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Knights of Honor Books 1-10: A Medieval Romance Series Bundle

Page 154

by Alexa Aston

  Now Rosalyne would be his other half, instead of Hal. Edward looked forward to the life they would share. The children they would raise. The many nights of love play. Rosalyne already was the center of his universe. He could not imagine life without her.

  As he drew closer to Sir Harry’s house, he suspected he would find his parents had arrived. Edward had written them to announce his marriage to Rosalyne and tell them something about her before they met. He also wanted his mother to know Templeton Parry would accompany them to Kinwick and had described Temp’s problems as best he could so that his mother might be able to prepare a mixture of herbs that might help give the older man some relief.

  A messenger from Kinwick let Edward know that Lord Geoffrey would send a guard to escort them home. Knowing his parents, they would accompany the knights who came to London to see them safely to their destination.

  Riding through the gates, he immediately headed for the stables and dismounted. Once inside, he searched for an empty stall to place Sirius in. Many were full, with a few horses he recognized, so Edward knew the Kinwick contingent had already arrived.

  As expected, he rounded a corner and caught sight of Sir Hammond, who had served the de Montforts for many years and was a master swordsman.

  “Greetings, Hammond.”

  “Edward!” the knight called out as he closed a stall door and approached him.

  Edward dropped his horse’s reins and the two men clapped each other on the back, happy to see one another.

  “So, you are a married man now. You’re a crafty one, marrying on the sly and denying Lady Merryn a wedding to plan. But I guarantee you will have a great feast upon your return. Your mother has already started the preparations.”

  “Rosalyne will appreciate her efforts. She is excited about coming to live at Kinwick. My wife is truly an amazing woman. So much that I think Mother will grow to like Rosalyne more than me.”

  Hammond chuckled. “I hear your bride is an artist.”

  “Aye,” Edward said with pride. “She recently completed a triptych for a chapel inside Canterbury Cathedral and has now painted the king and queen’s portraits, as well.”

  “An artist who paints portraits? And you a mere knight?” Hammond laughed. “Lady Merryn will definitely favor your bride over you.” He punched Edward playfully in the arm.

  “By any chance, did my parents join the escort party?”

  Hammond’s brows rose. “You even think to ask that? Of course, they came to London. In fact, you need to go see them now.” Hammond reached for Sirius’ reins. “Here, I’ll care for your spoiled horse.” He rubbed Sirius between his ears. “’Tis good to see you again, Edward.”

  “I feel the same, Hammond.”

  Edward left the stables and entered Sir Harry’s house. Hearing voices in the room to his right, he headed toward them. When he entered, his mother rose and held out her arms. Edward went straight to her, embracing first her and then his father.

  Merryn de Montfort studied him. “You have matured since we last saw you, my son. I worried about you being at the palace but I believe the time away from Kinwick did you some good.”

  “Of course, it did,” Geoffrey de Montfort declared, “for it led our son to Lady Rosalyne. And love.”

  “And love,” Edward echoed.

  “We feel we already know your bride.” His mother indicated Sir Harry and Temp. “These two have sung her praises ever since we arrived.” She paused. “I hope Rosalyne will allow us to view her work on the king’s portrait before you take it to him tomorrow.”

  “I think she will,” Edward replied and frowned. “I thought she would already be back by the time I arrived.”

  “I explained to your parents how she and Benedict walk together every day,” Temp said. “They also know something of Rosalyne’s history and why Benedict wishes to know her.”

  “Bowyar has asked us to visit him at Shallowheart,” Edward said.

  “I think seeing where Rosalyne came from will be important to her,” his mother said.

  “Once you are settled in at Kinwick and Rosalyne is comfortable, you should take her to visit her former home,” his father interjected. “It’s not far from Kinwick, so you wouldn’t be on the road for long.”

  “I will,” Edward promised.

  A sudden commotion in the hall halted their conversation. A man shouted “Rosalyne” several times and then burst into the room.

