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Filthy Professor: A First Time Professor and Student Romance (Wynton Book 2)

Page 12

by Bianca Cole

  Jack: Your boyfriend is going to lose his job, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

  My grip tightens around my phone. Jack makes me so damn angry. How could he do this to me? I delete the message and try to still my pounding heartbeat. I love Logan. It’s ridiculous how fast I fell for him, but it doesn’t make it any less true. I can’t let him give up his career because of me.

  I text Ally, asking her if she can back me up if needed. I’m going to fight this as hard as I can. She texts me back, telling me she’s on her way into university, and if I need her, she’ll come over to the meeting. It helps me feel a little better, but my stomach is still a mess of nerves.

  The fact is, he is my professor, and I’m his student. We may be consenting adults, but I get a feeling that won’t be enough to redeem him. Somehow, I’ve got to make them believe I was the one that wanted the relationship and pursued him. It’s true. Ever since I met him, I wanted him. I was the first to make a move, trying to grab his cock.

  The car comes to a stop. “We’re here, miss,” The Uber driver says, glancing back at me.

  “Thanks,” I jump out of the car and head straight into the center of the campus. I’m not even sure where the chancellor’s office is, but I’m assuming it is in the main building. I glance at my watch, and it is a quarter past nine.


  I’m so late.

  I break into a sprint across campus, desperate to make it there before they do something rash. They need to hear the truth from me. They need to know that I came onto him at first. If Logan were to lose his job because of me, I’d never forgive myself.



  This morning, when I left Sasha sleeping in my bed, I didn’t have the guts to wake her and tell her the truth. The dean beat me to it, realizing I would not submit to her terms, and contacted the University Chancellor and board of governors a day early.

  When I opened the email this morning, my heart stopped beating for a moment. The board will think I’m coming clean about our relationship because of being called to a meeting.

  They have summoned me to a hearing to address the sexual harassment claims. Little does the dean know that I’ve got the recording of her blackmailing me. I hope to hell that will be enough to prove that her claims are false, to a point.

  Sasha wants to be with me. We want to be together. Surely, it’s not sexual harassment if you are in a relationship.

  As I walk through the campus, rain splatters around me, drenching me through. I don’t care. Today could be my last day as a college professor. It’s hard to believe how quickly I fell in love with Sasha. If you’d asked me before whether I believed in soul mates, I would have told you no way in hell, but now. I’m sure she is my soul mate.

  The main building of the college comes into view, and I gaze up at it. I’ve never felt surer about doing something so crazy in my entire life. I walk toward the meeting location, and the secretary stands up as I approach. “Professor Tanner?” she asks.

  I nod. “I’ll let everyone know you’re here. Please take a seat.” She gestures to the waiting area.

  I sit down, but my legs won’t keep still, as I bounce them up and down in the waiting room outside. I can’t quite understand what the dean is getting out of this. She wanted me to fuck her, but she played her cards a day early. Perhaps, she knew if I was going to play ball, I would have agreed by now. Maybe this is her making her point.

  “Professor Tanner,” the secretary calls my name.

  I stand and walk toward her desk.

  “They are ready for you.”

  I walk through the door to the office and find the dean sitting at the table. Next to her are two older gray-haired men. A middle-aged woman and a younger guy are sitting on the other side of the table. My heart skips a beat when I notice Tessa, my old TA, and Jack Ashford, Sasha’s ex-boyfriend, sitting near the back. Tessa won’t meet my eye, but Jack is sitting there, glaring at me with a stupid smirk on his face. What a douchebag.

  “Professor Tanner, thank you for attending the meeting,” one of the older men speaks. “My name is Marcus, and this is Edgar.” He points to the man next to him. “Also in attendance is Elaine and Wilson.” He gestures to the man and woman. “The rest of the attendees I believe you are already acquainted with, is that correct?”

  “Yes, that’s correct.”

  “Have a seat at the end of the table, please,” Elaine instructs.

