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Karma Page 4

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

Tanner couldn’t hold back his grin. So this is what it felt like to be in love, to be loved. He wouldn’t trade this feeling for the world. “I love being with you.”

  They ate and talked, enjoying the new status of their relationship. Tanner talked about his brother, and how Jason was too busy to date because of his job at the warehouse club and now college. It seemed as if he didn’t have time for a life outside his obligations.

  “Maybe we should set him up with someone,” Josh suggested.

  “Yeah, but who? Jason is picky.”

  Josh thought about it. The answer presented itself when Quinn Williams walked into Sal’s. Josh subtly motioned to the counter.

  “Quinn?” Tanner eyed him over his shoulder. There was no doubt the guy was drop-dead gorgeous, and his Australian accent made him even sexier. He had been a semi-pro surfer in Australia and his skin was bronzed — but he was no stereotypical dumb jock. He was built, too, and had blond hair and green eyes.

  “Hey, Quinn.” Josh grinned and waved him over.

  “Well, well. If it isn’t Reynolds and his boyfriend. I heard what happened to you, McKinley. You doing okay?” Quinn eyed Tanner sympathetically.

  “Better; healing slowly. How have you been?”

  “Lonely. There isn’t one smart guy on campus who holds my interest. They’re all too much into themselves.”

  “Really?” Josh cocked a brow.

  “I’m picky, you know? They can’t just be hot; there has to be some substance there.”

  “Have you ever met my brother?” Tanner asked.

  “You have a brother? Does he look like you? Is he older? Please tell me he’s older.”

  “Yeah, he’s older.” Tanner smiled. “He works at the warehouse club.”

  “I remember that place. It was fun before I could drink and started checking out the less sober establishments.” Quinn winked.

  “Maybe you should stop in there one night, check him out,” Josh offered. “His name is Jason.”

  Quinn eyed them suspiciously. “Okay, something’s up? What’s this about?”

  “Look, it’s just that between work and school my brother is so busy, he never goes out for fun. And he hasn’t found anyone he wants to date, so he’s content to just stay busy. I mean, he hasn’t dated in a long time. Maybe you guys can go out as friends and see if there’s a spark?”

  “I’ll tell you what — you come up with a time and I’ll meet you there,” Quinn acquiesced. “I’m not going alone.”

  “Okay, you’re on.” Tanner grinned.

  Quinn left and Josh eyed Tanner. He was reluctant to bring it up, but he didn’t think Tanner realized what he had agreed to.

  “Tanner, you do realize you’ll have to go back to the club for this,” he pointed out quietly.

  “I have to get over this, Josh. In fact, Mark and Jay and I are going with Casandra tomorrow during therapy.”

  “Oh, Tanner — are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure.” Tanner held Josh’s hand and changed the subject. “You ready to go?”


  When they got back to the house, they could hear Greg and Jay in the bedroom watching TV. Greg was laughing.

  Josh led Tanner to the back bedroom and closed the door. They looked at each other and then Tanner stripped slowly until he stood naked in front of Josh.

  “I want to make you feel good.” He approached Josh and started to unbutton his pants.

  “You don’t have to, Tanner,” Josh whispered, his cock already up for an adventure.

  “I want to.”

  Tanner finished undressing Josh and then coaxed him on his back on the bed. He let his fingers play lightly on Josh’s chest and then settled between his legs. He kissed Josh’s neck and let his tongue trace his collarbone, pausing to leave a mark on the soft skin. His hand traveled to his abdomen and he made small, circular motions around his navel before claiming the rock-hard cock. Tanner gripped him and stroked slowly. Josh moaned and Tanner licked his chest, stopping to flick his nipples with his tongue and bite them gently. He kissed his way down to Josh’s cock, and then sucked two of his fingers to get them wet. He inserted one into Josh’s hole and loved the gasp and moan he got for his efforts.

