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The Rebel’s Redemption: Mershano Empire Series

Page 5

by Foss, Lexi C.

  I glanced over my shoulder toward the young redhead’s desk to find her gaping at me with a guilt-ridden expression. My responding smile didn’t appear nearly as easily as it should have, mostly due to Avery sputtering in the conference room a few feet away.

  I returned my attention to her and raised an eyebrow.

  “Well? Do you require a demonstration on my ability to seduce a woman without paying her?” Because I’d gladly provide a personal demonstration in Avery’s bedroom later. Appropriate or not, the woman appealed to my basic needs.

  I’d actually been looking forward to seeing her today and apologizing again for my behavior last night. Now, I just wanted to rile her up more and see how far that beautiful blush went. She’d worn another blouse but paired it with a skirt this time. One that revealed a pair of gorgeously toned legs that would look fantastic around my hips.

  “Wyatt,” Garrett greeted me as he met me in the doorway. “Have I missed anything?”

  “Only Miss Perry trying to convince her lawyer that I’m an unfit father due to my alcoholism and obsession with hookers.” I gave her the sweetest smile I could muster. “Does that summarize it, sweetheart?”

  Garrett snorted beside me. “Maybe if you stopped flirting with the tabloids, your reputation would improve.”

  Ah, an age-old conversation in the Mershano family. “And what would be the fun in that, G?”

  “I don’t know about fun, but it would appease your brother immensely.”

  I snorted. “Not a good reason. You know how much I love living up to my rebel nickname.” I gazed pointedly at Avery and enjoyed her grimace.

  “I—I didn’t know… yesterday, I mean. Until I read—”

  “A likely story,” I said, cutting her off.

  “Didn’t know what?” Garrett asked, looking between us.

  “She told Jamie I’m a rebel, and he now refers to me as rebel friend Wyatt.” I didn’t feel nearly as irritated by that as I should have, mostly because of the abject horror in Avery’s gaze.

  Yesterday, I would have applauded her acting abilities. Today, I viewed her through a new filter, one that allowed for the possibility that she told the truth.

  I’d expressed that possibility to Garrett last night, something he had ruthlessly refuted, but in the end, he agreed to call an acquaintance who specialized in investigations. Some guy named Kincaid who supposedly worked quickly and efficiently.

  I’d have all the details I needed on Avery Perry’s life within the next week or two, if not sooner. Then we would see just how much of her act was real. I also tasked the investigator with tracking the funds I had sent to Jean because, from what I’d observed last night, they were not being spent as expected.

  Apparently, I should have kept a more watchful eye on the mother of my child. However, after the hell she’d put me through, I’d stayed as far away from her as possible and sent money as needed in exchange for updates on Jamie.

  Updates that I now suspected were fabricated.

  “You’re lucky my client has tough skin, Miss Perry,” Garrett said as he unfastened his suit jacket button and sat with his usual regal flair. I didn’t care much for my brother’s best friend, but I couldn’t deny his usefulness. Particularly in these situations.

  I remained standing since we wouldn’t be here long. Garrett knew exactly what I wanted him to say, despite his advisement against it. But as I told Avery, I managed my own decisions. And this one was nonnegotiable after last night.

  “I assume her accusations haven’t changed your mind?” he asked without looking at me.

  “Nope, but I’m looking forward to correcting some of her allegations.” Specifically, the one that implied I needed to pay for sex.

  Her beautiful blue-green eyes peeked up at me through a cluster of blonde lashes, and she visibly swallowed.

  You should be afraid, I told her with my gaze. Because I’m not known for holding back, even when I should.

  Avery being decidedly off-limits only intrigued me more. I didn’t have to trust a woman to fuck her. Sometimes that allowed for more freedom in the bedroom.

  Except, with this particular woman, I might be able to like her as well. She had a fire in her I admired, and her motherly love for Jamie endeared her to me all the more.

  And the way she glared at me right now with equal parts interest and hate fascinated the hell out of me. How would that translate to a night in bed?

