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Vipers Den Box Set: 1-3 (Vipers Den #1-3)

Page 6

by J B Heller

  His eyes glazed over with lust and I knew he could see it mirrored in mine. I straddled him as his hands found my hips. Leaning forward, I pressed my forehead to his. “I could definitely get used to this,” I whispered with conviction as I placed my lips to his, letting him lead me somewhere I knew only he could.

  A few minutes later we stopped making out like horny teenagers and finished our lunch.

  “Can I stay this weekend?” He asked me casually.

  I didn’t need to think about my answer. “Yes.”

  I wanted him to stay every night from here on out, but I didn’t want to freak him out by going all clingy girlfriend on him. I was freaking myself out with the thought of how much I wanted to be around him. It was like someone flicked a switch in my head from Hate the Rat Bastard to Ravage Whenever Possible.

  “Just like that? I don’t have to jump through any hoops or anything?” he cut into my inner musings.

  Hmm make him jump through hoops? I like the thought of that. “Maybe a few hoops will be required. You’ll just have to wait and see.”

  A devious smile spread across his lips. I so badly wanted to kiss that grin right off his face, but I had to get back to work.

  I forced myself from his lap. “Food’s your department,” I instructed while I straightened my skirt and slipped my boots back on.

  “Isn’t it always?” he laughed.

  I playfully punched him in the shoulder. It’s probably the softest I’d ever hit him, but still he held his hands up in surrender. “I’ll get groceries when I leave here, all right?”

  “You’re not working today?” I asked.

  “I had too much on my mind, wouldn’t have been able to concentrate. So I blew it off today. You could always blow off your afternoon appointments and start the weekend early with me?”

  He couldn’t be serious. He knew I’d never do that.

  I must have scrunched my face in shock because he fired back before I had a chance to respond. “Don’t hit me again, I was just playing. I know you better than that, Piper.”

  He stood in front of me and kissed me again. I melted into his warm body. I had to admit, if I ever did blow off work for a man— it would be for Kade.

  A loud bang on the break room door brought me back to reality. Tay shouted through the door, “Kade put your dick away. Piper your two o’clock is here.”

  With our foreheads still pressed together, our breaths mingled and warmed my skin. Kade kissed my nose and stepped away from me. “I’ll see you tonight, Piper.”

  With that promise he strode out of the room, leaving me to stare at the perfection that of his butt. God, I just wanted to bite it. Is that a normal? I had no idea what a normal relationship were like. I’d never really been in one and preferred to keep things simple. Exclusive friends with benefits was probably the most serious I’d ever been with a guy, but this thing with Kade already felt like more.

  The click from the door closing again pulled me from my thoughts. Tay came and plonked down on the couch, immediately breaking into a series of questions I wasn’t sure I wanted to answer.

  “So, he’s hung like a horse right? I know he is, I saw the wood he was just sporting through his fancy pants. I can’t believe you’re finally doing it with Kade!” She fell silent for a moment, a crazed look glazing over her eyes before she went on a rapid fire questioning session “Is the sex good? I bet it’s amazing. Look at the guy, he’s got that whole mysterious thing going on. You know, like, I’m a business man but I like it hard and dirty. Is this just a casual thing or have you finally realized you’re perfect for each other? You know you are, right? The chemistry between you two is so thick –you could cut it with a knife. It just about suffocates everyone else in the same room as you two. Does he manscape? Manscaping is important you know? What about that butt? Is it everything I imagine it is, hard and taunt and perfect?” A dreamy expression came across her face when she drew in a breath.

  I jumped in to stop her before she could continue on with her disturbing monologue. “I’m not talking to you about this. It’s too new, I don’t even really know what it is. So drop it. When I have something to report, you’ll be the first to know, all right?”

  Her eyes were still sparkling with questions. “But he is hung like a horse and the sex is amazing isn’t it?”

  I couldn’t wipe the satisfied smirk from my lips as I nodded. “Oh, hells yes.” I turned I went to meet my two o’clock and left her to her thoughts.

