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Dark Obsessions - Volume 2: Four Dark, Delicious Capture Fantasies

Page 13

by Claire Thompson

  The tub began to fill again, this time with steamy hot water that warmed Mara’s shuddering body and icy skin. Alex poured some of the fragrant bath oil into the water.

  “You just relax, sweetheart,” he said in a soothing tone, his deep voice flowing over her like honey. “I’m proud of you. You learned a good lesson today. You exist to serve and obey, my cunt, my piece of ass, my property.”

  Too exhausted from the ordeal to experience any emotion beyond relief, Mara closed her eyes, shutting out the man’s face, turning down the volume of his words as the deliciously warm, soft water rose around her.

  Mara knelt on the floor beside the kitchen table, watching hungrily as Alex ate his dinner. He didn’t look at Mara even once as he ate, focused entirely on his solitary meal. The second plate beckoned her like a taunt, on it a piece of salmon, some steamed broccoli and little potatoes, their golden skins split and dripping with butter, a piece of crusty garlic bread on the side of the plate.

  Finally Alex pushed away from the table with a satisfied sigh. He touched his napkin to his lips and set it aside. Finishing the last of his white wine, he poured himself a second glass.

  Mara’s eyes fluttered closed. I can’t do this. I can’t do this anymore. A tear slid down her cheek.

  “Tell me, Mara, why do you exist?”

  Mara forced herself to open her eyes. Alex was staring intently at her, his green eyes glittering. She knew what he wanted. If she said the words, would he give her something to eat?

  They’re just words. A means to an end.

  Mara took a breath and forced herself to reply, “I exist to serve, to suffer, to please and obey, sir.”

  Alex nodded slowly. “And what are you?”

  Just words.

  “I am a cunt, a piece of ass, sir.”

  “And who do you belong to?”

  “I am the property of Pirate Island, sir.”

  “Good.” Alex pushed back his chair and stood, moving to the second chair. He sat down in front of Mara’s plate. Mara tensed, aware this might be yet another setup, but unable to snuff the flare of hope that ignited inside her.

  She clenched her hands into fists behind her back as she watched him cut a small piece of the fish. He held the fork near her mouth. Mara leaned forward, mouth open. He held it just out of her reach for one second, two seconds, three, while Mara waited, her fingernails digging painfully into her palms. She knew better than to move, even a fraction of an inch.

  Finally, he brought the fork close enough to slide the salmon into Mara’s open mouth. Mara sighed with pleasure as she chewed and swallowed. She remained still, silent, hopeful as the fork dipped once more toward the plate.

  He fed her methodically, allowing her sips of water and even some of the wine between bites. There was less food on her plate than there had been on his, and she would have liked another serving, but was grateful for what he’d given her. When the plate was empty, he smiled down at her. “What do you say?”

  “Thank you, sir.” She meant it.

  He patted her face with her napkin, pushed back from the table and rose. “It’s time,” he said. Mara waited, but he didn’t elaborate. Her heart began to beat as rapidly as hummingbird wings.

  Alex picked up the leash he’d draped over one of the chairs and clipped it to Mara’s collar. He walked out of the kitchen, tugging her along on her hands and knees behind him.

  They passed through the living room and into the hallway that contained the bedrooms, moving past her closet and his room to a third door. As they entered what could only be called a torture chamber, Mara looked around the space with a rising sense of dread.

  Alex led her to a bondage table and gave her leash a tug. “Up you go, on your hands and knees on the table.”

  In spite of the direct order, Mara shrank back. “No, please, sir, I’m so tired.”

  “Did I hear a no from you, zero?” Alex spoke in a tight, dangerous voice, his eyes flashing. Fear fueled Mara’s limbs and she somehow managed to hoist herself onto the table.

  “That’s better. Now, rest your head on the table for support,” he instructed, “and bring your hands together behind your back.”

  Wearily, Mara lowered herself and rested her cheek on the smooth, padded leather. Alex bustled behind her, wrapping rope snugly around her wrists and winding it upward until her arms were bound tightly from wrist to elbow. She shifted, trying to keep her balance in the awkward position.

