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Vampire Master: Vampire Queen Series: Club Atlantis

Page 40

by Joey W. Hill

  Story of her life. It won’t be you.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Gideon was in the middle of his third and final set with the punching bag. The successful reopening and Burlesque Night performance had everyone in good spirits. Anwyn was on track to recoup most of her lost time profits and cover the renovations. He couldn’t wait to see Ella later in the evening when things were winding down. The little sprite was probably going to be floating in a cloud of pink champagne bubbles somewhere near the ceiling. If so, good. She deserved it.

  “She’s so damned accomplished,” Anwyn had told Gideon, after they’d watched the entire club be riveted by that singing performance that none of them had seen coming. She’d rehearsed in the days leading up to this night, but not enough for them to know that voice had been hiding in that pocket Venus frame.

  She had a good voice, but she wasn’t a trained singer. It was the true emotion she put into it that captured everyone listening, carried them on that same journey. Especially those who knew what that kind of love felt like. Gideon had his hand curled on Anwyn’s hip, his fingers stroking as she leaned against his side.

  Every staff member with eyes in their head knew the depth and intensity Ella injected into each note was driven by the Dom whose eyes she held like a lifeline while she sang it.

  I could walk up and stake him right now. He wouldn’t even notice, Gideon said in Anwyn’s mind.

  No, he wouldn’t. She’s such a gift. All he has to do is love her back, and that gift will be his. He’s such an idiot.

  Anwyn hadn’t explained further. Gideon suspected she knew more about Wolf’s background than she let on, but since Anwyn shared pretty much everything with him, if she wasn’t sharing it, it was because she was respecting a confidence with Wolf. He understood that.

  He did another round with the bag, knocked it back. Again, and once more, pushing himself, making the muscles burn. He could have used the workout facilities in their private quarters, but he wanted to stay closer, in case security needed him. Plus, with Daegan still out on the hunt tonight and Gideon jonesing to be in on that kill, he would welcome an aggressive sparring partner. Sometimes the security guys came in here after their shift.

  Careful what he wished for. There was someone headed for the workout room, but it wasn’t one of the regular security guys. It was a vampire.

  While third mark senses could detect vampire, he couldn’t detect which vampire, unless it was Anwyn or Daegan. As a result, he’d been twitchy ever since Fort, Saturnia and Allan had arrived. Logically, he knew it had to be one of them headed his way, since they were all three here tonight, providing preternatural backup to the trained human security. But that knowledge didn’t displace the memory burned in his brain, of the first night he and Anwyn had met. A trio of rogue vampires had showed up in the Atlantis lobby. She’d sent them on their way, but they’d come back. And now she was a fledgling vampire prone to seizures that gave her a severe handicap in the power-driven vampire world.

  Plus, Lord Richard was here as well. Anwyn was with him right now. Seanna, Lord Richard’s servant, was already enjoying some of the club amenities, scoping them out for her Master, while Anwyn played hostess to the Region Master. For parity, Anwyn had sent Gideon off for awhile. He had a feeling he’d be getting up close and personal with Seanna on some of that equipment later tonight, no telling whether as top or bottom. Whatever got Richard off.

  He liked Seanna okay. She was the ultimate vampire servant pragmatist and a pure sensualist, but this kind of unpredictable shit wasn’t his favorite thing. Vampires tended to initiate sexual games using their servants when they got together, and those games were sanctioned by the incessant power politics of their world.

  Hence the workout, to settle his nerves.

  Daegan, you out there? Can you give me a ping?

  He felt Daegan’s attention, and a brief pause while Daegan reached through Gideon, a feeling like a heated breeze in his bloodstream.

  It is Allan.

  Gideon grunted, not breaking form on the bag, though he did shift around so he had the best vantage point for the entrance to the workout room. Got that job done yet? Dragging your ass, aren’t you?

  Getting closer. There are layers to this I did not expect. Care for your Mistress.

  Over and out, Gideon thought, and landed a fierce side kick on the bag that had it jerking away from him like a swatted balloon.

