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The Doctor: Doctor #1

Page 12

by E. L. Todd

  “Did you have him walk around naked as payback? Since Finn had that naked girl over?”

  He chuckled. “No. But that’s a good idea.”

  “So…how was it?”

  “Well, I told him this was new to me, so he took it easy. There was kissing and some clothes came off.”

  “Wow. Sounds hot.”

  “Yeah…it was.” A redness burned in his cheeks. “I hope that doesn’t make you uncomfortable.”

  “Not at all.” I scooped a cheesy bite of the enchiladas into my mouth. “I’m with Jax like three days a week now, and things are going well. Don’t even worry about that.”

  “Great, I’m glad to hear that.” He took a few big bites before he drank his soda. “Looks like good things are happening for both of us.”

  “Yes…good things.”

  I was just about to head back to my apartment when the front door opened.

  In blue scrubs that were loose-fitting around his body, Finn walked through the door. A black stethoscope hung around his neck, and the deep V in the front of his shirt showed his muscles and tattoos. Despite working a twelve-hour shift, he didn’t seem the least bit tired. A satchel made of brown leather hung over his shoulder.

  “How was your first day?” Colton asked. “I saved you some dinner.”

  Finn carried his stuff to the counter, where he fished out his wallet and keys and set them down. “Thanks.” When he turned to give us his attention, his eyes fell on me. When he wore all blue, it brought out the brilliant color of his eyes even more. “And it went well.” He marched into the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of scotch before he filled a short glass.

  I’d hardly ever seen him drink beer. He usually went for the liquor right away.

  “That’s all you’re going to give us?” Colton asked with an attitude.

  “Do you give me a more detailed answer when I ask about your day?” He downed the glass as he watched his brother, his ink moving all the way down his arms to his wrists. The metal of his necklace could be seen along his neck, but the tags disappeared under his shirt.

  Colton made an angry face. “But my job is boring.”

  Finn returned the bottle to the cabinet. “So is mine.”

  “Yeah, right,” Colton said sarcastically. “You save lives.”

  “And I also don’t save lives.” He opened the fridge and pulled out the plate Colton had saved for him. He popped it into the microwave, pretending his last statement wasn’t as heartbreaking on his ears as it was on ours.

  I was in my pajama bottoms with a loose-fitting t-shirt, so I didn’t exactly look my best. But when I crossed the hall to spend time with my gay ex-husband, I didn’t bother making myself look nice.

  Finn heated up his food before he joined us at the table. “This looks good.”

  “I got the recipe from Pepper,” Colton explained. “She used to make it all the time.”

  “And I think your version is better,” I said with a smile. It was the only thing I knew how to make, and of course, he improved it.

  “So, did you like it at the hospital?” Colton said. “You want to keep working there?”

  Finn rested both arms on the table and ate quickly, like he hadn’t gotten dinner that night because he was so busy. “We had so many patients that people were parked in the hallways. The doctors couldn’t see people fast enough. There wasn’t much time for chitchat.”

  “Well, you don’t like chitchat,” Colton teased. “So you must have loved it.”

  Finn kept eating, practically inhaling his food. “Pepper, this is good.”

  “Thanks,” I said, even though I didn’t deserve the compliment.

  “I’m the one who made it,” Colton said in offense. “And you’re welcome, by the way.”

  “But she invented it.” He wiped his mouth with a napkin. “You thank the scientist who discovered the antibiotic, not the doctor who gave it to you.” His plate was wiped clean, and all that was left were a few streaks of sauce. He crumpled up the napkin then carried the plate to the sink. He washed it and placed it in the dishwasher like the perfect roommate.

  It took me years to train Colton to do those simple tasks, and even then, he still chose to disregard his training.

  Colton rose to his feet and left his empty beer bottle behind. “I guess I’m going to bed. I’ll see you tomorrow, Pepper.”

  “I should hit the sack too.” I rose to my feet and pulled my hair over one shoulder, suddenly feeling Finn’s gaze on my skin. When I glanced at him, his stare was focused on my face. Instead of looking away, he kept up his stare, his eyes unblinking. I refused to back down, so I held his gaze, unsure what kind of stare-down we were having.