  Edward took in Benedict Bowyar’s frantic look and disheveled appearance. He grasped the nobleman by his shoulders and demanded, “Where is Rosalyne?”

  Bowyar’s eyes clouded with tears. “I lost her. We stopped at the market for me to purchase pike for our dinner tonight. Rosalyne stepped away to a nearby booth to peruse the spices. She wanted to bring some to Lady Merryn as a gift.” He looked at Edward with anguished eyes. “One moment, she was there. The next, she had vanished.”

  Running fingers through his graying hair, Bowyar added, “I have looked for her everywhere but she is nowhere to be found. I fear someone has spirited her away.” His shoulders slumped.

  “We’ll send men out to find her,” Edward assured him, fighting his rising panic.

  Sir Harry spoke up. “My soldiers know what Lady Rosalyne looks like.”

  “Then we can pair one of your men with one from Kinwick,” Edward suggested. “Send them out in different directions in order to cover more ground.”

  “I’ll see to it,” his father said.

  “Let me go with you, Lord Geoffrey,” Sir Harry offered.

  The two men hurried from the room.

  Benedict looked to Temp. “Will you search for our niece with me?” he asked, his voice breaking.

  Temp nodded and they also removed themselves from the room.

  That left Edward alone with his mother. He saw the concern in her eyes but also the core of steel which ran through her. While Geoffrey de Montfort was known as having been one of the best knights of the realm, in truth, it was Merryn de Montfort who was made of even stronger stuff.

  “Stay,” she told him. “When Rosalyne arrives, she will need you to be here.”

  Edward noted she said when and not if.

  “I warned her of cutpurses,” he began, “but the thought of her being taken off the streets never crossed my mind since she was always with me or Bowyar.”

  She led him to a chair and sat next to him. “Have you made any enemies at court, Edward?”

  The thought hadn’t occurred to him. “Why? Do you think someone has deliberately abducted Rosalyne to get back at me?”

  Merryn waited a long moment before answering. “It’s possible. I have seen it. Been a part of it.”

  Edward knew something had occurred in the distant past that his parents never spoke of. His cousin Elysande’s husband, Michael, hinted at it once long ago. Edward remembered Michael saying something about how he was eager to serve Lord Geoffrey once he heard Geoffrey had returned to Kinwick. The room grew quiet and then conversation had broken out among several small groups. Edward had been young at the time—but old enough to know that something unmentionable was being covered up.

  Though he had wondered about it occasionally over the years, he’d never discussed it with anyone. Not even Hal, whom he shared all his thoughts with.

  His mother reached for his hand and gripped it tightly. “Long ago, your father did something to anger a powerful earl,” she explained. “This nobleman waited until Geoffrey and I married and then had him abducted the day after we spoke our vows.”

  Shock reverberated through Edward. How had this been kept a secret?

  “How long was Father gone?” he asked, afraid to hear the answer.

  She closed her eyes. “Almost seven years.” The words came out barely above a whisper.

  Edward sat, stunned. Then it began to make sense to him. Alys and Ancel were seven years older than Hal. There had only been two years between him and Hal and three between him and his younger sister, Nan. The reason no children came during
the large gap of time was because his parents spent all those years separated.

  “How? Why?”

  She opened her eyes. “It doesn’t matter now,” she said quickly. “Those years were ones of suffering for both of us. What is important is that we are now together again, our love stronger because of what we went through. But ’twas a wicked man who sought revenge on your father and knew the best way to hurt him was by keeping us apart. When Geoffrey disappeared, I was distraught. I knew not if he was alive or dead until he finally appeared again at Kinwick.”

  Edward had dozens of questions he wished she would answer but he chose to respect her privacy. Instead, he asked, “And you think something similar occurs now?”

  Merryn nodded. “If it were a mere cutpurse, he would have taken any valuable Rosalyne had. He would not have taken her.”

  “I agree.” Edward racked his brain. “I have not grown close to anyone at court since I have been here, much less angered anyone. You know me, Mother. I keep to myself and perform my duties as asked. I’ve caused no problems between anyone in the guard. I rarely speak to any courtiers. I have not been involved with the ladies, as Hal has. But . . .” His voice trailed off.


