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The Vanguard

Page 46

by Jeffrey Ellis

  “Integrate into their world?” Onis said sounding shocked.

  “Of course. We are no longer safe here. The drebs want to finish what they started at Atlantis and part of that is not just eliminating Baldric and Malka but us as well. We number only a few thousand. We don't know their numbers or strengths. We do know they are working with allies and using machines of war, none of which we have. We need allies. The Vanguard are likely to be our allies but only if we join their war. What we must decide is are we willing to commit to that war,” Absillion told them.

  “We number less than four thousand and many of them are too young or too old to fight. The only ascended among us sit on this council. We have not had a new ascension since long before Atlantis. If we enter their world, if we join their war, we are likely to speed up our demise,” Trall said.

  “Possibly. I would offer this for discussion of the council. This is not my decision to make alone. This affects us all. Let us convene and determine our future while the draconic heal their minds. I already have Bahta's opinion on the matter and I will contact Doga and ask him to return,” Absillion told them.


  Bahta stopped Xavier before they went any further.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked.

  “Not exactly. You need to know everything before we do this. This pairing is not by accident and not the result of a drunken lack of judgment,” she said, slurring many of the words. “There is an alternate motive to my actions.”

  “Alternate motive?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she replied. She was a bit wobbly. Her earlier spell cleared some of the alcohol but not all.

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “Absillion, our leader, has the gift of divination. He saw me with a child. Your child,” she said.

  “My child?” he asked as he sat up on the bed.

  “Yes. It should not be possible, but he saw it. I came to fulfill that vision but only if you are willing. Unlike some of the other dragons, I believe you should be free in your decisions and not have them forced on you,” she replied.

  “But if he sees the future, does that mean it is certain?” Xavier asked.

  “He sees a possible outcome. He sees what may be, not what will be. Every action can alter that future. This discussion may alter that future as will your decision,” Bahta told him as she held his hand.

  He looked confused.

  “Give me a moment to clear our bodies of the remainder of the alcohol,” she said.

  She closed her eyes and placed a hand on him. She spoke something in a language he did not understand and opened her eyes. He felt completely sober.

  “Alcohol is a poison. I have cleared all poison from our bodies,” she told him.

  His head was clearing fast.

  “My species is dying. Our birth rate is dropping and one day there will be no young to replace the ones who did not ascend and died of old age. Dragons live a long time, some as much as a thousand years but like humans, we are not naturally immortal,” Bahta told him.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “We don't know. Our eggs no longer hatch. The rate has been declining for many thousands of years but now is at critical levels. Absillion and I would like, if we are to fade from this world, that some remnant of us remain, possibly in the form of a combination of our two peoples,” She told him.

  “I am truly saddened to hear about your decline. I don't know what to say. It's a lot to take in but why me?” Xavier asked.

  “I suspect because you are among the most powerful magic users. Only parents strong in magic would suffice and that eliminated almost all but the Vanguard among humans and only the council among the dragons. At the rate you are progressing, you will someday ascend. We have watched your group for some months now and while it seems that fate chose you for me, from what little I have seen of you and what I have read of you in your reports, I think I would have chosen you above the others anyway,” Bahta told him.

  “To give a human the essence of a dragon cost Asala her life. How would you carry a child if you are dead?” he asked.

  “I would not die. What she did broke the natural way of life. What I propose is the culmination of nature. She pulled them from the cycle of life and death, but I want nothing so drastic. Creating children is what both of our species do to continue. That is the most natural of occurrences,” Bahta said.

  Xavier paused a moment. “For us, this is a significant thing. For dragons, you live a long time. A child is a fraction of that time. For us, even with our current technology, we might live for 150 years, 180 if we're fortunate. A child needs care for many years and that is a significant portion of our lifespan. It's also a question of having the time and would I want to bring a child into this world right now. We don't know how this war will end and it may not be one you would want to raise a child in. I barely have time to take care of my puppies.”

  “You have puppies? This is not in the reports,” she said.

  “It's a recent thing. I'll tell you the story another time. I would rather focus on us right now,” he replied.

  “We have considered the state of the world, but you should consider this. This world has always had dangerous times. Natural disasters, global wars, plagues, the Seal, the Dark Ages, the Seal shattered, yet life continues. The only thing constant in this world is that life always endures. Every species on this planet, sentient or not, continues to bring young into regardless of the state of the world. I understand the need for precaution. What I am asking you is more than just having a child. If this works, we will be creating the first of what may be a new race or may be unique in all of existence and never be replicated if we can make it happen,” Bahta told him.

  “Honestly, under normal circumstances, I would say no and be out that door before you could blink but this isn't a normal circumstance. We don't even know if it's possible. As you said, he sees possible futures, not absolutes. If it is possible though, you realize you're asking someone who quite literally could die soon. That meeting we were in was planning an assault. A potentially dangerous one,” he said. “Would you really okay with that? Would you be okay knowing we could make a baby and I could be dead soon?”

