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Page 16

by Jessie Rose Case

  Regin passed the office door and glanced at it. She didn’t need to go in. She sat at one of the booths while Arturo did his thing. Alexanders two colleagues were gone along with their wives. Surprisingly, several of those there to see Arturo still wanted to see him. Regin decided to wait and ordered a drink with Val. Pete walked over and took a seat. He didn’t look happy. “Next time you carry me like a baby woman I’m gonna spank your arse.” He told her. Val grinned widely. “Ummm. soldier boy, I hope you’re going to follow that up with a good fucking otherwise it would be a complete waste of a good spanking.” She told him raising her eyebrows in a deliberate challenge. Regin had taken a sip of her drink and nearly choked on it. “Get a room.” She told them. Val thought that was an excellent idea. “Well soldier boy. Want to see in the new day. Or is Vamp too much for you?” She asked him purring. Pete smiled at her. “Lady you have no idea what your messing with but I’m more than willing to show you.” He told her. “Hello.” Said Regin. “Still here.” Literally pointing to herself.

  Gia approached. “We got lucky. No one died or was seriously injured. Other than the bad guys, they’re dust.” They’d managed to contain it. Regin was relieved. “Anyone who saw too much has been wiped. Anyone who needed help with a wound has been patched and sent on their way. It’ll be gone by morning. Blane put out a statement on the internet that it was a prank that got out of hand and the club apologised for any inconvenience caused. His closing the club for two weeks. By that time this mess will be over.” She told Regin. And that it seemed, was that. Easy when you know how, thought Regin. How easily the human population believed everything was ok. That was lucky for them. The reality sucked. Gia was right, by the time the club reopened. It would be over. One way or another. “Regin if you don’t need us we are going.” Val told her. Regin looked to Pete. “Enjoy your evening.” She told him. Val got up and kissed her on the cheek. It always surprised Regin that Vamp skin was not cold. It was a bit cooler but no more than a cool breeze and when they fed it did warm up with the heat of the exchange. “We will. I’ll catch up with you tomorrow. I might be in need of a girly chat.” She told Regin with a wink. Regin laughed. Pete paled. “O no. I don’t need that visual.” She told them as they took off. Regin could hear Pete. “You even think of picking me up and I won’t do you.” Regin grinned. Pete had bite. “Yes you will soldier boy. And you know it.” Val told him walking into open air.

  Regin was still smiling when Arturo came out of his office. Gia and Charlee were standing behind her. “Regin we are hosting Alexander at the house. Would you be kind enough to see him home while I finish up here?” Regin rose “Of course. If you are ready we can leave now.” She told him. She held out her hand to Arturo who raised his eyebrow at her. “Just a little bite.” She told him indicating her hand. Arturo wouldn’t have cared if it was fully charged, he would still want to hold it. He gazed lovingly at his wife as he took her hand and felt the sting then brought it to his lips. It did indeed have bite. “I will see you later.” He told her with much promise in his voice. She coyly dipped her head once and faced Alexander. Indicating the cars location with her hand. “After you.” She told him. Regin followed him out. Gia and Charlee followed her. Using Vamp speed as they hit the street, Gia came around the car and opened the door for Alexander. Charlee did the same for her at a more sedate pace. Closing both doors they got in the car after them. Charlee back behind the wheel. “Your men?” She asked Alexander. “They will not be needed at the moment.” He told her. Ok then. The silence in the car was not particularly comfortable. Regin was all out playing nice. She hated small talk and didn’t make a habit of talking to people she didn’t know. The cars moved off. Regin looked out the window. It was still late or early depending on your perspective. Lamp lights filtered the dark. This part of town not so affluent so it had its share of darkness. And Regin didn’t just mean the power. The car moved smoothly across a junction. Turned left at the next T. Drove on for another 10 minutes and turned right. Coming to a cross section up ahead. There were no signal lights and the street lights were down. Charlee slowed enough to check that it was still clear from the security car passing.