  I take the seat and stay silent, waiting for them to start. There’s no use playing my cards too early. I want to hear what they have to say.

  The lady turns to the older man sitting next to the dean. “Marcus, can you read through the accusations?”

  He clears his throat. “Professor Tanner, we’ve received some accusations from two students. Miss Tessa Smith has alleged that you tried to seduce her while she was working as your TA. One count of sexual harassment against a student is the alleged crime.” Marcus glances at Tessa, who still can’t look at me. My jaw clenches. “The other alleged claim is that you, Professor Tanner, are involved in an inappropriate relationship with a student. Jack Ashford alleged this after he saw you leave the student’s house on the 12th of September.” He glances at Jack, who nods in agreement.

  Marcus returns his attention to me and clears his throat. “We’ve requested Sasha Harman attend via email, but she doesn’t seem to have arrived yet.”

  My heart skips a beat. The board would want to speak with Sasha. She’s the alleged student I’m in an inappropriate relationship. I feel like hitting my head against the table for being so stupid. We could have come here together. Instead, I’ve left her to find her way over here, and she will be panicking.


  “We’d like to give you the chance to give us your side of the story and address the concerns raised,” Edgar says, speaking for the first time.

  I clear my throat and nod. “May I address the alleged sexual harassment of Tessa Smith first, please?” Marcus nods in agreement. “On the first day of the semester, the 21st of August, I told Miss Smith that I wouldn’t need her as my TA again. The reason for this was that she made suggestive comments toward me, which crossed a line.” I steal a glance toward Tessa, who is bright pink. “Approximately two weeks later, she turns up at my office hours and made more inappropriate comments and—”

  “I lied. Professor Tanner, please don’t continue the story,” Tessa blurts out, standing to her feet. Her face is bright red. Relief spreads through me that she didn’t want me to reveal the fact she turned up to my office with no panties on and bared herself to me in an attempt to bait me into touching her.

  Marcus and Elaine stand. “Are you telling us that your accusation was false?” Marcus asks.

  She glances at the dean before nodding. “Yes, Professor Tanner never harassed me. I was the one who came on to him.”

  “Okay, please sit down. This can’t go unpunished,” Elaine instructs.

  She nods and sits back down next to Jack.

  A knock at the door has me holding my breath. It has got to be Sasha. The secretary pokes her head through the door. “Sorry to interrupt, Elaine, but Miss. Harman is here.”

  “Thank you. Send her in,” Elaine says, before turning to face me, her eyes narrow. “You can address the other allegation with the student concerned present.”

  I nod and wait for Sasha to enter. Even though I only saw her this morning, I’m desperate to see her again. That beautiful face appears at the doorway. She bites her lip, which she always does when she’s nervous. The sight of her sends a serene calm through me. She smiles that stunning smile at me before sitting in the empty chair by my side. My fingers twitch to touch her, but I ignore it. Although we are going to tell them the truth, I think physical shows of affection might not help our case.

  “Miss Harman, thank you for attending. Please wait while we listen to Professor Tanner addressing an allegation made concerning you,” Edgar instructs.

  She purses her lips togethe
r and frowns, but she doesn’t say anything.

  I clear my throat. “Addressing the other allegation of an inappropriate relationship with my student, after a careful study of the sexual harassment memo and the university rules, it is clear to me that a consensual and loving relationship between a legal age student and professor is not against the rules. Is this correct?”

  Marcus and Elain mutter something to each other before they both nod. “You’re right, Professor Tanner,” Marcus says.

  I glance at Sasha and give her a reassuring smile. “Four weeks ago, Sasha and I started seeing each other. We’ve been dating ever since, and I have fallen in love with her.”

  The dean gasps, clasping her hand over her chest. “That’s a disgrace. A professor using his status to coerce a young and vulnerable woman into a relationship.” She shakes her head.

  “Thank you for your opinion, Mrs. Allison, but please refrain from speaking out of turn. We can’t assume that is the case.” Elaine glances at Sasha. “Miss Harman, may I call you Sasha?”

