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Midlife in Glimmerspell

Page 18

by Addison Moore

  “Elliot,” I say as I tap my finger over the monitor. “Look at this. The doctor’s note—it reads eleven weeks gestation. Spotting has ceased. Cervix is normal.” I turn his way. “Silvia is pregnant, too. Griffin wasn’t just an ex-con, he was an idiot running around spreading his seed. And honestly, I don’t know what those girls were thinking either.”

  Elliot glares past my shoulder. “I know what they’re thinking.”


  Elliot closes his eyes a moment. “The chemical makeup from the blood of a pregnant woman is significantly different than that of anyone else. It not only tastes supreme, but it has the ability to heighten a vampire’s powers. It goes against the code of ethics for a vampire to bite a pregnant woman, so this blood is not only highly coveted, but it’s savored and stored for special occasions. It’s difficult to procure and very expensive.”

  “Special occasion? Like birthday parties and graduations?”

  “Like rituals,” he counters.

  “Lovely. So the Faulkners were going to pay a premium for maternal blood?”

  He nods. “I’m guessing that’s it.” He holds up his phone. “Vera doesn’t have any other name that’s registered with the university, so my guess is she’s not with child.”

  “Then I guess we have what we came for. Let’s get out of here before this night gets any more exciting than it already has.”

  Elliot and I jump back into his truck. He offers to take me out for a bite, but it’s getting close to midnight and I have the taping of Murder, Mayhem, and Baking tomorrow afternoon so I let him know I’ll take a rain check.

  Beauty sleep is a very real thing at my age, although I didn’t tell him that. But it’s true. And the last thing I need documented on YouTube for years to come is bags and dark circles under my eyes.

  He pulls up alongside the driveway to Teddy’s home and walks me to the door as those celadon eyes bore hard into mine.

  “Billie, who else knows about your ability to travel?”

  “Just Morgan, Mabel, Teddy, Sunny, two women from Cider Cove, and now you.”

  He cocks a brow. “Mabel? Mabel Buttonwood?”

  My mouth opens and I’m about to refute the idea, but think better of it. Elliot seems to be in the know with just about everything else, I don’t see how me seeing a ghost would surprise him.

  I nod up at him. “And don’t worry. My secret ends with you. I’m not telling another soul—not even Harper.” My breath plumes in a white fog. “Are you coming to the Haunted Book Barn tomorrow for the taping? It’s doubling as a vigil for you know who.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it.” Elliot scans my features as if he were considering his options.

  For someone who declared an end to her romantic life just a few hours ago, I’m sure rooting for round two with his lips.

  A smile flickers on his lips as if he knew what I was thinking.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, Billie. Get some rest.” He takes off and I scowl at him as he hops into his truck and takes off into the night.

  A righteous anger burns through me as I watch his taillights disappear.

  I’m glad he didn’t kiss me.

  Elliot Greenly is stubborn and ornery. Not exactly boyfriend material. I bet he thinks he’s too good for me—that I’m too old for him.

  Of course, he does. He has dozens of coeds waiting to take a spin on his pole.

  Ageist jerk.

  All night I ruminate on the peculiar happenings of this crazy night, my beauty sleep evading me at every turn. I’m going to look like a zombie come morning, and there are so many people to blame for it—Harold for driving me to Glimmerspell to begin with, Elliot for thinking it was perfectly fine to kiss me at one point in the night and not the other, and whoever killed Griffin Barker. All three of them seem to be building the perfect storm to take out my sanity.

  There’s not much more I can do about Harold than I’ve already done by cutting him out of my life. There’s nothing I ever want to do with Elliot again for offering up what amounted to a stinging rejection at the door, but that killer—now that’s someone I can sink my teeth into.

  I’m going to have a talk with all three of my suspects come tomorrow afternoon. Here’s hoping one of them will lead me straight to whoever thought it was a good idea to inject Griffin with a needle full of death.

  I finally fall asleep, but it’s not the active homicide investigation I dream about—instead, I play out that kiss between Elliot and me on a steamy loop.