  He got down to business, going to work on Josh’s cock. He licked from shaft to tip, flattening his tongue on the back as he made the trip upward. He ran his tongue several times around the rim, and then ran his teeth carefully down the length. He smiled when he heard Josh moan louder. Tanner worked Josh’s ass with his fingers, while his other hand and mouth teamed up on his cock. He swallowed Josh whole as he slid in another finger. Josh’s hips bucked, forcing his cock more deeply into Tanner’s throat, his hands gripping Tanner’s hair.

  “Oh God, Tanner, I can’t last!”

  Tanner went faster, his head bobbing up and down as his fingers fucked Josh’s ass. He hit his prostate and Josh rewarded him with a strangled cry and a mouthful of cum. Josh came hard and Tanner did his best to swallow it all.

  Finally, he kissed his way up and licked Josh’s bottom lip.

  Josh grabbed the back of his head and shoved his tongue in, sucking on Tanner’s. “Damn, Tanner!”

  “Yeah, I did a good job?” Tanner blushed. He wanted to be good enough for Josh.

  “Holy shit, yes you did!” Josh pulled him into his chest.

  “So, this is what it feels like to be in love. It’s scary, sometimes.” Josh searched Tanner’s eyes.

  “Yeah.” Tanner palmed his face. “But it’s so worth it.”

  Chapter Four

  For the next few weeks, Charlie spent every day with Michael. His radiation therapy was brutal on his immune system and he was sick a lot. Most of the time, they played games. He would consistently beat her at chess and they talked a lot about his restaurant. They played War with cards and Michael would shout “HA!” every time his card was higher. She knew she shouldn’t spend so much time with a patient — for doctors, getting personally involved with a patient was right up there with ‘do no harm.’ But there was something about him that drew Charlie in, even when she knew better. His laugh was hilarious and, even as sick as he was, he managed to make her laugh. There were times his hand brushed hers and her stomach flipped. This was ridiculous. It was almost as though she was falling in love with him.

  Right now, she was on her way to the hospital on her day off. She couldn’t help herself.

  She found Michael’s room empty and nearly flipped out. She made herself calm down, found the charge nurse, and asked her where he was.

  “They brought in another neurologist to take over his case and he has him off running some of his own tests. Gorgeous man.” She winked at Charlie.

  “Wait, what about Dr. Thomas?”

  “Got a job offer.” She shrugged.

  Charlie found Seth in the locker room. “What’s going on?”

  “I got a job offer I can’t turn down.”

  “So that’s it, you just leave? What about Michael?”

  “That right there is why I’m leaving. I’m not mad, Charlie, don’t get me wrong. But it’s become obvious to me you’re in love with your patient.”


  “You spend all your free time here with him. I haven’t seen you in weeks, except around the hospital. I’ve seen how you look at him.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Seth. Who’s taking over his case?”

  “Your father.”


  “Michael’s parents specifically asked for him.”

  Charlie took a minute to let it all sink in and realized he was right. She hadn’t thought about Seth romantically in quite a while.

  “I can’t change your mind, can I?”

  Seth took her hand. “Look, Charlie, we had fun, but this,” he motioned between the two of them. “was never going to become love. I’ve seen you with Michael. Whether you realize it, you’re in love with him. Give it a chance, okay?” He kissed her cheek and smiled.

  “Good luck, S
eth.” Charlie hugged him.

  She went back to Michael’s room and sat on the bed to wait for him. She ran her hand over the sheets and looked around. Was she in love with Michael? It hadn’t crossed her mind. She knew she loved spending time with him; he was so familiar in a way, and yet she couldn’t put her finger on it. Something about his eyes reminded her of her childhood. They were so beautiful and his smile could melt even the coldest heart. He had all the nurses wrapped around his finger. At least, the ones he wasn’t pelting with Jell-O.


  She looked up to see her uncles in the doorway and stood. “Uncle Morgan, Robert?”

  “Where’s Michael?” Morgan looked around.

  “He went down for testing. Wait — how do you know Michael?”

  “Charlie, Michael is our son.” Robert smiled at her.