  He turned his gaze back to his brother. “I have someone coming over. I’ll make sure she wears clothes this time.”

  “Who’s coming over?” Colton blurted.

  “A nurse from the hospital.” He washed his hands in the sink then stepped out of the kitchen.

  “I thought you didn’t have a chance to talk to anyone at work?” Colton questioned, behaving like a parent interrogating their son. He even put his hands on his hips.

  Finn shrugged before he headed into the hallway. “I didn’t.”

  “So Colton and Aaron are heating up?” Stella sat across from me in the booth at the bar, still in her workout outfit because she just got off work. Her usual attire was spandex shorts, a bright-colored sports bra, and a loose tank top that revealed most of her skin. Her hair was pulled into a tight ponytail, and even though she didn’t wear makeup, she looked stunning.

  “That’s what he said. They headed to his place after our double date.”

  Stella watched me with her hand resting under her chin, giving me that pitiful expression full of concern. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” I said weakly. I’d known this day would come, and now that it was here, it was hard to believe we had been married at all.

  She cocked an eyebrow. “Are you really?”

  “I guess now that it’s happening, it truly feels real. But really, I’m okay with it.”

  “It’s gotta be hard…seeing your ex move on.”

  “Yeah, but I have Jax. So I shouldn’t care what Colton is doing.”

  “How’s it going with him?”

  “Good.” The last time we spoke, he suggested us ditching the condoms. I hated latex as much as everyone else, but that seemed like a more serious relationship…even if it was just about comfort.

  “You like him, right?”

  “Of course I do. I just feel like he keeps wanting to move our relationship faster.”

  “Because he’s so into you,” she said. “There are worse problems than a beautiful man wanting you.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t want to jump into another relationship so soon after my divorce.”

  “Girl, it’s been like seven months now.”

  “Even so, it just seems strange. I go from being married into another relationship? Shouldn’t I date a few guys in between?”

  “Maybe. Or maybe you can skip all that. Jax seems like a great guy.”

  “He is…” He truly was wonderful, but all I wanted to do was hit the brakes. There wasn’t that pull that I felt with Colton. I assumed it was because I just wasn’t emotionally ready for a commitment. Maybe if I were in a better place, I would feel differently. Or maybe I only liked guys who were wrong for me—gay men in particular.

  “He’s gorgeous, rich, affectionate…what more do you want?”

  “I don’t know. I just haven’t felt that feeling.”

  “What feeling?” she asked, taking a drink of her cosmo. “He doesn’t make you climax?”

  “No, not that feeling,” I said as I rolled my eyes. “He gives me that feeling all the time. I’m talking about that big crescendo in your chest, those butterflies in your stomach, that cheesy I’m-falling-in-love feeling.”

  “Well, it’s only been a few weeks,” she countered.

  “I felt that the first night
I met Colton.”

  “And he turned out to like dudes.” She squashed my confession with her hard words. “Just because you don’t feel that way with Jax right this second doesn’t mean you won’t feel that way eventually. You’re still recovering from a very painful divorce. Give it some time.”

  “You’re always right, Stella.” I tapped my glass against hers.

  Stella’s eyes wandered around the bar, and when she saw something she liked, she stilled, like a leopard about to strike its prey. “Ooh…I spy something sexy.”

  I turned around and spotted Finn standing alone at the bar, a scotch in his hand. He looked at the TV in the corner, his dark jeans fitting snugly over his tight ass. His shirt stretched across his shoulders, highlighting the beautiful muscles that framed his spine.

  “He’s alone, so I’m gonna make my move.” She straightened her shirt and fixed the flyaways that came loose from her tight ponytail. “Do you mind if I ditch you? You know I’m all about hoes before bros—”

  “Unless there’s an orgasm in sight,” I said with a chuckle. “Yes, you have my permission. But I should warn you, that guy is one hell of a ladies’ man. He’s only been staying with Colton for a few days, and he’s already brought two women back to the apartment.”