  Knowing I was going to be spending the whole weekend with Kade was kind of daunting, but I was really excited about it at the same time. Although I had only three hours before I would be finished for the day, those three hours dragged on for an eternity.

  I noticed Kade’s loaner car in the parking lot outside my apartment when I pulled in. I should call Rhett and see how he’s going with Cherry. I’d been so wrapped up in Kade the last few weeks that I’d totally forgotten about poor Cherry being in the shop. Thinking about Rhett, I realized we still hadn’t mentioned our fake relationship to him, let alone our real one. I went to chew my nails, but stopped when I saw the pretty rhinestone’s Nate had put on them earlier in the week. Can’t ruin my pretties or he’ll kick my arse.

  Once inside, I threw my jacket and boots in the closet by the door. I smiled when I found Kade in the kitchen preparing dinner. He’d changed out of his suit and was now wearing a pair of long dark blue track pants and a grey singlet. He turned from the stove to greet me. “Hey, baby. I didn’t expect you home for another hour or so.”

  I arched one brow. “Baby?”

  He stopped stirring the simmering pot and walked toward me, stopping when he was close enough to me I could feel the heat of his body. He cupped my cheek with one hand while the other cupped my butt. This was definitely a way to get my complete attention.

  “Yes, baby. I’ve wanted to call you that for the longest time. Now that you’re mine, I’m going to be calling you all sorts of god awful pet names, and you’re going to like it.”

  “Am I now? And if I don’t?” I panted, surprised at how breathless he had just made me.

  “You will.” His confidence was reassuring, but it was his kiss that sealed the deal. As soon as his warm lips brushed against mine, I melted into his warm body; wrapping my arms around his neck then lifting my legs one at a time to swathe around his waist. His hands moved to my butt, bringing me closer to him as he walked us to the closest wall and pinned me against it. I could feel how hard he was, and all it did was fuel the fire already burning me up on the inside.

  He pulled his lips away from mine. “I gotta finish dinner baby—” he panted. “To be continued. Go have a shower and dinner will be ready when you get out.”

  As he lowered me to my feet my hand rubbed over every ridge of muscle beneath his clothes he was clearly going commando under those trackies from the feel of things. Kade steadied me before stepping away and making his way back into the kitchen.

  I did as he’d asked and went for a shower. The hot spray felt amazing on my sore body. Being on my feet all day sucked sometimes. The shoes I wear don’t help the situation, but hey, a girls gotta have her heels!

  After showering off, I threw on a pair of black yoga pants and my oversized Rush Crush t-shirt. I pinned my hair in a loose bun and looked at myself in the mirror, wondering if I should put on some makeup or something. I’d never tried to impress Kade with my looks before, and I figured why start now? He obviously liked me the way I was.

  When I opened my bedroom door a rich aroma wafted through the air, causing my mouth to water and my tummy to growl. I rushed out to the kitchen and jumped up on a bar stool, waiting to be served.

  “Chicken Parma okay?” he called from the kitchen.

  He asks the dumbest questions.

  “Um, yes. Now dish it up already!”

  “Impatient much?” he chuckled.

  “Uh, I’m hungry.”

  Smiling, he slid a plate in front of me. It looked, and tasted, just as del
ectable as everything he cooked.

  I felt him staring at me, and I glanced up with a mouthful of noodles.

  “You make sex noises when you eat,” he said.

  That comment nearly made me spit my food out.

  I quickly swallowed. “I do not!”

  “Um, yes, Piper, you do. I used to think so, but now…I know so.” He winked at me, then dished up his own plate, and came to sit by me at the bench.

  My cheeks heated. How embarrassing.

  “Don’t be upset, I like it. I like knowing I’m the reason those beautiful sounds come from your lips, in and out of the bedroom.”

  “When we’re in bed I understand, but while I’m eating? That’s a bit weird, Kade.”

  Choosing to ignore my comment, he shrugged and dug into his dinner.