  “Think you knocked that guy into the next room,” Allan said. He put his security radio on a table and unzipped his jacket, shrugging out of it to reveal the trainer tank beneath, over his sweatpants. He had good muscle definition in his shoulders and arms. He didn’t rely just on vampire strength to keep him sharp, his military discipline showing. “Got time and the balls for a sparring match?”

  “Against one puny Ranger? I can handle it.”

  Allan flashed a smile that showed some fang. “Maybe not. Big, bad vampire hunter.”

  Gideon scoffed. “Had you in my sights one night.”

  He never knew when to leave enough alone. Allan arched a brow. “Really?”

  “Yeah.” Gideon shrugged. “Lost my window. All in all, glad it worked out, because you were a big help this week.”

  “Glad I could help,” Allan responded after a brief pause, eyeing him with a wary look. “How were you going to take me down?”

  Gideon met his gaze. “Trade secret. Never know when a vampire might get too full of himself.”

  Allan’s lip curled. “You realize I could just ask your Mistress to pull it out of your head like a weed.”

  “You realize you just underscored my point.”

  Yeah, Allan was a vampire and a guest, but he’d also been a vampire barely a decade. Gideon wasn’t going to play the kiss-ass servant with practically a newbie. He’d taken down vampires who were past multiple century marks.

  With unconventional methods, months of planning and the luck of the gods. Do not challenge that luck, vampire hunter. Allan is a good male, and your Mistress needs you.

  Just when he needed Daegan not to be paying attention, he was. Gideon cracked his neck. Yeah, he was spoiling for a fight because he wanted to be two places at once. He didn’t want Anwyn to be on her own tonight, too much shit happening, but he didn’t want Daegan hunting the guys that hurt her place without him.

  I understand, but mind your temper.

  He had a colorful response for that, to which Daegan shot him a pretty distracting image involving a woodshed and a belt. He did things like that just to mess Gideon up, knowing Gideon would claim not to get off on it. And he wouldn’t…unless it was Daegan. Daegan ran the scene through Gideon’s mind vividly, as if it was already happening. Daegan shoving Gideon against the rough boards of the shed, the heat of the enclosed space coating Gideon in sweat. He’d have Gideon’s shirt pulled off his shoulders so he could bite him there, leave a track like needle marks on an addict.

  Holding him with just the strength of his body forced against his, Daegan would strip the belt out of his own slacks and loop it around Gideon’s throat. The strap would still be warm from Daegan’s body. He’d hold the end looped over his fist while he took down Gideon’s jeans and drove into him. Gideon would have to stay still and take it, or strangle himself on that thick strap.

  Which was exactly why he’d do things to make Gideon struggle, so Gideon could feel that mix of violent desperation from not being able to breathe, and the euphoria the oxygen deprivation could cause. He was a third mark. The inability to breathe could make him pass out, but it couldn’t kill him.

  Daegan had to be somewhere he could indulge this moment, to help Gideon settle, but even so, he sent the warning. Asshole. Focus, so you don’t get yourself killed.

  Daegan’s sensual chuckle was like fingers along his spine. Take care of Seanna and Lord Richard as your Mistress directs, and I promise to give you everything I just showed you, and more.

  Gideon tuned back in to find Allan tugging on a pair of fingerless gloves
. Only a blink of time had passed, so Allan was still giving him a narrow look, his answer to Gideon’s smartass response. But then, proving what Daegan had said about the guy being a decent sort, a rueful smile tugged at Allan’s lips.

  “Okay, then. Let’s go at it and see who’s really too full of himself. I’ll match your strength and speed to make it an even fight. I get a better workout that way and improve my skills.”

  Gideon grunted. He might not like it but, to spar equally, they needed to do as Allan said. Because Daegan was right about that much. A human couldn’t fight a vampire toe-to-toe. Not if he wanted to do anything other than be looking at him from flat on his back on the mat.

  They got into it. Truth, Gideon enjoyed sparring with a vampire, because he didn’t have to hold back. At some point, he felt Daegan’s attention, watching the way the other male fought, giving recommendations to Gideon on how to punch, kick, spin out of the way. He’d taught Daegan more about tactics; Daegan had increased the finesse of Gideon’s fighting style, a win-win.

