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Just Friends (Blue Beech)

Page 18

by Charity Ferrell

  Hunger fills his face.

  Need in his eyes.

  Not wasting a moment of not being inside me, he fills me again, pounding into me hard and fast.

  I smile as another orgasm approaches.

  I’m not getting a fake Rex.

  This is real.

  All him.

  How he is in bed.

  How he likes it.

  He’s giving me all of him, showing me all of him.

  “You feel so good, Carolina,” he moans. “Do you feel how hard I am inside you?”

  I gasp, fighting to control my breathing … to speak. “Yes.” It’s a struggle to release even that word.

  “I’m going to come so hard inside you.”

  I slump against the bed, my body trembling as soon as my stomach hits the warm sheets, and I grin at the splotches of sweat on them.

  From us being together.

  I shudder as I release my orgasm, saying his name in a low whisper.

  He gives me a few more thrusts before slamming into me one last time, holding me in place, and releasing a low groan, my name leaving his lips louder than his did mine.

  Seconds later, he pulls out and collapses on his back next to me.

  Sweat covers our bodies, the scent of sex in the room, as our chests heave in and out.

  The door to our friendship has been closed and locked, the key thrown away.

  There’s no returning.

  We’re somewhere new.

  Hopefully, this new won’t ruin us.

  We did it.

  Rex and I finally had sex.

  Amazing, out of this world, will never be better with anyone else sex.

  We’re tangled up in his sheets, naked, after another round this morning.

  It was different than last night.

  It was slow.

  Every hair on my body rose, and I orgasmed in minutes as he whispered sweet things into my ear.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  “I love being inside you.”

  “Love how we fit together perfectly.”

  “You own every inch of me.”

  Not only is Rex a dirty talker in the bedroom, but he can also be a sweet one.

  Rex props himself up on his elbow, me on my back, as he stares down at me. “What are you up to today?” He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, and even though his eyes are tired, they’re crinkled at the corners as a smile takes over his gorgeous face.

  My smile is shy in return. “Working and then nothing really.”

  Other than regaining some energy after the workouts you’ve given me.

  Screw a gym membership. All I need is good sex from Rex.

  Sex with him is the equivalent to one week of cardio.

  “Working and then hanging out with me?” he corrects.

  “Duh.” I groan at the sound of Bob Marley playing from the kitchen.

  “Josh is up.” Rex chuckles.

  “At least we’ll get fed well.”

  Reggae means Josh is cooking one of his infamous breakfasts. Sure, loud music first thing in the morning is annoying, but he makes up for it with his kitchen skills. My stomach grumbles, just thinking about it.

  “We need it after last night.”

  “Do you think he heard us?” A blush runs over my skin.

  “I’m positive all of Blue Beech heard us. You’ll be getting calls about your bad behavior later.” He tickles my side, causing me to burst out in laughter. “You made me work up an appetite this morning. Let’s hope Josh is making pancakes.”

  After enduring an hour of dating questions from Josh and Angelica—their smug expressions confirming they most definitely heard us last night—we trek back to Rex’s bedroom.

  Rex hops in the shower, and I fall onto his bed, resting my back against his headboard. I capture my phone from the nightstand.

  As badly as I wanted to join him, my legs feel like noodles.

  My vagina needs a break.

  My stomach drops when I pull up my notifications.

  James: We need to talk.

  I need to talk to him like I need to grow antlers out of my head.

  The text was sent at one this morning, and I debate whether to answer.

  He could’ve been in one of his moods.

  Stupidly, I reply.

  Me: No, we don’t. Kick rocks.

  Seconds later, my phone rings.

  James calling.

  My heart rages against my chest. He normally doesn’t call. He prefers to type out his threats, so I don’t miss them.

  I decline the call.

  It rings again.


  I cast a glance at the bathroom when it rings again, hearing the shower running, and my hands are shaking when I answer.

  “What?” I hiss into the speaker. “Leave me alone!”

  “Who is this? Why are you texting my boyfriend?”

  My hand tightens around the phone at the sound of her voice.

  Margie’s voice, releasing in a nasty snarl.

  I clear my throat and lower my tone, attempting for it to sound masculine. “Sorry. Wrong number.”


  The phone rings again.

  James calling.

  The best morning of my life—waking up, wrapped in Rex’s arms—has been ruined by him. Tears slip down my cheeks, and I quickly push them away with my arm, ridding the evidence for when Rex comes back.

  “Everything okay?”

  The phone falls from my hand when Rex walks into the room, a towel around his waist, water droplets on his chest.

  “You look like you saw a ghost,” he adds, concern on his face.

  I shake my head and hate myself for lying to him. “It’s just Margie.”

  Technically, it isn’t a full lie.

  It was Margie.

  “Still blowing her off?” He drops the towel, and my mind momentarily forgets my issues at the sight of him naked. I frown when he pulls a pair of gray sweatpants on. “Don’t you think it’d be right to clear the air and tell her everything? She deserves that.”

  I flick my phone farther away from me on the bed as if it were poisonous. “I’m not blowing her off. I’m keeping my distance.” Same thing, but it sounds better.