  That information didn’t bother Stella at all. “That just means he knows exactly where everything is—and that’s exactly what I’m looking for.” She rose from the booth and left her drink behind. “Wish me luck.”

  “You aren’t going to need it.” When Stella threw herself at Finn, he would take the offer immediately. No guy would say no to Stella. She could have any man she wanted, not just because of her looks, but because of her confidence and intellect. I watched her approach Finn at the bar then engage him in conversation.

  He pivoted slightly her way, his drink still in his hand. One hand slid into his pocket, and he listened to whatever line she fed him. A slight smile formed on his lips, and he said something in response.

  I felt like I was spying, so I pulled out my phone and texted Colton. Stella is throwing herself at Finn right now. Don’t be surprised if you see her walking around your apartment naked tomorrow morning.

  I’ll let Zach know. He’d love to see the show. Where are you right now?


  If she’s putting the moves on him, what are you doing?

  Drinking. I didn’t prefer the fruity drinks the girls got. At the end of a long day, I always liked the taste of cold beer against my tongue. It wasn’t too strong, and I thought the foam was the best part.

  A guy is gonna start hitting on you any minute.

  You flatter me. Colton thought I was a beautiful woman, but not every man in the world agreed.

  I’m serious. A woman like you can’t be alone in a bar for more than five minutes without getting a free drink.

  Well, I paid for the one I’m drinking now.


  I looked up at the sound of Stella’s voice. My eyes had been glued to my phone because I’d been talking to Colton with so much focus. The last thing I’d expected was for her to come back so quickly. “Ugh, what? What happened?”

  “He turned me down.” She grabbed her glass and took a long drink, nearly finishing the whole thing.

  Not possible. “Are you sure?”

  “No doubt.”

  Finn didn’t strike me as a picky guy. If a beautiful woman wanted to jump his bones, he was at their service. “What did you say to him?” Maybe she didn’t make it clear she wanted something casual. Maybe she made it seem like she wanted a relationship—and he definitely wouldn’t be into that.

  She slammed her drink down. “That I wanted to get on all fours so he could screw me from behind. He smiled and said he was flattered, but he didn’t take the bait. I can’t believe he turned me down. He didn’t seem even slightly interested.”

  “That is weird…” Why would Finn turn down easy sex? He had a woman at his place last night, but I doubted that would change anything. “What exactly did he say?”

  “That he had plans for the evening.” She rolled her eyes. “Yeah…okay.”

  “Maybe he does have plans for the evening.”

  “Well, I asked if he was free any other time this week, and he said he wasn’t.”

  Ouch. So he really did turn her down. “Don’t let it bother you. His problem, not yours.”

  “I know. It’s just a bummer because he’s sooo hot. Men aren’t built like that around here.”

  “You could still find someone better.”

  “Maybe.” She pulled a ten out of her clutch and set it on the table. “I should get going. I’ve got a shower to take then a date with my vibrator.”

  “You could get a date with a real man if you wanted.” The room was packed with men watching the game. She could have her pick of the crop.

  “Nah. I can’t handle another disappointment.” She rose from the booth then patted my hand. “Thanks for trying to make me feel better. You’ve always got my back, girl.” She blew me a kiss before she walked out. She walked right past Finn, who had his back turned to her as he watched the game. She flipped him off without him seeing then walked out.

  I chuckled then looked back at my phone again.

  Colton had texted me. You turned quiet. That must mean you’re enjoying a free drink right now.

  Finn turned her down.

  Say what? No way.

  Couldn’t believe it either.

  Strange. Maybe he’s seeing that nurse again.

  Maybe. Wouldn’t Finn have just told Stella that if that were the case?

  “Looks like you need another drink.” Finn sat across from me and placed the frosty glass in front of me. It was the same IPA I’d been drinking. Mine was nearly empty, the foam long gone and the liquid nearly at room temperature. He’d refilled his glass of scotch, and now his fingers were wrapped around it like he couldn’t let it out of his sight.

