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Pursued: A Sci-Fi Alien Warrior Romance (Raider Warlords of the Vandar Book 4)

Page 15

by Tana Stone

  “Then let us hope the fourth horde comes for Corvak,” I said, taking a deep breath. “The wildness of uncharted space may suit him.”

  Svar nodded, but he looked as unsure as I felt.

  I rested one hand on the hilt of my axe. “We should depart and resume our course.”

  “Yes, Raas. Do you still wish to make a stop—?”

  “On a pleasure planet?” I allowed myself a small smile. “Yes. Our raiders need it more than ever, now.”

  The corners of Svar’s mouth twitched and relief passed over his usually solemn face. “Agreed, Raas. I’ve already plotted a course. We should arrive at Laurinia by first watch.”


  “We have never visited this particular planet. It is new, but they are already known for their variety and unique environment.”


  “The Laurinians have spent considerable coin to make their city into a hedonistic playground.” Svar’s smile widened. “Our raiders will be pleasantly surprised.”

  Most of the pleasure planets we frequented were weathered and tended toward seedy. A hedonistic playground—whatever that was—would be a welcome change.

  I swiveled back to the glass, giving a final look at the planet’s surface. “As long as the empire has not also become aware of this playground.”

  The pleasure planets we’d chosen in the past were also ignored by the Zagrath, and far out of imperial territory.

  “From what we know, they have not, but we are enacting strict security protocols. We will not land on the surface, and our horde ships will send raiders in shifts. Shall I notify you in your quarters when we arrive, Raas?”

  I thought about the female waiting for me back in my quarters. I might have convinced her that she would be safer on my horde and with me, but as much time as we’d spent in each other’s arms over the past few rotations, there was no indication of mating marks on her skin or mine. Her soft, smooth, unmarked flesh tormented me, and served as a stark reminder that as much as I might insist she was mine, the female assassin might never truly be my mate.

  She might never belong to anyone.

  “Let me know when we arrive. I would like to see this Laurinia for myself.” I turned sharply from the view of the planet and tried not to imagine my battle chief watching as his horde—and the only family he’d ever known—flew away.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  I sat in front of the fire with my feet tucked up underneath me, staring into the flames. I’d stayed away from the glass since we’d reached the planet, and now that the familiar hum of the engines had resumed, I released a long breath.

  As an assassin to the empire, I’d grown used to bringing death with me. It shouldn’t bother me that I was the reason Bron had been forced to exile one of his closest officers. It wasn’t like the warrior had been executed for his actions. Considering how livid Bron had been when he’d found me strapped to the wall in Corvak’s oblek, the battle chief might have gotten off easy.

  But all the deaths I’d been responsible for had been for people who deserved it. At least that was what I told myself. Even the ones who weren’t evil, had no problem being seduced by a total stranger. They got what they deserved, I’d always thought. Unfaithful, greedy males who’d stood in the way of the empire’s expansion throughout the galaxy.

  But Corvak was not unfaithful or greedy. He’d only been following his instinct about me.

  “An instinct that was right.” I shifted and reached for the goblet of Vandar wine beside me.

  Even though Bron had forgiven me and assured me that I was not the reason he exiled his battle chief, it was not true. The Raas did lie, after all.

  I took a swig of wine, finally glancing over my shoulder at the view as we flew through space. I didn’t know where we were going next, but at least we would not be hovering above Kimithion III anymore. Every moment we’d stayed was a moment of torture and a reminder that I was the reason Bron had been forced into an impossible decision—me or his crew mate.

  Even now, I had a hard time believing he’d chosen me. No one had ever chosen me above duty or the job. My throat was thick as I thought about the Raas whose bed I was sharing. The Raas I would have to leave, one way or the other.

  As much as I wanted to stay, and as easy as it felt when we were together, the hard truth was that an imperial assassin and a Raas of the Vandar could not be together. One day, someone would discover the truth about me, and it would be the end of Bron. He would lose his role as Raas and end up like Corvak, exiled to a strange planet. Or worse, we’d both be executed for treason. That was, if the empire didn’t find us both first.

