Book Read Free

A Future, Forged

Page 16

by Aiki Flinthart

  Plants are dark blue-black-leafed (absorbing different, greater range of spectra and reflecting less green)

  Seryeh River – ‘quick’ river (wraps around the western side of Shanzhai). The two rivers join and become the Kabir, just north of Madina

  Shanzhai – seat of Jun Second Koh-Lin.

  Sulcrete – concrete where the binding agent is sulphur rather than lime (limestone does not exist on a planet without an organic geologic history)

  Yan – ‘flame’ = yanstones

  Yirun & Er’run – extra two days at the end of the year. Mianshou = End of year celebrations last for these two days and anything done on these days (apart from violence) is unpunishable.

  Zalam – slums within Madina


  Trade Houses

  Artist House (purple veil/purple hat)

  Healer House (white veil/hat, grey robe)

  Jiaoji (Courtesan) House (red veil)

  Merchant House (green veil/green hat)

  Messenger House (orange)

  Miner House (grey hat)

  Trades House (brown hat/veil)

  Weishi House (black veil/black hat)

  Xintou House (gold veil, gold robe) Mistress Rua


  Jun Families ABC

  Jun First Jenna Zah-Hill – Silver and Black.

  Jun second Carval Ma-Safra - silver and purple.

  Jun second Alric Koh-Lin - silver and green.

  Jun third Han-Asad - gold and black (Vassal to Zah-Hill)

  Jun Third Yu-Smith - gold and green (vassal to Koh-Lin)

  Jun Third Lee-Hay - gold and purple (vassal to Ma-Safra)

  Jun Fourth Wen-Gates - copper and purple. (vassal to Ma-Safra)

  Jun Fourth Han Gray-Saud - copper and black (vassal to Zah-Hill)

  Jun Fourth Neri Qin-Turner - copper and grey (vassal to Zah-Hill)

  Jun Fourth Knight-Hun - copper and green (vassal to Koh-Lin)

  Jun Fifth Jaber-Lun - red and purple (vassal to Ma-Safra)

  Jun Fifth Seif-Li - red and green (vassal to Koh-Lin)

  Jun Fifth Zhou-Issa - red and teal (vassal to Koh-Lin)

  Jun Fifth Easton-Green - red and black (vassal to Zah-Hill)

  Jun Fifth Amoudi-Mann - red and grey (vassal to Zah-Hill)

  Jun Sixth Ortega-Miller - blue and black (Zah-Hill)

  Jun Sixth Quing-Mai - blue and grey (Zah-Hill)

  Jun Sixth Price-Khan - blue and green (Koh-Lin)

  Jun Sixth Yasif-Do - blue and teal (Koh-Lin)

  Jun Sixth Khoury-Ban - blue and purple (Ma-Safra)

  Jun Sixth Blake-Swift - blue and indigo (Ma-Safra)

  Johnston house - blue & green tartan



  Numbers and distances and times

  Yi – one (Luna-Yi = first moon – reddish)

  Er – two (Luna-Er = second moon – silver)

  San - three

  Si - four

  wu - five

  Liu - six

  Qi - seven

  Ba - eight


  Chi – approx 33.33cm

  Zhang – approx 3.33m

  Gongli – kilometre



  Yiyue – first month of the lunar year (1st month of spring)

  Eryue – second (spring 2)

  Sanyue – 3rd (spring 3)

  Siyue – 4th (summer 1)

  Wuyue – 5th (summer 2)

  Liuyue – 6th (summer 3

  Qiyue – 7th (summer 4)

  Bayue – 8th (summer 5)

  Jiuyue – 9th (summer 6)

  Shiyue – 10th (autumn)

  Shiyiyue – 11th (autumn)

  Shi’eryue – 12th (autumn)

  Shisanyue – 13th (winter1)

  Shisiyue – 14th (winter2)



  ading – antiseptic/disinfectant

  Bai - to pay respect / worship / visit / salute

  Bei – flower bud

  Bi – coin

  Che-ma – cart horse

  Chuizi ­– a hammer-strike

  Erheyi – two-in-one

  Feihua – nonsense, rubbish.