  “Right.” Garrett set his portfolio on the table and steepled his fingers over the expensive leather. “Against my advisement, Wyatt has a proposition for Miss Perry.”

  His tone indicated how he felt about my plans, but my devilish attorney should know by now that I rarely followed legal advice. A lifetime of being reminded I was just the bastard son of a billionaire had framed my rules in a rather unconventional manner, something Garrett and my older brother knew all too well.

  “We’re listening,” Scott Mackenzie said from across the table. The chubby, second-rate attorney would never be able to hold his own against Garrett Wilkinson, a conclusion I drew before Avery arrived yesterday. Her only option here was to agree to my terms, and I couldn’t wait to watch her squirm.

  “Jamie may remain with Miss Perry for the next two months, so long as Miss Perry agrees to allow Wyatt to stay with them at her home in Acworth. We feel this will soften the transition for Jamie and give him time to acquaint himself with Wyatt prior to any future living arrangements.”

  And grant me time to ascertain her motives—motives that remained unclear after observing her last night. Jean had wanted my money and name, while Avery seemed more preoccupied with protecting Jamie than asking me for a dime.

  “Wyatt mentioned that Miss Perry offered him a guest room last night, so I assume this arrangement won’t be an issue?” Garrett could be so amusing when he wanted to be, and I approved wholeheartedly. Especially since it resulted in a glower from Avery.

  “ ‘Offered’ is a bit of a stretch,” she muttered.

  “Does that mean you disagree with the terms?” Garrett’s haughty tone drained the color from Avery’s face. He truly was an asshole, and he knew it, too. But I couldn’t deny that his methods worked.

  “No, I just meant that I, uh…” She trailed off as the eyebrow of my jackass lawyer arched her way. I’d asked him to tone down the intimidation factor today, but it seemed ingrained in his code of ethics.

  “Are there additional terms?” her lawyer asked in a poor attempt to regain control of the situation.

  I leaned against the wall, hands in my pockets, and held Avery’s gaze. So much emotion resided in those dilated pupils—fury, hope, lust. I accepted them all with a tilt of my lips, which resulted in a furious blush painting her gorgeous face.

  Oh, this would be fun.

  Garrett pulled out the contract he’d whipped up last night after our conversation and slid it across the table. “There are several; however, the primary stipulation is that Wyatt wishes to reside with Avery and Jamie.”

  Scott studied the document while Avery demanded, “What else?”

  Garrett grinned but not in a friendly manner. It was his devil-may-care expression, the one he used when he knew no one stood a chance against him. He always won, no matter what it took.

  “Wyatt can void the agreement at will should he decide the arrangement is no longer suitable, and he maintains full custody of his son. You, Miss Perry, are in no way considered the primary caregiver by law, meaning Wyatt can remove Jamie at any time.”

  Avery swallowed visibly. “Okay. Anything else?”

  “This arrangement is purely at the discretion of my client, and it’s only being offered in the best interest of his son. If you object to any of the provisions, our deal is forfeit, and Wyatt leaves with his son. Today.”

  Harsh but accurate. When her attention shifted to me, I merely lifted a shoulder. He’d given her the overview. I had nothing to add. For now, anyway.

  “We’ll give you and your lawyer a moment to review t
he contract. Be advised, there will be no amendments or additional offers on the subject.” Garrett stood and refastened his suit jacket. “The offer expires at five this afternoon because I have a flight to catch, and I will not be staying in Atlanta any longer than necessary.”

  He grabbed his portfolio and met me at the door.

  “Because Houston is so much better?” I asked, delighted by his obvious discomfort.

  He did not share my enjoyment and started toward the receptionist desk. “I miss my bed.”

  “You miss the women who occupy it,” I corrected him and winked at the blushing redhead as we passed her.

  Garrett pressed the elevator button and attempted to intimidate me with a glower. “I have no idea why I put up with you.”

  I grinned. “I pay you very well.”

  “You mean your brother does.”

  I shrugged. It was true. “And how is my big brother? It’s been a minute since I last saw him.”

  Garrett winced. “Very engaged.”