  Just get through this. It’s just another session like all the others. You can do it. You can go to the safe place until he’s done.

  Next he put cuffs around her ankles and clipped them to large eyebolts on either side of the table, forcing Mara’s legs farther apart, her pussy and asshole on full display. She tensed, her body readying itself for whatever torture was sure to follow.

  Alex appeared beside her. “I’ll be back in a few. Don’t go anywhere.” He chuckled as if he’d said something funny and then walked out of her line of sight. She could hear his footsteps as he retreated and then she was left alone.

  She closed her eyes again, picturing the ocean, imagining herself as a white bird with wings spread wide. For a while she was almost able to fly, her mind drifting in the fresh sea air. Then her right calf seized in a painful cramp, jerking her back to the stark reality of her situation.

  She attempted to shift in an effort to find a more comfortable position, though her bonds prevented much movement. The minutes ticked by. Where had he gone? When would he come back? What was he going to do to her? Would he hurt her or pleasure her when he returned?

  It was so confusing, so terrifying never to know which Alex would appear—the sensual sadist, or the cruel, terrifying madman who could as easily kill her as not, and no one, not a soul, would intervene to save her. A small whimper escaped her lips. How long could she go on like this?

  She opened and closed her fingers and turned her head to the other side. Closing her eyes, she sighed with relief as her mind began to drift, carrying her toward her safe place. Warm saltwater undulated softly beneath her. Gratefully, she floated in its buoyant encompassing embrace. A lone bird soared lazily over her head. A school of tiny silver fish fluttered past her in a shimmery ripple.

  The sound of footsteps caused the ocean and sky to fall sharply away as Mara returned with a vengeance to the torture chamber. Alex moved behind her, whistling quietly under his breath. To her surprise, he unknotted and unwound the rope from her arms. Mara let them fall heavily to either side of her body.

  Alex stepped away from her, returning a moment later with a large, wedge-shaped black pillow. He slid the pillow under her, positioning it so the high end of the wedge rested comfortably beneath her hips and stomach.

  Mara sagged against the cushion as Alex gripped her wrists and pulled her arms over her head. He wrapped a wide cuff around both wrists and clipped the cuff to an eyebolt at the head of the table. She was rendered completely immobile in this position, the foam pillow wedged firmly beneath her, her ankles still cuffed to the table, her ass and pussy completely exposed.

  Alex crouched down in front of her and held something up. “Know what these are?” In his hand was a clear sleeve that contained perhaps a dozen long, thin needles with blue plastic caps on their tips.

  “Needles?” she whispered, dread gripping her innards.

  “Yes. I’ve been remiss in your training to date. Some of our kinkier guests enjoy needle play, and I permit it, as long as they know what they’re doing.” His voice was oddly playful, his green eyes glinting with sadistic delight. “These are very sharp, but the needles are thin and, if used correctly, will just leave you a bit sore—no permanent damage. I’d like to see how many of these I can thread through your pretty little labia.”

  Mara closed her eyes, her stomach lurching with horror. “No,” she moaned before she could bite back the word. “Please, no.”

  “What did I tell you?” Alex shouted. He blew out a breath and spoke in a soft, dangerous voice. “How ma
ny times do I have to remind you? Property does not say no. Do you understand?”

  Mara didn’t answer.

  “Answer me.” Alex’s voice had hardened to steel. “Do. You. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir,” Mara managed, barely able to get the words past the lump of fear that had risen in her throat. Her mouth was dry, her heart racing.

  Alex disappeared again behind her. After a moment she felt the swab of a cotton ball cool with alcohol. Then Alex gripped her right outer labia between his fingers, pulling it taut. “Stay very still, zero. You’ll feel a little prick.”

  Mara began to tremble in spite of his admonition, unable to harness or control her fear. She yelped as the sharp tip of the needle pushed into her flesh. She felt a poke on the left side and realized what he must be doing as the labia were pulled together with the needle.

  No, no, no, no.

  Mara moaned, the sound ending in a sob.

  “Excellent,” Alex pronounced crisply, indifferent to her terror. “Just a little blood that time. Let’s do another.” He gripped her again and pulled the skin taut. Once more she felt the sharp prick of the needle and then a second prick on the opposite side.

