Book Read Free

Where I Belong

Page 20

by Stella Andrew

  A second after Mrs. Finnigle appears holding a silver tray with hot chocolate for Florence and me. And then we begin to eat. The table wasn’t as silent as to how I’d imagined. All three of them spoke at once asking me so many questions and by replying to them and joining in on conversations I felt welcomed into the house.

  “Stay at our place as much as you want. The days don’t matter at all my love. You can even bring in your school items and go to school from here.” Florence’s Mom says suddenly when we were helping her to clear the table even though she pleaded us not to.

  “I’m sorry Mrs. Finnigle, but thank you for the offer. My aunt would be sad if I were to live somewhere else.”

  “Oh of course. I understand. You are to her as my Florence is to me. Anyways hope you enjoy your short stay here.” She says with a gentle smile.

  Once Florence and I finish helping out, we make our way upstairs. Florence excuses herself and rushes to take a bath. I sit alone in her room and then fall back on the bed, staring at the luxurious chandelier above.

  My mind had been so full of how to manage Florence’s parents that I hadn’t thought of Adrien. But now, that I was alone with nothing in my mind, my thoughts flowed towards him.

  I turned side to side and then hugged my knees close still trying to ponder over his actions.

  Adrien used to hate me to the core. Yes, we’ve made amendments and are good friends now, but is love possible?

  Do I love Adrien? Does he love me? What am I going to do if I really do fall in love with him but he’s just kissing me for fun? Do I need love in my life? Am I ready?

  Is Adrien the one for me?

  While I’m so busy torturing myself with these questions, my phone started ringing. Groaning I get to my feet and grab my phone which was on the couch. It was an unknown number. I contemplate for a while if to answer or not. Oh, whatever. And I pick up the call.

  “Hello?” I say and wait for a reply.

  “Hello, Amelia.” A guy, surely French with a rough voice, husky on the edges speaks up.

  “Who’s this?”

  “It’s me.”

  “Me who?”

  “Shyne Fendis”


  “What do you want Shyne?” I snap rudely.

  “Wow. Someone sure seems angry.” He replied calmly making me boil up even more.

  “Did you call me so early just so you could piss me off?”

  “No. not really. I was bored and called the first person I thought of.” There was a slight huskiness towards the end of the sentence. Like he was trying to woo me with his words.

  “Yeah? Well, I’m busy. So go call someone else you’ve got on your mind kid.”

  “You’re supposed to have been beyond happy that you’re the first person on my mind mademoiselle Amelia.”


  Is this guy for real? I’d squeeze his bloody neck if he was right in front of me.

  The nerve of this kid.

  “How the hell did you get my number?” I demand.

  “I’ve resources.” He said adding a chuckle at the end like it’s some amusing conversation we’re having. “So how about you and me on a date today? What do you say?” he tries to flirt.

  I hang up.

  Yep. Just like that.

  The phone started ringing once more and continued for a while. I refused to answer the call and spoil my already fuming mood.

  I put my phone on silence and keep it aside, lying on the fluffy bed thinking over the series of what happened.

  Like hell, I’m gonna let this bratty kid ruin my snappy mood.

  My eyes were beginning to get heavy from the lack of sleep. I’m surprised I hadn’t fallen asleep on the road or during breakfast.

  I was about to snooze out when the room door opened and Florence walked in wearing a pink bathroom. Pink

  “Sorry, Amalia. Were you bored?” she asks regrettably. I smile at her. This girl is too cute.

  “You were gone for like, what? Fifteen minutes? It’s no biggie girl.”

  She sighs in relief and heads over to her walk-in wardrobe to grab something to wear, which I presume is going to be pink.

  I lie sideways and hug my knees, trying to keep my eyes open. Florence hums a tune making it even more difficult. If it had been Pierre or even Ninnon, I’d have snapped. But towards Florence? Nah, not possible.

  Her phone starts ringing and she rushes to answer it. I kinda guessed its Theodore, since she was blushing cutely just staring at her phone before answering.

