imagined.”

  “People had to adjust after the Worldfire,” explained Damon. “There was less of everything as well as few natural resources. It was necessary to turn back to an agrarian civilization. A bartering system also came into place and you will find many farmers and even the people in Galvin make many handmade items to trade or sale. Gwen’s store is full of unique items made by the people of our community.”

  “What kind of education system do you have?” asked Braedon. “I know Lynol can read and so can Dresdia.” Dresdia had come by the previous day to visit with Lynol and Cathy.

  “Classes are taught in Galvin by some of the older women,” explained Lynol. “We are taught reading, basic math, a little science, and a lot about farming and the animals we have available. This lasts for about six years. Each village also has a small library with books available to read. Of course in Draydon there is an archive with thousands of books, scrolls, and records which supposedly date back for centuries.”

  Kristi looked interested. “I would like to see those archives when we go to Draydon. I’m curious about what’s in them.”

  “I can arrange that,” said Lynol. “I’ve been there several times. There’s actually a hidden chamber beneath the archives with forbidden information about my family, the dragons, and the Golden Age.”

  Damon stood up. “I have some chores that need to be done and then we can set out for Galvin.”

  “I’ll help you,” said Kalvin.

  “So will I,” added Braedon. “Or I’ll just watch and try to stay out of the way.”

  The three men left leaving Lynol, Cathy, and Kristi in the house.

  Kristi started laughing. “Even nowadays the women are still stuck doing the dishes.”

  “At least we have running water in the house,” said Cathy. There was a hand pump above the sink which brought water from the well.

  “Let’s do the dishes and then head to the garden,” suggested Lynol. “I want to pick a few things to take to Gwen’s.”


  Later the three women were in the garden picking okra, onions, tomatoes, and carrots.

  “There are no weeds,” marveled Kristi as she pulled an eight inch carrot out of the ground and brushed the dirt off it.”

  Lynol grinned. “I used to have to weed the garden quite regularly but I found a sorcery spell that eliminates the weeds and another spell that stimulates the growth of plants.”

  Kristi nodded in fascination. “It’s amazing all of the practical uses you have found for our skills. I suspect you can teach all of us quite a bit about the everyday spells you use.”

  “I’m still learning,” admitted Lynol. “I spend several hours each day with Malcon practicing my sorcery and learning new spells to help the people of Galvin and the other villages.”

  Cathy grinned. “I was hoping Malcon could teach you. I was stunned when I found his crypt. I’m still convinced Jason and the people who stayed with him had something to do with constructing the simulacrum.”

  “I was amazed and relieved when I found him,” replied Lynol, recalling that fateful night when she placed her hand in Malcon’s handprint and said his name, opening the door to the underground crypt. “I needed a teacher and he’s helped me tremendously.”

  “I’m glad he was there to teach you,” said Cathy with a smile. “He’s done a very good job.”

  “I still find it hard to believe after three thousand years there is still a Sylvar sorcerer,” said Kristi as she pulled up another carrot. “Jason was the strongest of all of us and Cathy was on course to become even stronger.”

  “I suspect Lynol isn’t far behind,” said Cathy pleased with her daughter’s development.

  Lynol looked at the vegetables they had picked. They had four full baskets. “That should be enough. Gwen gives away most of the vegetables we take her to the poorer families who live on the edge of the village.”

  “She was doing that when I first met her,” said Cathy. “I wish Gilmreth hadn’t killed her husband. It must be hard on Gwen running the store by herself.”

  “It’s not too bad,” replied Lynol as she picked up one of the baskets. “Kalvin, Dresdia, and I go in to see her quite often and she has several villagers she’s hired to help in the store.”

  Cathy nodded. “I hope seeing me won’t be too big of a shock.”

  Lynol grinned. “No more than when she learned I was a sorceress.”


  Early that afternoon Damon brought the wagon to a stop in front of Gwen’s store. Gwen came out on the front porch with a big smile on her face which vanished instantly upon seeing Cathy. She looked as if she was staring at a ghost.

  “This isn’t possible,” said Gwen, staring in disbelief as Cathy climbed down from the wagon and walked up to her.

  “It is possible, Gwen,” said Cathy, hugging the older woman. “I’m like Lynol. I’m a sorceress.”

  “I still don’t understand,” stammered Gwen. “You look so young.”

  “It’s a long story,” replied Cath
y. “Let’s go inside and I’ll try to explain.”

  Lynol walked up to Gwen. “It’s okay. I’ll go in with you.”


  The others unloaded the vegetables and then went inside. Kristi and Braedon began walking up and down the store aisles marveling at all the handmade goods as well as the food available.

  “These people have created a very good life for themselves here,” said Kristi, stopping to admire some handmade chairs. “The workmanship is admirable. There must be some really good craftsmen here.”

  Braedon nodded. “Let’s start putting together what we might need on our trip to Draydon. The sooner we get there and deal with Karl and Joshua the better I’ll feel.”

  “Don’t forget about Gilmreth,” said Kristi as she picked up several packages of smoked ham.

  “I’m hoping we don’t encounter that damn dragon. The scientists should never have messed with creating such animals. I always knew we would eventfully regret it.”

  “Well, they did and there’s nothing we can do to change that.”

  Braedon found some beef jerky and added several packages of it to the growing pile.


  “So you were alive all of this time,” said Gwen still trying to grasp that Cathy was sitting here in front of her.

  Cathy nodded. “I was asleep under the mountain while our medical technology worked on a cure for the disease I had.”

  “You haven’t aged a day since I last saw you. How is that possible?”

  “It’s complicated. Just take my word for it there are machines under the mountain which let people sleep for a very long time without aging.”

  Gwen looked over at Kristi and Braedon. “Are your friends sorcerers too?”

  “Yes, both of them are and there are even more inside the mountain.”

  “I’m not going to even try to understand this,” said Gwen. “Why are you going to Draydon?”

  “There are some evil people there just like Storn Daes,” answered Lynol. “And Gwen, there is something worse. Gilmreth is awake again and hunting on the far side of the mountain.”


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