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Karma Page 12

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Go put some clothes on!” Charlie laughed and snatched off the sock.

  “Oh, come on. It’s just the two of us.” Michael pulled her in close and kissed her softly.

  “I’m trying to make dinner, Michael.” Charlie’s hands went to his ass. She could tell he had begun working out again.

  “Okay, how about I make dinner, since it’s what I’m good at?”

  Charlie looked at his cock. “Among other things.” She winked at him.

  “So you admit I’m good?”

  Charlie grabbed his hard cock and squeezed. “Clothes. Now.”

  “Ow! Okay okay. I’m going.” Michael shook his ass as he walked.

  Charlie eyed his backside as he wiggled away. He was so damned adorable. He could be a pain in the ass, but she loved him for it.

  They talked over dinner and Michael asked if she would come to Boston with him to tie up loose ends at the restaurant.

  “I can do that.” Charlie took his hand.

  “I’ll cook for you, how’s that?”

  “Did I not do well?” Charlie eyed dinner. She knew the roast was a bit dry, but cooking wasn’t her strong suit.

  “You do brains, I’ll do food. We can’t all be good at everything, but I love the fact that you tried. And it’s a good thing I love a doctor.”

  “Oh really, why’s that?”

  “Because when the food poisoning hits later you’ll know what to do.”

  “Michael!” Charlie threw her napkin at him.


  Quinn had a beautiful view of Jason at the beach. His muscles flexed as he tried to surf; it was cute, really. He would finally get up on the board just in time for a rolling wave to knock him off. At least he was trying. They had the met the parents earlier and Quinn’s mother had taken him aside to tell him she approved. Jason had no problem charming the pants off his parents, and he was pretty sure his little sister was in love. She couldn’t stop staring at Jason all through dinner. Jason took it in stride, even saying how beautiful she was and she would have men banging the door down when she was ready.

  Jason made it up on the board again and rode a small wave in. He laughed as he hit the sand. He unhooked the surfboard from his ankle and walked up the beach to where Quinn was sitting. Jason fell onto the towel. His breathing was heavy and he had small grains of sand stuck to him that shone in the sun.

  “So — how did I do?” Jason asked.

  “You did very well for your first time. I think a few more lessons are in order though, mate.” Quinn leaned over, running the palm of his hand over Jason’s abs.

  “You’re a very good teacher.”

  Quinn leaned in and took Jason’s lips in a soft kiss. Jason’s hand gripped his nape, pulling him in closer. Their tongues met and Quinn moaned. He was completely turned on; the way Jason kissed him was so erotic.

  “I’m thinking we may want to get in the water.” Quinn jumped to his feet, pulling Jason behind him.

  They waded into the ocean holding hands. Once they reached deeper water, Quinn pulled him in close and slid his hand inside Jason’s trunks to grip his dick. Jason returned the favor as they stroked each other in chest-high water. Hands moved furiously and they attacked each other’s mouth as they both released. Jason came hard, rocking into Quinn who was already coming as well.

  “Having fun?” Quinn smiled and kissed him lightly.

  “Best vacation ever.”


  Josh and Tanner hit the beach for a party. The music was loud and the tiki bar was crowded. Tanner watched clusters of women hit on Josh. He would smile each time and tell them he was gay. They didn’t seem to care; they just wanted to touch him and Tanner couldn’t blame them. When they asked him to dance, Tanner would nod his okay. He wasn’t jealous. He knew Josh loved him and wasn’t into women at all — but Josh would seek his assent first. It was so sweet. He watched as one woman really let her hands wander — down to his ass. Josh glanced over at him in astonishment.

  He returned to Tanner after the song was finished, and walked him to the dance floor. He held him in his arms as the band played a slow song. Tanner pressed his cheek against Josh’s bare chest as they swayed back and forth. He listened to the strong heartbeat beneath and closed his eyes as muscular arms came around him. They danced for hours before walking down the beach collecting shells in the moonlight. They found a secluded spot and Josh made love to him tenderly. They snuggled in the sand, out of breath and holding hands.