  I smirked and followed him into the elevator. “I’d ask if you were missing him as a wingman, but we both know your proclivities vary from my big brother’s.”

  Garrett preferred to dabble in the darkness, while Evan enjoyed short-term monogamous relationships. I’d observed them both while growing up and considered Garrett a god among women. The man rarely took the same one to bed twice and sometimes went through a few a night. Definitely not the type to ever settle down, and he showed no signs of stopping now. Thirty-six and clearly loving life.

  “His fiancée does not care for me.”

  “I can’t imagine why. You’re positively charming, G.” The sarcasm in my voice earned a snort from my lawyer as the doors opened to the lobby.

  “Are you planning to meet Sarah prior to the wedding?” he asked, leading the way to what I presumed would be an early lunch.

  “You assume I’m going.” The invitation arrived last week and mentioned something about fourteen days in Hawaii. Pass.

  Garrett shot me a look over his shoulder. “You’re attending.”

  My eyebrow inched upward. “Oh? Am I your date?”

  He snorted. “You wish. But you’re in the wedding party and, therefore, will be there, even if I have to drag your ass through the Pacific myself.”

  Yeah, there was that minor detail. Evan called me a few months ago to ask me to be one of his groomsmen. It was all a ploy our father likely required, which didn’t make the idea of attending very appealing to me. All the Mershanos treated me as if I were a child incapable of running my own life.

  “Looking forward to it,” I lied. It wasn’t Evan or the wedding I dreaded but seeing Ellen and Jonah Mershano, otherwise known as my legal parents.

  “Seriously, with Will and Evan both tied down, I’ll need someone sane to keep me company.” Garrett opened the door to a coffee shop a few doors down from the building we’d just exited.

  “You’ll be too busy fucking the bridesmaids to even notice my presence.”

  The petite barista’s hazel eyes went wide at my not-so-quiet response.

  I grinned at her. “Morning, sweetheart.” She wasn’t my type at all—not blonde or curvy—but her blush reminded me a bit of Avery. “I’ll take a large dark roast, no cream or sugar. The devil beside me would like one of those frozen chocolate mocha drinks with extra whipped cream.”

  “Ignore him; he’s an infant. I’ll take a large dark roast as well with a single cream and a scone.” He handed over his card to pay, and I knew he’d bill me for two or three times the amount later just to be an ass. “And that’s a no to the bridesmaids. One is Will’s fiancée, the other is Sarah’s identical twin, who I have no interest in entertaining, and the final is your little sister.”

  “Mia.” I smiled with the name. Now, she is someone I would go to Hawaii to see. “Have you seen her since she moved back?”

  Garrett’s shoulders stiffened as he shook his head. “No. We’re not friends, nor will we ever be friends.”

  “She’s not that bad, G.”

  “She’s a brat,” he growled. “And obnoxious.”

  I shook my head and smiled. “She’s energetic and young.” Only two years younger than me but so full of life. She loved everyone unconditionally, a trait that helped me survive my childhood. I’d never speak ill of her.

  “Sure.” He took the cup and scone from the counter after the barista passed it over with a bemused expression. The darling girl had no idea how to handle us, not that someone as green as her ever could. My desires didn’t run as dark as Garrett’s, but I wasn’t vanilla, either. One bite and she’d run for the hills. Poor thing.

  Garrett checked his watch and sighed. “My presence here wouldn’t be needed if you’d just use your damn Harvard law degree.”

  “Oh, save me the lecture, G. You know what I’m going to say.”

  “That you only chose to pursue a law degree because it cost your father a small fortune.” The irritation in his tone amused me. “Yet you graduated with high marks and had your pick of opportunities.”

  “That I turned down,” I reminded him as I accepted my cup from the still-gaping barista. “I would enjoy entertaining you further, sweetheart. Alas, we have a meeting room to return to.” And a woman I very much wanted to entertain, in every aspect of the word.

  Her mouth opened, closed, and opened again, still silent. Hmm. No, definitely not my type at all.

