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Karma Page 11

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Impressed?” Michael winked.

  “Michael, I love you,” Charlie whispered.

  “I love you, too.”

  A loud cough sounded from below them and Michael froze. “Shit.”

  “Do I want to know what you are doing up there?” Jordan called up at the tree house.

  “Um, talking?” Michael called down and Charlie giggled.

  “You’re not fondling my daughter are you, Michael?”

  Michael’s hand came off Charlie’s breast as if it were on fire. “Um, no.”

  “So if I came up there?”

  “Daddy, we’ll be right down!” Charlie yelled as she blew out the candle.

  They descended the ladder, noticing that Morgan had joined Jordan. It was obvious as to what they had been doing, but Jordan and Morgan played it off.

  “So, get the conversation out of the way?” Morgan cocked a brow.

  “Yes, it was very —” Michael looked at Charlie, “deep and meaningful.”

  “Is that so?” Jordan looked one to the other.

  “Yes, we admitted we love each other.” Charlie smiled and took Michael’s hand.

  Morgan and Jordan exchanged looks and chuckled, heading back towards the house

  Charlie tilted her head. “That’s it?”

  Morgan turned back. “You didn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know.”

  “Yeah. And, Michael, button your pants, please.” Jordan tossed over his shoulder as he returned to the house.

  “Oh shit!” Michael hurriedly buttoned his pants.

  They walked back to the house, holding hands. Charlie caught Julia’s eye right away as they entered the living room. Julia bounced up and grabbed Charlie’s hand, pulling her to the back bedroom.

  “You had sex!” Julia giggled.

  “How do you know? Wait, no I didn’t” Charlie blushed.

  “I can tell.” Julia smiled and hugged her. “You love him. Admit it!”

  “I do love him, very much.” Charlie dropped onto the bed.

  “You should see your face. You’re all dreamy eyed and in la-la land.”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “Michael’s face told me everything I need to know. I’m so happy for the two of you.”

  “Thanks, Julia.” Charlie grinned. She knew her future sister-in-law would prove to be a very valuable friend.

  “I want in on this,” Isabelle laughed as she came into the room.

  “Julia?” Steve knocked on the door.


  “Logan’s getting tired. We should get him back and in bed; it’s getting late.”

  “Okay, I’ll be right there.” Julia smiled at Charlie and Isabelle. “We are SO having lunch!”

  “You’re on.” Charlie pursed her lips and watched Julia leave.

  “I like her.” Isabelle smiled. “She’s got spunk!”


  Paul and Mark were on their way to Paris. Paul surprised him by announcing side trips to Italy and Ireland. Paul wanted Mark to see his homeland. After landing, they went straight to their hotel. Mark’s eyes widened at the opulence of the lobby.

  “Welcome to Hotel De Crillon.”

  Paul spoke to the man in perfect French as Mark looked on, stunned.

  “What? Okay, I speak French. I also speak Italian and Gaelic.”

  “No wonder we’re going to Italy and Ireland.”

  A uniformed bellhop showed them to their room. Mark dropped onto the king size bed and gawked at the room. It was palatial.

  Paul tipped the bellhop and faced Mark, rubbing his hands together. “What do you want to do first?”

  Mark pulled him down to the bed and kissed him. “Make love to me. Right now!” he demanded.

  “Well, shit!”


  The McKinley family was basking in the sunny Bahamas. Tanner raced Josh to the beach the minute they checked in. It was surprisingly quiet and secluded. Tanner dove headlong into breaking waves and surfaced laughing. Josh watched him swim; he could see everything because the blue water was so clear. He waded in and grabbed his boyfriend, wrapping him in a hug and kissing him sweetly.

  “Mmm, I love you,” Josh breathed between kisses.

  Tanner wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him back. He wrapped his legs around Josh’s waist as they went into deeper water. Josh’s squeezed his ass and Tanner responded with a long moan.

  “You drive me crazy.” Tanner plastered him with kisses.

  “I see a little alcove over there, covered in trees.” Josh waggled his brows.