  When we’d finished eating we went about what had become our usual routine: Kade went to watch TV while I tidied the kitchen. When I was finished I joined him on the couch, snuggling into the warmth his body provided. He threw his left arm around my shoulder and kissed the top of my head. “So, how was the rest of your day?”

  “Not bad, it dragged a bit, but I’m here now.” I sounded like a love struck teeny bopper. I felt my cheeks heat with embarrassment again. Nothing used to embarrass me, but now that we were together that had changed.

  He laughed and wiggled his eyebrows at me. “Couldn’t wait to get home to me, huh?”

  I tried to play it off by rolling my eyes— even though he was spot on. “Something like that. What’d you do today if you didn’t go to work?”

  He turned the TV off and settled into his spot to face me. “I went to see Rhett, actually.”

  I couldn’t hide my surprise. I knew he’d wanted to do that together. Even if it was just to use me as a human shield. “How’d that go?”

  “Better than I thought it would.”

  “Well,” I studied him. “I don’t see any bruising, so he didn’t beat your arse. Did you tell him about us?”

  He scratched his chin before answering me. “Kinda not really.”

  These vague answers of his irritated me. “What’s that supposed to mean? You told him, or you didn’t, which is it?”

  “He told me.”

  “He what?” I didn’t understand.

  “Apparently he saw us at the shop one day.”

  Oh Shit! My eyes widened. “Are you serious? I’m screwed!”

  Again with the eyebrows. “Not yet, but you will be.”

  I shoved him, harder than I’d meant, and he lost his balance, toppling off the side of the couch. The bastard reached out and grabbed onto my arm pulling me down with him. I straddled him and placed my palms flat on his chest in an effort to push myself. He lifted his hips and pushed into me. Instantly, I felt him harden beneath me.

  Holy shit, that was quick, I haven’t even done anything. No! Focus, Piper! “Not now.” I swatted at him. “Tell me what happened with Rhett first.”

  Kade let out a deep sigh. Evidently having to talk was an inconvenience. “Fine,” he huffed, “but while I talk, you start taking your clothes off.”

  I thought about it for a moment and decided getting naked sounded like a good plan. Slowly, I lifted the hem of my shirt, stopping just short of my breasts. He hadn’t started talking yet, and I wasn’t wearing enough clothes to last the whole story. “Talk or I stop.”

  I could see the need in his eyes, his desire for me was just as strong as mine was for him. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard and licked his lips before nodding. “You’re only getting the cliff notes version because I want inside you— now!”

  A shiver ran down my spine from the tone in his voice. There would be no arguing with him about this.

  He let out another frustrated breath. “I went to see him about Cherry. We were having a coffee out back and he sprung it on me. Told me he’d seen us kissing at the shop.”

  That couldn’t be all of it. “And? There has to be more than that.”

  “He made sure I’m not just messing with your feelings before giving us his blessing. That’s it. Now take your clothes off.”

  “What? He didn’t even try to hit you? I don’t get it. He should have smashed your face in.”

  “Thanks, Pip, but no. He didn’t even try. I imagine if I answered his line of questions differently he would have ended me, so I told him the truth.”

  I tilted my head to the side as I considered what he was saying. What could have held Rhett back from giving Kade the beating of his life?

  Narrowing my eyes, I asked, “And what truth would that be?”

  He reached up, took my hands in his, and pulled them away from my half raised shirt. My shirt fell, covering my body again.

  I was so confused. A minute ago he was ready to ravage me, but now the mood has changed. His expression had grown serious, not a trace of playfulness was left in his features. He kept me in his lap as he slowly sat up and scooted back into the couch.

  Stroking my fingers along his jaw, I asked, “What’s wrong?”

  He swallowed hard again.

  I didn’t understand. What did I say? “What’s wrong, Kade?”

  “Nothing’s wrong, Piper. It’s just…I wasn’t exactly planning on telling you yet. I didn’t want to frighten you with the intensity of my feeling about this.”

  I furrowed my eyebrows. “About what?”