  She goes “Mhmm”, “Oui”, and various other French words I couldn’t quite get. I hear her saying my name. Most probably informing Theo that I’m staying over or something, and then she says ‘Bye’ and hangs up. She turns to look at me, her eyes sparkling.

  I bet it’s a date.

  “Want to go out somewhere Amalia?” she asks shocking me.



  “Let’s go out? Hang out maybe? Theo asked me to bring you over to the café we usually visit.”

  “But… wait, aren’t you supposed to go alone with Theo? Like a date?” I ask confused. She was excited to hang out with me? Not just her boyfriend?

  “No no no Amalia. How could I possibly go on a date when you are here? No, not possible.” She shakes her head vigorously making her soft curls swing back and forth.

  I remain quiet, unable to give a reply. I felt like I was intruding.

  “You don’t want to?” Florence interrupts my thoughts. She looks so upset, I couldn’t possibly decline her offer.

  And so I waved goodbye to her parents and walk out into the streets with an excited Florence. Her mother was equally excited that her daughter was going out with a girlfriend.

  The café wasn’t too far. According to Florence, it was a ten-minute walk. When I had left home early that morning, the roads weren’t that crowded, but now the streets were bustling with people. Some old people waved at the two of us and went “bonjour Mademoiselles.

  These French people are too generous and hospitable I tell yah.

  We make it to the café, and I spot Theodore before Florence does. The café had tables outside, and Theo was sitting in the furthest table, reading something. He must have felt my deep gaze burning through his soul, because I felt him flinch and then look up letting out a relieved sigh and then waving at us to come over.

  Did he think a day time serial killer was staring at him or what?

  “Hey, Florence. Hey Amelia.” He greeted. Florence replied with a bubbly ‘hello’ and took the seat beside him. I sit across and then lay my chin on my clasped hands, glaring intently at Theo.

  He sweatdropped and lets out a funny chuckle.


  “Why did you invite me? You’re supposed to take her out on a date on a weekend Theodore.” I say. Florence just giggled while Theo was blank in the face.

  “Oh. Ooooh…” he goes.

  What the hell is he ‘ooh-ing’ for?

  “You thought I called Florence to ask her out on a date? No no Amelia, I called her to ask if she wanted to study together with me, and she informed that you were at her place so I asked her to bring you along as well.” He explained. And this time I stared at him blank-faced.

  I left out a loud sigh surprising the two of them.

  “Why are you going out with this nerd? Break up with him, and date me Florence. I’ll be much better than this guy.” I say with a straight-lined face. Florence knew it was a joke and let out a chuckle while Theo on the other hand, grabbed hold of her small hand and stared at me like I was actually going to steal her away from him. I grab the book he was reading and hit him on the head.

  “Ouch. Hey!”


  “Anyways, what were you doing over at Florence’s so early in the morning? Everything alright at home?” Theo asked, genuinely worried.

  “Everything is fine worrywart. Don’t freak out.” I tease with a smile.

  Everything is f
ine… huh.

  “Yesterday, when I was leaving school I heard the Vice Prez, talking to the Prez about his family being out of town this weekend. That’s why I asked. Nothing happened right?”

  Darn it. Theo you idiot! Brainless foolish guy. You just had to ask that and make last night’s incident pop up once more.


  I remain quiet but notice Theo looking at me weirdly.

  “Are you really okay? Your face is kind of… red?”


  “I… I’m fine. It must be the heat. Yeah…,”

  Great… it’s the weather’s fault once again.

  “Heat? But it’s not even warm?”

  “Oh just keep quiet and keep your eyes on Florence for god sake.” I snap.

  I try to hide my face with the book I had grabbed from Theo earlier. The two of them keep staring at me for a few seconds and then they start a conversation with each other. I zone out.

  Why did I have to embarrass myself like that?

  It’s all Adrien’s fault!

  Speaking of, I wonder what he’s doing. Did he really go over to Evan’s? Or is home, alone?