  I locked my phone without taking my eyes off the beautiful man across from me. The shadow on his jaw was gone because he’d shaved that morning. His tanned skin stretched over his nice cheekbones, and his full lips looked soft like two rose petals. The sleeves of his t-shirt stretched over the large muscles of his arms, a beautiful compilation of biceps, triceps, and sexy skin. His ink matched the color of his shirt, making him look like the ultimate bad boy every good girl should stay away from. “You made a mistake. Any man would kill to be with Stella.”

  There wasn’t a reaction in his eyes, an agreement or disagreement. “She’s a beautiful woman. Just not my type.”

  “Not your type?” I couldn’t stop the laugh from escaping my throat. It was the most ridiculous statement I’d heard all day. “What’s not your type? Her perfect body? Her tight little shorts? Her long brown hair? Her confidence? Her good heart?” Maybe I was biased because I’d known her for so long, but she was definitely a catch.

  His eyes stayed with mine as he brought his glass to his lips for a drink.

  I waited for an explanation.

  It didn’t seem like I would get one. “What’s your type?”

  The question caught me off guard. “Uh…I don’t know.”

  He took another drink before he set his glass on the table. “I wanted to ask you for a favor.”

  “After you turned down my friend?”

  His eyes narrowed. “I don’t hand out pity fucks.”

  I laughed again. “She definitely doesn’t need a pity fuck.”

  “Why do you want me to screw your friend so bad?” He turned more aggressive than before, his face so stern, it seemed like he was on the brink of war. I could easily picture him in the military, wearing a uniform and barking orders with pure authority.

  “Why don’t you want to fuck my friend so bad?”

  “Maybe because she’s my brother’s friend, and that would be inappropriate.”

  “Well, trust me. Colton doesn’t care. I texted him through the whole exchange.” I half expected Finn to rise out of his s
eat and chase after Stella, but he still didn’t take the bait.

  “I don’t want her.” He ended the conversation with the finality of his tone. He had so much power in his silence, so much unquestionable authority that I didn’t challenge him. “Can I ask for that favor now?”

  I masked my unease by taking a drink of the new beer he’d brought me. This man unnerved me, whether he was calm or aggressive. It didn’t matter what his attitude was, he always had the same effect on me. “Sure.”

  “I’m getting the keys to my new place soon. Want to help me pick out furniture?”

  I hadn’t been sure what he was going to ask me, but that was the furthest thing from my mind. “What makes you think I’m qualified?”

  “You’re my only girlfriend.”

  “Girlfriend?” I asked, immediately confused by the label.

  “Yes. A friend who’s a girl.”

  Why did I assume otherwise? “Colton is gay. He has good taste.”

  “I disagree with that.” He rubbed his forefinger around the rim of his glass, lightly touching the vessel with his callused fingertip. His eyes were on me, so he was unaware of the two women at the bar that kept looking his way. “I prefer you. But if you aren’t interested, that’s fine with me.”

  I worked with lingerie and designed my own store. I also put everything together at my new apartment, picking out the furniture and painting the walls myself. I even built my own cabinets. Perhaps Colton had mentioned that to him. “I would love to. And I would also love to see your new place.”

  “We can swing by now if you want. Unless you have plans tonight.”

  I hadn’t contacted Jax since our last conversation, and he hadn’t contacted me either. Perhaps he realized I needed space. “No plans.”

  “Alright. Let’s go.” He downed the rest of his glass in one gulp before he rose to his full height, six-three of pure masculinity.

  I couldn’t down my IPA like he did, so I settled for a sip before I left the cash on the table. To every woman’s dismay, I walked out of the bar with Finn beside me, the ruggedly handsome and perfect man standing so close, I could feel his arm against mine. The first time he brushed up against me, I felt the warmth of his skin, how smooth it felt when it swept past me. I got a hint of his cologne, the scent of pine needles that made me think of the forest. I had enough exposure to him to feel how hard he was, how those muscles formed concrete because they were so tight and thick. I felt him in a way I hadn’t before.


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