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Dark Obsessions - Volume 2: Four Dark, Delicious Capture Fantasies

Page 52

by Claire Thompson

  He jumped up, his resolve strengthening. He turned the chair so its back was perpendicular to the mattress, and reached for the naked girl, pulling her forward onto her stomach. “Ow!” Kelsey cried. “Let go!”

  “Don’t struggle. You’ll hurt your leg.” James hauled the upper half of her body over his lap, leaving her legs to stretch out on the mattress. Her breasts were pressed against his groin, her head hanging at his left hip. He was in complete control. She was at his mercy. His cock hardened.

  “You’re a very bad girl, Kelsey Anne,” he informed her. “And bad girls have to be punished. You’re going to get a good, hard spanking.” Placing one hand firmly on her lower back, he brought his hand down hard on her pert little bottom. Kelsey squealed, trying unsuccessfully to pull away. He smacked her again, admiring the reddening imprint of his hand on her skin. He could feel power radiating from his fingertips and tingling in his palms.

  He continued to smack her, alternating between cheeks until they were both hot to the touch and cherry red. She continued to squirm and squeal, but he didn’t stop, a dark, wild force driving him on. His cock throbbed but he didn’t stop. She needed to be taught a lesson, and he was the man to teach her.

  He struck her ass over and over until his hand was stinging from the impact. The struggle had finally gone out of her, and she was whimpering. James eased off the spanking, now lightly stroking her flaming ass cheeks.

  What would it be like to fuck her freshly spanked ass? He ached to find out then and there, but not with her wound still so fresh. No, he would be patient for the sake of his girl. Instead he pushed the chair back, carefully supporting Kelsey as he shifted the upper half of her body back onto the bed.

  No, he wouldn’t fuck her yet, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t take his pleasure. Unable to resist a moment longer, James stood and yanked off his clothes. He fisted his pulsing cock and tugged at it with a groan.

  Kelsey lay motionless on her stomach, her face hidden in a tangle of coppery tresses, her pretty bottom a lovely contrast in red to the white of her thighs and back. James stroked himself rapidly, the urgency of his need overwhelming him.

  “Kelsey, Kelsey, my darling,” he murmured breathlessly as he brought himself quickly to orgasm. She didn’t move or respond, save for her steady, quiet whimpering. Within minutes he spurted ribbons of pearly-white ejaculate over her soundly-spanked ass. He touched the jism lightly with his fingers, swirling it in patterns over her hot, red ass cheeks. With a satisfied sigh, he sank onto the bed beside his girl. Glancing toward her leg, he saw that the wound had started to seep blood through the bandages.

  Dismay nearly obscured the pleasure from his powerful orgasm. He reached toward her leg, lightly touching her wounded calf. “You silly girl,” he admonished gently, “you’ve made yourself bleed.”


  James was snoring, a heavy arm thrown over Kelsey’s midriff. “James,” she whispered. No response. Carefully, oh so carefully, she began to inch away from beneath his arm, stopping in her progress every few seconds to make sure he was still sleeping soundly. Finally she managed to ease far enough from him that his arm flopped to the bed.

  She held her breath.

  He continued to snore.

  Her leg didn’t hurt quite as much as it had. The sharp, shooting pains had eased into a steady, dull throb. Her bottom still stung from the spanking. But beyond the pain and humiliation of the spanking was the shock that it was happening at all. The whole time he was smacking her with his hard palm, she could feel the insistent bulge of his cock beneath her body. He clearly got off on this “good girl/bad girl” thing he’d worked up in his mind. At least he’d only jerked off over her, though that had been horrid enough.

  Afterward he’d carried her in his arms to the bathroom and placed her gently in the tub. He’d cleaned her wound and then washed her hair beneath the faucet with loving attention. He’d insisted on feeding her again, this time a grilled cheese sandwich and a mug of tomato soup. While it was annoying as hell to have someone else feeding her, he seemed really tender and happy while he was doing it. It was impossible to reconcile his brutal behavior with his loving, if bizarre, ministrations afterward. She honestly didn’t know what to make of the man.