  “I could stay here forever,” Josh whispered.

  “Let’s make it a yearly thing. We’ll come here and make love on the beach.”

  Josh pulled Tanner on top of him and kissed him. They ended up rolling over again and Josh kissed his neck, followed the jawline and took his mouth. They made out for a long time and Tanner wrapped his legs around Josh.

  “Feels like someone’s in the mood for more,” Josh observed.

  “Always. I’m thinking we should hit the bed this time, though. We haven’t used it yet.”

  Josh smiled and pulled him up. “Bed it is.”


  Greg was trying to keep quiet as Jay made love to him in Central Park. They found an out-of-the-way place and Jay eyed him, stripped him and lay him on the grass. They were still at it and Greg was trying to hold onto his sanity. They would hear people walk by and Jay would shush him with his mouth, hitting his prostate at the same time and making him want to scream out in pleasure.

  “Please, Jay …” Greg pleaded to finally get the release he needed.

  Jay grinned and slammed in hard. Greg erupted beneath him and Jay fused their mouths together, trying to quiet him.


  Jay was breathing hard and trying to stay quiet at the same time. He pulled out slowly and rolled onto his back.

  “I love New York,” Greg sighed.

  Jay laughed. “I wish the Statue of Liberty was open; would love to make love to you up there.”

  “We haven’t done it in the Empire State building, either.”

  “That’s tomorrow!” Jay laughed.

  Greg pulled his pants on. “Come on let’s go get some pizza.”

  “Oh yeah, you’re a New Yorker all right.” Jay winked at him.


  Paul spent the day taking the group on a tour of one of the many castles found around Ireland. They made a trip to Limerick to visit Glin Castle. They toured the castle, and Paul filled them in on the background, adding that they would be staying for dinner.

  Damon couldn’t wrap his head around the sheer the size of the place. Tyler was smiling at one of the beds. “Look at this.”

  “Yeah, I can just see us getting arrested for having sex in a castle.” Damon grinned, not being able to hide that he was actually imagining it.

  “It’ll be a great story for our kids, though.” Tyler waggled his eyebrows.

  “Slut.” Damon hugged him.

  They ate dinner and talked about Ireland’s rich history. Paul had set them up in cottages in Greystones. The wedding was the next day, New Year’s Eve. They headed back to Greystones with a stop at the pub so they could meet Angus. Jordan and Paul drank the most, as Stefan gawked in wonderment as his husband downed pint after pint. Mark stayed away from the beer this time, but enjoyed the show as Damon and Tyler proceeded to drink themselves silly. They ended up singing Irish songs and laughing. Stefan took a very drunk Jordan back to their cottage and laughed when he fell into bed fully clothed.

  “We’re gonna have to come here for our annivershary, baby.” Jordan slurred and rolled over.

  Stefan laughed as he crawled into bed and pulled Jordan into him. “Yes, we will.”

  “Waddya shay we renew our vowsh here?” Jordan smiled goofily and palmed Stefan’s face.

  “I think that would be perfect, Jordan. I love you.” Stefan smiled at his drunken husband and kissed him softly.

  “I love you.”

  Stefan watched Jordan until he passed out. He looked so da
mned precious when he was drunk. He kissed him softly and nestled into his chest.

  Damon and Tyler passed out the minute they hit the bed and Paul laughed as he covered them both up. He locked the cottage on his way out, took Mark’s parents to their lodging and then they headed back to the cottage. Paul picked up Mark and carried him into the house.

  “We are not married yet, babe!”

  “I don’t care. I’ve always wanted to do that.” Paul smiled. “I’ll do it again tomorrow.”

  They made love and Paul kissed Mark tenderly, loving the feel of his soon-to-be husband beneath him, shaking with anticipation. Mark’s moans of pleasure turned Paul on more than usual, and it took everything he had not to finish up quickly. They sprawled on the bed afterwards making googly eyes at each other.

  Paul ran his fingers over Mark’s lips as his eyes closed. “I love you, Mark.”