  Tanner let go and swam for it as quickly as he could. Josh was catching up when they finally made it to shore. They walked into the trees until they could no longer see water.

  “I want you to make love to me, Tanner.”

  The request startled Tanner. He knew what that meant. Josh was very self-conscious about his body, and after having been molested, Tanner knew it took a lot for Josh to trust someone to be that intimate with him.

  “Are you sure?” Tanner palmed his face. “I know what it takes for you …”

  Josh cut him off with a kiss and took him down to the soft grass. He pulled Tanner’s bathing suit off and spit in his own hand. He spread the saliva all over Tanner’s hard cock.

  “Yes. I’m sure. I love you, Tanner. I want to feel you inside me.”

  Tanner crawled between his legs and lined up. His arms were shaking as he studied Josh’s face. “I don’t know …”

  “You can do it. I trust you.”

  Between the two of them, they’d lubed not only Tanner, but Josh as well.

  Tanner pushed in slowly. Josh moaned as the tip of the dick passed the threshold of muscle. Tanner kept his eyes on Josh the whole time, inching in slowly until his dick filled him completely. He held himself there for a few minutes willing away the urge to come. This was special. Not only was it his first time to top, but it signaled Josh’s acceptance of him, letting him make love to him.

  His heart was racing and Josh clamped down on him.

  “Josh …”

  “It’s okay. Just go slow, all right?”

  Tanner nodded and withdrew slowly. Josh pulled him down again and they kissed slowly, their tongues moving languidly as Tanner made love to Josh. There were no words, just quiet moans and the sounds of soft kissing and heavy breathing.

  Tanner felt Josh tremble and knew he was getting ready to come. He shoved in deep one last time and his orgasm hit. He moaned in Josh’s mouth as it hit him in waves. His whole body trembled and Josh’s orgasm hit his chest and stomach. He propped above Josh, inhaling deep breaths and dropping light kisses on his lips.

  “I want you with me always, Tanner.”

  “I’ll always be with you. You’re in my heart and my soul.”

  “I love you more than anything. You know that, right?” Josh palmed his face.

  “I love you, too.” Josh pulled him in deeper. Tanner was still inside him and now he had softened. He pulled out carefully and lay on his back.

  “I say we make love every night we’re here.” Josh smiled and took his hand.

  “I’d go for every hour.”

  “Oh, to be young.” Josh smiled and pulled him on top of him again.

  “Yes, you’re so old, Josh.” Tanner kissed him and felt a slap on his ass.

  “I’ll race you back, youngin’!”

  “You’re on, Grandpa!”

  Chapter Eleven

  After a week in Paris and another week in Italy, Mark was exhausted. Paul dragged him out every day to see the sights. Mark had never been to Europe and he drank in everything. He was thankful that Paul had obviously been there before. They visited the Leaning Tower of Pisa and then boarded their flight to Ireland. They landed in Dublin and Paul drove them, for hours it seemed, before they came up on a small town that elicited a gasp from Mark. They pulled up to a tiny pub and Paul held his hand and they entered.

  “Well, lookie here!” An older man came around
and hugged Paul tightly. “If it isn’t wee Paul Greystone!”

  “Angus.” Paul smiled and hugged him back. “I’d like you to meet Mark Andrews.”

  “Ah, the one who managed to steal young Paul’s heart, eh?” he looked at Mark’s hand. “And he’s got the Claddagh to prove it!”

  Paul smiled at the look on Mark’s face.

  “Greystone — this town is Greystones.”

  “My family founded this town.”

  Paul spoke to Angus in Gaelic and he smiled, went around to the office and came back with a key.

  “She’s all yours.”

  “Thanks, Angus.”

  “Why doncha stay for a pint?”

  “You up for a Guinness?” Paul winked at Mark.

  “Never had one.”

  “Oh shite, Paul! You’ll be pickin’ him up off the floor, fer sure.”

  Paul laughed and they took seats at the bar. All night, patrons came over and said hello to Paul; it was as if the whole town knew him. Mark laughed at the stories they told of Paul as a child. The beer was hitting him hard; it was so thick he only managed to drink one. Paul, on the other hand, didn’t seem to have any trouble drinking multiple pints.

