The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need
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MARS IN CAPRICORN Mars in Capricorn signifies force and energy kept under control, to be used when necessary. As a person with this Mars position, you are fierce, magnetic, and commanding. Your strength lies in your obstinacy and ability to endure. When obstacles block your path you run over them roughshod. You have vigor and dynamic force, and also quiet self-reliance. Your sexual nature is earthy and passionate, but the element of self-control marks your relationships. At times hot-blooded, sexy, even romantic, at other times you are chilly and disinterested. What you usually do is channel your formidable power into the direction that serves you best. In their youth Mars-Capricorns often have a secret love affair with an older person. At some point in their lives, strong personal ambition tends to project Mars-Capricorns into the public eye.
MARS IN AQUARIUS In Aquarius, the energy of Mars is expressed on a mental plane. You are quick in your actions, but before you act you must be committed intellectually. You tend to be very people-oriented and involved in a variety of projects. There is an element of reform or fighting for freedom in your outlook. High-strung and unpredictable, you struggle between wanting to do things alone and getting involved in group activities. There is also ambivalence in your sexual nature. You have strong desires that are not always reachable. You try to deal with sex relationships rationally, and swing back and forth between passionate involvement and detachment. You acknowledge sexual desire but don’t want to be fettered by it. This sometimes leads to your having a number of affairs (often simultaneously); that way, each affair can’t be a total commitment. As a Mars-Aquarian you have acute insights into human nature.
MARS IN PISCES Pisces is an emotional sign, and your strength with Mars in Pisces is your power to stir the feelings and grab the emotions. If you have this Mars position you may be noted for your compelling imagination. Many artists, writers, and actors have Mars in Pisces. Enormously receptive to your environment, you store impressions in your subconscious and then produce them at the opportune time. You shoulder the responsibilities of others without complaint. Intensity of feeling is evident in your sexuality. You are sensuous, have deep passions, and display a high level of fervor. You seek to involve yourself totally in a sex relationship, for this is a way in which you can draw closer to another human being. You may suffer disappointment in love. During your lifetime you attract influential friends and gain monetarily from these associations.
JUPITER IS THE PLANET of good luck, optimism, success, and generosity. Jupiter brings joy to life.
Are you a generous person? Do you seem to attract success through your close associations? Are you able to turn your ideas into profit? Does your luck work for you when you need it most?
If you answer yes to these questions, Jupiter is well aspected in your horoscope. The position of Jupiter in your birth chart can indicate where your fortunate opportunities are to be found. This benevolent planet shows where you have the most room to expand and the areas in which you will get the best out of life.
Jupiter has always been identified with the idea of expansiveness and abundance. In mythology, Jupiter was the ruler of the heavens, supreme god of gods. He was an all-powerful and benign guardian who symbolized honor, good faith, and wisdom.
In astrology, the planet Jupiter is known as the Greater Fortune (Venus is the Lesser Fortune). Jupiter’s kingdom is luck, health and happiness, wealth and worldly goods, power and high position. It rules over knowledge, higher learning, breadth of vision, and honesty. Its influence bestows a willingness to partake of life, to gather new experiences. The knowledge that Jupiter imparts is on a philosophical level, as opposed to the day-to-day cleverness that Mercury confers.
Jupiter’s position in your chart indicates how outgoing and genial you are, whether you attract money and possessions, and in what career you will have the most luck. Jupiter signifies the good things that come to you easily and with little effort—this is the planet of “free lunch.” It is said that when Jupiter is working for you, you will never go under. You will often find that Jupiter’s power comes to your rescue at the last minute. However, it is also true that unless you put Jupiter’s gifts to good use and not waste them, they can be taken away as quickly as they were given.
When Jupiter is prominent in your horoscope you tend to be well liked and popular, friendly, broadminded, and cheerful, successful in career and business. (An interesting sidelight: You will probably discover that a large number of the people with whom you have an immediate rapport have Jupiter in the same sign as your Sun sign.)
Jupiter can also be too much of a good thing, for its influence can make you extravagant, lazy and luxury-loving, profligate with money, and blindly optimistic. If things fall into your lap too easily, you never develop strength of character or spiritual wisdom.
Jupiter is the planet of blessings—blessings we must learn to use wisely.
Where Is Your Jupiter?
To find out what sign Jupiter was in on the day of your birth, consult the Jupiter Tables on page 501.
JUPITER IN ARIES Luck follows you in professions where you can be your own boss. You are discontent when you have to follow other people’s orders and, being independent and brash, you immediately try to change that situation. Confident and enthusiastic, you are a natural leader capable of running organizations, groups, social clubs, and businesses. You have original ideas and make swifter progress by relying on your own opinions and abilities. You can be a bit bullying and are sometimes quite extravagant in your spending. This position of Jupiter fosters an ability to win over influential people and obtain their help in your career. Jupiter-Ariens often achieve high rank in politics, literature, science, and the military. Your luckiest times of the year are when the Sun is in the signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Also, people who have those Sun signs are likely to bring you financial benefit.
