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Karma Page 8

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Steve rolled on his side and noticed the huge grin on Julia’s face.

  “Why are you smiling like that?”

  “I’m in bed with Steve Soloman. It sounds like a Penthouse letter,” Julia giggled.

  “Dear Penthouse, I found myself in bed with my biggest fan …” Steve smiled at her and palmed her face. “Are you cold?” She was shaking.

  “Actually I’m just nervous.”

  “Because of little ol’ me?” Steve pulled her in closer.

  Julia inhaled Steve’s enticing cologne. He was bare-chested and she prayed she wasn’t drooling. “Well, when you dream of being this close to someone, and then you are …”

  “I love how honest you are with me. It must have taken a lot to admit you’re a stalker,” Steve laughed quietly.

  “I am not a stalker. Boston’s too far away for me to follow you around.”

  “So, in your fantasy, was I a good kisser?” Steve lifted her face up to his.

  “Oh yes, the best.”

  “Well, I’ll try to live up to that then.” Steve kissed her softy. Her hand crept into his hair and he pulled her into his chest. She opened her mouth and he explored her slowly, tasting her and running his hand up her thigh. She moaned softly and he pulled her in closer. Steve slowly pulled away, leaving light kisses on her lips.

  “Holy shit,” Julia whispered.

  “I take it that was okay?”

  “It was more than okay. I swear to God, my thighs just went up in flames and I think I need to change my underwear,” Julia whispered and laughed quietly.

  “Well, you’re nothing but honest, are you?”

  “I’m always honest. I’ve dreamt about you making love to me.”

  Steve smiled and palmed her face. “Once I recuperate, I’ll see what I can do about making that fantasy a reality.”

  “I look forward to it.” Julia nestled into him.

  Steve smiled and held her close. “Me too.”

  Chapter Eight

  Morgan stood on the doorstep of his ex-girlfriend’s house and willed himself to knock on the door. His lawyer’s phone call had come as shock, to say the least. After speaking with Robert, however, he knew everything would work out just fine. He rapped on the door and waited. The door opened and his ex, Maggie, looked at him sheepishly.

  “So this is how I find out I have a daughter? Why didn’t you say anything?” Morgan walked in and turned around.

  “Look, I didn’t find out until a month after the break-up that I was pregnant, and when I started showing I left. You and Stefan were just starting your relationship and I know you, Morgan. Even if you were a stuck-up, snobby shithead, I knew you would do the responsible thing. I couldn’t do that to Stefan.”

  “Wow, thanks,” Morgan drawled. “So why now?”

  “I heard about Michael. I didn’t want you to think you had no other children in case something happened.”

  “So if my son hadn’t gotten sick — then what?” Morgan balked.

  “I can’t say. I’ve always wanted to protect her. For her to be thrust into the limelight as the bastard child of Morgan Stevens? I just couldn’t do that to her.”

  “That would have never happened, Maggie.” Morgan finally took her in his arms.

  They talked for an hour and Maggie pulled out all her baby pictures. She gave Morgan a picture of their daughter as a newborn.

  “She looks so much like you.” Maggie smiled and eyed Morgan; he hadn’t changed much.

  “Should I call her, or maybe see her?”

  “She’s in Fort Worth.”

  “She is?” Morgan asked in astonishment.

  “I’ll tell you what — let me call her and tell her she’ll be getting a visit from her father. She has seen every one of your movies, Morgan. She loved you before she even knew you were her father.”

  “Let’s hope that hasn’t changed,” Morgan said worriedly.

  “I never told her who you were. I was honest. I said her father was gay and I didn’t want to ruin his relationship. She knows you never knew she existed.”

  “Are you going to tell her it’s me?”

  “No, I think you should surprise her.”

  Morgan laughed. “Yes, well I think we will both be surprised.”

  After Morgan left, Maggie called her daughter to explain that her father would be coming to see her. After she hung up, she smiled. She hadn’t told Morgan the whole truth. The fact that he had a grandson would be quite a surprise.