  Be careful, vampire hunter. He’s still young enough to get his bloodlust up as you spar with him.

  I’m willing to bet he knows how to control it.

  Yes, but he’s likely used to sparring with Fort or Saturnia. I don’t want Anwyn to have to give you blood because he breaks your neck.

  Ye of little faith. Gideon ducked and shot a sharp jab in Allan’s side as he spun away from him, but Allan was back in a blink, driving him back so he hit the bag. He slid off it and let Allan’s fist hit that. Gideon used the momentum of the bag, dancing with it, around it, coming back and landing another side jab.

  Allan scowled at him, and Gideon grinned.

  A movement briefly caught their attention. Ella, entering the room. In addition to the fitness equipment, this area held some other recreational amenities, like a pool table and foosball, and a small breakroom, so she was probably snagging one of her healthy snacks from the fridge.

  Gideon’s attention came back to Allan immediately as Allan moved in again. Otherwise, Gideon would have taken a breath to congratulate her on her performance. She’d changed out of the slinky dress and was wearing the type of outfit she’d usually don to help out the wait staff. Cute mini, tit-enhancing baby-tee. Sometimes when she wore that, she might entertain picking up a session, but he had the feeling not so much tonight. Not after that total eye-fuck moment with Wolf.

  My servant, the romantic. Anwyn’s voice. She was no longer with Lord Richard, and was moving through the second level of the club. He’s browsing on his own now. You may not be called into service tonight. He and Seanna may find plenty of other entertainments to satisfy them.

  Gideon would respond to that bit of wishful thinking just as soon as he wasn’t having to focus on Allan taking off his head. Allan was doing him the courtesy of pushing his limits as far as he could without doing him real harm. Mostly.

  Ella had circled around them, moving toward the pool table. She must be meeting someone here on break to play a set. But then Gideon felt something else. Another vampire approaching. When Daegan gave him a terse, one-word warning of who it was, Gideon had a damn it all to hell moment. But it wasn’t about the vampire coming down the hall.

  Gideon called out a warning, lunging forward, but he was too late. Allan spun on the ball of his foot, only to have Ella hit him across the face with the broad end of the pool stick she swung like a club.

  The totally unexpected attack, during a vital moment of distraction; that was what had made Gideon so successful as a hunter. They were just lucky that she wasn’t trying to kill Allan. He hoped.

  The pool stick broke from the impact. Allan’s eyes flashed with pain. Bad, but not as hazardous as the inevitable reaction. Red fire shot through his brown irises and his fangs snapped into full view.

  Fortunately, seeing it was Ella who’d hit him gave Allan a vital moment of surprise. That, and Gideon had a head start, his flash of pre-cog having warned him of impending calamity a critical second before it came to pass. Before Ella could complete the follow through, he’d snatched the broken pool stick out of her hand. In the same move, he grabbed and pulled her behind him, backing her to the wall so Allan had to come through him to get to her.

  Gideon could handle Allan’s rage. He was a third mark who could only be killed by metal driven through his heart. Or decapitation. A second mark was more resilient, but they could still be killed any way a normal human could.

  The only thing that had saved her was his anticipation and Allan’s hesitation. Allan might have his struggles with bloodlust, but they were backed by his still recent history as a human, with a value for human life. Plus, he had an ingrained reluctance to hit a woman. Unfortunately, Ella wasn’t helping calm him down.

  “Is that loyal enough for you?” she snapped at the stunned vampire, all while trying to reach around Gideon to grab the stick from his hand. “How about I impress you with my submissive nature by ramming that thing all the way up your ass?”

  Gideon had no idea what the fuck was going on. Always contained, sweet Ella was snarling like a lioness. He was using his superior weight and fighting skills to keep her between him and the wall, but he was having to be rougher about it than he wanted, because the little she-demon was doing her best to climb her way over him. A glance showed her face suffused with cold fury, her fingers curved like claws. In hindsight—like that did him fuck-all any kind of good—he remembered there had been a peculiar stillness to her features when she’d entered the fitness area. Like a bomb about to blow.

