Book Read Free


Page 25

by Jessie Rose Case

  Arturo brought the meeting back together. “Right. I want everyone to work together on ousting our visitor groups. I want them all gone in the next couple of days. We have the main event next Saturday and I don’t want to find we have a force on our doorstep pretending to be idiots fucking about that turns out to be more soldiers for Marcus. So let’s work the problem. Several lieutenants working together with their teams, a co-ordinated attack, let’s go for pockets in the same area at the same time. Pierre interrogate where we can I want info. Pete, I’d like your boys doing day light checks on what could be the nests. They’ll have day walkers so watch yourselves. If it’s possible you’ll have my permission to take um out. But bring back the info first for John to go over with you just in case ok. I want everyone on the streets clearing them. Brandon your boys want in?” Brandon looked up and nodded. “Thought you’d never ask mate.” Arturo smiled. He turned to Alex. “Alex?” Alex pulled his eyes from the girl on the lap top. “My people will be here tomorrow. I’m in.” Arturo nodded. “James work with Alex on accommodation for his people. The house in the French quarter might be good.” He told him. James agreed with him. “Right starting now. I want a strategy on getting it done then move out.”

  Luce waited till people started moving out. “I’m sorry but where will I be working.” She asked Pete then turned her gaze to the leader Arturo. He answered her. “You’ll be working in the house, I’ll set you up an office. Day light or night?” He asked her. Luce thought about that. She kinda liked working the nights. “Night.” She told him smiling. “Maybe we should reconsider having a child in the middle of this Arturo.” Mr intense cut in. Luce turned her head and looked about her seeing no child, then she got it and looked back at him really pissed off. Not again. “I don’t know who the fuck your talking about Mr Moody but I’m no child and haven’t been for 6 years so back the fuck off so I can do my dam job. Or I’ll fry your arse.” Alex looked at her. So much fire in someone so tiny. “My mistake.” He told her bowing and left the room. Luce turned annoyed with herself. Having watched him leave the room. She looked up at the others still present. “Sorry, I get fed up of people assuming things. I’ve had to deal with a lot of that.” She sighed her anger leaving her. “I should apologise.” She told them closing her lap top and rising from her seat. “If you can find him I’m sure he would appreciate it.” Arturo told her. Luce nodded. “Thanks for the job. You won’t regret it. I’ll wait outside Pete.” She told him. Shit. She’d done it again, she seriously needed a muzzle.


  Luce found Mr Intense leaning against the portico by the front door. She walked up to him. Wow he had great hair and loads of it. “Hi look I’m sorry for the outburst in there ok. I get tired of people seeing me and thinking I’m a kid. I was rude. I’m sorry ok. But I can handle myself and do a good job.” Mr Intense stood and looked down at her. Dam he was tall. She knew he was seeing her as a tiny young woman. “Do you know what we are?” He asked her bluntly. Luce frowned. “Yes. Pete told me.” “And you still believe that you can look after yourself?” He asked her earnestly. Luce shrugged. “Yes.” Luce couldn’t believe how fast he moved. One minute he was standing there, the next he had grabbed her hair and yanked her head to one side. Luce grabbed in her pocket. He breathed in deeply along her neck and pulled her back sending chills down Luce’s body. Goosebumps shuddered over her. “Do you still think you are safe Luce?” He asked her running his nose along her jaw line, whisperingly. Dam, thought Luce. He didn’t scare her not in a frightening way anyway. But boy was her juices going crazy. Luce was glad to hear her voice come out clear and strong. “Look at my hand.” She told him.

  Mr Intense looked down first to her lap top under her arm then to the other side. Luce held an advanced Taser against his body. She twisted it. “It’s strong enough to take down a Vamp. Wanna test it?” She asked smiling up at him. Mr Intense removed his hands in surrender and took a step back. Luce wasn’t sure she liked that. He nodded at her. “Ok you need Regin’s vranks and I will teach you to use a gun. And call me Alex.” He told her. Blimey, this guy was throwing her, thought Luce. “Emm Alex that’s nice of you and all but Pete was going to teach me to use a gun.” Alex shook his head. “No. He is human and spoken for, you need a Vamp.” Luce looked confused. “Err thanks but why do I need a Vamp exactly?” Alex looked at her with such intensity her body creamed. “Your human.” He told her and walked away. Luce was seriously confused. What the hell did that mean and who made him lord and master?