  Unable to hold back any longer, Mara cried, “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t!” Terrified at her outburst, she bit her lip in an effort to silence herself, but it was too late.

  Alex grabbed the back of her neck and squeezed hard. “You can and you will. You have no say. You are nothing, nothing but my cunt, my property, my piece of ass. I will do what I want. You will take it. You will suffer, you will submit.” Alex’s words sprayed like bullets into Mara’s psyche, puncturing the last of her will.

  She tasted something hot and metallic in her mouth and realized she’d bitten her lip so hard she’d drawn blood. Another needle pierced her flesh. “Oh god,” she moaned. “Help me.”

  Alex’s mouth was suddenly near her ear, his breath hot on her neck. “I am your god now,” he murmured, his voice soft, even tender. “Your lord and master. Surrender to me and it will go so much easier for you. So much easier.”

  Mara whimpered. Alex moved away. Another needle slid like a hot poker through her delicate labia. The pain and the terror mounted as needle after needle pierced her flesh until she was sewn together from clit to vagina.

  Flashes of light danced on the lids of Mara’s closed eyes, her head swimming. Please, please, let me faint, she begged silently, but she was jerked back to full consciousness by the sound of Alex’s voice behind her.

  “Jesus,” he said, awe in his voice. “The needles, the blood, it’s perfect. I have to have you now.”

  Mara heard the sound of his fly being unzipped and then lubricant, cold and wet, was smeared along the crack of her ass. She tensed as Alex climbed onto the table behind her. Strong fingers gripped her hips.

  The unwelcome, terrifying image of her tortured labia ripping, blood gushing from the piercings as Alex forced his way inside her, loomed large in Mara’s mind. “Please, sir,” she cried, terror making her bold. “This isn’t safe. You’ll tear my labia. Please take them out, please, sir!”

  She gasped with pain as he gripped a handful of her hair in his fist and yanked her head up. “Stop whining,” he warned, “or I’ll gag you. I’m going to fuck my property in the ass, and you have nothing to say about it. I’ll take the needles out when I’m good and ready.”

  He nudged the head of his cock against her asshole. Mara shuddered and hiccupped a sob. Her labia pulsed with pain. Her heart smashed against her chest like a crazed bird dashing itself against a window.

  She tried to stop trembling as Alex pushed the head of his hard, fat cock past the tight ring of muscle at her entrance. “Ah,” he breathed, drawing out the word as he eased the length of his shaft into her ass. All at once, Alex thrust hard, filling her to the hilt, the sudden action wrenching a cry from Mara’s lips as the needles tugged against her labia. In and out he moved, steadily increasing the intensity of his thrust until he was panting and grunting behind her.

  Mara heard a high-pitched keening sound reverberating in the air around her. It took her several seconds to understand she was the one making the sound. Her head began to swim again, and this time black spots moved across her vision like thunderclouds. Oblivion opened its dark, heavy arms and Mara tumbled headlong into its embrace.

  Mara’s internal clock seemed to have sprung. She had no idea what time it was, or even what day it was. Her labia had healed quickly, as Alex had promised they would. He had been so kind, so good to her afterward, taking her into his big, soft bed and holding her in his arms all night long.

  “Mara,” he had whispered, his voice cracking with emotion that brought tears to her eyes. “You have redeemed yourself. You are no longer a zero. You are my good, brave girl. You exist to please me, to suffer for me, to obey me in all things…” She had fallen asleep to the soft, low murmur of his voice, his words etched like filigree into the grooves of her mind.

  That was, what, a day ago? Two? Three? Would he come in soon to let her down? Her wrists ached and she was so thirsty. She stared longingly at his bed, which beckoned from the other side of the room, its sheets so white and crisp, so inviting.

  She looked away toward the window, wishing he’d left the blinds open. He’d closed them so the outside world wouldn’t distract her from her focus, which was to serve him.

  I exist to serve, to suffer, to please and obey. I am a cunt, a piece of ass. I am the property of Pirate Island. I belong to Alex. I belong to Alex. He keeps me safe. He knows just what I need.