  “It is something that I considered. I believe it's worth taking the chance, but you won't die. You'll survive the ALF base in France,” Bahta told him.

  “How did you know about that? I didn't even know until a few hours ago,” he said suspiciously.

  “By the same method, I knew you would father a child with me. Absillion saw you in a vision holding our child. As to the ALF base, I heard your discussion. Dragons have very keen senses, even in human form and I was able to hear your discussion. If you die in that assault, you could never hold our child,” she told him.

  “This is a difficult thing you ask me, and I will consider it because of the unique situation and incredible opportunity but only under some conditions,” he said.

  “And those would be?” Bahta replied”

  “The conditions are first, you let our scientists study your decline in birth rate. Let's see if they can find a cause and fix for your problem and possibly stave off your extinction.”

  “Second, if we do create a child, that child will be raised by humans in the human world. I would hope you would be a close part of that, but I will not be a father to a child whose life I am not a close part of,” he told her.

  “Last, the dragons come out of seclusion and rejoin the world. If you are destined to die out all but your ascended, then you should experience the world not die in isolation.”

  “I will discuss them with our council and I believe they will acquiesce. The hardest part will be getting them to leave our isolation and allow humans to study us but many of them feel stifled anyway and would use this as an excuse to return to the skies in the open instead of hidden as we do now,” she said.

  He thought silently for a moment. “I will seriously consider your proposal. I promise you that. You get your council to agree to the conditi
ons and let me speak with a few I trust. I want their input. I value it, and this affects more than just us, so I think it's warranted.”

  “You should know we already considering rejoining your world and possibly entering your war. The council discusses it even as we are here. I have already given Absillion my opinion before leaving and I think we should,” Bahta said.

  He looked at her and she was smiling.

  “I believe you were making amorous overtures and we were about to engage in a human sensory experience, a cultural exchange,” she said and kissed him again.

  He pulled away. “I said I would consider it, but I need time.”

  “I have a high degree of control over my body both physically and magically and I can assure you no child will result. Now, are you going to...what is your word? Are you going to fuck me or walk away?” she said and kissed him again.

  He pushed her down on the bed and pinned her arms down then entered her. She cried out and he paused.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked her.

  She wrapped her legs around him.

  “I was not prepared for that level of sensation. I want you to do many things to me but stopping isn't one of them,” she said.


  “There's no way,” Malka told Baldric.

  “Of course, there is. I did it. Many others before us have managed to do it and you're as strong or stronger than any archmage who has come before. You'll be fine. Just trust in yourself,” her husband replied.

  “He's too strong. His magic is too powerful,” she said.

  “Maybe so but they're not judging if you can beat him but on how strong in magic, you have become,” Baldric told her.

  They heard the beating of Doga's wings as he rushed towards them. In the bright noonday sun, his scales gleamed like a beacon, reflecting the sunlight and making him painful to look at it.

  “Doga, I have come for the rite of challenge. I stand before you with no fear and am prepared for the trial...” Malka started to say, following the tradition.

  Doga didn't wait for her to finish. Instead, he swooped aloft and breathed a trail of bright green flame along the amphitheater's floor. The stone blocks scorched and blackened but Malka reacted quickly enough to shield herself.

  He immediately turned and dived down at her. She dodged his fangs and claws, but he caught her with his tail as he passed and slammed it into her like a club, sending her flying halfway across the arena. She hit the ground and rolled several times before springing to her feet.

  He landed in front of her and roared. Flames again poured over her along with powerful concussive energy. She went down to one knee from the strain of shielding herself and then she disappeared.

  “You can't hide from me little fey girl,” Doga roared.

  “I'm not hiding,” she said as she appeared beside him and cast an energy spell at his side. The spell hit him hard but did not hurt him, then she disappeared again as he turned to attack her.

  “Tricks and weak spells. You are not ready,” he bellowed as she appeared again and hit him in the same spot with a different spell than vanished before he could attack her, the jet of flames just missing her.

  “This is not hide and find me as fey children play at. This a fight. Stop running and fight,” he roared again.

  She appeared again but this time he was ready and turned immediately to intercept her and his claws passed through an illusion. The real Malka appeared just above him and hit the same location again, this time with a concussive blast and the large scale she had been repeatedly targeting cracked.

  Asala and Baldric were watching the fight and looked at each other, smiling.

  Doga was practically in a rage. She repeated similar attacks but each slightly different enough that he failed to intercept them. The scale continued to deteriorate. She teleported one last time and was nearly caught by a bite from Doga but used a celerity spell to outmaneuver him. He was large and powerful, but she was faster and more agile. She hit the scale with another concussive blast and it shattered. She followed it with another immediately and Doga howled in pain and took to the sky.

  Blood dripped as he flew higher and higher then circled back. He was moving at a dangerously fast speed towards her, his only emotion was the seething rage. As he got closer, he unleashed the full power of his breath interlaced with energy waves that hit the ground, dust, and debris flying up where it did so.