  “I think yer man’s had it.” Angus nodded to Mark, who was pie-eyed and listing precariously to the left.

  “I think you’re right.” Paul grinned.

  “Well, get yerselves to the cottage, boy, and take care of ʼim.’” Angus smiled and patted Paul on the back. “It’s good to see you, lad.”

  “It’s good to see you, too, Angus; it’s been too long.”

  “I miss yer mother. Her smile could light up a whole room.”

  “I know. I miss her, too.”

  “She’s here, ya know. Everywhere, along with yer pa. Make sure ya swing by and give them a hello.”

  “I will, Angus. We will see you soon.”

  Paul picked up Mark, carried him to the car and put him in the seat. He drove down narrow streets until he saw the cottage. He had spent a lot of time here with his parents. They came to Ireland for vacation every year. Paul hadn’t been back until now, he just couldn’t. His parents were buried here and that was the last time he had set foot in Greystones.

  He opened the door and turned on the light. Nothing had changed. He made his way to his old room and gently put Mark down on the bed, undressing him and putting him under the covers.

  Mark barely opened his eyes. “That wush beer?” he slurred.

  “That’s Irish beer, babe.” Paul brushed his hair back.




  “I love you.”

  “Loveyoutoooo. Sho much.” Mark rolled over and passed out.

  Paul looked down at the man he loved. He loved him so much it hurt sometimes. He stepped into the tiny living room and studied the pictures. He found one of him with his parents at a festival. His mother was smiling; she looked like an angel. He went to his bag and pulled out a picture of him and Mark in tuxedos at a Santorno Foundation charity function. He put it on the mantel and smiled. It felt right. He would take Mark out tomorrow to see the sights of Ireland. He hoped Mark would love it as much as he did.


  Jay dragged Greg all over New York City. They stopped at Gray’s Papaya for a hot dog and Greg had never tasted anything so good. They covered Manhattan, and Greg was surprised to see how well Jay knew his way around. He dragged him to Times Square, Central Park, the Empire State Building and The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Greg was exhausted. They returned to the apartment and Jay laughed as Greg collapsed on the couch.

  “Oh, my God.” Greg took his shoes off and rubbed his feet.

  “I think it’s funny how people can live here their whole lives and never see half the shit we saw today. Go ask any New Yorker and they’ll tell you.”

  “I’m not moving, Jay. You go ask them and let me know what they say.” Greg flopped back and laughed.

  Jeremy came home with a large bag of Chinese food. “How are my boys?”

  “I think I wore Greg out,” Jay admitted.

  “Okay, that one needs some explaining.” Jeremy arched a brow.

  “I took him sightseeing, Dad.” Jay rolled his eyes.

  “Ah.” Jeremy smiled at Greg, who looked half-dead.

  They sat around the fireplace and Jeremy told them about his newest case as they ate. Jay mentioned that he had moved Greg into the Reynolds home.

  “I’m glad. You shouldn’t have to worry about going home, Greg. Your mother wasn’t a nice person even when I knew her. I’m so sorry.”

  “I appreciate you taking me in, Mr. Reynolds.”

  “There’s nothing to thank me for. My son is happy, and you’re a good man.”

  “Thank you.” Greg ducked his head.

  “All right, now I must say goodnight. I have an early court appearance tomorrow. You boys make yourselves at home.”

  Jeremy went off to bed and Jay turned on the TV and pulled Greg into his chest as they watched. Jay heard Greg’s soft breathing and realized he had fallen asleep. He moved himself to a prone position and then hugged Greg into his chest. He kissed his forehead.

  “It’s my turn to watch over you,” he whispered.


  Mark woke up with tiny leprechauns jumping and banging on his head with not-so-tiny hammers. At least, that’s what it felt like. He took a hot shower and entered the kitchen to find a bottle of aspirin and a note from Paul letting him know he had made coffee and would be back with breakfast.