  She stood on tiptoe and arched her back in an effort to relieve the pressure against her wrists. It worked as long as she could hold the position, but soon she was slumped over again, all her weight focused once more on her aching wrists. Her empty stomach contracted painfully and she swayed in her bonds, dizzy with hunger. She couldn’t remember the last time she had eaten, but surely Alex would feed her soon. Alex would take care of her.

  At least she’d managed to keep the dildo in place inside her the whole time—Alex would be pleased. The butt plug lodged in her ass actually helped by pressing against it from the inside.

  Yes, she was doing okay. Alex would let her know when it was time to come down. He knew best what she needed. Her nipples were mercifully numb in the clover clamps. The fresh welts he’d painted over her stomach and the front of her thighs were already fading.

  If only he’d let her down. Her wrists ached and she was so thirsty…

  Finally Alex appeared in the doorway. He looked handsome in a white linen shirt, the sleeves rolled up over his forearms and open at the throat, his muscular legs bare beneath black shorts. He was smiling at her, his expression kind, even sympathetic. Mara warmed beneath his approving gaze. She had been a good girl. She had suffered for him. She had pleased him. Her heart swelled with happy pride.

  Alex approached her and put his arms around her. As he pressed his hard body against hers, she could feel his erection. She lifted her chin slightly to give him better access as he kissed her throat and the side of her neck with the sensual tenderness of a lover.

  After a while, he let her go and stepped back. He traced a finger over the welts on her stomach, and moved his hand higher, placing it flat over her breastbone. “I’m going to take off the clamps now. Prepare yourself. Don’t make a sound.”

  Mara nodded, her heart thumping hard against his palm in anticipation, her mouth dry not only from thirst, but fear. Removing his hand, Alex reached for both clamps at once. For a second she felt nothing, and then, as the blood rushed back to her compressed nipples, pain returned with it like liquid fire searing her nerve endings. A howl of pain rose in her throat, but Mara, lips pressed tightly together, managed to keep it from escaping her lips, though she couldn’t stop the tears that slipped down her cheeks.

  Alex wiped away her tears with the edge of his thumb. Then he cupped her breasts in his hands and dipped his head, gently suckling first one and then the other nipple, kissing aw
ay the pain. Mara sighed with pleasure, her clit throbbing in time to his sweet caress.

  Stepping over to the wall, he released the pulley mechanism that kept the rope taut, lowering her arms until her wrists rested on top of her head, her elbows bent. Returning to her, he removed the cuffs from her wrists, catching her arms as they flopped lifelessly down. He lifted her and carried her the short distance to the bed. Setting her gently on the mattress, he sat beside her and massaged her arms and hands until the tingling rush of pins and needles signaled a return to life.

  “You have pleased me, Mara. Now I will reward you.”

  Crouching between her legs, he pulled the dildo from her pussy and dropped it into the bucket of soapy water beside the bed he kept there for that purpose. Next he withdrew the anal plug, dropping it into the bucket as well.

  Mara felt empty after being filled for so long. She watched as Alex stood and pulled off his clothing, revealing his long, thick, fully erect cock for her admiration. He climbed on top of her and eased himself into her pussy, which contracted hard against his penis, sending a shudder of pleasure through her frame.

  “This is an honor I don’t bestow lightly,” he’d told her the first time, and she knew this was true. But, as he’d explained, she belonged to him now, even if he gave her away to the men who came to the island—she would always be his. She existed to serve, to obey, to please this man.

  He was moving skillfully inside her, the head of his cock pulsing perfectly against her sweet spot. Just as she was about to beg for permission to come, he pulled out and flipped her over onto her belly. Spreading her ass cheeks, he spit on her probably still gaping asshole and then pushed the head of his cock into her ass.

  Mara stifled her sigh of frustration at the interruption of her orgasm. But Alex came first. His pleasure was her pleasure. She would take what he gave her—the pleasure and the pain, the joy and the suffering. All of it was for Alex. As he rutted behind her, she focused on relaxing her body to receive him fully. He came with a cry and a final, savage thrust. When he collapsed heavily on top of her, mashing her flat against the mattress, she pushed away the small niggle of resentment that remained like a splinter beneath the skin of her mind.


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