  “He's trying to kill her!” Baldric yelled and started to move but Asala held him.

  “He is no longer holding back. It was the same when he tested you. It is forbidden to interfere. Trust Malka,” Asala told him.

  “I do. It's Doga I don't trust,” Baldric replied.

  Doga landed and surveyed the damage. Even his enhanced vision could not see through the cloud. As the dust cleared, there was no Malka and for a moment Doga thought he had killed her.

  Malka once again appeared beside him, this time spear in hand and plunged it deep into his chest and into his left lung. Doga screamed in pain and tried to fly but muscles around his wing were non-responsive.

  He limped and turned to face her. “Impudent sub-creature,” he yelled and started to attack her again.

  The great wyrm was enraged and ignored the rules of engagement, passing the limits he was set for the test. He no longer held back and unleashed a spell knocking Malka to the ground and sending her tumbling across the arena. She was immediately on her feet and conjured a shield against his impending flame.

  Doga then reared back and let forth a jet of flame at his full strength at the stunned woman but it dissipated on her barrier. She immediately readied her spear and started casting another spell. She hit him with a wave of force and he flipped backward. She was on him in a blink and about to cast a spell at the wound on his side.

  Absillion jumped down from his place atop the elder's viewing area and got between the two.

  “The contest is over. This was not a fight to the death and only a test of skills. She has passed that test and you will stand down,” Absillion's told him as his own scales glowed brightly and his eyes looked to be made of pure energy as the leader stared at Doga. “Return to the elder's perch to be healed.”

  Doga hesitated a moment and stared down the head of the council. He heard a thud behind him and turned to see Asala had flanked him and he stood between both Absillion and Asala. Doga snorted in disgust but did as he was ordered. He couldn't use his wing and his breathing was labored but he was still able to jump and easily cleared the height to the top of the dais where the dragons observed the contest.

  Absillion then turned his attention to Malka who was shaken but not seriously injured. “Queen Malka, you have done well. You have proven yourself as both a warrior and a wizard. I convey upon you the rank of Archmage. It seems Asala has taught you both well. One of you left Doga broken and other left him bleeding. This is remarkable for your species.”


  D'rus walked into the large cavern. The Great Alpha lay in the shadows. The magically darkened room made it impossible for D'rus to make out her features. She stared at him from the darkness, her large yellow eyes shining. The massive pupil narrowed to a slit as he approached.

  “Preparations are proceeding as ordered, Great Alpha,” said D'rus as he bowed low, not looking up.

  “Good. You may stand. After Greece, I will have everything I need from both and then we can begin our conquest of the planet,” the Great Alpha told him.

  “What of the ALF? They are about to be attacked in masse. Should we reinforce them and salvage them?” he asked.

  “No. They have served their purpose. Let them go and rid ourselves of a burden. We have the rakshasa, trolls and numerous other fey. The war is moving into the final phase soon and we do not need them any longer. Let them be purged and let the humans think they have a victory. One thing. I do not want the Vanguard to be in Paris. I need to ensure if the king and queen return they do not join the assault and die prematurely. I need them alive so remove
the depot from their list of targets,” the Great Alpha said.

  “Yes, my lord. What of Mordred?” he asked.

  “He troubles me. I am not certain of his full allegiance. After Greece, he will no longer be needed. See he does not survive the Vanguard's excursion to the island. Let them reach the interior then destroy the Vanguard and Mordred in one stroke,” the Great Alpha told him.

  “As you order,” he replied.

  “D'rus, you have served your clan and all clans well. Your alpha, V'dal, has delegated much to you she should have seen to herself. She should stand before me, not you,” the Great Alpha told him.

  “I am sorry for her absence my lord. I do only as commanded,” he replied.

  “You are your clan alpha now. Choose a new beta and remove the old alpha of the burden of her ineffectiveness,” the Great Alpha ordered.

  “I am honored, Great Alpha, and will do as you command. She will not survive the day,” he said.

  “You may go,” the Great Alpha told him as he bowed and left.

  He walked out through the long corridor lined with the heads of dreb had been removed of the burden of their ineffectiveness.

  The Great Alpha smiled to herself. Soon she would have everything. She would take what she needed from Malka and Baldric would acquiesce. The world would be hers exactly as she wanted it.


  Bruce called the meeting to order.

  “Is it true about the base at France?” asked Trish.

  “It is. It's gone. The military is still investigating but the explosion leveled a few city blocks, and nothing remains. GloCom's best guess is they were transporting something big and it wasn't properly secured. That's their domain and we won't waste time duplicating their efforts in the investigation,” he told them.

  “So where do we go from here?” asked Boudicca.

  “Greece was always our next step after Paris. Now that Paris is off the books, we move on Greece and let the ALF cleanup be handled by GloCom and UniGov. It's not our issue anymore with the fey at Paris no longer an issue. I'll be working with Xavier and Alexander to plan it out. We expect to leave within a few days so get ready.”


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