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Brides at Coconuts (Coconuts Series)

Page 28

by Beth Carter

  Chapter 96

  When everyone finished eating, Hope and Tucker strolled hand in hand toward the four-tiered wedding cake consisting of alternating vanilla and chocolate layers. A red bandana was piped down the side. Fresh strawberries surrounded the base, and two interlocking wooden hearts topped the cake.

  Hope’s mouth fell open. “This is stunning. Cheri, did you make this cake?”

  “I sure did. I baked the layers a month ago and froze them. Today’s food is my gift to you.”

  “I hope you put it on your website and took tons of pictures. Honey, isn’t it gorgeous?” Tucker slid a hand in his pocket as he eyed the cake and licked his lips. “Are we going to eat this thing or just admire it?”

  “Exactly my question,” Cole said. “But my girl can certainly decorate a cake.” He slung his arm around Cheri’s waist and winked. “And she can do a lot more.”

  ~ ~ ~

  “Oh, boy. It’s getting deep in here.” Since they hadn’t yet cut the cake, Alex dashed to the bar and refreshed her wine. When she returned, she noticed Britney stood next to Suzy and overhead her ask, “Can I help with the babies?”

  “Are you kidding?” Suzy said. “You can change all of the diapers you want. I’d love to have help.”

  Britney’s pimply face glowed. “I’ve never really been around babies but I’m a quick learner if you’ll show me how.”

  “It’s easy, hon, they’re just squirmy. You have to make sure they don’t roll off the hay bale and put a blanket underneath them because the hay is scratchy. I have plenty of tiny blankets in my diaper bag over there.” Suzy pointed. “Follow me and I’ll show you.”

  Alex stepped closer to Suzy and watched Britney. The teen observed Suzy change a diaper as though she were learning how to crack a safe. “I’ll be extra careful,” she said, as she placed a hand on the pinkish back of one of the twins. “Which one is this?”

  “Maggie.” Suzy jostled the other baby. “And this is Matthew.”

  While they waited for the cake to be cut, the minister sauntered over. Obviously unable to resist, Alex said, “I haven’t seen a mullet since I watched seventies and eighties television shows.”

  Rev. Culpepper absentmindedly touched his hair and cocked his head. “Hey, mullets were good enough for Rod Stewart and David Bowie.”

  She held her wineglass in the air. “Touché.”

  Grinning, he added, “You know what they say about a mullet, don’t you?”

  Alex cocked her head. “Can’t say as I do.”

  He grinned. “Business in the front and party in the back.”

  “Party in the back?” Alex’s eyebrows shot up. “Well, now, minister. You must be an intriguing guy.”

  Rev. Culpepper shrugged. “Not really. I’ll have a drink on occasion but I’m not a partier. I guess I never grew out of the long hair stage. My boss didn’t like it so I compromised with the short hair in the front.”

  “Your boss?” She studied the minister. “You mean God?”

  Rev. Culpepper chuckled. “Good answer, but no. I work at Home Depot part-time to make ends meet. Country ministers don’t make much. Don’t need much either.”

  “I like you.” Alex took a sip of wine. “How do you know Cole and Cheri?”

  He pointed toward long-haired Sawyer who could pose as a surfer model. “I’m his dad.”

  “You are?” Alex’s mind raced to Cole’s rainy party when she and Sawyer kissed. And now I’m thinking how cute his dad is. She glanced back toward Sawyer. “I haven’t seen you two talk once today.”

  Rev. Culpepper shrugged. “Sadly, we don’t gee and haw.”

  “Gee and haw?” Alex asked. “What the hell? Sorry. What does that mean?”

  The minister shrugged. “Means we don’t get along very well after his mom skedaddled. Long story.” He stared at his son. “I’m hoping we’ll patch things up some day. He always was a mama’s boy.”

  “I hope you do too.” Alex added, “Sawyer’s a nice guy. I met him at one of Cole’s parties.”

  Rev. Culpepper cocked an eyebrow. “Is that right?”

  Feeling uncomfortable, Alex changed the subject. “I see Sawyer didn’t get the business in the front memo.”

  The minister smiled. “You’re quick. If you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll have a beer.”

