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Page 19

by Jessie Rose Case

  Arturo watched as Rubin turned to Val. “I do not understand.” He told her. “Do you not fear losing the human?” “No. I’ll take what we have. For as long as we have it.” Val smiled at Pete. He lifted her hand and kissed it again. Rubin addressed Pete. “Human. You do not fear her or them, being Vampire?” Pete looked at this stranger. “No. I have my own skill set. I could take um.” He told him with cocky confidence. There were several moans and chuckles around the room. Rubin looked around the table at Arturo’s people. “You do not believe him?” Rubin asked. John shook his head. “O yeah we do, we know he can. He’s bragging. It’s annoying. As a brother would.” Rubin looked confused. “You consider the human your brother?” Rubin asked incredibly. John answered honestly. “Yes. He’s family.” “Would he die for you as a Vamp would?” Rubin asked. John didn’t hesitate in answering. “Not all Vamps are that honourable and yes he would.” Rubin nodded and turned to Pete. “And would you for him?” “In a heartbeat.” Pete replied. “And the human military?” Pete answered him. “They are with me and we bring something extra to the table.” He told him grinning. Rubin couldn’t hide his surprise in his face. “And what is that?” Rubin asked him. Arturo watched the exchange. You couldn’t miss the intenseness of Pete’s answer as he answered him. “The unexpected.” “I see.” Rubin answered. And he did.

  Rubin turned to Regin. She smiled at him. “You seem human. But the draw of your essence. It is like nothing I have scented before. I can sense the rising hunger that you are pulling from me. Its intense. More than for a human as if I were a starving Vampire and I am not. Yet the pull is undeniable. Almost palatable. The aroma clean, fresh, an unknown deliciousness and desperation for an unexpected tantalising delight. Or of forbidden excess. Of hidden pleasures.” Shaking his head to clear the pull. “It’s hypnotic.” He told her. Regin raised her eyebrows and turned to Arturo. “Wow that’s hot. Can I keep him?” Arturo rolled his eyes at her. Rubin a little shocked by her statement continued. “But you are not fully human are you? I witnessed what happened last night. Your right.” He turned to Arturo. “I have been observing for a while. I saw the attack at the club and the aftermath. I followed the cars, I was intrigued by the events and saw the ambush.” Regin got pissed. “You saw that shit? Saw my men get taken out and did nothing?” Her fingers sparked. Rubin’s eyes were drawn to it.

  “My orders. My Lady. Were to observe and report no more.” He told her. Regin lost it. “I don’t give a fuck what your orders were. Good men were dying and you stood by and let it happen. I won’t forget that.” Her hands relayed the charge across her fingers. “They were not men My Lady. They were Vampire.” He told her. Regin widened her eyes and held her breath, staring at the man. She slowly rose from her chair. Gia and Val rose with her. With pure vehemence she told him. “They were my men. Mine. It makes their value no less, no different because of their state of birth or re-birth. They belonged to this house. They belonged to me. And you will show them the respect they deserved or I will make you.” She told him. Rubin looked between the two female Vampires and this human hybrid. He turned back to Arturo. “I believed she would. Your wife?”

  Arturo sat calmly in his seat. “Indeed.” Arturo told him. “She was magnificent in her fight last night Arturo. Defended your people with honour.” Arturo looked on. “I don’t need you to tell me what I ready know.” Rubin nodded. “This is most interesting. Had I been expected I would have considered this some form of set up. But …this appears genuine.” Arturo could see Regin didn’t like this male. How had he got through his territory without hunting? he thought. And it hit him. He hadn’t. That pissed him off and he looked across at Regin. Their connection strong. He watched as Regin leaned towards Gia and asked her something. Gia nodded and left the room. “We have many mated couples in our house that are both human and Vampire and our staff do not fear us but join us in our causes.” John told him.

  “And the Wares in your house?” Rubin asked Arturo. “They and their pack are blood bonded to this house.” He told him. “Slaves? That was outlawed several centuries back My Lord. They are too difficult and turn on their masters.” Rubin reminded him. “I do not need the reminder Rubin. I lived those days as you did. No. They come to this house by choice.” Rubin looked surprised. “How is that possible. No Vamp can bond with a Ware and no human would hold the bond?” Rubin reminded him. “That is true. And yet, they are bonded to this house.” Arturo told him. Rubin could sense the truth in Arturo’s words. “I have much to report.” Rubin told the table as he rose. “I will take my leave now My Lord.” And bowed slightly to Arturo. He turned to Regin who was still standing. “My thanks My Lady for your hospitality.” Regin couldn’t tell if he was taking the piss or not.

