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Karma Page 7

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Steve looked over at her and smiled and her heart beat faster. Something about Steve Soloman made her whole body tingle. Never during her — albeit brief — crush did she ever think she’d be this close to him. Now, thanks to Heath and Caleb Youngblood, she was sitting two inches away on the couch.

  “Does it seem odd to you that we’re the only adults in here?” Steve raised his brows.

  “You don’t think —?” Julia glanced over her shoulder and caught Heath and Caleb watching them and looking pretty pleased with themselves.

  “Sorry, we had some things to clean up.” The couple joined them, sitting on the far end of the couch.

  “Yeah, I bet.” Steve smirked.

  Stefan pointed at the screen. “Dory!”

  They watched the rest of the movie and then Julia told them she had to get Logan home. Steve walked her out, holding a sleeping Logan. Julia opened the car and she took Logan and put him in his car seat. Steve walked her to her car door and she stopped and turned around.

  “Well, thank you. It was really nice meeting you, Steve. Please tell Heath and Caleb thank you again.”

  “I will. I was wondering, and I hope I’m not being too forward, but I would like to take you out, if that’s okay?”

  Julia’s legs almost went out from under her. Steve Soloman was asking her out on a date? If he only knew how many nights she had fantasized about going out with him ... making love to him … feeling his lips on hers.

  “Julia?” Steve searched her eyes. Had he asked too soon?

  “Oh, I’m sorry! Yes, that would be good.”

  Steve sighed with relief. “You scared me for a second. I thought maybe you didn’t like me like that.”

  Julia had to keep her mouth shut. Was he insane? “No, of course I like you.”

  “You don’t think I’m some dumb jock?”

  Julia smiled and touched his hand. “No, I know you’re not. Goodnight, Steve.”

  Steve watched her car as it drove away and became aware of a presence next to him. He glanced over at Heath.

  “So …”

  “I asked her out,” Steve admitted.

  “Yeah? What did she say?”

  “She said ‘yes’.”

  “Look, Steve, you’re my best friend, and I’m glad you like Julia. But having a kid changes things. What if this becomes serious? You live in Boston and Julia lives here.”

  “Then you make sacrifices, Heath. If anything comes of this, I would never abandon Julia and Logan.”

  “So, you really like her then?”

  “Don’t play innocent, Heath Youngblood. I know what you’re up to.”

  “Who? Me?”

  “Yeah, drop it, Dimples. I’m not fooled by your angelic face.” Steve smiled and went inside to kiss Stefan and tell Caleb goodnight.

  Chapter Seven

  Charlie paced nervously. Michael’s surgery was today and she was on pins and needles waiting for him to come back from his latest CT scan.

  “Wow, how many energy drinks did you have?” Michael eyed her from the doorway.

  “Oh shut up.” Charlie walked over, smiled at the nurse and took over pushing the wheelchair to his bed. She helped him out of the chair and into bed.

  “I love it when you’re forceful.” Michael flashed his signature lopsided grin.

  “Stop looking at me like that!” Charlie snapped at him.

  “Whoa, Nellie! What the hell? The batteries die in your toy or something?”

  “Oh, that’s a good one, Michael. This is serious!”

  “Hey, it’s your dad operating; why are you so riled up?” Michael cocked an eyebrow. “No confidence in your father?”

  “Of course I have confidence in my dad! He’s the best.”

  “Then what is it, little Charlie Y?”

  “Don’t call me that.”

  “Jesus, who shit in your Wheaties?”

  “Dammit, Michael!” Charlie sighed and sat on the bed. “Can’t you be serious for two seconds?”

  Michael’s face was stoic, then he broke out into a grin. “How was that?”

  Charlie put her hand to her forehead and sighed.

  Michael searched her face. He could tell she was worried and had done her best to cover it up. He took her hand and she glanced up.

  “I’ll be fine,” he reassured her.

  Charlie relished Michael’s warm skin against her own. The feelings she had for him hit her so hard she almost fell off the bed. She hadn’t felt this way in a long time. She knew she shouldn’t be, but she was scared for Michael. The way he was looking at her right now made her heart race and she so badly wanted to kiss him just once.