  Regin felt the menace and death a fraction of a second before the screech of tires and the slam into the side of the car. It hit with such force that the car flipped. Regin held on to the seat belt she’d put on. Both Gia and Charlee were thrown against the door and each other, impacted the dash board and were flung back into their seats. Regin wondered if Charlee would survive. Regin looked round her for Alexander. He seemed to be out cold. Slumped at an odd angle. Something clearly broken. He moaned. Ok not gone, thought Regin. Looking out the front window Regin saw the first car back up quickly. Turning to look out the back. A sharp pain hit her. Dam, thought Regin, that hurt. Regin spotted the rear car. No longer right behind her but blocking the road. It too had been damaged. A couple of their men staggering out the car. Gia moaned. “In coming.” Someone shouted from the front. Regin looked up and spotted several Vamps climbing down walls and running towards them from both ends of the street. Way too many Regin, she told herself. Regin checked her vranks. She still had them. No one got out the bumper car. Regin guessed they hadn’t made it. She looked back at Gia. “You with me girl?” She asked. Gia panted and straightened. “Think I broke my arm. Hang on a minute.” She told Regin. Gia flexed her arm and a clear crunch could be heard. Regin cringed. That had to hurt. “Not sure we have a minute here Gia.” Gia leaned over Charlee putting him in a better position. Then leaned forward and bit him.

  Shit. Thought Regin and looked at her door. It was in good shape apart from being on its side. Regin thought they could probably get it open. “Call for back up.” Gia shouted. “Sorry. Needed blood. I couldn’t fix this without it. It still might not be much good.” Gia mumbled. “We can’t stay here Gia, I’ve got no room to fight and we are sitting ducks. Gotta get this door open. Maybe lead them away from Charlee and Alex.” Gia climbed into the back seat. She moaned at the strain on her arm. They were lucky all the windows held. Regin wondered if that was one of the benefits of bullet proof glass. She pushed on the door trying to open it. It unlocked. Regin could hear fighting. Their men had engaged what’s coming at them. “We need to get out of here now Gia.” Gia moved over and grabbed the door with her good hand. She pushed and ripped it open. “Boost me.” Regin told her. Gia grabbed her legs and threw her upwards. Regin caught the underside of the car and pulled free. Gia jumped up onto the side of the car. She turned to Regin seeing the coming threat. “You don’t leave my side.” She told her slamming and forcing the door in tighter. No Vamp would get that open easily. “I need to get in the road Gia. I can’t fight up here and we need to pull them away from the car.” Gia agreed. Regin climbed down. Gia jumped lunging at an oncoming Vamp and cutting him down. Regin pulled her vranks and took aim. Several went down before any realised what was happening. It gave them some space as the others backed up.

  “To me.” She called to her Vamps. Of the original eight bodyguards, four came to her. “We hold here. The car has its arse to the wall and our other cars block it a bit from the road. If I have to tell you, to move away from me. I’m going to try and clear a path. You don’t want to get caught up in that if it comes to it.” She told them. “What happened to getting backup?” She asked. “Com’s down.” One of the men told her. Course it bloody well was. Regin noticed he was favouring his leg. “Do you need to sit.” She asked him. “No mam. I’m needed.” Regin reached out and squeezed his arm. “Defend the car.” She told them. “I want everyone to check if they have their phones on and send messages to anyone you can think of to get Arturo here.” They all checked their pockets. Regin didn’t have hers she was hopeful at least one of them did. Gia pulled hers and it was smashed. “Try it anyway Gia you never know.” Regin noticed a couple of the others trying. Regin checked her bag. The contents were all loose and broken. Ok she could work with this. “Gia I’m going to lay a large circle around the car. Back me up. Once
it’s done. No one goes outside the circle ok.” She told them. The men all nodded.