  “Tomorrow I’ll be Mark Greystone,” Mark mumbled.

  “Really, baby, you want my last name?” Paul palmed his face.

  “I want all of you.”

  Paul pulled him in and hugged him tight. He caressed the sleeping face and kissed him gently. “I’m all yours. Always have been.”


  Charlie was impressed with Michael’s Boston restaurant. It was a classy place, but not so expensive that you had to be loaded to eat there. The minute she walked in, she noticed the wait staff consisted entirely of women. She raised an eyebrow at Michal and he smiled. They went into the kitchen and Michael talked with the head chef.

  Charlie wandered into his office. She looked at his desk and marveled at how neat and tidy is was. Everything was in order. As she moved around the office, she noticed the pictures on the desk. There was one of Robert and Morgan, a Youngblood family portrait and a picture of Michael and herself as kids. They looked about ten. Both were making a face at the camera. Charlie ran her hand over the frame and smiled.

  “You must be her.”

  There was a woman with very long blonde hair pulled into a ponytail and fierce blue eyes standing in the doorway.

  “I must be who?” Charlie narrowed her eyes.

  “The one. The reason Michael won’t date any of us. Ever.” She walked further into the room and eyed Charlie.

  “I don’t know about that.” Charlie walked over to the wall and eyed all the diplomas.

  “You are Charlie, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, that’s my name.”

  “Then, yeah, it is you. I hope you’re with him for good, because there are a lot of us who would love to have a crack at him.”

  Charlie sidled up to her. “I’m sorry, Miss Congeniality, I don’t believe you told me your name?”


  “Well, Debbie, I’m with him for good. So you can put your whip and chair up now.”

  “Ladies, ladies! Let’s all get along, shall we?” Michael stood somewhat uncertainly in the doorway.

  “I hope she’s what you really want, Michael.” Debbie stopped by the door and touched his face. “I won’t wait forever.”

  “That’s a good plan, Debbie.” Charlie’s smile was saccharine sweet. She walked over gracefully and kissed Michael hard. “Because I’m not giving him up.”

  Debbie gave her a dirty look and left in a huff. Michael closed the office door and faced Charlie.

  “Damn! I wish I had some Jell-O.”


  “Catfight with Jell-O. Awesome.”

  “Michael Stevens!” Charlie placed her hands on her hips.

  “Mmm, Charlie Youngblood.” Michael grabbed her and put her on his desk. “I’ve always wanted to have sex on my desk.”

  “Lock the door.” Charlie smiled.

  Michael’s eyebrows raised. “Seriously?”

  Charlie looked at her watch. “And the offer expires in 3, 2, —”

  Michael sprinted to the door and locked it. Charlie hiked her dress up and took off her panties and Michael unzipped his pants.

  “Shit! I don’t have anything in here.” Michael looked around.

  Charlie grabbed her purse and smiled as she pulled out a condom. “Need one of these?”

  “Oh, I love you.” Michael smiled and put it on. “Oh wait —”

  He pushed her back on the desk and threw her legs over his shoulders. He slid his hands down her thighs and put his hands under her ass. He pulled her up and buried his head between her legs.

  “SHIT!” Charlie almost flew off the desk.

  “Shhh! They’re going to think I’m killing you if you don’t shut up!” Michael smiled and went back to work.

  Charlie held onto the desk as Michael fucked her good and proper. It took everything she had not scream out loud. Afterward, they were draped on the desk, panting and sweaty.

  “Hungry?” Michael grinned, licking her neck.

  “What are you making?”

  “Besides love?”

  “Yes, besides that.” Charlie smiled and got up. She pulled her dress back down, tucked her panties in her purse, and fixed her hair.

  “I’ll make you whatever you want.”

  “Did you ever —?”

  “No. I never slept with any of them. It’s just smart business, Charlie. Good food and eye candy. Why do you think this place gets so much repeat business?”

  “She made it sound like you talked about me, a lot.”

  “Because I did.” Michael smiled and hugged her. “I never forgot about you. Not one day went by when I wasn’t thinking about little Charlie Y.”