  Why Elliot wouldn’t want more of that delicious kiss, I will never understand.

  His loss.

  Little did he know I had brought a purse full of Teddy’s infamous salad dressing along for the ride with me tonight.

  That second kiss might have led to far more interesting places than he could have ever imagined.

  His loss, indeed.

  Mine too.

  Chapter 15

  I’m a zombie. Maybe Elliot can add that to his running list of paranormal creatures.

  I slept for all of ten minutes, and every step I take this morning it feels as if I’m walking under water.

  By afternoon the Haunted Book Barn is bustling with bodies, mostly students from Dexter University who came out for the quasi-memorial, but according to the crowd Harper is congregating with, all of Glimmerspell High is here as well. The film crew is here setting up, and there are enough lights to illuminate a football field at midnight. Cheery music bleats through speakers and the scent of fresh coffee permeates the entire barn as Teddy and I work nonstop to fill orders.

  Teddy shuffles my way, holding a rather obnoxious green smoothie. She’s clad in pink once again, just like the day I met her, and a part of me wonders if I’ve crawled back in time once again.

  Acorn bounces between us and takes one look at the concoction in Teddy’s hand and he begins to whimper.

  “You and me both, buddy,” I say, patting him between his curly ears. “You and me both.”

  Teddy waves us off. “Spinach, pineapple juice, an apple, a dash of turmeric powder, a pinch of black pepper, and a splash of guava juice.” She shoves it into my hand. “Drink up, sister. After the acrobatics you and the detective underwent last night, you’ll need it to revive your bones. That man took everything out of you. The eyes never lie.”

  “He took everything out of me, all right.” I touch my lips to the smoothie and smack them together until I get the hint of flavor. “Hey? This isn’t bad.”

  “Darn tootin’, it isn’t bad. It’s good for you is what it is. So who, what, where, when, and why? Start from the beginning and don’t leave out any steamy details. I can take ’em. It’s been a few moons since I was taken into the woods and shown a thing or two. Speaking of which, what’s the size of this thing we’re talking about?”

  “I wouldn’t know.” I make a face. “Nothing happened. Actually, everything happened, just not that. We did share a kiss—although it was short-lived. Harper saw us making out and her head exploded all over the woods. Then I got hot under the collar—with one of those special power surges and I took off for tomorrow and ended up dragging Elliot with me. Technically, it’s wasn’t tomorrow, it was yesterday.”

  She sucks in a sharp breath just as Morgan and Mabel pop up.

  Acorn gives a soft bark as if he were worried for me, and he probably should be.

  “What’s going on?” Mabel asks, looking perfectly disgusted by the smoothie in my hand.

  “Nothing,” I say. “It’s actually delicious and healthy,” I say, taking a few more swigs and suddenly feeling more alert. Lord knows I’ve guzzled my weight in coffee and it didn’t do a thing. Teddy just might be onto something with this.

  “Everything’s going on,” Teddy corrects just as Sunny joins our little circle with her blonde curls bouncing, her skin glowing as if she put a little too much of that blue iridescent shimmering powder on.

  “All right, I’m here.” She winks my way. “The good part can begin. Did you use the salad

  All four women lean in with their eyes agog and an ear tipped my way. I take it they’ve all been handed a similar Mason jar by Teddy at some point.

  “No to the salad dressing, but it’s still in my purse if any of you have the sudden urge to dress up a good time.”

  Teddy shakes her head as she looks to the girls. “They smooched. And she took him through time and back. Now that he’s had a taste of true love and adventure, there’s nothing that’s gonna hold these two back. The big, bad detective and Billie the Kid are Glimmerspell’s official new power couple.”

  “Oh really?” a female growls from behind and we turn to find Iona looking mildly amused, the look of revenge already brewing in her smoldering eyes. “Good to know. I’ll have to congratulate Elliot on the endeavor. And here I thought he’d never settle down.” Her lips crimp into a devious smile because, let’s face it, she sees right through the malarkey. She zips off into the crowd before I can stop her.