  “In Canterbury. I recently returned from there.”

  She thought a moment. “You found problems there?”

  “Aye. The king sent me to observe construction on the wall since it is a long-running project and he and his advisers thought the costs seemed too high. I discovered the Crown losing vast sums of money, being cheated by the nobleman Richard placed in charge. It was carried out by a man named Perceval Rawlin that Lord Botulf hired to oversee the work.”

  “What was the outcome?” she asked.

  “Lord Botulf asked to handle Rawlin himself. I returned to Canterbury after informing the king of the situation, bringing with me several advisers from the royal treasury. Botulf agreed to personally fund every aspect of the wall for the next dozen years and signed the papers affirming his commitment.”

  Her eyes widened. “That is quite a costly undertaking. ’Twould give him good reason to lash out at you.”

  “I need to find out if Lord Botulf is in London,” Edward said, determined to find the nobleman. “Or go to Canterbury and see if he is there.”

  And hopefully find Rosalyne, as well.

  His father and Sir Harry reentered the room. Edward quickly explained to them the possibility that Lord Botulf might have had something to do with Rosalyne’s disappearance. He caught the quick glance between his parents. His gut tightened. He could only pray the punishing years apart they went through would not be repeated between him and Rosalyne.

  “Traveling to Canterbury would take precious time,” Geoffrey pointed out. “And even if this Lord Botulf is there and you confront him, he could simply deny any involvement in Rosalyne’s abduction. Stay in London,” his father urged. “You are more valuable here. If you wish, I can send Hammond to Canterbury. He is outside Sir Harry’s house, guarding us and keeping a watchful eye as we speak. I know you trust him.”

  Edward was torn. He had no idea where to look for his wife. He couldn’t even say with any certainty that Lord Botulf was behind her disappearance.

  “Let go of me!”

  He glanced up and saw Hammond entering the room, dragging along a dirty young boy with one hand. In the other, Edward saw a scrap of parchment.

  “Quit struggling, lad, or I will squash you like a bug,” threatened the knight as he crossed the room to Edward. “The boy tried to leave this note on Sir Harry’s doorstep and run away.” Hammond handed the parchment to Edward.

  “Read it aloud,” Merryn encouraged.

  Edward cleared his throat and prayed this note would give them a clue as to Rosalyne’s whereabouts.

  If you value your wyfe, come alone—and unarmed—to Blethin Alley and the door marked with a red X.

  Edward knelt and waited until the boy met his eye. “I promise no harm will come to you. What is your name?”

  After hesitating a long moment, the boy said, “Timothy.”

  He glanced to his father. Geoffrey de Montfort nodded. Edward turned back to the too-thin child. “Timothy, do you have parents?” he asked.

  A hard look appeared in the boy’s eyes, making him suddenly seem years older. “Nay,” he said, bitterness laced in the one word.

  Edward wondered if the parents had died or worse—if they had abandoned Timothy to live on the streets.

  “Would you like to have a home? And a place to work? There would always be plenty to eat and you would make friends.”

  Timothy eyed him with suspicion. “Where? How?”

  “’Tis my childhood home. Kinwick.” He pointed. “These are my parents, Lord Geoffrey and Lady Merryn de Montfort. They always need good, strong workers on our estate. Mayhap you would be interested in helping in the stables. Do you like horses?”

  The boy nodded reluctantly. Edward saw the glimmer of hope wrestling with doubt in the child’s eyes.

  “Help me, Timothy. Help us to find my wife. In return, you can come with us to Kinwick.”

  Timothy’s lips trembled. “He gave me a pence to bring the parchment here.”

  “Who?” Edward asked gently.

  Timothy shook his head. “I know not, my lord. He shared half a meat pie with me and then offered me the coin if I would help him.”

  “Can you describe this man?”