  Pete walked out behind her followed by Val. “Ready?” He asked her. “Yeah. Umm Pete, Alex said he was going to teach me to use a gun but I’d rather you did. Is that going to be a problem?” “I don’t see why. Why do you think it will?” Luce looked uncomfortable. “He said I needed a Vamp and that you were human and taken. I didn’t really understand what he was saying but then he just walked off.” Pete looked at Val. Val seemed to hold his gaze for a bit then turned and smiled at her. “I’ll talk to Arturo and clear it up for tomorrow night ok.” Luce felt better hearing that. “Great thanks. I’m starving let’s go.”

  Alex watched the girl leave with Pete. She was …. He didn’t know what. He’d over heard the conversation. It amused him. He scared her on some level. She was running from him. That was good. He should scare her. They all should. They were monsters. She wouldn’t survive in his world. He should make her go. Let her run from him. He watched her grasp her lap top tighter and walk into the darkness. She … touched him and if he allowed it, he would get her killed. He couldn’t face that again. Maybe she was different? Maybe she could protect herself …a bit and maybe he could show her more? She’d have the chance to survive this. She wasn’t a naive child. She might look it but he sensed a strength in her. Marcus wouldn’t be able to overtake her will. She was strong. He’d tried just a little with his own power and it had had no affect at all. That was good. She would need that. It would help her survive. Now he needed to make sure she understood what she needed to do to protect herself. What she needed to kill. Those like him. And if she wouldn’t stay away, then he’d have to make sure she could fight. Alex watched her leave the grounds. He’s fear for her heightened. She’d be a target out there. She was with Val, she was protected for now, he told himself and headed to meet with his people.

  Arturo walked back to his office, took his seat behind his desk and took a moment to look round his personal space. It was much like any other business man’s office. It reflected his life, although humans would see many of the personal historic belongings and mementos as historical collectables or artefacts. He’d had a long life there was no doubt of that he reminded himself. It had been a good life. And he has brought better times with him to his people. He could be proud of that he reflected. He’d left the barbarism of his race back in Europe. He’d sworn not to live in that way again and he’d done it. The ping on his phone told him he had an incoming mail. Opening his phone Arturo looked at the reports coming in. It was late. Regin had gone to bed long ago. Their attack had started. And it appeared to be effective. They were sweeping through areas that were suspected as nests. Taking out the trash. Good, he thought. Maybe he had been too weak in the past. That would change if needed. On the surface, it would look like a normal round up. His boys doing their jobs. Not until the final sweep would it register that this was a co-ordinated move. By then it would be too late. Arturo smiled to himself. Brandon was working his sector. As was Alex and his team did theirs. So were Gia, Pete and Val, Pierre, James and John. Tomorrow night would be more effective, once they had all the intelligence in and Alex’s men had arrived in force. Arturo listened to the quietness of the house. He loved this time of day before sunrise. His internal battle telling of the coming sun and his wish to stay longer into the light. The calm of the ending night and the expectation of the coming day. Arturo turned his head to the windows, he could hear the day time security taking over from the Vamps and knew that Pete’s second would be in any moment for any update or ord
ers. Tony was a good man. He took his job seriously reflected Arturo. The knock at the door informed him of Tony’s arrival and the new dawn.