  Alex extended her hand and they shook. “You’re full of surprises.” After the minister left, Suzy appeared with a squirming baby in her arms. “Looks like you made a new friend. Do you know the preacher?”

  “Nope. We bonded over his mullet.”

  “I can always count on you for a laugh, Alex.” She wrinkled her nose and stared at Matthew. “I think someone made a poopy. Hmm. Off to find another hay bale.”

  Pointing, Alex said, “Use one far away from me—and please don’t start talking baby talk or I might have to slap you.”

  “Okay, okay. Be back soon.” Suzy stepped across the barn and laid a baby blanket on top of a square bale. Alex watched as Ken reached into a diaper bag and retrieved a diaper and wipes.”

  What a freaking process. I don’t want any part of that. Alex made her way toward Cheri. “Nice spread, girlfriend. You outdid yourself.”

  “It’s a simple barbecue but that’s what the bride and groom ordered.”

  “It didn’t look simple to me. Everything was delicious.” She glanced toward Suzy who held a wadded up, obviously dirty, diaper and frowned. “I hope you don’t get married and have a baby soon. I can’t lose all of my friends.”

  “No worries. Cole and I aren’t in a rush. Besides, we’re a little yo—” Cheri stopped herself. “Sorry.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I know you’re nearly a decade younger than me. Don’t rub it in.” Alex sighed.

  Chapter 97

  Hope clanked her champagne flute with a spoon to get everyone’s attention. Tucker cupped his hands over his mouth and yelled, “Who wants cake?”

  After a chorus of “me’s,” Cheri handed an elongated silver knife to Hope. “You two do the honors. Everyone, let’s hear another round of applause for Mr. and Mrs. Jensen.”

  After much hooting and hollering, Hope and Tucker stood behind the cake table while Alex and Suzy angled to take photos.

  “Hurry up,” Sawyer said, after seemingly the twentieth photo.

  “Okay, okay.” Alex stepped back. “The floor’s all yours, guys.”

  Tucker and Hope jointly sliced the cake with both of their hands on the knife. Each held a tiny piece, turned toward one another, and smashed the cake into their respective faces.

  Tucker howled. “I’ve always wanted to do that.” Chocolate fell off Hope’s chin as she giggled. Licking her finger, she said, “I can’t say that was my favorite part of the day, but this cake is delicious, Cheri.”

  Tucker yanked the red bandana out of his vest pocket and dabbed at Hope’s face. “There. All better.”

  Smiling more than she had in years—maybe her entire life—Hope resumed cutting the cake, placed it on red paper plates, while Tucker handed each guest a slice. Everyone ate in silence among ummm’s and ahhh’s. Once they finished, Cheri gathered the dirty plates, and Suzy retreated to the back of the barn to nurse the twins.

  Alex mumbled, “God, I don’t know how she does that with two babies.” She scrunched her face. “Please don’t anyone answer that. I just ate.” Cheri turned to observe Suzy. “It’s beautiful and perfectly natural.”

  “And painful, I bet. I can’t watch. I’ll help you tidy up.” Alex gathered empty cake dishes and forks, wishing she had antibacterial gel, but forced herself to pitch in. She glanced back out the window. The snow hadn’t let up. The flurries had turned to near whiteout conditions. Alex overhead the cowboys’ glee over the early snow.

  “Let’s make a bonfire.”

; “It’s really pilin’ up.”

  “Glad I’ve got a four-wheeler.”

  Suzy returned with the content baby. Ken held the other twin with Britney hovering nearby.

  Standing with her hands on her hips, Alex motioned outside. “Look at this. It’s a freaking blizzard. I can’t believe we’re having snow—and so soon. We’re all going to get stuck here.”

  Suzy glanced toward Hope. “I hope she doesn’t feel like the inclement weather ruined her wedding.” She stared back outside. “We can’t stay much longer. I can’t risk getting stuck here overnight with the babies.” Checking her diaper bag, Suzy added, “For one thing, I’d run out of diapers around midnight.” Laughing nervously, she kissed Maggie’s cheek. “You wouldn’t like that would you?”

  “I don’t think any of us would like that.” Alex cast a worrisome glance through the window. “The snow has already covered Cole’s first two porch steps. I think I’ll follow you guys in case I get stuck.”