  Nodding enthusiastically, Timothy said, “Aye, my lord. He’s a fat one. His legs bow out, so he walks funny. And he wraps a cloth about his head. It dips over his eye and hides part of his face.”

  Edward rose, taming the anger that threatened to explode, so as not to frighten the boy. He would need Timothy’s help in finding Blethin Alley.

  In finding Rosalyne.

  “I know who has taken her,” Edward said. “Perceval Rawlin.”

  Chapter 24

  Rosalyne wished she hadn’t screamed for help. All it had done was land her a punch to the face and a filthy cloth tied around her mouth. Now, her eye and cheek ached and the sides of her mouth grew tender from the gag.

  But at least Perceval Rawlin was gone.

  She had watched him labor over a piece of parchment, assuming he wrote out a ransom demand for her. Rosalyne knew it was common in the wars with France for each side to capture and ransom prisoners. Even King John had been taken by English soldiers after the Battle of Poitiers and held captive in London until the two governments signed the Treaty of Bretigny. France paid a huge ransom and forfeited many territories in exchange for their king’s return.

  What would Rawlin ask for her?

  Obviously, the man no longer had any money or possessions. Would he demand gold for her return? Even if Rawlin did ask for payment from Edward to free her, Rosalyne doubted her husband had enough to buy her release. He might have once served in the king’s royal guard but she did not think Richard compensated his knights well, instead offering them the prestige of serving him.

  If Edward sent word to his father, would Lord Geoffrey de Montfort be willing to pay a high price to rescue a woman he’d never met? Especially since Edward was not even the heir to Kinwick? The castle and estate would go to his older brother, Ancel, upon Geoffrey’s death.

  A chill rippled through her.

  What if Rawlin did not want money?

  Rosalyne recalled how he mentioned hurting Edward. If not wounding Edward financially, did Rawlin mean to do him physical harm? Would he kill her in front of her husband? Or murder them both in his plot for revenge?

  Shuddering, Rosalyne knew she must act. She didn’t know how long Rawlin would be gone. They had walked a good distance from the market to reach here and Sir Harry’s place was even farther away. If Rawlin meant to deliver his missive to Edward at Sir Harry’s, then she had some time.

  To do what?

  Glancing around the small dwelling, the putrid smell continued to assault her nose. She scooted away from the wall, wanting to move to th
e center of the room to see what was there. Inching her way would take forever with her wrists and ankles bound, so Rosalyne dropped to her side and rolled several rotations until she bumped against something. Wiggling, she sat up and saw she’d reached a broken table. Shards of pottery lay scattered about. A few bones sat on the ground, probably leftovers from a meal.

  And then she saw where the smell came from.

  A rotting corpse lay curled in the midst of the chaos. The foul smell came from the man who had died here. She wondered if he had been eating when Rawlin overcame him. The man must have fought hard since so much surrounding him had been destroyed. Did Rawlin sneak inside and catch the man while he ate his last meal? Or had Rawlin befriended this poor soul and then killed him?

  She guessed her captor had done so in order to have a place to stay in London. Without coin, he would be walking the streets and would have had no place to hold her prisoner. Rosalyne fought the bile that threatened to rush up, afraid she would drown in her own vomit behind the gag. She closed her eyes and swallowed hard, taking deep breaths to try and calm herself.

  Gradually, she gained control. The place still reeked of what she now knew was the smell of death but she had a better grasp on her emotions and sense of purpose. Her eyes roamed through the destruction, looking for a way to free herself. The broken shards seemed the best possibility. As she reached for one with her bound hands and lifted it up, her eyes widened.

  The man’s eating knife lay under it.

  Tears sprang to her eyes. Mayhap she could escape before Rawlin ever returned by using this knife to cut through the rope. Just in case, she would return to the spot he left her and work on slicing through her bonds from there. Dropping the fragment of pottery, she picked up the knife carefully with her fingers and flattened them against it before she slowly rolled back to the wall. Once she pushed herself into a sitting position again and leaned against the wall, she ignored the throbbing from the back of her head where Rawlin had struck her and thought how best to use the knife.


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