  I groan ruffling my hair, mentally scolding myself for worrying about that guy, when he’s the one at fault for me leaving the house.

  “Ama…” Florence starts but is cut off when a boy’s voice overtakes hers.

  “Amelia Brooke!”

  We all know who that is right?

  I turn around to find a panting Evan.

  Okay? What gives?

  “Dude, are you alright?” I ask, getting up and standing beside him, rubbing his back to help him breathe properly.

  “Yes, I’m fine Amelia Brooke. Sorry, just give me a second.”

  Wow. So even he drops to this level huh. I thought he was a perfect prince who wouldn’t even break a sweat after a marathon.

  “What happened President?” Theodore asks getting up. Florence follows as well.

  So this guy gains respect from fellow students of Harriet high even outside of school?

  “I caught sight of Amelia Brooke a couple of blocks away and ran after her afraid I’d lose sight of her.”

  “Ran after me? You could have simply called out to me yah know?” I said lifting a brow.

  “Sorry. That didn’t cross my mind.” Evan replied, now breathing normally and threw me a perfect prince smile. Which would be the death stone to many girls. But, nope not me.

  “So… what did you want? Since you ran to the extreme of going breathless?”

  “Oh right,” he grabbed hold of my shoulders, which must I say had a strong grip. I always thought he was just a skinny guy with no strength. “Please, just take Adrien back home with you.” He pleaded.

  What… did he just say?

  “Huh?” I’m staring at him with weird large eyes trying to interpret what he’s trying to say.

  “I can’t take it in anymore!” now he throws his hands into the air, exclaiming in annoyance.

  “I knew it!” Theo cut in making Evan and I turn to face him. I lift a brow at the crazy guy. “I knew something was fishy. So you fought with the vice Prez” he said it out like he’s discovered some historic Species.

  Why the fuck is this dude happy that I fought with Adrien? Is he stupid?

  “Theo,” Florence spoke out, raising her voice irritated at her boyfriend’s behavior. She drags him back to where we had been seated and I see her giving him a good scolding.

  You go, girl!

  Now that Evan and I were to ourselves, apart from the continuous stares of girls yearning to be looked upon by Evan. Of course, the said guy was oblivious.


  “So? What were you trying to say?” I ask

  “It’s Adrien. He’s driving me insane.”

  Just hearing his name sends a sort of jump inside my chest.

  “Why? What happened?” I was beyond confused. A small part of me was glad that he had actually gone over to Evan’s and not stayed back home alone.

  Yeah, smooth Amelia. Leave the guy in the dawn of morning and then be happy he’s got company now.

  Evan beckoned me to take a seat at an empty table before he starts speaking once again.

  “Adrien came barging into my house and demanded I let him stay over. Not that its an issue. Adrien occasionally stays over.” He stops and lets out a deep sigh perking my interest as to what he’s going to say next.

  “It’s after breakfast, Adrien had brought his own. A serving for two which I presume he had made for you?” he stops to stare at me.

  Oh. Adrien did mention he had made breakfast.

  I give a sheepish nod.

  What more am I to do?

  “Well, I already had breakfast but he had me eat up what he made as well. And then he began his rant until now he didn’t stop. If I hadn’t excused myself and run away he’d be eating my head now.”

  “What… what was he saying?”

  “That you had abandoned him.”

  What the actual fuck?

  What is he, a lost puppy?

  “Excuse me? I went over to a friend’s? How is that called abandoning? And what is he a three year old?” I snap to poor Evan who was looking lost in being between Adrien and my antics.

  “Just… take him back? Please?” Evan pleads. Adding to the effect he even gives me puppy dog eyes.

  “No” I downright reject him.

  Call me a bitch or whatever, but be in my shoe people. How can I face a guy who kissed me? And that too secretly. Twice!

  This isn’t a big deal. Maybe. But this is Adrien we’re talking about! The guy who gets mad at me for even drinking his juice.

  So duh I’m gonna be weird and awkward towards him when he just ups and kisses me in the lips.