  I gulped down a mouthful of wine, letting the tang pucker my cheeks. I knew firsthand that the Zagrath had eyes and ears everywhere. As insular as the Vandar hordes were, they did stop on pleasure planets and make supply runs. One day, word would escape that Raas Bron kept a human female, and then the empire would know.

  The wine churned in my stomach. My own death didn’t upset me. I’d always known my life would end as I’d lived it—in violence. But Raas Bron did not deserve my fate. Even less did he deserve what would happen if the Vandar discovered he’d knowingly kept an imperial spy and assassin in their midst. His majak had been there when Rennick had called me Mantis, although in the chaos he might not have registered the out-of-place word. Still, it was only a matter of time before there were more slips. It was inevitable. As was the fall of Raas Bron, if he kept me.

  As the wine sent tingles down my arms and dulled the ache in my chest, I knew what I would have to do. Getting off the ship without being seen or stopped was too difficult, especially now that the Raas kept a guard posted outside his quarters.

  No, I’d have to convince him to let me off the ship. Then I could slip away. I chugged the rest of the wine, hating that I had to deceive Bron in order to save him. But he was too honorable to save himself. He’d promised to protect me, and he would do so even if it meant his death or his own exile.

  “Well, I’m not going to let that happen,” I muttered to myself as I stood. I’d finally met a truly good guy. I wasn’t going to let him destroy himself over me.

  The door swishing open made me turn, forcing myself to smile as the Raas entered the room. His stormy expression softened when he saw me. “You waited for me.”

  I swallowed the bitter taste of regret as I walked toward him, smiling seductively and adding an extra twist to my step. “You thought I wouldn’t, Raas?”

  His brow furrowed but relaxed when he spotted my empty glass. “Vandar wine?”

  I shrugged. Let him think the wine was loosening my inhibitions instead of my cunning. He would not be the first to be taken in by my feminine innocence—at least the appearance of it. I shook off any guilt that I was tricking the Raas. Despite what he promised and what I’d allowed myself to believe in the heat of the moment, I knew the reality of the empire’s reach and power. And I was not willing to sacrifice his life to it.

  “We’ve left the planet’s orbit and are on course for Laurinia.” He unhooked his shoulder armor by the door, hanging it on a stand, and then unlaced his boots.

  “Laurinia?” I helped him pull off his leather arm coverings without him asking, letting my hands linger on his warm skin.

  “A pleasure planet we’ve never visited. The crew needs a break. Our last missions have been unrewarding.”

  I studied his face. “I suspect the Raas also needs a break. Will you be going down to the surface with your raiders?”

  His gaze slid to me. “Not to indulge in the offerings, but I will visit to appraise the planet. It is reputed to be an impressive sight.”

  “Bron.” I took his hand and led him to the bed, pushing him down so he was sitting on the foot of it. “You do not need to deprive yourself because of me.”

  One of his dark eyebrows lifted, as he wrapped his arms around my back. “You think I’m depriving myself when I’m fucking you every night?” He tugg
ed me so that I stood between his legs. “There is nowhere I would rather be than inside you.”

  Warmth suffused my face, and liquid heat stirred in my belly. “Then why don’t we sample the pleasure planet together?”

  Raas Bron frowned, even as he lifted my wrist and feathered a warm kiss across the delicate skin. “You want me to take you off the ship?”

  The unspoken reason this was such a problematic idea hung in the air between us.

  I couldn’t sound like I wanted it too badly. The Raas was clever. He would see through me if I pushed too hard. I kept my voice light, twitching one shoulder as if it was of little consequence. “I thought it could be fun, but I don’t have to go. I can wait for you here.”

  He leaned back and looked at me. “You must have been to pleasure planets before. In your previous line of work.”