  She nods. “Of course.”

  “Sasha, please can you tell us the truth about your interactions with Professor Tanner? Don’t be scared to tell us what the state of your relationship is with the professor. Please include how this relationship started.”

  She turns pink as she stares down at the desk. I’m worried she’s not going to say anything. Then she looks up with those blue eyes, determined. “As Logan said, four weeks ago, we entered into a relationship. It was me who made the first move. We were both attracted to each other. As time passed, we both felt strong for one another. I’ve fallen in love with him.” She glances at me and grabs my hand. “We are in a committed and loving relationship.”

  Dean Allison’s smug smirk vanishes.

  Marcus rubs his forehead. “Well, that may be the case, but Professor Tanner has violated one of our policies. The issue is that Miss Harman is in your Literature class, is that correct?”

  We nod together.

  “In that case, you have authority over her, which isn’t allowed.” He stops and presses his fingers together on top of the desk.

  Edgar sits up straighter and continues, “I think perhaps on this occasion we can ignore this slight oversight. Considering the student admits she started the relationship.”

  Wilson, who had yet to speak, clears his throat. “I believe the following action will be acceptable since you’ve both admitted the truth. If you wish to continue your relationship, we need to assign the class to another professor or transfer Sasha, whichever you decide. While we have no problem with consenting adults being together, we can’t allow it when the professor is in a position of authority over the student.”

  I clear my throat. “Please reassign the class to another professor. Sasha shows real promise, and I wouldn’t want to get in the way of her taking that class.” I squeeze her hand.

  “Very well,” Marcus notes that down. “If that is all, it seems this meeting is over.”

  “I have an accusation of my own to make against someone in this room,” I say.

  I dig my phone from my pocket and open the sound file that Sasha had transferred to me. “Earlier this week, Dean Alison blackmailed and sexually harassed me, and I have proof.” The dean’s face turns ghost white.

  I hold my phone up. “Will you allow me to play the proof?”

  Marcus’ eyes are wide, but he nods. “Yes, please go ahead.”

  I play the recording, and the entire conversation between us plays. Clear and incriminating evidence that the dean was in the wrong all along. Everyone in the room turns to face the dean.

  Tessa stands. “The dean also forced me to come onto Professor Tanner. She wanted him to slip up so she could blackmail him,” she blurts out.

  I glance between Tessa and the dean in shock. Holy crap. I didn’t see that coming. Tessa is a victim in all this. A victim of the dean’s weird obsession with me, which had come up out of the blue. She intended to use any means possible to get me in bed with her.

  Marcus turns to the dean and stares at her. “Is this true, Becky?”

  All the blood drains from her face as she stares forward. “I-I.” She shakes her head, unable to string a sentence together. Her shoulders drop. “It’s true.”

  Elaine shifts in her seat. “This is a grave offense. We can’t let it go unpunished.” She scribbles something down on a notebook. “we will put you on unpaid leave pending an investigation. Once the entire board has discussed this, then it is likely they will dismiss you, as you don’t deny the allegations.”

  The dean stares at the desk without saying a word. What possessed her to act so irrationally? I couldn’t understand it. I’d been teaching here at the university for a few years, and she’d never given me cause to believe she wanted anything to do with me. It all came out of the blue. I’d never understood it, considering she has a husband and kids.

  Sasha takes my hand in hers and squeezes, drawing my attention to her. She’s smiling at me with tears glazing her eyes. As I stare into those beautiful blue gems, I realize just how much I love this woman. I risked everything for her. It didn’t matter that my entire career might have ended. There was no plan for that. All I care about is Sasha.



  Logan’s hand fits around mine as we walk through campus away from the meeting. I’ve noticed a few students giving us odd stares, but I don’t care—I don’t give a shit what anyone else thinks. I love the man next to me, and I want everyone to know he’s mine.