  Gangzhi – made of steel

  Gongren - worker

  Gu – archaic - legendary venomous insect / to poison / to bewitch / to drive to insanity / to harm by witchcraft / intestinal parasite

  Hepan – river plains

  hunli - wedding

  Huoche – wagon/truck/van

  Jiali - Home (name of Ma-Safra city)

  Nari – double-edged sword

  Jiaoji – courtesan

  Jin - gold

  Jinbi – gold coin

  jiu – rice wine/liquor/alcohol

  Jun - monarch/lord/gentleman/ruler

  Junren – soldier/serviceman/military personnel

  Khaan – king/horde leader (Mongolian)

  Kuaisu – fast/rapid

  Kuai long – fast dragon

  Kui - Chief/head/outstanding/stalwart/exceptional

  Lanhua - orchid

  Lanse – blue (lancha tea)

  Lu – deer

  Luotuo – camel

  Manxing – slow poison

  Mawei – ponytail

  mayao – anaesthetic

  Mianshou - - to avoid suffering / to prevent (sth bad) / to protect against (damage) / immunity (from prosecution) / freedom (from pain, damage etc) / exempt from punishment

  Molian – to temper oneself/ to steel oneself/ self-discipline/ endurance

  Nai – mother

  Quan - dog

  Rong – salamander

  Runiu – dairy cattle

  Shangwei – captain (military rank)

  Shanzhai – fortified hill village/mountain stronghold

  Shen – deity/soul/spirit/mysterious

  Shenshi – my lord

  Shi - is / are / am / yes / to be

  Shifu – teacher

  Shunu – my lady

  Si-xing – death penalty / to act recklessly

  Song – sponge (cake)

  Tiebi – iron coin

  Tongbi – copper coin

  Watu – poison frog toxin

  Weishi - guardian/defender

  xiao – similar to/resembling (ie: xiao-cat)

  xiang - elephant

  Xintou – thoughts/heart/mind

  Xiongshou – assassin

  Xituo – to cleanse/to purge/ to wash away

  Xue – blood

  xun – herb

  ya-zheng - correct (literary) / upright / (hon.) Please point out my shortcomings. / I await your esteemed corrections.

  Yan – flame

  Yinbi – silver coin

  Yinghan – man of steel/tough guy, unyielding

  Yongbing – mercenary/hired gun

  Zaohua – good luck/nature (the mother of all things)

  Zhi – to stop/prohibit

  Zitan – red sandalwood

  Zuoce – left side



  diyu – hell/underworld

  Feihua – nonsense / rubbish / superfluous words / You don't say! / No kidding!

  gaisi – damn it!

  gouri - lit. fucked or spawned by a dog / contemptible / lousy, fucking

  hundan – scoundrel/bastard/hoodlum/wretch

  huo-zui – living hell/suffering/hardship

  jian-gui – curse it/to hell with it

  Jiba – penis (vulgar)

  Jiche – pain in the ass/damn!/crap!

  Jijin – elite/best of the best

  qusi – go to hell/drop dead

  salai – make a scene/raise hell

  shazi – idiot/fool

  suilie – disintegrate/shatter into pieces

  Wasai – exclamation to express amazement/wow!

  zhen-shide - Really! (interj. of annoyance or frustration)




: Ahad (one), Ithnan (two), Thalatha (three), Arba’a (four), Khamsa (five), Sitta (six)

  Ahmar – Red (Ahmar Mountains run down the Eastern boundary of the kingdom)

  Al Mamlakah – the kingdom

  Alcazar – from Al-qasr – fort, castle, palace

  alem'erekh – fight

  Aswad – Black (Aswad ranges run down the centre of the kingdom)

  Badiya – desert

  Dafdae - frog

  Gharb – west (Gharb ranges run down the Western boundary of the jundom)

  Herq – burn

  Heryeq – fire

  Hilya – trinket/ ornament/jewel/finery

  Iblis - Devil

  Istilqa – sleep

  Jabal – Mountain

  Jadid – New (name for the southern jundom)

  Jiyl – generation.

  Kabir – big (the Kabir river runs through the middle of the kingdom and empties into Melcor’s port 700 gongli away to the northeast)

  Kalima – World

  Khiba – tent

  Madina – City

  Malik – King

  Mamlakah – the kingdom

  Menzel - home

  Mhareb – warrior/fighter

  Mumit – deadly

  Nasir – vulture (nasiri = plural)

  Sabat – coma, lethargy, torpor

  Sahalia - lizard

  Shaytan – demon, fiend, serpent

  Selb – Steel, betterment, loin, crucifixion

  sery'eh – Quick (Seryeh River to northwest of Shanzhai)

  Tabib – doctor

  Zalam – Darkness

  Zanbur – hornet, wasp

  Zibal - scavenger

  Zinzana – cell/prison



  Hamagi (hamag = plural) – uncivilised, barbaric

  Haraami – thief

  Hmar – jackass

  Jahim - hell

  Kaddaab – liar

  Kalb – dog

  Kalet – filthy street bastard

  Khara – shit! (frustration)

  Saafil – base;loathsome

  Waa faqri – damn!

  Wisix – dirty/filthy (morally)

  Zift – Idiot




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