  Regin stirred. Something woke her. She turned towards the bathroom as she realised that water was running. She smiled. Arturo must be in the shower. Throwing back the covers she got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. He needed her as much as she needed him. Regin walked through the door. “Have you come to join me wife?” Arturo asked her with joy in his voice. Regin started to strip off her PJs. She laughed. “Are you ready for me husband?” She teased walking into the open end of the shower. Arturo stood there in all his glory with water streaming down his torso. Regin took in every inch of him. He was gloriously all male. There was no doubt that he wanted her. He cock hard and standing to attention beckoned her. “Umm do you have something for me husband?” She asked him throatily. Arturo stroked himself and looked at her. “I most definitely have something for you wife. Come here and let me show you.” He told her. Regin walked towards the water and reached out for him. Running her hands down his body till she found what she wanted. She caressed him. Stroked him as she leaned into his body. Arturo grasped her face and pulled her to him. He kissed her hard. Not worrying about catching her mouth with his teeth. They cut her lips and as quickly sealed again with the mix of his blood and saliva. He drank her in.

  For Regin it was the pain and pleasure pull that she needed. Arturo caught his own lips to ensure that she took some of his blood too. And all the while Regin stroked him back and forth, his cock hard and swelling under her touch. She moved her hand and rubbed her thumb over its eye. A slick bead surfaced and she rubbed it round the slick bulbous top. Arturo caressed her neck and moved down her body and surrounded her breast with his hand. He stroked her as she stroked him. Breaking their kiss, Arturo kissed down her neck and followed the path of his hand. Reaching her breast he kissed her nipple and lapped at it with his tongue, as his fingers squeezed and caressed it. Regin moaned. So much pleasure riding her from her fingers to her nipples. Arturo moved his mouth and nicked the nipple and blood flowed. He mouthed over it and sucked. Hard. Regin cried out in pleasure. Regin’s areola were large and swollen, her nipple closed with his saliva. Arturo opened his mouth and bit down taking all her areola in and the nipple and drank from her suckling her. Each pull was a stroke on her body firing her own desire. Regin caressed his head to her breast encouraging him on, while pumping Arturo’s cock in time with his pulls from her breast. Too soon for Regin Arturo removed his mouth from her breast kissing them and teasing the nipple. “More.” She told him. Arturo turned her quickly from him and bent her over bracing her hands on the wall. He stroked down her folds and found her opening wet for him. He couldn’t wait any longer and positioned himself at her entrance and slammed home.

  Regin called out at the invasion bowing her back. That sweet sting and the feeling of such fullness. She was so full. Arturo was thick and long. As he started to move Regin felt her own pleasure rising. It wouldn’t take much. She was already close to coming her body so sensitive with his blood running throughout her system. “So good, so close.” She told him pushing back meeting him push for push. Arturo reached round with one hand and played with her other breast squeezing the nipple and circling it, while the other reached for her clit. He stroked it and rubbed it as he pounded into her. “O god yes, yes, there yes.” She told him straining with the need to come. Arturo upped his tempo and moved slightly. Regin didn’t think it could get any better. How wrong she was as he hit her G spot, over and over again sending her over the crest of her climax and into oblivion. Regin vaguely heard Arturo tell her he loved her as he rammed home and spilled into her holding her up. She could barely stand up. The pleasure overloading her senses. Arturo held her while she came back to earth. He then gently washed her, dried her and put her back to bed with him surrounding her. Holding her close. Regin drifted as she felt his lips on her hair and the unsaid promise of love and protection.

  Regin was glad she’d made it to her 10:30am meeting with Charlee. It went well and appeared to be useful. She felt the informality appealing to everyone no matter their job it had been a great idea. It seemed appreciated and it had gone on a bit longer than expected. But that would settle down when people got used to the idea and just came along when needing to. It was positive. And everyone went off to pick up where they left off yesterday. There was plenty of clearing up to do after the party and the staff quickly got on with it. Regin was glad she’d asked that the lights remain up in the garden. They looked pretty and would be needed for the challenge visit Saturday. They could all enjoy them in the meantime she justified. The thought of the challenge stuck with her. So soon but in many ways not soon enough. Regin rubbed at her forehead. She wanted it over.