  “Did something happen?” Evan’s voice interrupts my thoughts. His irritated face now taken over by a look of concern.

  “No, not really. I just wanted to stay over at Florence’s” I lie. He must have sensed something wrong with the way I was averting my eyes but he remained quiet.

  “Oh well. I tried. I need to get back before he destroys my room” he exaggerated. “Bye Amelia Brooke.” He waves and walks away with a fading smile.

  I rub my temple. Sighing deeply.

  I’m about to get to my feet and go join the other two when a shadow falls upon the table.

  What does Evan want now?

  I look up at the form and am about to ask him what’s up but stop and stare at who’s standing in front of me grinning from ear to ear.

  “I knew it was you. Hi, Amelia.” Saying so enthusiastically and taking a seat was none other than a grinning Shyne Fendis.

  Oh, fucking unicorns!

  “What are you doing here Shyne?” I ask, narrowing my eyes and glaring at the dude to make it a point his appearance wasn’t welcomed by me.

  “So, you own this café? A regular passer-by can’t stop by?” he jokes, sarcasm drooling off his accent.

  I scoff rudely.

  “Whatever. Enjoy your coffee or whatever it is that you’re going to order.” I turn around to walk towards my friends who were now looking my way.

  Shyne suddenly grabbed hold of my wrist. Too tight for my liking. It hurt slightly.

  Before I could tear my hand away from his grasp, God decided to play with my already messy life.


  I whirl back so fast, I could be a ballerina dancer I tell yah. But this is no time to pat my back and applaud for my swift movement.

  Staring at me and then emerald eyes burning with anger as his eyes zoned in on Shyne’s hand gripping mine was Adrien.

  “So this was why you left the house so early?” he said through clenched teeth, annoyance with a mix of sadness oozing out of his tone.

  I remain quiet.

  At this very moment, I just had to fucking remember last night’s event and so fucking stupidly blush as I stare at his lips, making my face turn all dusty pink.

  Adrien’s narrowed eyes widen with shock.r />
  Fuck! Me blushing is like proving him what he said was right.

  “Adrien… no... no… this”

  Yeah, stutter. It helps.

  “Well, I did call her out on a date.” Shyne joined the conversation, shrugging his shoulders like it was no big deal. I was so in shock, I just stared at the kid with an open mouth

  Oh no. he did not just say that!

  “Wow. Just… wow.” With that, he turns on his heels and marches away furiously. His body language clearly showing he was beyond lava blown

  “Let go of my hand you fucking zumbozo!” I snap aloud prying my hand away and running after Adrien’s disappearing form.



  Both Theo and Florence called out in unison but I’m too busy running further away to turn back and give them an explanation or apologetic smile.

  Where the hell did this crowd come from? It’s freaking Saturday. Not a working day. So go back home and sleep, people!

  I was desperately looking around, trying, begging my eyes to spot a familiar dark head.

  Do you think I’m weird for saying that?

  Well, I could pick out Adrien just by looking at the back of his structure from any crowd.

  I don’t know-how. Or why. But I just could.

  But no matter how hard I strained my eyes I couldn’t find him.

  I leaned back on a cool wall, shutting my eyes to give it a break. I wanted to slide down, hug my knees, bury my face and just weep.

  I didn’t know why. An unknown feeling of deep anguish filled inside of me.

  It’s just jerk face Adrien. He’s misunderstanding like he always does.

  So, why am I feeling so mortified? So lost and sad?

  This day had just gotten plenty worse.


  I groaned aloud unaware that Pierre had just walked into class. It was Monday morning and I was already looking very tired and exhausted. Not to mention I felt drained out.

  Pierre came rushing to where I was sitting and looked at me with a moaning face.

  Now what?

  “You hate seeing my face first thing in the morning Amelia?” he asked with his eyes as large as saucers. Before I could give him a reply, Ninnon appeared from behind him, grabbing his baseball cap and throwing it over to Ethan who caught is surprised.


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