  “Wait!” I call out, but it’s too late. She’s done a thorough disappearing act. “Great.” I sigh. “Elliot is going to think I’m a nut. And he won’t be too far off with the assessment either.” I grunt as I look to the faces still surrounding me. “Let’s just say it didn’t end well, and I’ll be just fine if I never see his handsome yet smug mug ever again.”

  The four of them moan as the smiles drip right off their faces.

  Mabel shrugs. “If it makes you feel better, there’s still a chance of meeting your soulmate even upon your death.”

  “I knew I looked forward to death for a reason.”

  Morgan shoots me a look. “Take a little break and perk yourself up. I’ll get the ingredients together for the bumbleberry pie.”

  “I’ll help,” Teddy volunteers before leaning my way. “I’ve got some laxatives we can work into a special piece for you-know-who. That’ll teach him to dine on your lips and not come back for seconds.”

  They take off and I hoist up the green smoothie in my hands as if I was toasting Sunny.

  “To being single in Glimmerspell,” I say. “Here’s to living our best life without a man.”

  She makes a face. “Sorry, Billie. I’m living my best life with men, nightly. I can’t help it. It’s just the way I’m hardwired. I like men. They smell nice and they make me feel good. But I’m sure you’ll find comfort in other things, like cookies and naps.” She takes off.

  “Hey, I like cookies and naps! And I like books, too! Book boyfriends are a very real thing!” And I live my best life with them nightly, too.

  About six different people give me a wayward look, so I set the smoothie down and do a disappearing act out of the café myself. I’m just about to crest the book tables when Harper comes at me. She’s all dolled up, has her long, dark hair perfectly coiled, and she’s donned her holiest ripped jeans and tightest sweater. She looks all of twenty, and suddenly I’m feeling as if Elliot would be much more interested in someone from Glimmerspell High than someone of my age and stature.

  Whoever said age was just a number must have been a woman. Because clearly, men have not gotten the memo.

  “Mom!” She rattles me by the shoulders just as Acorn runs up and barks as if he were trying to warn me about something.

  “I know, I know, you’re still steaming about the fact you caught me making out under a full moon with the hottest man in town. For your information—”

  Someone gasps from behind her, and soon Harper has been replaced with Charlene Plowmen, as the blonde bumps her off to the side and to my surprise—or more accurately, shock and horror—Harold crops up right next to her.

  “Billie Boobe!” Charlene screeches while rattling me by my arms. “Did you say you made out under a full moon with the hottest man in town?”

  Acorn barks, and I’m wishing he would morph into an attack dog right about now.

  “It’s Billie Buttonwood,” I say, carefully plucking her off me. “And that’s none of your—” I catch a glimpse of Harold with his reddish blond hair slightly frizzing, the tip of his pointed ears burned with color, his nostrils flaring. It’s safe to say he doesn’t look amused by the news of where my mouth has been. “Why, yes,” My lips expand with a devious smile. “I was, in fact, making out with the hottest guy in town.” I shrug over at the two of them. “What are you doing here? Are you trying to ruin my mojo?” I give Harold a look for even thinking about it.

  Charlene bounces as if her feet were on springs and her blonde mop bounces right along with her, as do her boobs and bulging belly, too. She’s wearing an oversized sweater dress in warm peach along with brown slouchy boots, and I slightly resent the fact she looks adorable pulling off a look that makes her belly all that much more pronounced.

  “Did you hear that?” She bumps her hip to his just as I spot Iona pulling a man in a dark coat her way, and once he turns slightly I can see it’s Elliot.

  Just great.

  Iona gets right to spilling the beans before Elliot frowns my way and stalks in this direction.

  Charlene clasps her hands together. “Billie Boobe has landed herself the town hottie!”

  Elliot’s brows dip a notch, and a brief smile twitches on his lips.

  Perfect. Why am I suddenly moved to dig that salad dressing out of my purse and splash it in his face?

  Harold’s lids slit to nothing. “And you did this in front of our daughter?”

  “Mom.” Harper shakes her head. “I was trying to warn you.” She hitches her head their way before sighing. “What do you want? Are you, like, stalking us or something? Look, Dad, I’m hanging out with my friends today, and Mom is shooting a video in like ten seconds. Maybe shelf the drama for now.” She takes off and Elliot steps up.

