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Penny Nichols and the Mystery of the Lost Key

Page 15

by Joan Clark

  CHAPTER XV Penny's Evidence

  The bedroom door opened and Max Laponi entered.

  Penny Nichols had lowered herself to the narrow ledge not an instant toosoon. There had been no time to pull the window down after her.

  As she heard the man walk across the room she huddled fearfully againstthe wall, feeling certain that he would notice the open windowimmediately. Her position was a precarious one. She dared not move lesteven a slight sound betray her to the man inside. On the other hand, itwas doubtful how long she could remain where she was without losing herfooting. She knew that if she once glanced downward her courage wouldfail her.

  Penny could hear Laponi muttering to himself.

  "I thought I left that window down," she heard him say. "If anyone hasbeen in here--"

  He crossed to the bed and ran his hand under the pillow. Penny peepedthrough the window just as he removed a shiny object.

  "Another revolver!" she gasped. "That's one I missed."

  The sight of the weapon seemed to reassure Laponi for he appearedrelieved. He next crossed over to the bureau and searched for the diamondring. Penny was very glad that she had not touched it.

  "I guess everything is the same as I left it," the man muttered tohimself. "Still, I'd have sworn I left that window down."

  As Penny huddled flat against the wall, he moved over toward it. She heldher breath, waiting. Would he look out? If he did, then all was lost.

  Laponi stood for some minutes at the open window, seemingly absorbed inhis thoughts. Then he abruptly slammed it down and turned away.

  "That was a narrow escape!" Penny congratulated herself. "If I ever getout of this mess I'll take care not to get myself into another positionlike it!"

  She cautiously crept along the ledge until at last she was able tostretch out her hand and grasp the sill of the next window. After pullingherself through she quietly closed it behind her. Then she tiptoed to thebedroom door and looked out. No one was in sight.

  Carefully secreting the articles which she had taken from Laponi's room,she darted past his door and safely on to the bedroom which she sharedwith Rosanna. The latter arose as she burst in upon her.

  "How you startled me, Penny."

  She was due for another shock as Penny dropped the revolver upon thedresser.

  "Penny, where did you get that thing?" she demanded nervously.

  "Not so loud or someone may hear you," Penny warned. "It came fromLaponi's room, and that's not all I found either."

  She drew forth the letter and the missing key. Rosanna staredincredulously.

  "Surely they can't be mine, Penny."

  "I suspect they are. Take a look at this letter and tell me if you noticeanything wrong."

  Rosanna studied the letter briefly, then shook her head.

  "It reads just like the one I received."

  "That's the point. Notice the name at the top."

  "Why, it looks as if it might have been changed!" Rosanna cried.

  "And I think it has been. It's my opinion that Max Laponi found yourletter and the missing key. He's a rank impostor."

  "Then you believe he is the one who has been frightening the household byplaying on the pipe organ?"

  "I haven't made up my mind about that yet," Penny returned thoughtfully."But one thing I'm certain about. Laponi is a dangerous man."

  "Let's get away from here right away."

  Penny laughed shortly. "I should say not! This mystery is growing moreexciting every minute. I mean to discover Max Laponi's little game!"

  "But he may harm us," Rosanna protested. "Especially if he suspectsyou've searched his room."

  "Laponi is armed," Penny admitted with a frown. "But for that matter soare we."

  "You wouldn't dare to carry that revolver!"

  "I most certainly would. Not that I'd care to use it, but it might serveas protection."

  "It seems to me we should call in the police."

  Penny shook her head. "Not yet. But I do intend to wire my father. I'mgoing to ask him to learn all he can about Laponi. It may turn out thatthe man has a prison record."

  "You suspect that because you found the revolver in his room?"

  "Well, honest citizens don't carry weapons without permits."

  "You're thinking of doing it," Rosanna challenged.

  Penny laughed. "This is an extra special emergency. But I have anotherreason for believing that Laponi is a crook. I suspect he has a stolenring in his possession."

  She then told of finding the diamond ring under the dresser scarf.

  "All diamonds look somewhat alike," she acknowledged, "but I'm sure I'veseen that ring before."


  "In Bresham's Department Store. I think it's the same ring that wasstolen the afternoon I met you there."

  "Laponi does bear a slight resemblance to the shoplifter," Rosannaadmitted thoughtfully. "Only the store thief was a much older man."

  "Disguised perhaps. Oh, I may be wrong, but at least it will do no harmto have Father look into the matter."

  "When he gets your wire, Penny, he'll probably be so alarmed that he'llsend word for you to start back to Mt. Ashland at once."

  "Not Dad. He'd rather catch a crook than eat. I'm sure he'll help me."

  "When will you send the wire?"

  "Right away. I'd like to leave the house before Laponi sees me."

  However, as the girls stepped out into the hall a few minutes later theyheard loud voices coming up from the living room. Penny instantlyrecognized Laponi's sharp tones and paused at the top of the stairs topeer down.

  "It's Max and Caleb Eckert," she reported in a whisper. "My, what aquarrel they're having!"

  The girls listened for a minute but the voices of the two men died to alow murmur and they could distinguish only an occasional word.

  "Unless you want Laponi to see you we'd better slip down the back way,"Rosanna suggested.

  Using the rear stairs the girls were able to leave the house withoutbeing observed. They drove directly to Andover where Penny dispatched alengthy wire to her father. She requested him to learn all he couldconcerning Max Laponi and if possible to send her a complete descriptionof the diamond ring which had been stolen from the department store.