  One thing she knew for sure—he was stark raving mad.

  She glanced anxiously at James, who was still snoring softly, and then at the clock beside the bed. It was a little after three in the afternoon. She guessed he’d been asleep for nearly an hour. There was no telling when he’d wake from his little nap, or what dreadful things he had in store for her.

  I have to get away. Get to a phone. Call 9-1-1.

  This thought fueled her as she inched her way down the mattress. It seemed like hours, but she finally reached the bottom of the bed. Carefully she eased herself to the carpet, sinking to her knees. It was easier to crawl than to walk, and she moved as quietly as she could on her hands and knees, glancing back to the bed every few seconds.

  She crawled to the pile of clothing he’d left in a heap on the floor, feeling frantically for his cell phone. It wasn’t there.


  She looked desperately around the bedroom, but there was no evidence of a landline. Where the hell was his cell? It wasn’t on the bureau either. Not ready to give up, not by a long shot, she grabbed James’ T-shirt and pulled it over her head. She continued her stealthy crawl, forcing herself to ignore the rising pain in her calf as she dragged that leg along. He’d left the bedroom door open a few inches. Kelsey reached for it, pushing it gently and then freezing as the hinges creaked, the sound squealing through the room like a wounded animal.

  She whipped her head back toward the bed. James hadn’t moved. Her heart was galloping in her chest.

  Just get out the door.

  The bedroom exited onto a short hallway. There was another room just across from it but Kelsey turned left, heading into the living room, thanking whatever gods there might be that James lived in a one-story house.

  She pulled herself upright on the sofa and scanned the room, searching for a phone. No luck. She thought about how he’d brought her in through the kitchen. Maybe he put his phone and wallet down there when he’d come in earlier, or maybe, if he did have a landline, it was there.

  Adrenaline and fear pushed her along as she hobbled and hopped toward the kitchen. She swept the room with her eyes. No phone. No wallet. No landline.

  “Fuck,” she whispered.

  Just get out. Get out!

  It had been dark, and she’d been in a state of hysterical panic by the time he’d pulled into the garage the night before. She hadn’t noticed what kind of neighborhood he lived in, or if there were likely to be people outside. All she needed was to be seen. She would scream for help. And she would be rescued, and this horrible nightmare would be at an end.

  She weighed her options. Did she head back through the living room to the front door, or go out the kitchen door, which presumably led to James’ backyard? That door was much closer, and she decided to go that way. Supporting herself along the counters, she made it to the back door. She turned the deadbolt and opened the door.

  The warmth of the summer day hit her with a blast of humidity, bringing with it the promise of freedom. Flinging the door wide, she hobbled outside, putting as little weight as she could on her bad leg as she hopped and limped down the three steps to the grass.

  She glanced quickly around and cursed. The small backyard was walled in by a high wooden fence. She couldn’t see into the neighbors’ yards and they couldn’t see her.

  But they could hear her.

  “Help!” she cried, her voice hoarse from disuse. She cleared her throat. “Help me!” she screamed as she hopped toward the gate as quickly as she could. “Help—”

  All at once the wind was knocked out of her lungs and she fell heavily to the grass, momentarily stunned. She felt herself being hauled to her feet and then flung over a man’s shoulder. His arm clamped hard around the back of her thigh
s and her head bumped against his bare back as James carried Kelsey back into the house.

  He kicked the back door closed with his foot and set her, none too gently, on a kitchen chair. Her leg was screaming, her heart pounding, her head reeling. She had been so close. So close!

  “No!” she heard herself wailing, as if from a remove. “No, no, no! You can’t do this. Let me go! Let me—” She was stunned into silence by the back of his hand smashing against her mouth.

  “You,” James said, glaring at her, his eyes dark with fury, “are a very, very bad girl.” It was only then that she saw the gun in his hand. He waved it in her direction. “What happens to bad girls, Kelsey? Tell me!”