  He swipes a shirt from a drawer, pulling it over his head. “It’s not fair to her.”

  “Life isn’t fair sometimes.” I cross my arms. “I’m not opening that can of worms. It’s better for her to think I hate her than for her to hate me.”

  “She wouldn’t hate you.”

  “She called me a skank-ass ho.”

  “Technically, she didn’t call you a skank-ass ho.”

  “Close to it.”

  “Not even close.”

  “Look, I’ll reach out when I feel comfortable.” I jump up from the bed with a frown on my face. “I need to get ready for work.”



  I broke the cardinal rule of our friendship.

  I fucked Carolina.

  And I have no regrets.

  My heart feels closer to hers, our connection stronger, and I’m pissed I didn’t take this step forever ago. It’d sure have saved us from a lot of troubles.

  Fear creeps in as I doubt that we can stay this way.

  There’s no way in hell I’d ever hurt her, so I hope to God she doesn’t stomp on my heart.

  The only days I’m a morning person is when I wake up early to visit Carolina at work—less people to steal her attention away from me.

  Today, I’m visiting her during the lunch shift.

  I want to see my girl.

  As usual, the diner is packed when I walk in. Shirley’s is known for its kick-ass lunch specials. Her sandwiches are to die for.

  I spot Kyle and Gage seated at Kyle’s regular booth, wearing their blue uniforms. They’re partners on the police force and often stop by for a quick bite while on duty. I walk down the aisle and head straight to my usual booth. I texted Carolina, asking her to keep it open for me.
My plan was to surprise her, but I didn’t want to lose my chance to sit in her section.

  “Shirley!” I greet, stepping up to the bar. “Mind if my girl takes a lunch break?”

  Shirley pinches my cheeks. “As much as I love this cute face of yours, no. We’re slammed. She’ll have a break in an hour after the rush dies down.”

  “Have lunch with us,” Kyle calls out, waving me over. “She’s our waitress, so you’ll still be able to make googly eyes at her.”

  “I’m going to need that table anyway, sweetie,” Shirley says. “Carolina can make some extra cash, too.”

  I smile, failing to mention that I’d give her a tip far larger than anyone who’ll sit in that booth, and walk over to Kyle’s booth. He slides over to make room for me to sit next to him. Carolina grins when she spots me and slides the guys’ plates on the table in front of them.

  Her attention swings to me as she wipes her forehead with the back of her arm. “Hey. I didn’t think we’d be so packed today. Sorry for Shirley giving your table away, but you know it’s hard to say no to her. I planned to text you when I got a sec.”

  “It’s cool, babe.” I don’t bother picking up a menu and glance at the guys’ plates.

  Gage has the buffalo chicken.

  Kyle has the grilled tenderloin.

  I nod toward Gage’s plate. “I’ll have that. Shoestring fries. Water.”

  “Got it.” She tucks her pen behind her ear and scurries off to the kitchen.

  “You two are cute,” Kyle says, grabbing the bottle of ketchup.

  “Mmhmm,” Gage adds, thrusting a hand through his dark hair.

  Gage isn’t much for conversation. He’s the quiet one, and his fiancée, Lauren, is loud enough for the both of them.

  We chat for a while.

  Gage says he and Lauren are trying for another baby.

  Kyle tells me the sale on Chloe’s house fell through.

  “Is it still available?” I ask, perking up in my seat. “No backup offers?”

  “Still available,” Kyle replies. “Know anyone who’d be interested?”


  “You want to buy her house?” Kyle draws out.

  I shrug. “Why not? My lease ends in a few months. I have money saved up for a down payment.”

  “Look into it,” Kyle says. “I’ll talk to Chloe and see if there’s anything we can do to help.”

  It’d be cool as hell to live next door to them. I wasn’t close with Kyle growing up, since he was so much older, but as he’s settled down, our relationship has grown stronger.

  Our conversation stops when a voice comes through their police radio, telling them there’s a family of raccoons stuck in a dumpster.

  “Serious business,” I comment as they take their last bites and wipe their mouths.

  “I’d rather have that than the other,” Kyle states. A wave of sadness spreads along his face as he digs his wallet from his pocket. There will never be a day Kyle doesn’t remember the scene he walked into that changed his life and how he had to break the news to Chloe of her loss.

  I stop him. “I got it. Go help those little critters.”

  Kyle nods. “Thanks, brother.”

  Gage slides out of the booth. “I got you next time I see you at Down Home then.”

  They say good-bye, and I stack their plates up before sliding them to the other side of the table. Crumpling up the napkins, I pile them on top of the plates, wanting to clean up the table as much as I can so Carolina will have less work to do.

  Pulling up a book on my phone, I kick back in the booth and read until Carolina arrives with my food, setting it in front of me.

  “You need anything else?” she asks.

  I slide my napkin toward her. “Your number, hot waitress.”

  She laughs, shaking her head. “Sorry, I’m spoken for by my wonderful boyfriend.”

  “Lucky man.” I wink.

  “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him, though.”

  “Oh, really?” I raise a brow.