  "I wonder why Caleb and Max Laponi were going at each other in suchdreadful fashion?" Rosanna mused as they drove back toward the Winters'mansion.

  Penny had been pondering over the same question.

  "I suppose Caleb may be suspicious of him," Rosanna went on when Pennydid not answer.

  "Possibly. Old Caleb hasn't acted too honestly himself, Rosanna."

  "I know he hasn't. He doesn't like to answer questions and his interestin Mr. Winters' safe is rather puzzling. It seems to me that everyone atRaven Ridge acts queerly."

  "Including me?" Penny teased.

  Rosanna laughed and squeezed her arm affectionately. "Of course I don'tmean you. You've been wonderful and I'll never never be able to repay youfor all you've done."

  "Nonsense, so far I've accomplished exactly nothing. But I have a feelingthat before another twenty-four hours elapse things are going to startbreaking for us."

  "I hope so," Rosanna sighed.

  Neither Max Laponi nor Caleb Eckert were in the living room when thegirls returned to the house. Alicia was reading a book by the fireplacebut at sight of Penny and Rosanna she coldly withdrew.

  "I'm glad she's gone," Penny smiled. "It clears the atmosphere."

  "Must we stay here tonight?" Rosanna asked. "Couldn't we go to a hoteland come back in the morning? Since I know that Max Laponi----"

  She broke off as Penny shot her a warning glance.

  "Even the walls seem to have ears in this house, Rosanna. Come outsideand we'll do our planning there."

  They went out into the yard and sat down on a stone bench.

  "I know I'm a dreadful coward," Rosanna acknowledged. "Only I'm so afraidsomething terrible is about to happen." />
  "Now don't let your nerves get the best of you," Penny advised kindly. "Ishouldn't have shown you that revolver I found in Laponi's room. Youhaven't been the same since."

  "It wasn't just the revolver. It's everything."

  Penny was silent for a moment. Then she said quietly:

  "I don't blame you for feeling the way you do. Perhaps we are taking achance to remain here tonight. I shouldn't do it only I feel that it willgive me an opportunity to clear up the mystery."

  "But if you suspect Max----"

  "I do suspect him of a great many things, but I'm not certain of his gameyet, Rosanna. Besides, I must have absolute proof before I dare notifythe police. Tonight I intend to watch the mouth of the tunnel."

  "I can't permit you to do it by yourself. If you insist on taking such achance I'll go with you!"

  Penny remonstrated but at length it was agreed that shortly afternightfall the two would steal down to the lake's edge and lie in wait atthe mouth of the tunnel for the mysterious ghost to appear.

  For a long time the two girls sat staring out across the lake, eachabsorbed with her own thoughts. What would the night bring forth?

  "I believe I'll walk down to Caleb Eckert's cabin and chat with him for afew minutes," Penny remarked a little later as her companion arose fromthe bench. "Want to come along?"

  "No, I think I'll go inside. The air is growing chilly and my sweater isupstairs."

  "I'll be glad to wait for you."

  "If you don't mind, I believe I'll just rest. You go on alone."

  "You really don't mind?"

  "Of course not. But I doubt if you'll find Caleb at home. He usually goesfishing about this time of day."

  "Well, I may as well see anyhow. I want to ask him about that picture ofJacob Winters. I intend to keep annoying him until he gives me asatisfactory answer."

  As Rosanna returned to the house, Penny walked swiftly in the directionof the cabin.

  "I'm only wasting my time," she thought. "Caleb has no intention of everproducing that photograph."

  Penny rapped on the door, noticing that it was partly ajar. There was noresponse. She knocked a second time.

  Far out on the lake she could see a small rowboat with one lonefisherman. No doubt it was Caleb, she decided.

  She started away from the cabin, then abruptly halted as she was struckwith a sudden thought. With Caleb out on the lake she would have anexcellent opportunity to search his shack for the photograph of JacobWinters. She felt convinced she would find it there.

  "Entering people's private quarters seems to be a bad habit of mine," shechuckled. "Still, it's all in a good cause."

  Penny surveyed the lake again. The rowboat was nearly out of sight.

  After a moment of indecision, she pushed open the cabin door and entered.Caleb had left everything in a clutter and she scarcely knew where tobegin her search.

  She looked in the desk and in several table drawers. She searched in themagazine rack and even in the kitchen cupboard. She was growingdiscouraged when she finally opened a closet and peered up at the highshelves. Far above her head was a stack of old papers.

  Although Penny had given up hope of finding the picture, she brought achair and climbing up on it, took down the papers.

  As she lifted the stack, an object which had been lying on the shelf wasbrushed to the floor. She bent down to pick it up. To her amazement anddelight it was a photograph.

  She stared in disbelief at the man's face and then turned the photo overto read what had been written on the back.

  "_Jacob Winters._"

  "And Caleb told me he didn't know where he could get a photograph!" Pennythought indignantly. "All the time he had this one hidden here on theshelf. Why, I'm positive this picture came out of the album Rosanna and Ifound. Very likely Caleb tore it out himself!"

  Hastily replacing the papers on the shelf, Penny tucked the photographinto her pocket and prepared to leave the cabin. She was highly elatedover her discovery.

  "This will prove quite a valuable addition to my collection of evidence,"she chuckled. "No wonder Caleb was afraid to have me see it."


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