Several years went by as Ann made a life for herself and her children. The life she had dreamed of with Sean was not to be. In reality, she had married someone who had never been a friend, or really loved her, for a man should love his wife, as Christ loves the church. This was one of the new Christian principles she had learned.
If she ever married again, she would find a Christian man she could be friends with. Someone who enjoyed the same things she did. A man, who enjoyed her, was interested in her, and what she thought. He would desire to see that the best things in life happen to her and would strive to see that they did. And most of all, someone who would get on his knees and pray with her when they needed help, who had the same faith she did in the love and devotion of her Savior, Jesus Christ.
Then one day, God took Ann to the curtain of light, a place of uncertainty, wonder and need. What was He trying to tell her? What was His purpose?
Quest To Know
A Tale Of Transformation Page 6