  Kelsey touched her face, which was stinging from the blow. Her lower lip was split and bleeding and she touched it gingerly with her tongue. She stared at James’ angry face and then at the muzzle of his gun, speechless with terror.

  This was it.

  She was going to die.

  The oxygen in the room vanished, leaving her gasping like a fish out of water, her heart pounding in a deep, steady boom. Her bones melted inside her body and she felt herself sliding from the chair to the floor, powerless to stop herself. The world shifted and cracked wide, and she welcomed the opening chasm, slipping soundlessly into the arms of the enveloping darkness.

  Chapter 8

  James didn’t wait for her to regain consciousness. He scooped her into his arms and pushed open the door that led to the garage with his hip. He managed to get the car’s passenger door open, and he slid her into the seat. Grabbing some bungee cords he kept on a shelf in the garage, he pulled her arms behind the seat and used the cords to bind them tight.

  He knew already what must be done. He’d been a fool to think he could keep Kelsey at his house, at least not until she came to understand that her place was at his side. He had been an idiot to fall asleep without first tying her down. He had come that close to losing her. If he hadn’t woken when he had, she might even now be jabbering to some policeman, painting the story of what had transpired between them in black and white, leaving out the rich, colorful tapestry of love beneath what might seem like brutal actions to the uninformed.

  These thoughts crowded his mind as James flew through the house. Hurriedly he pulled on jeans, a T-shirt and a pair of sandals. He threw some of his clothing and toiletries into the duffel that contained the things he’d retrieved from her apartment. He would come back later for more clothing and supplies, once he had Kelsey properly settled in the cabin. He swept the sex toys still waiting on his computer desk into the bag as well, excited at the thought of using them all. Lastly he grabbed his laptop, placing that in the duffel as well.

  He glanced at the pictures of his beloved that covered the walls. Those would have to come down, but there was no time now. He would return later in the week to remove any evidence of his secret obsession, just in case.

  For the first time, he found himself glad that his parents were no longer living, and that his sister, with whom he’d never been close anyway, resided over a thousand miles away. He needed no one but Kelsey. And she needed no one but him. The family vacation cabin by the lake would be the perfect hideout while he trained her to adapt to her new life as his soulmate and most prized possession.

  He slung the duffel over his shoulder and, gun in hand, raced back to the kitchen, where he locked the back door and set the alarm before returning to the garage. He could see Kelsey through the car widow. She had regained consciousness and was struggling mightily to get free of the bungee cords.

  He pulled open the passenger door and aimed the gun in her direction. “Stop it!” he ordered tersely. “I don’t have time for this shit right now, Kelsey.” He saw that the gauze he’d wrapped over her bandaged wound was red with new blood, and a rush of guilt washed over him. But it was her fault. She shouldn’t have run outside like that. He’d had no choice but to tackle her.

  Ignoring her yelping demands to be let go, he leaned over the backseat to inspect how the bungee cords were holding up. She had nearly managed to wrench herself out of them; one hand was almost freed. James tossed the duffel on the backseat and placed the gun beside it. He adjusted the cords, winding them more tightly around her arms and giving them a tug to make sure she couldn’t get out of them during the drive.

  Once satisfied she wasn’t going anywhere, James grabbed the gun and hurried around the car to the driver’s seat. Setting the weapon just under his seat, he reached across Kelsey and pulled the seatbelt over her body. He buckled her in, positioning the belt so it rested between her luscious breasts. It was good she’d put on his T-shirt. He couldn’t very well take her on the highway naked, though he would have liked to. She looked disheveled, her hair wild, a smudge of dirt on her cheek, but he doubted anyone driving by them would notice or care.

  “James, where are we going? Where are you taking me?” Kelsey’s normally low, sultry voice was pitched an unpleasant octave too high. “The cords are too tight,” she whined. “My arms hurt. My leg hurts. You can’t do this. Damn it, you bastard! You have to—”

  Her squealing was making his head throb. Without thinking, James lifted his arm and smacked her mouth with the back of his hand. “Shut the fuck up, Kelsey. Just shut up.”