  “Only a few seedy ones. If this Laurinia is so special, maybe we could sample the offerings together.” I held up a finger. “Without the assistance of any pleasurers.”

  “You do not wish to share?” he teased.

  I crawled on top of him and straddled my legs around his waist. “No.” I dragged my palms down the hard slopes of his chest. “I want you all for myself.”

  A velvet growl rumbled in his throat. “You know you have me, Alana.”

  I leaned down and nipped his ear. “I haven’t had you on Laurinia.”

  He laughed, coiling an arm around my waist and flipping me onto my back in a single, smooth motion. “Maybe we could arrange an outing to the planet.” He hovered over me, his eyes sparking with heat. “As long as you promise not to attempt another escape.”

  I wrapped my legs around his back, squeezing and crossing my feet briefly at the ankles. “I’ll only run from you, Raas, if you insist on a chase.”

  He reached for my wrists, lifting them over my head and pinning them easily to the bed. “Caught you.”

  For now, I thought, as his mouth crashed into mine, and I surrendered to him, my heart breaking a little as the traitorous thought whispered in the back of my mind. For now.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  “You’re sure about this?” Alana didn’t glance up at me as we stood together on the transport, the ramp touching down on the surface of Laurinia and sending sunlight flooding the compact compartment.

  I wasn’t sure about my decision, but I was learning to live with uncertainty. Besides, the reports of the pleasure planet and it’s exotic environments had been too tempting to ignore, even for one who had no intention of engaging a pleasurer.

  “If you can promise me you won’t try to steal a ship and escape from me.”

  She snorted out a laugh as we both peered outside. “Even I’m not crazy enough to run away from this.”

  I took her hand and walked down the ramp, my own mouth gaping as I took in Laurinia. Our transport ship had landed on a circular pad, but it was surrounded by water. A long walkway connected it to a stretch of pink sand that was lapped by sea-green water so clear it was easy to see vibrantly hued creatures darting within its depths. There were fabric cabanas on the beach, some with sheer fabric walls closed so that only the hazy outline of writhing bodies could be seen and others with pristine white curtains drawn to reveal females reclining on wide, cushioned platforms, their bodies beckoning males to join them. Pod-like boats hovered above the surface of the water, scantily clad pleasurers lounging on pillows while musicians sat on the edges of the boats and played. Everywhere, music and moans rose into the air.

  Beyond the sand, gleaming white cliffs towered high with glistening chrome villas jutting out from them like wedged saucers. Even from where we stood, I spotted pools of water attached to the disc-like structures, seemingly suspended in mid-air like teardrops of water. The shiny metal structures had balconies covered by gossamer awnings and held platform beds where naked bodies openly cavorted with each other.

  “Are those your warriors?” Alana asked, shading her eyes with one hand as she squinted toward the cliffs.

  My raiders had descended to the planet first, each horde ship sending its crew in waves and keeping a small complement on board. Even though Laurinia assured us that she had excellent aerial defenses, we did not take chances with security. I’d waited until Svar had returned from his time on the surface to leave the warbird in his hands, so I could truly indulge without worry.

  “I would assume so. We paid the madam handsomely for exclusive access.” Although I saw dark hair and broad backs, I didn’t look closely. I needed to serve with my raiders after they’d had their fill of females and fun. On other pleasure planets, our activities were usually confined to private chambers. On Laurinia, there seemed to be nothing private. The Vandar were not known for being modest about our bodies, but we also did not regularly fuck in open view of superior officers.

  “I don’t get it. Aren’t Vandar raiders known for pillaging and raping? Why would you ever have to pay for women?”

  I bristled at the comment. “Vandar do not rape. That is what the empire wishes you to believe. We pay for services we require, and we only pillage from the empire.” I waved a hand at the gleaming city rising up from the pristine beach. “This is not the empire.”

  “I can see that,” Alana muttered. “The Zagrath are way too uptight for this. They’d probably never remove their helmets.”