  Regin worked quickly. Several Vamps came at them and Gia engaged them. Regin then vranked them. Regin could also hear her men taking fire. Gia was careful getting back in the circle. Regin came around the back of the car she kept it as wide as she dared. Gia leapt out and kicked something. Regin looked up. Several more Vamps were heading in their direction. “Gia get your arse in here now. I close this and your not in here …” Regin checked her vrank gun but couldn’t get a clear shot from her position. Regin had seconds. And a choice to make, it was a gamble she closed the circle to within a foot. Rushed to Gia’s position and let go two vranks. “Get us back now quick.” She told her. Other Vamps were on their arses. Gia passed through the gap as Regin dumped the last of the powder down and charged it. A Vamp got through as the charge chased around the circle before it was complete. Gia slashed and kicked. Punched and punched again. Regin looked in her bag. Not much left but might be enough. She held it open and pulled her arm back. “Gia move now.” Gia moved at Vamp speed. The other Vamp looked confused. Regin threw the contents of the bag over him. He started to burn. He screamed and shouted for help but none would be coming now. Gia took pity on him and slashed his throat. He bled out and turned to ask.

  Regin had driven a rough, very rough four-foot circle out from the car. It charged and it held. Turning to her Vamps she walked over to them. “Everyone ok?” “Yes mam.” Regin looked at each one. A little worse for wear. Now that she looked she could see that it wasn’t just blondie favouring his leg. Two of the others were either favouring a hand or arm, the other one was cut up quite badly. The bleeding had stopped. And they had fought without saying anything. Regin felt ashamed she didn’t know these men who had defended them. “I’m sorry I don’t know your names.” “Jim mam. Ben. Tony. I’m Carl.” “Ok well you guys can take a break. What do you need to fix those?” She pointed to the wounds. “Blood said blondie.” “Ok .. Gia don’t we carry blood in the car just in case of emergencies?”

  Gia looked up surprised. They did. It was in a cooler in the boot if it survived. Dam she should have thought of that. “Carl check the boot.” Gia told him. Carl came back grinning he had 6 blood bags and handed them out. Blondie got two. “Two?” She asked him. Sheepishly he told her. “It’s broken. In two places.” Regin looked at him shocked. ‘Men, dam idiots the lot of them.’ Thought Regin.

  “Gia.” She whispered waving her over to join the others. “Right. Regin 101. Don’t cross the circle no matter what they try ok. They can’t get in here from the ground, unless the barrier dies and that will take some effort. If they jump over you have the advantage to kick um out but they won’t think of that first, I don’t know why but they never do. They will come at us not knowing. So expect them to run at us and then hit the barrier. Generally screaming starts about then. Some burn cos they don’t move fast enough. Others are smarter. If they sacrifice someone to cross the barrier they can use them as a bridge for as long as he burns. Once he’s ash the barrier is back up ok. Because you are inside the barrier you can attack them. But, do not cross the barrier or break it. If you are pulled outside the barrier you’re staying there ok. I can’t get you back without letting them all in and I won’t do that. If you engage and it looks like they are going to fall on the circle kick or push them away. Don’t let them fall on it. If it looks like we’re going to be over run. I will step outside the barrier and fry some arse. I can step back and forth ok.” They all stood and stared at her. “I’m not letting you do that.” Gia spoke. Regin hugged her. “If I have to go. Don’t come with me. I can’t protect you.” Regin told her. Screaming told her their guests had arrived to try again.

  Regin, Gia and their men spread out. Vamps were trying to get into the circle from several different points. They were failing. Regin picked a few off with her vrank guns. The boys and Gia used their knives to slash and ash. They kept coming. Regin had never seen so many. Where the hell where they all coming from? They were like cockroaches. Coming out the woodwork. It seemed to go on forever. They weren’t getting in and they weren’t going out. Not yet anyway. Her boys and Gia had listened well. Each kill was pushed away from them as they burned or bled out. Suddenly they all backed away. ‘Now what?’ Regin asked herself more than a little out of breath. Looking around she couldn’t see anything obvious or different. “Guys, see any reason why they are backing off?” She called out. A chorus of no’s. Came back. A loud crack sounded. And a good twenty Vamps hit the barrier at once. The circle shuddered. Regin looked round. It wouldn’t hold much longer under that. “It’s not going to hold much longer. Stand backs to the car.” She told them. Regin moved to the bonnet of the car. It was crumpled enough for her to get her hand in. She placed her hand on the battery. And pulled in all the juice she needed. It was a big car. She felt it filling her up. Juicing her system.