  She snags her pen from behind her ear, snatches the napkin, and writes something on it. Folding it up, she slides it to me. I can’t stop myself from doubling over laughing when she waggles her eyebrows and then skips away in that cute little uniform of hers.

  My cock stirs as I read her note.

  I can’t wait to get you naked tonight.


  I shake my head and tuck the note into my pocket.



  “Can we try something?” I ask, wrapping my arms around Rex’s neck.

  “Sure?” He tips his head down, and the water from the shower blurs my view of him.

  I unclasp my arms, dropping them to grab his hand and slide it between our naked bodies. His breaths turn harsh, his back straightening, when I close our fingers over his already-hard cock and move them up and down the length of him.

  “You want to watch me jerk off?” he hisses through his teeth.


  My heart gives a nervous jolt when I fall back a small step, creating a narrow space between our bodies, giving me a perfect view of us working his erection. A gasp leaves me when he tightens his hold on his dick, causing me to do the same, and his head falls back in ecstasy.

  There’s no taking my eyes off this … off him.

  His soaked abs are strained, and the muscles in his arms tense with each movement. His thick hand, which has made me orgasm countless times, grips his cock, pumping up and down. Tingles sweep through me at the memory of the sounds he made that day.

  This is it.

  What I wanted to see so desperately that morning.

  “Confession,” I whisper, my eyes not leaving our connection.

  He bows his head, his eyes fixing on me, his breathing ragged. “Let me hear it.”

  Our pace slows as we speak.

  “When you were in the hotel …” I start before stopping in hesitation. “Before the wedding, I saw you in the shower.”

  Understanding dawns on his face. “You watched me jack off?”

  I nod, putting more space between us.

  “Fuck,” he groans before sweeping his eyes up and down my body.

  Thrill powers through my veins.

  I want him again.

  Need him.

  It’s never just sex with me and Rex.

  It’s love.

  Mutual respect.

  Feelings out of this world.

  I push my wet hair away from my face to gain an unobstructed view of him.

  “Tell me,” he demands. “Tell me what you saw.”

  “Your hand on your cock.” I squeeze my hand over his, feeling his thickness.

  His eyes slam shut, his pace the same. “Did you wish it were yours?”

  “Oh God, yes.” I’ve never been more turned on in my life.

  “Did you wish you could join me?”


  “Do you like it better up close?”

  “Yes,” I whimper, as if the only thing functioning in my body were my hormones, and my brain can’t come up with another word.

  He stifles back a deep groan. “Is that why you wanted us to shower that night?”

  “Yes,” I whimper again, the word leaving my lips more strangled.

  “Come here.”

  I’m not given the chance to move on my own when he grabs my waist and tugs me to him, his hands roaming to my ass cheeks to lift me up.

  “I’m not finishing on the shower floor. I’m finishing in you,” he grumbles.

  My legs instinctively wrap around him as he pushes me against the wall at the same time his lips crash against mine, his tongue immediately sweeping into my mouth. It doesn’t take long until we’re messily making out, grinding against each other.

  “Fuck,” he groans, his forehead meeting mine.

  “What?” I ask, unable to stop my hips from grinding against him‚ feeling his hardness rub against me—so close to my core that it’s driving me wild.

  His head doesn’t move. “I’m about to freeze my ass off to get a condom.”

  When he starts to separate us, I tighten my legs around his hips.

  “I’m on the pill,” I blurt out, my nails digging into his back.

  His face is turned on and anxious as he stares down at me. “You sure?”

  “Positive. Now, get inside me.” I slightly lift my hips, giving him the perfect angle.

  My back arches when he thrusts inside and pushes me harder into the wall.

  Our mouths stay connected as we steal each other’s breaths, and he screws me against the cold tiles of the shower.

  “Do you know how perfect you are?” Rex asks, standing naked in front of me while drying me off from our shower.

  I shiver in his arms, looking up at him while combing my fingers through my hair. “Nope, so you can go ahead and tell me.”

  He chuckles, his eyes soft as I lift mine to meet his. “That doesn’t surprise me.” He snatches one of his shirts from the bathroom vanity. “Arms.”

  I swing my arms up, and he tugs the shirt over my head. It’s white, my nipples showing as my soaked hair drips onto it. “You know I love it when you pump up my ego.”

  He runs his cold finger down my cheek, stroking it, giving me goose bumps I don’t care about. “How’s this? Here’s all the reasons I love you—”

  My heart nearly stops when I interrupt him, “Did you … did you just say, you love me?”

  He raises a dark brow. “Uh … yes.”

  “You love me?” A smile lights up my face.

  A smirk flickers across his lips. “Uh … yes.”

  My head is spinning. “Like … you’re in love with me?”

  “Uh … yes.”

  My hand flies to my mouth as my heart bursts with joy.

  His eyes brighten at my reaction. “Has that not been obvious to you for, I don’t know, years?”

  It has.

  I just thought I’d never hear him say it.

  That he loves me like I love him.

  “It’s amazing to hear you say it out loud,” I explain.

  “Is it now?” His smirk grows. “I’ll remember that whenever I want to make you smile.”


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