  Gia came back at that moment with a brown bag in her hands and handed it to Regin. Rubin saw Regin approach him as he was about to leave the room. “It would be unfortunate,” she told him holding out the brown bag to him, “if you hunted in House Arturo’s territory guaranteeing his displeasure. It carries a death sentence.” Rubin looked at the female in front of him and the bag held out to him. “Are you threatening me Valkyrie? I could kill you where you stand.” He told her. Regin smiled at him holding out the bag Gia had given her. “You could try My Lord. A gift for your journey. The muffins are particularly lovely.” Regin told a very confused Rubin who reached out and took the bag. “Pierre escort our guest to our gates please.” Arturo asked. As Rubin left the room he heard Regin call out. “Yeah it would be a REAL shame if someone shot him in the ass on his way out.” They could hear Rubin chuckle as he walked away.

  Arturo looked at Regin with a resigned expression. “What. He was being an ass.” She told him sitting back down. Gia and Val re-took their seats. “For a reason I believe.” He told her. “I think that was a show and tell with a bit of poking about to see how we tick.” “He was obnoxious.” Regin told him. “And he must know about Marcus.” John told him. Arturo sighed. “We wait and see.”


  Brandon looked round at the group of his men that stood with him. It was a natural hillside, full of rocks and trees that gave an unimpeded view of the valley below and the mountainous areas beyond. It was a mirror image to the opposite side of the valley. His second stood by his side. Brandon reflected. The Vamps and Wares had worked well together. Pete the human had been a surprise to him. His team had come up with some kick-ass stuff. They’d finished all the explosives and laid the traps. Now it was a waiting game. Brandon turned to find an SUV driving up to join him. It had been a couple of hours since sundown. If they had got through the check points, then it could only be one group of people. He smiled. The SUV stopped. Arturo, Pete, Pierre and John, got out the car, appeared to weapon up and headed towards him. It might have been dark with little in the way of lighting but Brandon could see clearly. It was a surprise to see the normally very business-like Arturo looking nothing like a business man but like the killer he’d been re-born as.

  All business. He wore leather trousers and black T and a leather vest of some kind. From the front, it was clear he had weapons strapped to his back. He walked towards Brandon with an air of lethal force. Both of Arturo’s men were similarly dressed. Pierre carried a sword as did John. Brandon nodded to Arturo. “Sorry to have missed dinner but we needed to get this done.” He told them and carried on. “Those explosive’s Pete. You weren’t kidding when you said they were delicate.” Pete frowned. “Someone get hurt?” Brandon grinned at him. “One of the boys got cocky. Playing silly buggers. Blew his fingers off.” “Idiot.” Pete told him. “Yep. Puppy wouldn’t listen. He is now. They’ll grow back. It will be a painful reminder not to fuck with our partners when they tell him something.”

  Brandon turned back to Auturo. “We’re ready. I have two dozen Wares out there combing the area making sure no strays are hanging about or in the firing line. We’re gonna wait until the Vamps start appearing. When I get the word from Nicky we blow it.” Arturo gazed round the landscape. It was
beautiful part of the country. He hadn’t been in Brandon’s territory in many many years. Arturo nodded. “We wait.” John and Pete handed out field glasses. Vamps didn’t need um really but it gave better, greater definition to the landscape. Arturo’s own people were also out there. They would move back and forth across their area clearing out anything unwanted.

  Brandon’s runners came and went. Pierre took calls from his people. It looked good. No humans or Wares in the area to worry about. “If their coming it will be soon he told them. My information tells me they cross around ten onwards.” And that made sense to Brandon. Most humans if they were out and about would be more vulnerable for a number of reasons at that time of night depending on why they were venturing out to start with. Brandon’s phone went. He lifted it to his face. “Nicky? How many? How soon? Ok as we agreed. Send out the alert when they pass the first check point. Flare up at the no return point. No-one’s to engage.” Brandon ended the call turning to Arturo. “You heard?” “Yes. Their coming.” Brandon nodded and rubbed his hands together. “Now the fun.” He told them.