  Michael was dreaming. He was chasing Charlie around the pond and they had gone up into the tree house. They sat and laughed and then she took his hand and her big, blue eyes looked in his. “I need you to do something for me.”

  Michael sighed. “Look, I’m not letting you put your finger up my butt, no matter how you ask me.”

  “That’s not it,” Charlie giggled.

  “Thank God for that,” Michael laughed. “What is it then, Charlie Y.”

  “Ugh,” Charlie rolled her eyes. “I need you to kiss me.”

  “Ewww, why?”

  “Because I want to get it over with. I don’t want my first kiss to be with some guy who spits all over my face.”

  “What makes you think I won’t spit on you?”

  “Cuz you’re Michael. Come on…pleeeeeeease.”

  Michael couldn’t say no. The way Charlie was bouncing around and smiling, he just couldn’t.

  “Okay. Stop moving, will ya?” Michael got closer and Charlie closed her eyes.

  He tried to bring up an image of one of his dad’s movies and then went with it. He kissed her softly and then backed away.

  “Okay, how was that?”

  “You didn’t stick your tongue in my mouth,” Charlie sighed in disappointment.

  “Ew, that’s extra; you didn’t say anything about extra.”

  “You’re so stupid, Michael,” Charlie giggled.

  “Yeah well, so are you!”

  Michael woke up and slowly opened his eyes. Charlie was in the chair in the corner, reading his Playboy. He smiled and sighed.

  “You’re awake!” Charlie rushed to his bedside.

  “Are you my doctor?” Michael asked in confusion.

  “What? Yes, I am. Do you not know me?” Charlie shone a small flashlight in his eyes and pushed the nurse call button.

  “Do all doctors look like you?” Michael was having fun with this. The look on her face made him want to laugh. He bit his tongue.

  “What do you remember, Michael?”

  “Is that my name?”

  “You don’t know your name? Do you know where you are?” Charlie panicked. Michael had no memory of anything.

  Jordan entered the room, leaned over Michael and flashed the penlight in his eyes, eyeing him carefully.

  “Dad, he doesn’t remember anything,” Charlie barely choked out.

  “Really? That’s odd. I just looked at his CT scans and they were clear. Might have to crack open his skull again and see if I left a sponge in there.”

  “Uncle Jordan!” Michael balked. “You left something in my noggin?”

  Jordan smiled. “I see we remember my name. I think you’re busted, Michael.”

  “Michael Christopher Stevens!” Charlie placed her hands on her hips. “How could you do that to me?”

  “And on that note, I’m out of here.” Jordan left the room.

  Charlie tapped her foot on the floor.

  Michael smiled. “Did you like the centerfold?”


  “Playboy centerfold.”

  “I was reading the articles, if you must know.” Charlie stomped over to the chair and dropped the magazine in the trash.

  “Hey, I need that later!” Michael sat up quickly. “Ow! Oh, my head!”

  “Serves you right!” Charlie huffed and checked his IV line.

  “Oh, come on, Charlie! I was just having a little fun.” He grinned.

  “Well, it’s not funny. And wipe that ridiculous smil
e off your face.”

  Michael grabbed her hand and pulled her closer. “You were afraid I forgot about you.”

  “Don’t be stupid.” Charlie tried to pull away.

  Michael searched her face. “You were, weren’t you?”

  “Michael —”


  “Stop it.”

  Michael pulled her down on the bed.

  “Make me. Say ‘please’.”

  His lips were inches away and Charlie relented. “Please.”

  “If you insist.” Michael pulled her in and his lips touched hers softly. He pulled away slowly and searched her eyes. “I’d do more but I think I need Chapstick.”

  “I’ll get you some water, and some lip balm.”

  “That’s it? No ‘wow, Michael, you’re a great kisser’?”

  “You didn’t use tongue.” Charlie smiled and left.

  “I’ve said that’s extra!” he called after her.


  Julia was at the day care — physically. Mentally, she was still in a daze over her date with Steve. He had been such a gentleman with her. Even though they were in bed together, he had never tried to do anything with her. It was sweet but also frustrating. She wanted to fuck him senseless, and the way he had kissed her was just the way she had imagined it would be.