  But her temper, startling as it was, wasn’t their biggest problem. It was the vampire who’d stepped in the room just as she’d cracked that stick over Allan’s face.

  Anwyn was on her way, but she wasn’t coming alone. She’d already anticipated the urgent thought Gideon had.

  We need Wolf. Like five minutes ago.

  “What is going on here?” Lord Richard demanded.

  As the haze of fury cleared from her mind, Ella finally stopped fighting Gideon. Then reason and horror set in. She’d done something terrible. After she’d seen Allan, she’d argued with herself, told herself over and over to go back to the locker room, meditate. She couldn’t let herself get carried away by her emotions. How many years had passed since she’d lost her temper like this?

  She’d almost stopped herself, then she’d foolishly thought of Haru’s words again, the casual way he’d said them. She’d pivoted and made a beeline for the fitness area.

  It didn’t matter than Allan could handle it. It appalled her that she hadn’t held back. This was why she worked so hard on her temper, those inexplicable fits of rage that had plagued her since she was young. She could have done him serious injury if he’d been human.

  She was aware there were other people in the room, but her focus wasn’t on them. She tried to move out from behind Gideon, but he wouldn’t let her. “I’m sorry,” she called around his shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Allan. I can’t…I’m just…I didn’t know about Haru, and I wasn’t prepared. I just—”

  Ella. Be quiet and listen. Wolf’s voice in her head, urgent. Kneel and do nothing else until I instruct you.

  But I want to—

  Am I your Master or not?

  I have no fucking idea, popped into her errant head. A thought that would have been totally private and safe, if she didn’t have a vampire in there reading it.

  Let’s just assume for the moment and the preservation of your skin, that I am. You’re in danger here, Ella. I need you to obey me so I can protect you, to the best of my ability.

  Finally, she tuned into the energy of the room. She took in Gideon’s grim expression, the rock-hard wall of his body between her and everyone else. Allan’s tension. The fangs had retracted and he no longer had that feral look, but he didn’t look pleased. Nor did the new arrival. His disapproval was palpable.

  Oh, Goddess. Lord Richard. Haru stood at his shoulder, his expression chillingly unreadable. She didn’t want him here. Why did h
e have to be here?

  Ella. Wolf, bringing her back on point with the sharpness of his mind voice. She inhaled his scent, a startling combination, then she realized he was here, striding over the threshold. His expression was nearly as blank as Haru’s, and that gave her another shiver. He didn’t look at her at all. He executed a short bow to Lord Richard.

  “My lord. Anwyn said there was a problem.”

  “Yes. There is.” Richard nodded toward Ella. “She is your second mark, and she has struck a vampire with the intent to do harm. She must be punished for the transgression. If it is a flaw in her character that cannot be remedied, she must be dispatched.”

  For a moment she didn’t think she’d heard him right. No one just walked into a situation and issued a sentence like that, on the spot. There were processes…

  In the human world.

  Richard didn’t look at her, either. He didn’t consider her a relevant voice. Just something to be punished or…killed.

  A glimpse at Allan’s face made her feel worse. The swelling on his cheek looked really painful. But now, in the absence of vampire aggression, she caught a flash of regret as he glanced toward her. Ella suspected he hadn’t wanted Lord Richard involved in this.

  If she had any doubt what the Region Master had meant, or whether it could actually go down the way he’d just laid it out, the increase in tension in the room reinforced it. Suddenly it felt like an oven in here, and a big source of that heat was coming from directly in front of her.

  Lord Richard’s steely expression was fixed on Gideon. “Step away from her.”

  She realized Gideon held the broken pool stick in a manner that reminded her of a martial artist’s stance, right before he engaged the competition.

  She had her hands on his back and waist, from when she’d last tried to scramble past him. When all this other had started to happen, she’d left her hands on him, a tense hold. Now she knew why he wouldn’t let her past him.


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