JUPITER IN TAURUS Jupiter and Taurus are very harmonious; Taurus is the money sign of the zodiac and Jupiter brings abundance. You are successful in fields where finances are prominent, such as banking and stocks and bonds, and investments are likely to bring reward. You are conservative about the way you handle money; security is extremely important to you. (If Jupiter is afflicted, however, you will overspend on luxuries for yourself; this is also true if Venus is prominent in your chart.) As a Jupiter-Taurean you have an eye for beauty and art. You tend to collect paintings and sculpture, jewelry, and antiques that often increase in value. In this sign, Jupiter bestows a lovely voice and artistic talent. Natives are also successful in careers they conduct at home, such as writing, interior decorating, and art collecting. Jupiter-Taureans tend to marry well; career opportunity often comes to you through the opposite sex. Your luckiest times of the year are when the Sun is in the signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
JUPITER IN GEMINI If you are a Jupiter-Gemini, you are blessed with an adventurous attitude and a knack for getting into advantageous situations. Though you don’t necessarily look for moneymaking opportunities, these usually come to you through the many friends and contacts that you acquire. You achieve best success in intellectual areas, such as teaching, lecturing, diplomatic careers, and law. You would also do well in the airline industry. Gemini is the sign of communication, and if your Jupiter is in Gemini you profit financially in ventures where communicating is prominent—publishing, magazine writing, TV reporting or commentating, and acting. As a Jupiter-in-Gemini person you are versatile and clever, and often you make a name for yourself in more than one profession. A change in vocation at one point in your life is almost certain. Your luckiest times of the year are when the Sun is in the signs of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
JUPITER IN CANCER This is one of the luckiest positions Jupiter can be in. As a Jupiter-Cancerian you have a wonderful disposition, are good-humored, funny, and optimistic. You are popular wherever you go, and this opens many doors for you. Retentive Cancer is a sign that holds on to money; people with Jupiter in this sign are lucky with investments, real estat
e, inheritances, and the stock market. You are imaginative and sympathetic, and do well in creative pursuits. Old things have a special appeal to you; you would be successful in the antique business and museum work. Anything involving food and drink also brings luck; many of you make successful chefs, restaurateurs, and cookbook writers. You will probably acquire enough material possessions by the time you reach middle age to ensure that your later years are peaceful and secure. You make excellent parents and your children tend to bring you benefits. Your luckiest times of the year are when the Sun is in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
JUPITER IN LEO Jupiter in Leo bestows an extraordinary public appeal. If you are a native of this position you are well suited for the theater, television and movies, politics, advertising, and public relations. Your full potential is achieved through leadership; you are wretchedly unhappy if forced to stay on the lowest rung. You think big, are ambitious, and have a penchant for grandeur and extravagant display. In professions where this is useful, such as the entertainment industry, the world of fashion, and high-powered selling jobs, you are predestined to succeed. The problem is that success may come too easily. In that event, Jupiter -Leos can become boastful and power-hungry. Fortunately, this does not happen often, for Jupiter gives you personal charm and warmhearted vitality. Other people want to do things for you, and you often benefit from influential friends. Your luckiest times of the year are when the Sun is in the signs of Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries.
JUPITER IN VIRGO Jupiter in the practical sign of Virgo gives you a capacity for making a success of a hobby or a pastime. Many famous Jupiter-Virgos start out with a shoestring and build empires. If you have this Jupiter position you are smart, analytical, and persevering. You figure out the surest route to the largest dividends. The power of Jupiter surrounds you in intellectual pursuits, but the difference between Jupiter-Virgos and other intellectual signs is that Virgos have an uncommon amount of common sense. You are also superb at handling detail and do your best work a step at a time. You would make a successful teacher, accountant, literary critic, journalist, or news commentator. Your ability to grasp facts and then apply them systematically makes careers in the fields of space technology, science, and medicine accessible to you. Your luckiest times of the year are when the Sun is in the signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
JUPITER IN LIBRA Jupiter in this sign bestows a magnetic and charming personality. Luck comes to you through your artistic talents and your eye for beauty and harmony. Many of you are talented musicians, painters, interior decorators, fashion designers, and art collectors. You have a knack for getting your talent on display and winning friends in high places. You like to entertain, and many of your allies are won in the relaxed and genial atmosphere you are able to create. More than natives of any other Jupiter position, you benefit from marriage. Marriage often brings social position and wealth, and sometimes an entrée into the business world. Jupiter-Librans are most successful in partnerships; you should never start a business completely on your own. Your finely balanced reason and impartiality would make you an excellent judge, lawyer, or diplomat. Your luckiest times of the year are when the Sun is in the signs of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