  She watched Logan run around with Stefan. Heath would be there soon to pick him up and then she was supposed to see Steve again. The bell rang on the front door and she crossed the room to unlock it.

  “I’ll be right there Heath!” She checked the peephole and froze. Morgan Stevens, the famous movie director, was standing in front of her door. She opened it slowly.

  “It’s not Heath.” Morgan grinned. She looked just like him. “Can I come in?”

  “Oh my God! I have seen every single one of your movies!” Julia moved aside to allow him in.

  Morgan stepped past her and looked around the day care. It was a nice place and he caught sight of Stefan running around. “Hey, little Stefan!” Morgan smiled as he glanced up and caught his eyes.

  “MO!” Stefan ran and stopped at the gate, hands in the air.

  Morgan picked him up and hugged him hard. “How’s my little man?”

  “ʼood!” Stefan kissed him.

  Morgan put him back down. “Okay, go play, little one.” He turned to find Julia with her mouth hanging open.

  “You know Stefan?” she asked.

  “I dated Heath’s dad for a while.”

  “You’re him, aren’t you?” she whispered.

  “If you mean am I your father — yes, I am.” Morgan smiled. He wasn’t sure whether he should hug her or not. She made that decision for him. She flew into his arms and cried. Morgan held her tight.

  Heath swiped his key card to open the door and found Julia in the arms of his uncle.

  “Is there something I should know about, Uncle Morgan?” Heath tilted his head.

  Julia wiped her face and turned to face Heath.

  Before she could open her mouth, Morgan opened his. “Yes, there is. Heath, I’d like you to meet my daughter.”

  Heath’s jaw dropped. “What? Where? HOW?”

  “Maggie Cunningham. Ask your father about it. I was dating her right before I started dating him.”

  “Does Dad know?” Still dazed, Heath glanced from Julia to Morgan.

  “No, but he will soon. Maggie thought Julia might like to know she has a brother.”

  “Mama!” Logan got Julia’s attention before she could react to the news.

  “Mama?” Morgan’s jaw dropped.

  “Meet your grandson. Guess there are surprises all around today.” Julia smiled and picked Logan up. She handed him to Morgan. “This is your grandpa, honey.”

  Logan studied Morgan, touched his face, and smiled. He pressed his forehead against Morgan’s.

  “Well, he likes you.” Julia smiled.

  “We have a lot to catch up on. I was hoping you could come with me to the hospital and visit your brother.”

  “I can’t believe I have a brother! Is he okay? Wait, what’s his name? I’m not dating him am I?” Julia looked horrified for a minute.

  “I hope not. His name is Michael Staten.”

  “The restaurant guy? Wow, he’s famous, too!”

  “He just had a brain tumor removed and his prognosis for a complete recovery is good. I would love for you to meet him, if you’re available.”

  “Sure! I can get Becky to take over.” Julia grabbed Logan’s backpack.

  Heath snagged Stefan’s backpack and they all left together. Stefan and Jordan were in Michael’s room when they arrived. Steve had come by to visit and Charlie was checking Michael’s vitals when they all walked into the room.

  Stefan saw Morgan first. “Morgan.”


  “Uncle Morgan.”


  “Uncle Morgan.”


  It was like role call and Julia was confused. “Okay, that’s who?” she whispered.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Everyone — this is my daughter, Julia Cunningham.”

  Steve glanced up. “Julia?”


  “Steve?” Charlie tossed a look at Steve.

  “Charlie? As in Charlie Youngblood, Steve’s ex?” Julia eyed the woman in the room. Damn, no wonder Steve had dated her. She was breathtaking. And apparently brilliant if she was a doctor.

  “Yes, and you are?”

  “Currently dating me,” Steve announced.

  “Oh, it’s nice to meet you then.” Charlie smiled and winked at Steve. “She’s beautiful, Steve.”

  “She’s my daughter, Charlie,” Morgan chimed in.

  “So, Dad, this is my sister?” Michael smiled. “Yep, she’s a Stevens.”