  “Billie.” He nods my way and those electric eyes of his latch to mine, and for a brief second everyone in the bookstore, including Harold and his tramp, up and disappears.

  “Elliot.” I try my hardest to scowl at him but don’t seem capable. “This is Harold, my soon-to-be ex, and his teen queen, Charlene.” I make a face at her because she just so happens to be openly panting at Elliot—not that I can blame her. “Okay, we get it, he’s hot,” I say, plucking a book off the table next to me and fanning her with it. “Heads-up—there’s a two-for-one sale in the steamy romance section. You’d better get while the getting is good.” I spin her around, and she sails off in that direction without hesitation.

  Now to get rid of him.

  Harold glares over at Elliot, and I pause a moment at the impromptu juxtaposition before me.

  Harold is just a smidge shorter than Elliot, but standing next to a handsome steed like Detective Greenly, Harold looks like a troll with what looks to be a wart forming on his nose. Dear God, has that wart always been there, or is that something new?

  “Who are you?” Harold growls, and Acorn sits upright next to me as if he was interested in this show, too.

  Elliot looks my way, no smile, that permanent look of displeasure hardening his features.

  “Apparently, I’m Billie Buttonwood’s new beau. Detective Greenly.” He offers Harold his hand and the troll is slow to shake it.

  “New beau?” Harold glowers at me. “What the hell do you think you’re doing running around this place like some lowlife Jezebel, picking up the first dope you see?”

  Elliot’s brows hike with amusement. “Lowlife Jezebel? Dope?”

  I step in close to the man I spent far too much of my life with. “It takes a dope to know one. If you’ll both excuse me, I have a show to prepare for.”

  Acorn and I stalk past them and bump into a body.

  Vera Henley hops back and laughs. Her long stringy hair is pulled into a ponytail, annunciating that foundation, with its orange undertone, she chooses to slather all over her face. There’s a hard line at the base of her jawline where her foundation touches off and her neck glows pale as paper. You’d think the makeup artist they hire for this shindig would have stepped up by now and saved the Oompa Loompa day.

“Billie, are you okay? You look a bit dazed,” she says, gently straightening me by the shoulders before giving Acorn a quick pat.

  “I’m fine. I didn’t get enough sleep last night, that’s all.”

  “Hey? I saw you talking to Detective Greenly.” She leans in a notch. “Any break in the case?”

  “No.” I glance back to see Elliot and Harold carrying on what looks to be a genuine conversation, and a hearty groan rips from my throat. What in the world could those two have to talk about? Probably their obsession for girls from Dexter University. “But if Detective Greenly stumbles onto the killer, I’m sure news will spread quickly. Glimmerspell is a small town.”

  “That it is.” She casts a glance past me. “Would you look at this crowd?”

  “It seems everyone showed up today,” I marvel. “Professor Barker must have really been loved.”

  She averts her eyes. “That he was.”

  I feel terrible bringing him up that way. Of course, she loved him—she was my so-called counterpart in that whole dating a professor scenario, so I decide to change the subject.

  “Would you look at all the lights, the cameras? The stage crew is really showing out today. Are you hoping to parlay your talents right into Hollywood someday?”

  She laughs at the thought. “Most of us are just killing off a few units. I’m a biosciences major. I think in a past life I owned an apothecary shop.”

  I spot Jenny McAlister by the mystery section with her creamy vanilla hair smoothed to a silky perfection as she chats with a couple of girls. She’s donned a pink Dexter sweatshirt and her hand keeps touching her belly as if it were a habit she’s looking to stop.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I see someone I need to speak to before we get started.”

  “Sure thing. Just come over to the registers and I’ll mic you up.”

  We split apart, and Acorn and I speed right over to the mystery section just as Jenny and her friends part ways.

  “Thanks for sticking by my side, buddy,” I tell the sweet pooch. “I think we’re in for a bumpy ride.” I clear my throat as we come upon her.


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