  The circle twitched again. It would blink out soon. Knowing she had little choice left. Regin removed her hand and walked back to the edge of the circle. “You have one chance.” She told them. “Leave now.” But they sensed victory. Blood. They laughed. Regin could take anything but not their laughter. Placing her hands together she sparked, pulling on her reserves from deep inside her. The current bounced from finger to finger hand to hand. It built. Several Vamps stopped their attack to watch. Regins hair started to rise. Her skin took on a glow. She radiated power. It was building. Higher and faster than ever before. As she reached the limit of her endurance, as it started to burn, the circle pinched out. Regin threw her hands out wide and lightning burst forth. Flying though the bodies in front of her going Vamp to Vamp. Regin created an electrified spiders web. From her out stretched fingers. They were all frying. The screams were deafening. But Regin couldn’t stop. She poured more and more into the current. Until they all fell. As the surge dissipated with no target left, Regin lowered her arms. She felt him then. Marcus she guessed. He was strong. Regin laughed out loud knowing he would hear her. “O dear. O dear. O dear. Is that all you’ve got Marcus? Is that it? I got all night. Are you scared yet?” She laughed again. “THAT Was never gonna be good enough on my worst PMS day.” She told him. Regin turned to her people. “Laugh and mean it.” She told them. They did. She felt him leave and take what he had left with him. It wasn’t much.

  Regin breathed in and sat on the floor with her back to the car. She was exhausted. “Someone else take point.” She told them waving her hand about. Carl came over and squeezed her shoulder. “That was something else. Thank you.” Regin managed a tired smile and nodded. “Any chance I can get some blood and get out of the bloody car?” Well, it appeared that Alex was awake at last. Jim, Toni and Ben climbed on to the car and freed the door. Alex climbed out. Carl handed him some blood. Alex nodded. Gia got into the car and checked on Charlee. He was awake. Regin assumed that Gia gave him some of her blood so he would be able to get out. He very gingerly climbed down and sat beside her. “What did I miss.” He asked her. Regin chuckled. “Not much.” She told him through a strained expression. “O good. I’d hate to tell Arturo I fucked up.” He told her soberly. Regin patted him arm. “No one here fucked up. Well maybe Alex did. Bit slow on the healing there hun.” She told him. They all heard Alex splutter. Regin closed her eyes and grinned. That man was far too confident.

  Arturo was enraged. He was on the edge of his seat. “Go faster.” He told John banging and damaging the arm rest to his seat. He’d got a message after it had gone to security, then to the house and only Jenson had his number because everyone else in the know, was on the bloody road. It had taken too long. Too fucking long. That wouldn’t happen again. “I see them sir.” John told him. Arturo had had to have someone coordinate on the trackers on the cars cos no one’s phone seemed to work. Only one tracker did. That was another issue. The cars pulled up and sixteen Vamps jumped out before the cars stopped and fanned out around the damaged cars. Arturo led from the front, with John right behind him scanning the area. Arturo
headed straight for Regin. She was on the floor, he thought she was injured. Arturo roared bloody murder loud enough to be heard in the next state. And physically pushed the damaged rear car out of his way. If anyone was in any doubt of his conviction for Regin or his strength, that told them everything. His men gave him a wide birth. As he approached his people and Regin on the floor, he crouched at Regins feet afraid in his anger to touch her and held out his hand to her. Barely touching her ankle and whispering to her. “Regin. Please I need to know you are well. I am not in control love. The need to kill is burning.”

  Regin raised her head and looked at her male. She felt his anger. It was boiling hot. Palatable. It was deadly. His people on edge on how he would deal with this. He was on the brink of losing it and killing everyone present no matter who they were. Possibly even her. He needed to re-focus. “Your late.” She snapped. Coddling this male would not work. “But I am too tired to spank you.” She told him with a smile. Arturo crab crawled up towards her. “To annoy me now could be deadly.” He told her. His people went on alert. Regin knew this was his beast talking. The need to kill. She took his hand in hers. His nails sharp and deadly and brought it to her lips and kissed it. “Just as well I married you then.” She whispered to him. “And why is that?” He asked her almost snarling at her. “Annoy, is part of who I am and you love it.” She told him squeezing his hand.


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