  Julia walked over and sat on the bed. “Are you okay?”

  “From what I was before? I think I’m better. They rebuilt me.” Michael winked at her.

  Stefan’s mouth had been hanging open the entire time. Jordan looked at him and shut it for him.

  “Maggie?” Stefan glanced at Morgan. “But when?”

  “The important thing is that I know now. She didn’t want to ruin our relationship, Stefan.”

  “Well, I did that for her.” Jordan grinned smugly.

  “Jordan, we have been over this.” Stefan smiled and took his hand.

  “Yes, Jordan,” Morgan cocked a brow. “We have.”

  Charlie approached Julia and took her arm. “I think we need some girl time. Way too much testosterone in the room.”

  “Hey! No telling her any embarrassing stories about me!” Steve yelled.

  “Yeah, or me!” Michael called out.

  “I can’t promise anything.” Charlie smiled wickedly and took Julia out of the room.

  “Wow, she looks just like me, Dad.” Michael laughed at the frown on Steve’s face.


  “You better not do anything to my sister, Steve.” Michael pointed a finger.

  “You have to be more specific.” Steve grinned and caught Morgan’s glare. “I am being a gentleman.”

  “Good answer there, Steve.” Morgan smiled. “I trust you with her.”

  Logan ran to Steve. “ʼEve!”

  “Hey, buddy!” Steve picked him up. “This is your Uncle Michael.”

  Michael looked at the little boy and then at Morgan. “Did you know?”


  “Well, well. I have a nephew. Uncle Michael is going to introduce you to Miss November.”

  “Okay, enough of that Michael.” Morgan took Logan from Steve. “Let’s go get ice cream!”

  Logan giggled as Morgan left the room.

  Stefan hadn’t said anything for a while and Jordan searched his face. “Stefan?”


  “Still in shock?”

  “Wouldn’t you be?” Stefan eyed Michael. “A sister, huh?”

  “There are just so many surprises tod
ay, I think I’m exhausted.” Michael sank into the bed. “She seems to be taking it well, though.”

  “Get some rest, Michael. I’ll check on you later. Come on, Steve, you better find Charlie before she tells Julia all your secrets.”


  Charlie was with Julia in the cafeteria. They had been discussing Steve at great length and Julia laughed at Charlie’s stories. Charlie liked her a lot; she was honest and very forthcoming. She had told Charlie all about her obsession with all things Steve Soloman.

  “Well you couldn’t have found a better guy, Julia.”

  “Why aren’t you two together anymore?”

  “Honestly? Once we started college, we never found time to be together and we grew apart. I’ll always care about him but it just wasn’t meant to be.”

  “But maybe it is with my brother?” Julia had seen the way Charlie had looked at Michael.

  “Oh no, not you, too!” Charlie chuckled and leaned back in her chair.

  “Oh come on. I saw the way you were looking at him.”

  “Do I think he’s attractive? Yes. He has a great sense of humor.” Charlie smiled in a daze.

  “That smile is how people know you’re in love.”

  “Ugh, he’s so annoying though!”

  “Yeah, and what did you think of Steve when you first met him?”

  For once Charlie was silent.

  “Ah ha! Case closed.”

  “I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I’m not saying you’re right either!”

  “Ugh.” Julia pouted.

  “Mama!” Logan ran to her, his face covered in chocolate.

  “Oh no! Did Grandpa give you ice cream or pudding? I can’t tell.” Julia wiped his mouth off.

  “It was ice cream. I think.” Morgan smiled and sat at the table, Steve right beside him.

  “So, what did you tell her, Charlie?” Steve eyed Charlie.

  “Nothing bad. I promise.”

  “So how about dinner tonight, Julia? Maybe we can catch up and you can tell me what you’ve been doing?” Morgan asked his daughter.

  “Well, I had plans with Steve but I think he’ll understand.” Julia glanced at Steve.

  “Well why don’t you bring him? I’ll have Robert come, too.”

  “Thank you! I’d like that.” Julia smiled at her father. She finally knew who he was and now she had a brother, too.


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