  Charlie was so beautiful it made Michael’s eyes hurt. He’d known she was involved with the doctor in Boston; he could tell the way the man acted around her. But he had an idea that the relationship had ended. For one, Dr. Thomas had not traveled with them to Forth Worth; secondly, Dr. Youngblood had taken over his case and, finally, even while they were still in Boston — and around Dr. Thomas — Charlie spent every free moment she had with Michael. The way she was looking at him right now made him want to kiss her. And he had a feeling she wanted the same.

  “Oh, to hell with it.” Michael leaned forward and gently touched his lips to Charlie’s. He kissed her softy and pulled away slowly, waiting for the slap he was sure was coming.

  Charlie’s eyes were still closed and Michael ran his thumb over her lips.

  “Why did you do that?” she whispered.

  “I wanted to see if you had gotten any better at it.”

  They both heard a short cough and noticed Jordan and Morgan were in the doorway.

  “Should we come back?” Morgan inquired, eyebrow raised.

  “Yep, and put the ‘do not disturb’ sign on the door, please.” Michael’s face broke out into a grin and Charlie sighed in frustration.

  “Well, we’re ready for you, Michael. A surgical team will be in to get you prepped. Charlie, can I speak with you, please?” Jordan motioned for her to come into the hallway.

  “I’ll be back, okay?” She squeezed Michael’s hand.

  “Oh, I know you will. You can’t help yourself.” Michael grinned.

  “Ugh!” Charlie left with Jordan.

  Morgan sat down next to the bed and looked at his son. “I have something I need to tell you.”

  “Yeah, were you a woman in another life?”

  “Very funny, Michael.”

  Jordan was in the hallway talking to Charlie, and she was very upset.

  “Why, Dad?”

  “You’re too close to this, Charlie. You can observe but you won’t be anywhere near Michael in the operating room.”

  “Why are you doing the surgery then? You’re close to this, too.”

  “I’m not in love with the patient, Charlie.” Jordan palmed her face.

  “Why does everyone keep saying that?”

  Jordan sighed. For someone so smart she was seemingly ignorant of the truth right in front of her. Even as kids, Charlie and Michael were inseparable. Every summer Michael would stay with them and he and Charlie did everything together.

  “Come on, we need to make sure everything’s ready.”

  Charlie went back to Michael’s room and found him half-conscious.

  “I’ll be with you the whole time, okay?” she whispered.

  Michael nodded and his eyes closed. She glanced at Morgan and Robert, her heart breaking for the fear they must feel.

  “Take care of him.” Robert hugged her.

  “I will, Uncle Robert. I will.”

  The surgery had been going very well. Jordan had removed the tumor and was cleaning up around the area when he spotted a bleeder.

  “Dammit!” He searched for the source and began to get frustrated, though he remained calm.

  “Daddy —” Charlie sat in the far corner and watched Michael’s heart rate and blood pressure drop.

  Jordan was trying desperately to find the bleeder and his eye finally caught it.<
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  “Daddy, hurry!”

  “Get out, Charlie.” Jordan clamped the bleeder.


  “Nurse Richey, take my daughter out of here now.” Jordan continued to work as the nurse led Charlie from the room.

  He finished up and when he went to clean up, he found Charlie outside the scrub room.

  “What the hell were you thinking?! You NEVER interrupt, question me or my abilities in the operating room, or distract me when my hands are in someone’s brain. My operating room protocol is very rigid for a reason. This is why I didn’t want you in there!”

  “I’m sorry, Daddy!” Charlie burst into tears and Jordan’s anger deflated. He hugged her.

  “Charlie, I have the best surgical team in the country. I promise you that someone was monitoring every one of Michael’s vitals. They know their jobs almost as well as I know mine.” He smiled slightly to tease her.

  “Look, Michael’s okay. I got the tumor, with clean margins. We had a small complication, but he should be just fine. It may take a while for him to fully come out of it, but I have sedated him for his own good.”

  “For how long?”