  “Alice, Jenson could I have a moment to discuss next Saturday.” Both returned to their seats. “I know you probably have this all in hand, I just want to check that all invitations have gone out and we are catering for around 300 I believe?” Alice smiled at her. “Yes, mam. We are all ready. Buffet is all in preparation stages. Canapés to start with soft drink, champagne or wine. Finger buffet followed by deserts. We will be using the ball room. Jenson has the entertainment all lined up.” Regin looked to Jenson. “Has everyone agreed to come?” Jenson nodded. “We have all the local dignitaries invites back agreeing to come plus one. The local Police chief and his wife. All those in business with House Arturo are represented as well. The house senior Vamp staff and plus ones will be attending. We are going to ensure mixed tables putting people that know each other together. We are leaving room for two tables in case master Arturo’s friends arrive from Europe. They will be seated with only senior House Arturo Vamps for company. We will be providing special drinks for them. Master Alex has a table for his people. And we have a table for the challenger. We estimate around 30 tables of 10. Waiter service for drinks and a drinks bar manned for people to get their own. Master Arturo’s port will be on hand on arrival to all Vamps. They will all be expected to drink it.” How relieved she was to hear all this. It was a comfort to know that everything was in place. She was highly confident that it would be following the events of last night. Alice had done a marvellous job. And she told them both just that. It had been a success in no small part to their hard work and dedication and it was important they knew it. That it was valued. “Thank you both.” As they both rose to leave they thanked her for her support and help. She didn’t want to be lady of the manor but seemed to get the job anyway.

  Regin was having a late lunch when Arturo made his appearance. Regin called down for his breakfast and kissed him hungrily. “I had the most delicious dream last night.” She told him whispering. “Really?” He asked her smiling. Regin nuzzled into him. “Yes. My husband took advantage of my desire to please him and gave me wonderfully deep pleasure in return.” She told him stroking down his body. Arturo lovingly caressed her head to him. “Umm sounds like I need to thank him.” He told her mischievously. Regin laughed. “No need. I did that already, I ordered his breakfast.”

  Arturo loved these moments together. Just the two of them enjoying each other’s company. The banter. The joy she brought him. He still wondered how he had been so lucky. Taking her hand in his before she left him too hard to think, he brought it to his lips. “I love you wife. Thank you for loving me.” He told her. He tried hard not to make it sound like a goodbye but he needed to tell her. No matter what happened. He needed her to know that he loved her deeply and she was a joy to him. One that he was greatly thankful for. A knock brought in Jenson and his tray. Pleasantries were exchanged and Jenson left them. Arturo guessed the staff knew as they did everything else in this house, that he and Regin had little time to themselves and he appreciated their efforts to afford them some. They both ate in silence enjoying the space between them. Regin re-filled their coffee’s. Arturo read the papers and passed bits to her that he thought she might be interested in. He loved the way they automatically swopped and shared back and
forth. Talked of insignificant things. Small wants and wishes. Each time touching and caressing hands, fingers or thighs. It was an intimate private moment in time. Neither wishing for it to end but knowing it couldn’t last.

  Lucie Elizabeth Jane, known as Luce to her friends found herself corralled into a small reception room next to Arturo’s office. “Err Charlee, I’m not a secretary you know.” Charlee looked amused at her. “I know, Arturo thought this would be the best place as its near to his office if you need him and the main server. If anyone talks to you like one tell Jenson ok.” Luce frowned. “Doesn’t Arturo have a secretary?” Luce’s attention was grabbed by the lady she now knew as Regin, coming in, Arturo’s wife. “No Luce, I hope you don’t mind me calling you that. He doesn’t but does need one. Actually Charlee, why doesn’t Arturo have a secretary? We need to look into that.” She told them both. “I’m not a secretary.” Luce repeated. Regin laughed. “No I get that. Like Charlee said, anyone who acts like you are tell them you’re not and to speak with Jenson until the positon is filled ok?” Luce nodded. “Good enough. Where do I set up?” Charlee pointed to a highly polished ornate desk and modern leather desk chair. It came with its own phone and table blotter. “You want me to use that?” She asked them turning to Regin. “Yes, is that ok?” Luce nodded with a really worried expression on her face. “Aren’t you worried I might damage it. It’s an antique.”


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