  He let out a small humourless laugh and shook his head. “You really have no idea do you?”

  His large, smooth hands caressed my cheeks as his thumb gently stroked my skin I couldn’t help but lean in to his warm touch. “Piper, I’ve been in love with you for years. You and you alone have owned me; heart and soul since I was seventeen years old.”

  I could hear my heart beat pound in my ears. He what? I was speechless. He couldn’t love me. All these years, we’ve hated each other. Haven’t we? How could he love me?

  He nudged my nose softly with his, bringing me back to the moment. “This is why I didn’t want to say anything yet. I knew you weren’t ready to hear it. I knew it would freak you out.”

  His hands rubbed across the frown lines that had formed on my forehead. “It’s okay, baby. I don’t expect you to love me. We can keep going just as we are, just like this. Nothing has to change.”

  Instead of focusing on his shocking revelation I thought about his last statement. Nothing has to change. I nodded my head slowly in acceptance. Nothing has to change. Kade’s hand slid around the back of my neck, his fingers lacing my hair as he pulled my face towards his. The second our lips met I forgot everything. He kissed me with such passion all I could do was lose myself in his touch.

  A loud banging woke me. I rolled over to find that I was alone in bed. I glanced at the clock on my bedside table, eight in the morning… on Saturday for goodness sake. Why would Kade be up already?

  I slid out from my cosy blankets and picked my clothes up from the floor, silently thanking God that the heating was on in my room. Still half asleep I pulled my clothes on and made my way to the door.

  When I exited my room I heard muffled voices, then the front door slammed shut. What the hell? I shuffled down the hallway and poked my head around the corner. Kade was standing there in nothing but his track pants. His shoulders were tense. He had that pissed off male stance that radiated power and anger.

  “Kade?” I whispered.

  He spun around, nearly knocking the side board over in the process. He reached to steady it, then looked back at me. “Didn’t hear you come out, baby.”

  “A banging sound woke me. Who was that?” I probed.

  “We need to talk.” That was all he said as he walked right past me and into the lounge. I’d never seen him act like that before, and it freaked me out.

  I followed him to the couch and sat down in his lap. His big arms circled around me, while he rested his head on my shoulder. I felt his chest puff out, as he breathed me in, then he sighed. “It was Jamie.”

  Immediately, I bolted up and out of his
lap. What the hell! “As in your crazy arse stalker Jamie?”

  “The one and the same,” he murmured.

  “How does she know where I live?”

  “Apparently she followed me. Several times in fact. It’s just taken her this long to figure out how to get into the complex. I thought you were safe here. But, Piper, she’s freaking nuts!”

  I exploded. “No shit, Sherlock! What the hell, Kade? You should have let me kick her arse! How dare she come to my home!” I was fuming.

  “As hot as watching you kick someone’s arse would be, baby, I really don’t think that’s the best course of action here.” He was trying to lighten my suddenly dark mood.

  Pacing, I snapped at him. “Oh really? And since when are you a pacifist?”

  “Since always if it means keeping you from getting hurt.” He ran his hands through his dark hair and gripped the back of his neck.

  I stopped my pacing and glared at him. “You know damn well I can take care of myself.”

  “Yeah I do,” he sighed. “But just because you can doesn’t mean I want to put you in a position where you have to.”

  I threw my hands up in the air. “This is shit, Kade. What about when she comes back, huh? You should have just let me take her and this would be over.”

  He rose and came to stand in front of me. “God, I love your spirit, Piper. It’s one of your best qualities. But this time, baby, we need to err on the side of caution. I don’t know what she’s capable of, and I don’t want you getting hurt.”

  He gently caressed my arms in a half arsed attempt to calm me down. That bitch had crossed a line coming to my apartment. I knew she was crazy when Kade said she keyed Cherry, but to follow him around— she’s certifiable.

  “Have you called the cops on her crazy arse yet? You need a restraining order,” I huffed and tapped my foot over the floor.

  “I’ve got one, and it’s not worth the paper it’s written on.”


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