  He wiped her tears. “A few days, just to give his body time to recuperate.”

  “I’m sorry, Daddy, I really am. I know that you’re the best and I should have never said anything.”

  “Hey, you love the guy.” Jordan smiled and hugged his daughter.

  “Will you all please stop with the ‘love’ talk?”

  “Uh huh. I’m going to talk to Morgan and Robert.” Jordan left and Charlie went into Michael’s room.

  She sat in the chair and took his hand. “I’m here, Michael.”

  She watched his chest rise and fall. Even with his bald spot he was gorgeous. She eyed his hand; his long fingers had tiny scars on them from the multiple burns he had gotten cooking in his restaurant. He had movie-star good looks and, even sick, his sense of humor was endless. Even in the face of death he had maintained his love for life.

  “I’ll be right here.” Charlie smoothed his hair back.

  Jordan, Robert and Morgan watched from the window.

  “I have a feeling we’ll be related someday, Jordan.” Morgan put his arm around him.

  “Damn, Morgan. Way to ruin my day,” Jordan chuckled.


  Steve was on his way to pick up Julia from Heath and Caleb’s. They had agreed to watch Logan while Steve took Julia out. He had racked his brain trying to figure out where they should go and had finally come up with something he thought she would like. He just hoped she wouldn’t think it was stupid. He pulled up in front of the house and rang the doorbell repeatedly.

  “I knew it was you. You’re so damned childish, Steve.” Heath grinned.

  Julia came around the corner and smiled. “Hey.”

  “You ready?” Steve lit up at the sight of her. She had on jeans with winter boots and a jacket.

  “Yep. You said dress warmly, so I did.”

  They got in the car and talked about football for the whole drive.

  Steve pulled into the parking lot and Julia laughed. “Oh my God, really? I always wanted to come but I never had a babysitter!” Julia bounced in the car seat.

  “Really? I thought maybe it was cheesy,” Steve admitted.

  Julia grinned. His cheeks were red and he looked so damned adorable. “It’s perfect.” She kissed his cheek and got out of the car.

  Steve rubbed his cheek, grinning goofily.

  “Hey, you coming?” Julia looked like she needed to pee she was so excited.

  They walked into the stadium and found their seats. Steve got hot chocolate for both of them and some popcorn. He sat down next to her, making sure his good arm was by her side. He watched her leg bounce up and down as the game started and the players ran down the field to receive the opening kick. Throughout the game they both were shouting and laughing.

  “Wow, you really like football,” Steve observed. She looked like she had ants in her pants; she couldn’t sit still the whole game.

  “You should see me on Super Bowl Sunday.” Julia smiled.

  “I hope I get to.”

  “Me, too.”

  Fort Worth University won and Steve took Olivia to Sal’s for a shake and a burger. They sat at a booth and Steve watched her drink her shake; she was definitely not a prissy ‘I only eat salads’ girl. She loved food and didn’t hide the fact she had a healthy appetite.

  “So, did you have fun?” Steve grinned. She was sucking the life out of her shake.

  “I did! I always wanted to go to the football game, but you know, with Logan things are hard sometimes. I didn’t really trust anyone to watch him until now.”

  “Well, you have awesome babysitters.”

  “Yeah, I love Heath and Caleb. Was it weird when you found out your best friend was gay?”

  “In a sense, yeah. I’d always seen him go out with girls. I wish he had said something to me sooner; I would have tried to help him, be there for him.”

  “That’s because you’re a good guy.”

  “Good enough for a second date?” Steve took her hand.

  Their eyes met and Julia felt a rush of adrenaline. The way he was looking at her made her insides do flips and her hands sweat.

  “I’m going to be honest with you.”

  Steve sighed. “You really don’t like me in that way, huh?”

  “Okay, as embarrassing as this is, I’m going to be truthful. I have had a crush on you for the longest time. I watched every game they had on TV. I followed your football career, read every article you’ve ever been in and have fantasized about you on more than one occasion. Mostly at night, if you get my drift.”

  Steve’s mouth was hanging open. He certainly didn’t think that was what she was going to say. He looked at her eyes and she was smiling, a slight tinge of pink on her cheeks from her admission.