  Brandon watched Pete cocked and checked his weapons. He carried two. One on each leg. Repeaters with high velocity rounds. Regin had made sure that he and his men had silver nitrate and white oak ammunition. Brandon also knew he carried her arm injectors. Brandon watched the interaction between Pete and Arturo’s men. “Don’t go firing silver at my boys Pete they won’t be happy it hurts like a bitch.” Brandon told him. Pete stepped in front of them. “Don’t worry boys I got you covered.” He told them holding up both guns and blowing across the barrels. Pierre and John grabbed and hauled his ass back and Arturo laughed. He liked this human. “And what the fuck are you going to do, blow on um?” Pierre asked jovially, punching his shoulder. “Yeah.” Pete told him. “My boys tell me my breath is deadly. And I have a little extra surprise for them too.” Pete straighten up with a cocky look across his face. Turning they watched him head back to the car.

  Pete came back in quick time hauling something over his shoulder and a large ammo case in his hand. John looked at him as he approached. “Is that a rocket launcher?” He asked with surprise in his voice. “You bet ya ass boys. Meet Betsey.” He told them putting the case down and tapping the launcher fondly. John laughed. “Does Val know you have a more powerful woman in your life?” “She does and appreciates my taste.” He told them. Brandon’s phone went off again. “They are reaching the point of no return.” He moved to the explosive triggers he was manning. Turning to Arturo. “Do you want to do it?” He asked him. “No. This is your territory.” Brandon nodded looking for the flare. Pete came up and stood to the right of Brandon. The launcher ready to use. The ammo beside him. John bent down beside him. “Load?” He asked him. “Yeah man. Load.” John grabbed two rockets. “Don’t stand behind me boys. It will back fire and it burns like hell is here.” He told them putting on his night vision glasses. Vamps showed up as varying displays of yellow to red depending on when they last fed. Pierre and Arturo moved to the other side of Brandon. The flare when up and all hell broke loose. Brandon engaged the switches. “Fire in the hole”. Brandon called out and nodded to Arturo.

  Within seconds, several lights sparked to life followed by huge booms and the sound of earth and rocks moving. Screams could be heard. Arturo lifted the field glasses offered to him. He could see the main explosion as the mountain started to slide, bodies in the way were being thrown into the air. Vamp’s were running into the mine field. The odd trap triggered breaking up earth and bodies. They moved in Vamp speed as predicted, to where the centre narrowed, fanning out trying to avoid whatever was setting things off.

  It was confusion and chaos on a huge scale. They were running into each other. Over each other. Knocking each other down, in their speed to avoid the next explosion. Suddenly Pete launched the rocket launcher and aimed to the left side of the pack keeping them in tight preventing them spreading out. John reloaded. Pete aimed to the right herding them back into the middle. Pete repeated his actions in quick succession over and over again. Suddenly the centre was triggered and a spider web of explosions petered out from the centre covering the whole area. It was one mass of explosions. And over in seconds. As the booms died down the cries and screams took over. Brandon watched as Pete scanned the area. Nothing was headed in their direction. He put the launcher down. It was red hot. Pete shook his hands. “You ok?” Asked John. “Fucker got hot, their burnt.” Arturo bit into his wrist and held it out to Pete. “Drink, I need you healed and Val would kill me.” He told them giving a pained expression. “Thank you My Lord.” Pete took the hand and kissed the wrist drinking a little of the blood offered. It hit his system and sparks lit up behind his yes. “Bloody hell that’s potent.” Brandon scanned the area. The landscape had changed. Brandon turned to Arturo as he closed his wound. “Clean up?” He asked him. “My men are working from the border forward. Care to join me?” He asked Arturo, “I’ve got some Vamps to kill.” Grinning.