  Charlie’s eyes went wide, and then the memories hit her. Little Michael Stevens running around her back yard during summer vacation, playing “Operation” and Michael hitting the sides on purpose to make her jump — the days of playing “Doctor” and Michael refusing a prostate exam. The memories continued to flow like a movie: Their first kiss in the tree house in her back yard, the late nights watching horror movies with her brothers and Michael holding her when she was scared. Then he was gone. He went to boarding school in England at his own request; life in Hollywood/Los Angeles and school were too much for him.

  “Oh my God.” Charlie stood up and covered her mouth with her fingertips. “Michael,” she whispered.

  “Are you all right?” Morgan approached and put a hand on her shoulder.

  “I didn’t know,” she admitted. Her brow wrinkled. “But his last name is different.”

  “He changed it. He didn’t want the paparazzi following him, and he wanted his restaurant to succeed without ‘Morgan Stevens’ attached to it.”

  “Oh my God.” Charlie sat back down on the bed. How could she have not seen it?

  “Oh God, he’s worse, isn’t he?” Morgan whispered.

  “No! I mean he needs the surgery but if it’s my dad doing it …”

  “That’s why we requested him.” Robert said.

  “But you didn’t say anything when I saw you at the wedding.” Charlie looked from Morgan to Robert.

  “Look, it was the boys’ day. They were getting married and Michael insisted we not bring it up until later.”

  “Well, there’s my daughter.” Jordan grinned, wheeling Michael back in.

  “Daddy1” Charlie wrapped her arms around Jordan.

  “I never get one of those. I think she’s afraid her boobs on my chest will kill me,” Michael joked.

  Jordan frowned. “Hey. That’s my daughter, thank you. A little respect? You might remember that I’ll be rooting around in your brain.”

  Charlie turned on Michael. “And you!”

  “What? This has been so much fun! You had no idea who I was. Did you ever tell your dad how you wanted to check my —”

  Charlie covered his mouth. “Shut up.”

  “Okay. Morgan, Robert, can I see you out in the hallway, please?”

  The men left, leaving Charlie to stare at Michael. Now that she knew, it was so easy to see the younger version of him in her mind, remember the talk in the tree house when she had begged him to kiss her. She wanted her first kiss out of the way and Michael had finally agreed. He had kissed her so softly.

  Michael searched her face; she seemed to be in a daze. “Um, hello?”

  “What?” she snapped.

  “You have that faraway look you get when you’re deep in thought.”

  “How would you know? You know, you could have told me!”

  “And ruin all the fun?” Michael smiled at her. He loved it when she got riled up.

  “Ugh.” Charlie stood up and paced the room.

  “So, your dad says I get a trip to Fort Worth. He wants to monitor me there and do the surgery in his facility.”

  “Well, that makes sense. It is the best neuro wing in the country.”

  “Do they have Jell-O?” Michael grinned.

  Charlie put her hands on her hips. “Yes, they have Jell-O, but I’m going to make sure you don’t throw it at anyone.”

  “What? You can’t leave here, Charlie,” Michael protested.

  “Oh, yes I can.”

  “Look, it’s sweet and all that you can’t stay away from me, but this is your career we’re talking about.”

  “I can finish everything in Fort Worth.”

  “No, Charlie.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Look, I get it, okay? You’re madly in love with me, but you have a life here.”

  “Michael Stevens — or whatever your name is now — just shut up. I am not in love with you.”

  Michael took her hand. “You can’t leave everything for me. I’ll be fine.”

  Charlie looked at his hand holding hers. She felt a rush of electricity and she pulled away. “You’re my patient, and where you go I go.”

  “Is that a fact, now?” Jordan stood in the doorway.

  “Yes, Dad, it is.”

  Jordan knew that look. She had gotten it from him and he knew he couldn’t talk her out of it.

  “Okay, we leave tomorrow. Bright and early.”

  “Dr. Youngblood, you can’t be serious,” Michael balked.

  “I know my daughter, Michael. She can’t be talked out of anything.”

  Morgan broke the tension. “I’ll see you in the morning.” He kissed Michael’s forehead. “I love you, son.”