JUPITER IN SCORPIO Jupiter in Scorpio is a very powerful influence on willpower and personal magnetism. If you have this Jupiter position you tend to be successful in artistic work. Many Jupiter-Scorpios excel at ferreting out hidden information. This would make you an excellent psychiatrist, researcher, politician, or security agent in government. Luck comes to you through your strong attraction for the opposite sex. Often the door is opened to career and financial opportunity because of sexual liaisons. Scorpio is the sign of death and regeneration, and Jupiter in this sign promotes skill in medicine, surgery, and therapy. You possess shrewdness in money matters, and many of you have a Midas touch for picking lucrative investments. Sometimes you benefit from inheritances during your lifetime. Your luckiest times of the year are when the Sun is in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
JUPITER IN SAGITTARIUS Sagittarius is the sign that Jupiter rules, and the planet’s expansive, generous qualities are emphasized. With this Jupiter position, you are a person who likes to live well; you have a free hand when it comes to spending. Fortunately, you usually attract financial luck. No other Jupiter position augurs as much success in this area. As a native, you have an instinct for turning ideas into cash; you think big and profit accordingly. You also tend to marry well, and many of you inherit money. Jupiter in Sagittarius, though, does not make the personality crass or materialistic. You are high-minded and idealistic. You will often give up a well-paying position if it doesn’t suit your inner calling. Gifted with great intellectual capacity, you are drawn to professions in law, government, diplomacy, and the world of literature and philosophy. Your luckiest times of the year are when the Sun is in the signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
JUPITER IN CAPRICORN In the strong, materialistic sign of Capricorn, Jupiter’s power is expressed through ambition. As a native of this placement, you gain high position in life through hard work and fierce willpower. Capricorn is an earth sign, and Jupiter’s influence is propitious for enterprises that involve earth in some way: mining, construction, land development, real estate, and the oil industry. Success isn’t a flash in the pan with you. It is achieved gradually, but over the long term you tend to reach the top because you are disciplined. Jupiter in Capricorn confers an instinct for business; you are a canny trader and tend to handle finances conservatively. Others may notice a curious mixture of economy and extravagance in your spending habits. You may pinch nickels but will be lavish with large sums. This can be useful in business: You are able to keep to a budget but are not afraid to spend when you have to. The luckiest times of the year for you are when the Sun is in the signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
JUPITER IN AQUARIUS Jupiter in Aquarius contributes to a magnetic ability to win friends. You usually find good fortune through your friends and unexpected opportunities. Aquarius is also the sign of the future, and as a native of this Jupiter position you tend to be successful in professions of the modern era—television, computers, electronics, aviation, and the space industry. You easily become bored when the sole purpose of an activity is to make money. You usually find your best opportunity in professions where a broader view is necessary. You are also endowed with a special aptitude for music, and many Jupiter-Aquarians become well known in that world. One of the nicest benefits of Jupiter in this sign is that you bring luck to others. You have a sharp intuition about human nature coupled with idealism. The most auspicious times of the year for you are when the Sun is in the signs of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
JUPITER IN PISCES Jupiter is strong here because it endows you with the power to appeal to the emotions. Work in which you deal directly with others, especially where there is a high level of feeling, will bring success. This is especially true for those of you who enter the healing arts. Jupiter also accentuates imagination, wisdom, and high ideals. In general, you do your best work in fields in which you help humanity. Jupiter-Pisceans are singled out for success in social or religious work, politics, and philanthropic organizations. Work that involves travel over water brings other opportunities into your life. You also have a deft touch with animals, would make a fine veterinarian, and many of you have lucrative businesses breeding horses, owning cattle ranches, and raising cats and dogs for show. Jupiter in Pisces usually grants you your secret ambition. You attract fortune because of your likeableness and popularity. The luckiest times of the year for you are when the Sun is in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
SATURN IS THE PLANET of responsibility and symbolizes the ethic of hard work. Under its influence a person’s character is strengthened through trial and difficulty. It has been said that Saturn disciplines us until we can learn to discipline ourselves.
Are you able to stick with a task until you have it completed? Do you at times feel bes
et by problems or see obstacles at every turn? Would other people call you stubborn? Have you sometimes felt lonely and depressed?
If you answer yes, then you have felt the presence of Saturn in your life.
The planet is named after the Roman titan-god who was the father of Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto. Saturn was also a symbol for Father Time, for he brought to an end all things that had a beginning.
In astrology Saturn is the planet of diligence, selfcontrol, and limitation. Its domain is patience, stability, maturity, and realism. Its influence is stern and restrictive, cold and severe.
Saturn is called the Celestial Taskmaster, for it teaches us the lessons we must learn in life. In the grand plan of the universe, Saturn does not give us more than we can handle. Under Saturn’s influence we achieve by overcoming obstacles and hardship. Sometimes the effort itself is the reward, for effort is what builds character. In the end, what we learn under Saturn’s influence we keep for the rest of our lives.
Saturn’s position in your chart indicates how well you accept responsibility, whether you are self-disciplined, and what delays and opposition you can expect to encounter. When its influence is prominent you tend to be reliable, trustworthy, and patient. Saturn gives the power to endure and provides the tenacity and perseverance to realize your potential.