  “So I think the question of whether I like you has been answered.”

  “Yes, in spades.”

  “I freaked you out, didn’t I?”

  “No, not at all. I have a groupie,” Steve chuckled.

  They finished up and Steve drove to the edge of town. They parked on the hill overlooking the city lights. Julia was smiling out at the lights and she looked so beautiful. She turned and looked at him.

  “If someone had told me I’d be parked at ‘Make-out Point’ with Steve Soloman one day, I would have had them committed.” She laughed and sat back in the seat.

  “Can I kiss you?”

  “I’d be offended if you didn’t.”

  Steve turned in his seat and palmed her face. He let his fingers run into her hair and pulled her in slowly. Their lips met and Julia moaned softy when his tongue parted hers. She moved in her seat to get closer and Steve pulled her in, deepening the kiss, his tongue searching her mouth, tasting her slowly.

  The windows fogged up and their breathing became louder. Julia found his skin under his shirt and ran her hands up his smooth chest. Her hands brushed his nipples. Steve moaned and kissed her harder. She let her hands drift down his sides and heard a gasp.

  “Oh God, I’m sorry! I forgot about your ribs.” Julia pulled away.

  Steve panted, and it wasn’t from the pain. He was so turned on right now. He wanted to throw Julia into the back seat. Damn dislocated shoulder.

  “No, I’m okay but I think I should get you back. It’s getting late.” Steve checked the time; it was almost eleven.

  “You’re right. I have to get Logan in bed.”

  They made it back to Heath and Caleb’s to find Logan fast asleep on Stefan’s bed. Stefan was at the top and Logan was on the other end.

  “They had a busy night,” Caleb informed them.

  “I don’t have the heart to move him.” Julia smiled down at her son.

  “You don’t have to. You’re more than welcome to stay here tonight. The couch in the living room pulls out into a bed. You guys have fun?”

  Steve glanced at Julia. “Yes, we did.”

  Heath gave Julia blankets and a pillow and pulled the couch.

  Julia eyed Steve. He was putting on a good show, but he was tired and sore. “Why don’t you stay, too? It’s late and you look tired.”

  “Yeah, Steve, you look exhausted.” Heath waggled his eyebrows.

  “Um, sure.” Steve glared at Heath. It was so obvious what he was up to.

  “Well, Caleb and I are off to bed. See you in the morning.” Heath winked and took Caleb’s hand.

  Julia watched as Steve attempted to remove his sling. She laughed and approached him. “Here, let me do it.” She helped him pull it off, then she took his good arm out of the shirt. She gently pulled it off and took it down his bad arm.

  He stood shirtless in jeans and Julia forced her mouth to stay shut. “Thanks. It’s usually Mom helping me.” Steve smiled and sat on the edge of the bed.

  “I can get your shoes, too.” Julia untied his shoes, removed them and glanced up. “Do you want to keep your jeans on?”

  “Well, I’m wearing boxers. If you’re not opposed to lying in bed with a boxer-clad man, I’d rather take them off.”

  “Were you not listening to me at Sal’s?” She smiled as he stood up and she unbuttoned his pants. Her fingers brushed his stomach and he sighed. She looked up at him and smiled. “Been a while?”

  Julia took his pants off and his cock hardened instantly at her proximity. “Oh Jesus, I swear he has a mind of his own.” Steve blushed crimson.

  “Should I be flattered or has it been that long?”

  “It’s been a while for me, but I don’t think that’s all it is.” Steve locked eyes with her. “I really want to kiss you again.”

  “I really want you to,” Julia whispered, she eyed him half-naked and her thighs ached.

  “Okay, but we should get in the bed because I’m a little cold now.” She was still fully dressed.

  “Oh!” Julia laughed and went around to her side. She took her pants off, very aware that Steve was watching. She turned off all the lights and climbed into the bed. Fall temperatures in Fort Worth dropped quickly during the day. The fire in the fireplace was mostly for ambience, but it provided comfortable warmth and illuminated the room nicely.


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