  “By all means. It wouldn’t be safe to journey out alone in this mess. You know how it is in the Midwest. Snow turns to ice, brakes don’t work, and no one knows how to drive on the stuff.” Suzy patted the baby’s back as she burped. Alex laughed. “Babies are entertaining at least.”

  Alex noticed the newlyweds were chatting with Hope’s biological father, Paul. “Knowing Hope, she’ll roll with the snowstorm. Me? I’d be as pissed as hell if I couldn’t get to an airport and go on my honeymoon.”

  “Honeymoon?” Cheri joined the twosome. “I just realized Hope never mentioned one. Do you think they had plans?”

  Alex shrugged. “Neither one is rolling in dough, so who knows. Surely they at least planned a simple road trip. I mean, isn’t it written somewhere that a honeymoon is the law?”

  Kissing her baby girl, Suzy said, “It isn’t uncommon for some couples to go back to work; others plan honeymoons six months to a year afterward due to finances. Some of my brides have to spread out the expenses—especially the younger ones. Every wedding’s different.” She waved at Ken across the room who was engrossed in a conversation with Cole. Britney stood nearby holding Matthew. Ken watched her like a hawk but the teen supported the baby’s head like Suzy had shown her. “If they haven’t planned a honeymoon right away, let’s figure out how to make it up to the newlyweds.”

  “Good idea, but what can we do in this mess?” Alex snorted. “If I ever get married, it’ll likely be a shit storm, not a snowstorm.”

  Cheri snapped her fingers. “I have an idea. Let me talk to Cole.” As she stepped across the room, Alex said, “I wonder what that means.”

  “Cheri’s resourceful.” Suzy shot a glance toward Ken and motioned with her head toward the flurries outside.

  Chapter 98

  Ken got the message and joined Suzy. Holding red-faced, fussy Maggie, she said, “I think we should leave, hon. This snow isn’t letting up and I only have enough diapers for a couple more hours.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” Holding Matthew, Ken beckoned Britney with his finger. “We’re going to leave early. Will you hold him while I warm up the car? Suzy needs to talk to Hope.”

  “Sure.” Britney reached for the baby boy, jiggled, and made silly faces at Matthew while Suzy approached Hope.

  “So sorry, Hope, but we’ve got to leave early. I’m concerned about the weather. We can’t risk getting stuck here with the twins.”

  “I understand.” Hope’s face fell but she hid it well. She rubbed Maggie’s soft head and kissed it. “Thanks for coming. Your twins are precious.”

  Suzy enveloped her in a warm hug. “Congratulations again. I couldn’t be happier for you. Ken’s warming up the car. Do you mind if we take Britney home? She’s great with the kids.”

  “That would be a lifesaver. Thank you. She can give you her mom’s address. I’ll ask Tucker to text her mother so she knows Britney’s safe.” Hope squeezed Suzy’s hand. “Please text Cheri or me once you make it home.”

  Alex joined them. “You’re leaving? Wait for me, Suzy Q.” She placed her arms across her friends’ shoulders. “Sorry to leave early, Hope, but while it might be fun to get stranded with long-haired Sawyer—or even mullet minister over there—I’m not really up to sleeping in a barn. Cow germs, you know.”

  Both Suzy and Hope cackled. “Only you, Alex,” Suzy said. “Want to follow us?”

  Britney joined them, cuddling the baby, who seemed perfectly content in the teen’s arms. She smiled a crooked smile. “You look beautiful, Miss Truman. I mean, Mrs. Jensen. This was so much fun. I love my wrist corsage.” Hope embraced Britney. “You made the day extra special, sweetie.”

  “You sure did.” Tucker embraced Britney in a bear hug. “You looked beautiful, and thank you for helping Suzy with the twins.” He studied Suzy. “Are you leaving already?”

  “Look outside. If we don’t leave now, we might get snowed in. No one wants that with newborns.”

  “Definitely not,” Alex said. She gathered her purse. “Wait for me. I don’t plan on getting stuck on the road alone.” Alex embraced Hope. “You’re a gorgeous bride and this wedding was incredible. I’m serious. From the food to the decorations, everything was perfect.” She pointed toward Hope’s feet. “Your red boots were the cherry on top.” She grinned. “Maybe I can borrow them sometime.” They held one another in a lengthy hug. Alex whispered, “Congratulations. I’m glad someone found a worthwhile man.”