  Pierre stepped up taking the phone from his ear. “Reports are saying that no one crossed our lines tonight.” Arturo was glad to hear it. “Ok tell them to hold and make sure. Move forward until we reach Brandon’s people and hold there until we give the all clear.” Arturo turned back to Brandon. “Lead the way my friend.” Pete saw a flash coming from the side. He already had both guns out and fired ahead of the movement. It stopped. Rubin came to a stop and turned to face him. He looked at his sleeve that had two holes in it. “You missed.” He told him. Pete grinned. “Didn’t know if you were friend or foe mate. Give you a warning. Had you not stopped you’d be gone.” Arturo frowned. “I thought you’d left?” Arturo asked him cutting in the conversation. “Just curious Arturo. I saw all the movement and wondered what you were up to. I have to say. Most impressive. Not afraid of a little mess are you.” Arturo was not particularly surprised to see him. “The first of many moves on the chess board Rubin. You know how the game is played.” He nodded. “Yes but I haven’t seen this since the crusades. Did I hear clean up duties?” He said smiling rubbing his hands. “You did.” Brandon answered him. “Shall we?” Rubin asked with glee in his eyes. Arturo looked at Pierre. Message received. “Stay close to Pierre please. We do not wish to lose an emissary.” Arturo told him. “Pete work with John please.” Pete nodded once and stowed Betsey. Arturo looked at this band of men and reached back behind him pulling both swords from their scabbards he turned to lead them. “Let’s go.”

  Brandon grinned. He and his men stripped out of their clothes and dropped to all fours. Their faces and bodies changing before their eyes. Snouts and fur sprang forth. Vicious teeth descended from their distorted mouths. Their legs broke and re-aligned. The popping sound cringe worthy. Their body mass, chests and back growing in size and muscle. They were huge beasts when turned. With a single glance back at Arturo they leapt forward into the fray. “They don’t need a full moon?” Asked Pete. “No.” John answered. “That’s a myth. They can turn at will.”

  Arturo would have sworn he saw a lop-sided grin and a tongue hanging out as Brandon turned to run off. Arturo moved forward after them. Followed by his men and Rubin. They followed the agreed pattern. They would sweep from right to left along the outer left boundary. Brandon and his group would meet up with his other lead pack members and clear the right, taking out anything they find. Brandon’s pack were heading towards Arturo’s territory boundary and Arturo’s men were moving forward to meet them in a pincer movement. Nothing was being left to chance. As they reached the traps. Pete called out. “Watch the floor gents, we don’t know if all the traps have been sprung. Firm ground only. Watch for wires. Loose dirt. Raised objects. If in doubt, mark it and move round it. I’m told it’s a bitch to regrow a leg.” He told them grinning. Pierre rolled his eyes. “So let me know so I can trip it. Brandon’s people are doing the same.” He told them with a wave in their general direction. Pete noticed they all nodded including Rubin. They slowly came across Vamps. In various stages of physical damage. Man
y were missing limbs and bleeding out. Pete saw Rubin turn to look at him. Pete grinned and gave him the thumbs up. Several were trying to escape. Others were impacted so badly they couldn’t move. There was plenty of ash on the floor. There would be no survivors this night. Arturo and his men moved through them. Finishing off the job taking hearts and heads.

  “Here.” Called Pierre. John and Pete moved over. A floor mine hadn’t activated. Pete moved to the self-detonator. He placed a 2-minute delay and set it. Marking the spot he moved on quickly. He could hear fighting. The boom lit up the night. Moving with John they came across Rubin fighting two Vamps. Neither appeared too injured. John looked about. There were several Vamps damaged with bite marks near to ash. They had bleed them to survive. John hissed. Pete looked at him circling the area with his guns. “Problem?” He asked. “They bled their own men to survive.” “What the fuck?” Pete answered. John’s anger rose and he stepped forward. “My Lord Rubin.” John gave his proper title. “They killed their own to survive.”

  Rubin laughed as he circled his pray. “No honour. You are dust.” He told them whipping out his hand and slashing one cross the neck so deep he nearly lost his head. The other he crouched low and swung out his leg catching him on the knee and breaking his joint. The Vamp screamed. “They were dying anyway.” The Vamp cried out. “As are you.” Rubin told him grabbing him by the front of his shirt yanking his head to the side and biting into him deep ripping his throat out. Rubin tilted his head back closing his eyes, enjoying the rage and blood coursing through him. Tilting his head forward he opened his eyes. Vamp blood was powerful. He turned eerily towards the sounds of Arturo and Pierre and moved off.


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