  I gave her a side-eye glance. “You have been with many of these helmeted fighters?”

  She wrinkled her nose as we walked toward the sand. “Definitely not. Imperial soldiers have never been my thing. Too uptight.” One corner of her mouth quirked. “I prefer my guys less restrained. And with less clothing.”

  I suppressed a grin and the rumble building in my chest. “I’m glad you do not have a fetish for helmets.”

  A pair of nearly identical females with pink skin and a long platinum hair crossed the sand in front of us hand in hand with a Vandar warrior whose battle kilt hung off his hips at a precarious angle. His expression was dazed, and his dark hair tousled as the females led him to a nearby cabana and laid him onto the bed. I looked away as one of the alien females dipped her head under his kilt while the other straddled his face.

  “You weren’t kidding when you said this pleasure planet was different from the others. This is nothing like the dodgy one near Jengon 5.” Alana readjusted her hand in mine as we walked down the steps onto the beach. “I’m glad you decided to bring me with you.”

  “It was unfair to treat my crew to a respite from the ship and not you.” I spotted the Laurinian female standing at the edge of the sand near a staircase cut into the alabaster rock. Instead of being barely dressed, she wore a white robe that reached her feet and had an attached hood she pushed back at our approach. “At your suggestion, I have made arrangements for us to sample what the city has to offer.”

  She swung her head to me. “I thought you weren’t into sharing.”

  My boots faltered in the sand. “Sharing?”

  “You did say sample, right?”

  I looked up at the cliffs. “The environments and villas. Not the pleasures.” I squeezed her hand. “I thought we agreed that we would not be in need of the female pleasurers?”

  “I guess another guy would be out of the question?”

  I scowled at her before seeing her teasing expression.

  She let out a low whistle. “Note to myself. Vandar don’t even like to joke about sharing their women.”

  “No, we do not.” Even the idea of sharing her with another male made a growl escape my throat.

  Alana laughed. “You aren’t going to throw me over your shoulder again, are you?”

  “Do not provoke me,” I said, but gave her a half smile.

  The Laurinian female bowed as she joined us at the base of the stairs, her white robe swirling around her legs as she moved. “You must be Raas Bron. We are grateful for your patronage.” She handed me a flat disc. “I think you will be pleased with the penthouse villa we’ve prepared for you and your…” Her ey
es shifted to Alana briefly, “companion.”

  “Thank you.” I inclined my head at her, taking the disc and memorizing the directions she gave me to the top of the cliffs.

  Alana tipped her head back. “The penthouse?”

  “It is not as difficult a walk as you might imagine.” The Laurinian smiled at us, prodded us to step on the bottom step and then touched her hand to a shiny white post to one side.

  Suddenly, the steps—which had appeared to be cut into the stone—began to move. I wrapped an arm around Alana for balance as we were propelled up, twisting back and forth across the rock face as we rose higher. When we’d reached the top, the moving steps deposited us before a clear door.

  I glanced at the disc in my hand, then noticed that a circle in the transparent door glowed blue. Pressing the disc to the circle, I watched as it hummed and flashed a series of lights before the door swung open.

  Alana stepped inside and sighed. “I get why your guys like pleasure planets so much.”

  The inside of the villa was as gleaming white as the cliffs, with shiny floors topped with fluffy rugs. A round, glass table held an array of glistening fruits—most of which were unfamiliar to me—and a bottle of something chilled in a clear bowl piled high with ice.

  There was little furniture, but a large, flat, bed, with a skylight above it, took up the center of the room. The space opened up onto a balcony and then a pool that dangled out beyond the cliffs, the blue water sparkling as the rays from two distant suns bounced off the surface.

  “Most pleasure planets are not like this,” I said, marveling at the luxury, and wondering how this jewel had managed to elude our notice before.

  Alana plucked a shiny, purple berry from a tray and popped it in her mouth. “The Raas quarters are pretty nice, but this is amazing.”


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