  She was staring at him with wide, frightened eyes. Her cheeks looked unnaturally pale, especially in contrast to the thin trickle of bright red blood that had appeared on her pouting lower lip.

  “Damn it,” he swore. “See what you made me do?”

  She didn’t answer. A single tear rolled down her cheek and James’ anger melted away. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I shouldn’t have hit you in anger.” He knew he needed to control his temper better. He needed to have patience until Kelsey learned her lessons properly. The sooner they got where they were going, the sooner the lessons could start.

  As he backed the car out of the garage, he reached over to pat her thigh. She flinched, her body tensing, and he realized she thought he was going to strike her again. “Hey, relax. You need to stay calm and quiet while I’m driving, okay? Just relax.” He pushed the button on the garage door remote and watched the garage door begin its descent before turning his attention to the road behind him in the rearview mirror.

  He pulled smoothly onto the street and headed toward the highway. Though his foot itched to push the pedal to the metal and burn the tires in a screech of rubber, he forced himself to drive at a sedate pace. Once on the highway he would stick to the speed limit, and take no chances.

  “I’ve decided this neighborhood isn’t the proper place for us while we get to know each other better,” he said, glancing at her with a smile. She didn’t smile back.

  A drop of the blood from her split lip had splashed onto her collarbone. Though he did feel bad for having lost his temper, James couldn’t deny the rush of power, the erotic thrill that the sight of her blood caused deep inside him. His cock pulsed and twitched in his jeans. Christ, he wanted to fuck her then and there.

  His voice came out hoarse with lust when he started to speak. He cleared his throat and started again. “I’m taking you to my cabin by the lake. I own quite a large plot of land there and the cabin is set a good two miles back from the road. It’s nice and secluded, far from prying eyes and nosy neighbors.”

  She said nothing in reply, but at least she’d stopped her squawking. James turned his attention back to the road, each mile that passed taking them closer to their love nest. Once they were on the highway and enjoying a long stretch of travel with little traffic around them, James reached over to stroke Kelsey’s bare thigh.

  Kelsey’s seat was pushed back to the perfect angle for the delicious idea that leaped suddenly into James’ brain. Her skin was like warm silk and he let his fingers glide over it toward her cunt, which he knew was bare beneath the oversized T-shirt.

  “No!” Kelsey dared to protest.

  James gave her thigh a sharp slap. “Yes,” he retorted. “Do you want to be punished? Keep it up, and that�
�s what will happen.”

  She had started to whimper. “Kelsey,” he said in a cajoling tone, “you don’t get it yet, but I’m not the enemy. I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to you, if you give it a chance. And I can give you pleasure, if you’ll let me. I can make you come while I drive. Would you like that, baby? I know just how to touch you.”

  Still no response. He would teach her to answer when spoken to, and to answer with the proper respect. He slid his hand again over her leg, this time pushing his fingers between her thighs. He was pleased when she didn’t resist him.

  He cupped her mound. He had been thinking about whether he would shave her cunt, like all the girls in the porn videos. He rather liked the delicate sweep of soft, auburn curls that hid her pretty sex, but on the other hand, it would be hot to shave her. There was something supremely erotic about the thought of the cold, sharp razor scraping against the tender skin of her private parts, over and over until she was smooth.

  His cock was uncomfortably bent in his jeans, and he pulled his hand away so he could adjust himself. He licked his fingers and reached again for the prize between her legs. “Spread your legs,” he ordered. “I’m going to make you come while I drive. I’ve always wanted to do that.”

  She said nothing, which was much better than whining and squealing, and she obeyed, shifting on the leather seat as she opened her legs for him. He stroked the soft labia with his wet fingers, moving lightly over her clit in a teasing motion. His cock ached and he had to remind himself to focus on the road. But he didn’t stop touching her.

  He rubbed and stroked her sweet cunt, teasing her clit until he felt it stiffen beneath his fingers. He spent a long time, his touch light as feathers, but relentless nonetheless. After several minutes, he finally moved his fingers down, seeking her tight entrance. Her cunt was hot and moist as he slid his finger inside her.


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