  “Love you, too, Dad.”

  Robert hugged him and then they left. Michael smiled at Charlie. “Look in the closet. I got you something. Well, not me exactly. I sent a nurse out.”

  Charlie looked into the large cupboard and laughed as she pulled out the game of “Operation.”

  “I’ve gotten better at it. I hardly ever touch the sides now,” Michael chuckled.

  Charlie’s heart raced at that lopsided grin. His smile did things to her, and the touch of his hand made things even worse. She was in deep shit and she knew it.

  “Yeah well, if this had come out a few weeks ago, I would have put two and two together.”

  “No you wouldn’t. You haven’t seen me since I was eleven and I have changed. A lot.”

  Charlie eyed him carefully. He had changed a lot. She could tell he had been muscular before he got sick, but his face — oh, his face! And the lips. She shook her head, sat down and opened the game.

  “Okay, let’s see how much better you’ve gotten.”


  Heath was dropping little Stefan off for his first day at day care. Heath was much more nervous than Stefan. The little boy was bouncing up and down in his car seat and Heath couldn’t help but grin at him. They finally arrived and Heath found the center’s manager.

  “Hello, Mr. Youngblood, I’m Julia Cunningham. I’m the owner. I know you did your homework, but I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.”

  Heath checked her out. She was young, maybe in her early to mid-twenties. She had black hair and gray eyes, and she had a child on her hip who looked just like her.

  “Is that your son?” The boy appeared to be about the same age as Stefan.

  “Yes. This is Logan. I opened my business soon after he was born. I needed a job that didn’t take me away from him too much and this seemed like the best way to accomplish that. I spoke with your grandfather. Wow, did he put me through the wringer!” Julia chuckled.

  “I’m sorry about that. He’s just very protective of his grandkids. And great-grandkids.”

  “It’s not every day you’re grilled by Damon Santorno. Thank God!” Julia put Logan down and he ran up to Heath.

  “Hey, little man, you want to play with Stefan?”

  Logan giggled and grabbed Stefan’s foot. Heath put him down and they ran around the play area, laughing.

  “Well, they seem to be fast friends already,” Julia laughed.

what does your husband do?” Heath asked.

  “No husband, ex-boyfriend left when I got pregnant. Guess he wasn’t ready to be a dad. But Logan and I are okay.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “Well, if he wasn’t ready, I’d rather know it up front. I have to admit, though, it’s hard dating these days. Not many guys want to date a single mother, you know?” Julia smiled as Logan and Stefan made a block castle.

  Heath grinned as a thought formed. The first person who came to mind was Steve. He knew it was probably out of the question; Steve was in Boston. But there was always Christmas break.

  “Well, I have a class for an hour and a half, and then I’ll be back. I won’t always be picking up Stefan. My husband, Caleb, will be getting him as well.”

  “No problem. All of the security paperwork is complete, including pictures of anyone who might come to pick up Stefan. Also, we have cameras set up all over the facility, Mr. Youngblood. Stefan is well taken care of.”

  “Call me Heath.” Heath grinned and turned his attention to his son. “Hey, little man, Daddy has to go to class, okay?”

  Stefan ran to him and hugged his legs. Heath picked him up and kissed him. “Daddy will be back soon, okay? I promise.”

  “K, Daddy.” Stefan kissed him.

  Heath watched him run off giggling. He turned back to Julia and smiled. “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure.”


  Steve was having dinner with Charlie, who had been going on and on about Michael Stevens. He couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him. It was so obvious she was in love with him and she had no idea.

  “What are you smiling about?” Charlie took a sip of her tea.

  “You are so in love with him.”

  “What? No. I’m not, he’s the most annoying person in the world. You should see how he is with the nursing staff.”

  “Uh huh. So you leave tomorrow, huh?”

  “Yeah.” Charlie sighed and put her glass down. “I already worked things out with the hospital and contacted FW.”

  “Wow. That was fast.”

  “Hey, how’s the therapy going? Any more going on with the hot physical therapist?”


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