  Charlie smiled she kissed him softly. “So, dinner?”

  “Is whatever you want it to be.”

  “Will you make Debbie wait on me?” Charlie smiled devilishly.

  “I will do whatever you want.”

  “Dangerous words, Mr. Stevens.”

  “I’m willing to take my chances.” Michael winked at her. “I did change my name for a reason.” Michael cocked a brow.

  “You’ll always be Michael Stevens to me.”

  Charlie chuckled. “Something tells me dinner will be kicked off with a heavy dash of jealous bitch.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Mark left a note for Paul and got directions to the cemetery from Angus. Now, as he stood in front of their headstone, he realized how much everyone loved them. Their gravesite was at the top of a hill with a view of the valley and ocean. Mark took a seat on the ground and lay the white roses down. He felt a slight breeze and smiled. Angus had told him that even on a calm day with not a lick of wind, he knew Paul’s parents were watching because they would send a small breeze to greet him. He ran his hand over the tombstone.

  “I know you know who I am, and I wish I could have met you both. You raised a wonderful son and I couldn’t be happier to be his future husband. He is everything to me, and I promise I will do my very best to make sure he’s happy for the rest of his life. I know you can see what a wonderful man he has become; he’s strong, brave, smart and caring. I’ll make sure we come back every year on our anniversary.”

  “It’s their anniversary, too,” Paul said from behind him.

  “It is?”

  “I hope that’s okay.” Paul dropped down beside him.

  “It’s more than okay. They were so in love, it has to be good luck.” Mark hugged him.

  “Aye, and the sun shines bright on you.” Paul mussed his hair. “That’s good luck as well.”

  Mark laughed at Paul’s Irish brogue. “Why don’t you talk like that when we’re making love?”

  “I can start.” Paul palmed his face and kissed him sweetly. “I have something for you. You don’t have to take it if you don’t want.” He produced a horseshoe and handed it to Mark. “Mom carried it on her wedding day; it’s for luck.”

  “I’d be honored, Paul. Any more Irish customs I need to be aware of?”

  Paul laughed. “Where do you want me to start? We won’t be participating in all of them.”

  “Well, tell me some of them.” Mark took his hand.

As they walked, Paul regaled him with some of the Irish traditions. He told him they would not be eating salt and oatmeal because Paul knew there would be no evil eye following them. Mark laughed and they headed back to the gravesite. As they kissed, a small breeze blew between them and Paul smiled.

  They were married at the Mount Usher Gardens, in the same spot Paul’s parents had married, at the same time. Mark couldn’t stop smiling as they took their vows. Paul had told him how much he loved him and was so happy to have Mark in his life. He looked into Mark’s eyes and recited the vows his parents had taken.

  “By the power that Christ brought from heaven, mayst thou love me. As the sun follows its course, mayst thou follow me. As light to the eye, as bread to the hungry, as joy to the heart, may thy presence be with me, oh one who I love, ʼtil death comes to part us asunder.”

  Mark took Paul’s hands. “It may not be as poetic, but I will love you for all the days I breathe. I will honor you and protect you. You’re my best friend, my life, my love.”

  Both smiled as a slight breeze blew between them, caressing them. Paul looked up. “Thank you,” he whispered.

  At exactly midnight, they were pronounced married and kissed each other thoroughly. New Year’s fireworks started popping and booming at the same time. The onlookers were on them in seconds. Mark’s mother was crying at how beautiful the ceremony was. She hugged Paul and told him he was the best thing to ever happen to her son. Paul did his best not to cry, but he was having limited success. He had love from all directions and he beamed with happiness. Mark took his hand and they headed to the car. They heard Angus yelling.


  The group laughed and walked together to the parking lot. When they got there, it seemed to Mark the whole town was there. There were many well-wishers, and Mark got plenty of hugs. He smiled and eyed his hand; the Claddagh ring shone bright.

  “Having seconds thoughts already?” Tyler asked, pulling Mark into an embrace.

  “Oh, hell no. Just amazed. I’m married!”


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