  “And what do you plan to do with your life, Wyatt?” Garrett pressed, ignoring my exchange with the barista. “Other than live off the family’s wealth and continue to flirt with every female you meet?”

  “You make it sound like an unfulfilling life, G.”

  He held open the door and nailed me with his knowing gaze. “You loathe it. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have drafted that offer for Miss Perry.”

  “Yeah?” I moved past him with a chuckle. “You have me all figured out, do you?”

  “Yes.” He sounded so certain. “You’re tired of the rebel charade, which is why you asked for my help. Yes, we’re guarding the family’s fortune, but with Jean out of the picture, you finally have an opportunity to know your son.” He leaned in while we walked, his voice lowering. “That doesn’t sound very rebellious to me, Wyatt. It sounds rather honorable. But don’t worry; your secret’s safe with me. Attorney-client privilege.”

  “You’re a dick.”

  “I’m astute,” he corrected me. “But can I make a recommendation?”

  “You’re going to anyway,” I pointed out, feigning a boredom I didn’t feel. He was right about Jamie. I did want to know him, but I hadn’t been able to with Jean in the picture.

  Damn. I’d been an idiot to agree to our arrangement—proof that good intentions didn’t always lead to the best decisions.

  “Don’t fuck Miss Perry,” Garrett advised as we returned to the building. “It’ll only complicate matters.”

  I grinned. “Oh, but, G, you know how I like complications.”

  He shook his head, unamused. “Well, when this all blows up in your face, remember that I tried to warn you.”

  “Sure,” I replied. “I’ll remember how hard you tried, G.” Which would be not at all because he knew better. I made the rules for my life. Always and forever. And I wouldn’t change that, not even for a woman as beautiful as Avery Perry.



  I regretted my decision already, and we’d only made it to the parking lot.

  “No,” I repeated, arms folded, foot tapping. “Absolutely not.”

  Wyatt glanced at his sporty death trap and back at me. “I fail to see the problem. Jamie likes cars, right?”

  “Yes, as toys. You will not be picking him up from preschool in that.”

  “Why not?”

  “He’s four.” I thought that was answer enough, but his cocked brow told me he needed more. “He needs a car seat.”

  “So let me borrow yours. Or I’ll stop at the store and pick one up. Problem solved.”

  “They go in the backseat, Wyatt. Not the front.”

  “Seriously, you live, like, five minutes from the preschool. I think he’ll be fine for two fucking miles.”

  “Most accidents happen within a few minutes of home.” Or so I had heard, anyway. “And my answer is still no. Give the death trap back to your girlfriend and have her drop you off at the house. I’ll meet you there.”

  He grinned. “Upgraded from escort to girlfriend, huh? Esther will be thrilled.”

  I narrowed my eyes.

  Clearly, we needed to establish some ground rules.

  “Look, there will be no girlfriends or escorts in my house. I’ve agreed to allow you to stay in Jean’s old room, which I imagine won’t be too awkward for you since you’re clearly familiar with her bed. But that does not mean you can bring random women into my home for whatever it is that you do.” I waved a hand over him in an attempt to dispel the heat rushing over my skin. I did not want to think about what he did in any bed, especially my sister’s.

  Wyatt stepped forward, forcing me to move backward into the side of my SUV. Both of his palms flattened against the metal on either side of my head as he caged me between himself and my car.

  “First of all, Esther is the Southeast Regional Manager for Mershano Suites and did me a favor by helping me procure the ‘death trap’ so I didn’t have to rely on you to chauffeur me around.”

  He shifted closer, the smell of coffee and leather overwhelming my senses.

  “Second, I am not at all familiar with Jean’s bed and, in fact, have no recollection of ever being in it in the first place. Nor do I ever want to be in a space claimed by her. I will have furniture delivered by the end of the day as a result.”

  I opened my lips to protest that last bit, but he pressed a finger to my mouth, silencing me.

  “And finally, should you ever be interested in learning what I do in the bedroom, let me know, and I’ll happily provide an intimate demonstration.” He traced my lower lip with his thumb, his eyes following the movement. “Any other questions or concerns, Miss Perry?”


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