  “Come on, baby,” he says, pulling me toward his office building.

  I follow him, hand in hand, and we enter his office. My heart rate spikes as he locks the door and pushes me up against it. “I love you, Sasha,” he says, kissing my neck. “I love you and never want to let you go.”

  I shut my eyes, trying to contain the joyful tears threatening to spill out. He kisses my lips so tenderly, making the tears trickle down my cheek.

  He pulls back and wipes them away. “What’s wrong, baby?”

  I shake my head as the situation couldn’t be more perfect.

  “Nothing.” I swallow hard. “I can’t believe how happy I am. I love you too.”

  He growls into my ear and then lifts me into his arms, carrying me toward his desk chair. He sits down, forcing me to straddle his lap and kisses my neck. “I want to make love to you right now.”

  My heart rate spikes as he undresses me, tearing my clothes off with desperation. The rational side of my brain reasons it’s a bad idea to have sex in his office, after the meeting we just attended. But, as soon as his lips are clamped around my nipples all reasoning shoots out the window.

  I arch my back as he licks my nipples, dragging his tongue over them, making them hard and peaked. The hard press straining against his pants beneath me makes me so wet. I unbutton his shirt and work it free from his shoulders, returning the favor. I kiss his neck and chest, worshipping his muscular body as my hands roam every inch of his bare skin.

  He groans into my neck. “I need to be inside you now.”

  I shift off his lap and kneel in front of him to unbutton his pants. I pull them down along with his boxers, and his length bobs free. Logan’s thick, hard length throbs in my hand as his cum glistens on the swollen head. I lick my lips and lap up the sweet cum from his tip, before wrapping my lips around him and taking him into my mouth.

  Logan grunts as I twirl my tongue around his head and cup his heavy balls in my hand. Then, I take as much of it into the back of my throat as I can, keeping my eyes locked on his. They are full of that fire and hunger that makes my core ache.

  His hands tangle in my hair, but he lets me control the speed and movement, watching me with his beautiful blue eyes. I keep eye contact with him as I take him right down my throat, gagging a little. “Fuck, you feel so good,” he growls.

  I love being in this position and making him feel as good as he makes me feel. I lap up the precum spilling from the swollen crown, hungry for ever
y drop of his salty taste. My pussy is dripping wet as I edge him toward an explosive orgasm.

  His length twitches, and then he grabs my wrist, forcing me away from his cock. “Shit, Sasha, stop and come here,” he commands.

  He pulls on my wrist, willing me to straddle him again. I’m soaking and ready for him. His cock is so hard as it strains against my slick lips. He grips my ass cheeks possessively and rubs me up and down the length of him, teasing me with his hot, throbbing shaft.

  I shift to free his length and position the head at my opening, ready to accept him inside. He thrusts into me, and his hands grip my hips tightly, kissing me as I rise and fall.

  We move together with slow, unadulterated passion. Logan stares into my eyes in the most intimate way as we make love. This is different to other times we’ve had sex. Normally, a crazed desperate need is driving us to go at a hundred miles an hour, but Logan is controlling the speed, making love to me.

  I can see it in his eyes. The pure adoration as I rise and fall in his arms, moaning at the pleasure the small movements are sending through my core and every nerve ending in my body. His hands shift to my ass cheeks, squeezing them. His finger finds my puckered hole that he fucked so well last night, and a crazy need to sink him inside my ass again floods me.

  “Sir, can you fuck my ass now?” I ask, gazing into his eyes, which turn dark with lust at my request.

  “Fuck, you’re so filthy.” He shifts on his desk chair, keeping every inch deep inside of me, as he grabs the lube out of his desk.

  I keep bobbing up and down on his length as he smothers his fingers in lube and works them into my ass, making me more and more hungry. It is pure ecstasy. The way he works the sensitive passage of my back hole makes each and every thrust ten times more pleasurable. He gazes into my eyes with such intensity, watching what he does to me as my body tips over the edge and I come.


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