  Cheri bounded over. “Hey, what about me?” She flung her arms around the women and asked, “Are you guys leaving?” Both Suzy and Alex nodded. Cheri stomped snow off her boots. “I can see why.” She reached for Hope’s hand. “Cole and I will figure out the snow issue, Hope. Don’t worry about a thing. There’s no rush for you two to leave.”

  One by one, Hope kissed her friends on the cheek. “I love you, girls. Thank you for always being there for me. Now, scoot before you get stranded.” She didn’t have to tell them twice. Suzy bundled the twins like burritos beneath doubled soft pink and blue blankets. “Ready, Britney? We’ll take you home. This snow isn’t stopping anytime soon.” Alex held Suzy’s purse as Hope watched them leave. Britney ran back for one last hug. “You’re the most beautiful bride in the world, Miss—Mrs.—Hope.”

  Wrapping her arms around Britney, Hope said, “I’m happy for all of us.” Britney peeked over her shoulder and studied Tucker. “He’s really, really nice.” She plucked out the pink Smartphone Tucker had bought her. “Let’s take a selfie.” After posing for the photo, Britney’s eyes reddened. “I have a dad now and you’re married to him. I can’t hardly believe it.”

  A lump formed in Hope’s throat. “We can’t wait to be a family together. We’re going to have fun, Brit. But I think Suzy is waiting for you. I know she’s eager to get home with the babies. We’ll have plenty of time to be together.” She kissed Britney on the cheek and watched as she stomped in the snow with her red boots, slipped, and nearly toppled over before reaching the car.

  As Hope watched them wade through the almost knee-deep snow, knowing Alex likely cursed with every step, her dad ambled over. “What a beautiful ceremony, honey.” Paul’s eyes filled with tears. “I noticed you wore your mother’s pearls. She’d be thrilled she was a part of your big day.” Fingering the necklace, Hope stared upward. “I hope she watched. I wanted her to be part of the ceremony.” She smiled. “I also wish she would make it stop snowing.”

  Paul chuckled. “It’s coming down heavy, isn’t it?”

  Tucker approached. “Sir, you have a wonderful daughter.”

  “I agree. I didn’t have the chance to tell you I’m honored you met with me to ask for her hand in marriage. Old school. I like it.”

  “You did?” Hope slid her arm around Tucker’s waist. “You’re a good man.”

  “A little out of order like the rest of my proposal, but I eventually
asked for Paul’s permission.” As they shook hands, Paul said, “Welcome to the family, son. Take good care of her, hear?”

  “Yes, sir. You know I will. I never thought I’d find a woman like Hope.” Hope leaned against him. “You two are making me blush. I’m the lucky one.” Paul glanced back outside. “I hate to leave early but I have a full schedule next week. I need to do some research tomorrow.”

  “I understand, Dad. No worries. I’m just glad you were here.”

  Tucker patted him on the back and said, “I’ll watch as you back out. If you get stuck, there are plenty of us to push you out.” After Paul drove away successfully, Willow and Larry-Mac approached the bride and groom.

  “Great weddin’,” Larry-Mac said. “Guessin’ we’d better leave afore we get snowed in, Hope. Thanks for havin’ us.”

  “Congratulations. This was a groovy wedding.” Wearing her usual layered, baggy clothes, Willow’s prematurely gray hair hung in a side braid. Hugging Hope, she said, “We’re both married now. Isn’t life grand?”

  Hope’s thoughts swirled as she thought about their complicated relationship. The couple seemed intent to move forward and not relive the past. She had decided to make peace with their wishes.

  “Thanks for coming. Be careful on the road. It may be slick by now,” Hope said after they embraced.

  “We will. See you back at school soon. Toodles.” Willow left holding hands with Mac. As she waved, her many bracelets jangled in a final goodbye.

  Dr. Holmes stood in the short line to embrace Hope. “Congratulations. That was a beautiful wedding.” She shook Tucker’s hand. “She’s a winner.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I know.”

  Smiling, Dr. Holmes said, “I noticed Britney seems very comfortable with you two. I’m thrilled she appears to be making an easy transition.”


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