  Mark took his mug and explored the cozy cottage. There were pictures of Paul and his parents everywhere. His mother was beautiful and Paul looked exactly like his dad. His eye caught the picture of him and Paul and he smiled and ran his finger over it. He returned to the kitchen and sat down. He figured he was in Paul’s family home. Everything was probably the way it had always been, as if they were coming back at any moment.

  Mark loved it here already.


  Paul sat on the ground, leaned over and placed white roses in front of a double gravestone.

  “I’m so sorry I haven’t been back here in so long. I miss you both so much.” Paul ran his hand over the gravestone. “I’m in love, Mom, and it’s just as you said it would be. I would do anything for him. I’d protect him with my life. When you and Dad died, I just wanted to be left alone. When Mark came into my life, it lessened the pain. I hope I make you proud. I wish you could meet him.”

  “You do make them proud.” Angus came up behind him and Paul jumped up. “She sees everything, Paul. They are watching over you. Don’t ya feel the wind?”

  Paul did feel a breeze in his hair. He closed his eyes and saw his mother’s smile, heard his father’s loud laugh.

  “They loved ya, Paul, with everything they had. Yer mother couldn’t be more proud of you, and your father — well, you’re the spittin’ image of him. They adored you. They still do.”

  “You come here a lot?” Paul motioned to a bouquet of pink flowers near the stone.

  “Every week.”

  “Thanks, Angus.” Paul hugged him.

  “Don’t forget to bring yer lad up here.”

  “I won’t.” Paul smiled and headed back.

  He found Mark at the table and hugged him hard.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Mark held him tightly.

  “Yeah. Let’s eat, and then I want to take you somewhere.”

  They ate quickly and then Paul drove them to Mount Usher Gardens. Paul went inside the pay their admission. He wore a huge grin when he returned.

  “What are you up to?”

  “My mother loved it here.”

  Paul tugged Mark by the hand and they started down the path. The gardens were breathtaking in their beauty; Mark hadn’t seen anything like it. They ended up beside a river near the entrance, and Paul took Mark’s hands in his. He kissed him softly.

  “I had a reason for giving you that ring, Mark.” Paul searched his eyes.

  Mark’s heart galloped. He knew what was coming just by looking into Paul’s’ eyes.

  “I love you. I’ll always love you.” Paul got down on one knee and Mark couldn’t hold back; he started crying.

  “You make me a better man. Will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?”

  Mark nodded his head. “Yes! I’ll marry you,” he whispered brokenly.

  They heard shouting and whistling from the building and Paul laughed as he picked Mark up and swung him around.

  “You have a date in mind?” Paul smiled and put him back on his feet.

  “Tomorrow too soon?” Mark hugged him tight.

  “I was hoping you’d say that.” He whistled loudly and Mark’s parents rushed out of the main building.

  “Oh my God!” Mark glanced at Paul. “What did you do?”

  “I flew them out here last week for a vacation. And there are some more surprises.”

  Stefan and Jordan appeared right behind them, followed by Damon and Tyler.

  “Hey, I hear there’s an Irish wedding afoot!” Damon smiled and hugged Mark.

  “You’ve all been here?” Mark’s mouth dropped open.

  “Hell, we figured if you said no we’d at least get a vacation out of it!” Tyler hugged him. “I’m so happy for you both.”

  “When Paul came to ask for your hand in marriage, it was so romantic.” Mark’s mother teared up.

  Paul took Mark’s hands. “I figured we’d start the ceremony at eleven fifty and finish at midnight. We’ll be married by January 1st. Are you okay with that?”

  “Yes! Everything is perfect!”


  Charlie and Michael had the whole house to themselves and Michael had taken full advantage of it. Right now he was walking around naked, his only stitch of clothing was a sock hanging from his cock. He walked in to the kitchen where Charlie had her back turned, making dinner. He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

  “Hey, sexy.” He kissed her cheek.

  “What are you doing?” Charlie turned around and eyed his sock-covered cock. “Really?”

  “What?” Michael shook his lower half and the sock hit his thighs.


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