Arrogantly Obsessed: Those Malcolm Boys Book 3

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Arrogantly Obsessed: Those Malcolm Boys Book 3 Page 6

by KL Donn

  “You, Crew,” I whisper, looking up at him. “I just need you.”

  Our mouths gravitate towards each other. The kiss starts out sweet, exploring, but quickly moves to a frenzy of tangled tongues and harsh breathing. His hands swiftly move to my hips, picking me up and placing me in his lap. With just a long shirt on, there’s barely anything between us, and he takes full advantage, sweeping his hands around my back and down to grasp the globes of my ass.

  “So fucking soft,” he groans into my mouth as we break apart for air. I can feel the flush of redness creep up my neck and into my face. He kisses along my jaw and down my neck, and my fingers dive into his luscious hair. Tugging at the strands as he nibbles along my flesh.

  Emboldened by the desire I feel growing between his legs, my hips swipe forward and back, agonizingly slow, applying pressure across every part of me that wants him. His movements become more aggressive as I shift, raking his teeth up and down the side of my neck as his fingers grow increasingly more impatient.

  “Crew,” I gasp when I feel his hands moving lower, spreading me apart so his fingers can explore between my thighs.

  With a hoarse grunt, he confesses, “I need you, baby. Tell me you need me too?”

  Moaning out a “Yesssss,” Crew doesn’t hesitate to rip the thin fabric of my silk panties from my body and lift his hips into my apex.

  Tightening his hold on me, Crew stands without breaking contact with my neck and walks down the hallway to his room. We fall on the bed together with a moan as his impressive length presses harder into my folds. Breaking away from me, he drags my shirt up my body and tosses it behind him. Completely nude before him now, his eyes wash across every inch of flesh, and it feels like he’s touching me.

  Removing his own shirt and sliding his shorts down his hips, I barely catch a glimpse of his naked form before he’s back on me again with a slow, seductive kiss. Raking my nails up and down his sides, I lift my legs to sit on his hips. The heat of his length against me with no barriers makes me shiver uncontrollably.

  Dropping kisses down my body, between my breasts, he stops to suck on each nipple, pulling pleasure from my loins and making me throb everywhere, even after he pauses and continues his downward descent. From the first kiss just above my sex to the first swipe of his tongue, I can no longer think straight. My body is flying as he devours with long swipes of his tongue and deep kisses into my body. More thorough than before, Crew moans and groans like a dying man when my first orgasm hits.

  Lightheaded and seeing stars, my fingers hold his head to me so securely, I almost worry he can’t breathe. Except he keeps it up. He doesn’t stop licking and sucking on my flesh until a second wave of ecstasy hits, and I feel like I’m dying. When his fingers enter the mix, stretching me, massaging a secret spot inside my body, I pant and drop my legs to the sides. Too exhausted to do anything other than breathe, I meet Crew’s heated gaze, and I see so much promise there.

  For us, the future. Everything.

  “Are you ready for me, little phoenix?” Nodding because I can’t speak, he chuckles while crawling up my body.

  Whimpering as I feel the head of his cock at my entrance, I meet his gaze while he adjusts me how he wants. Wrapping one leg around his waist and lifting the other in the crook of his elbow. Using his other hand, Crew slowly slides his girth inside of me, and it’s what I imagine heaven feels like.

  “I can…” I stutter to get my words out. “I can feel the veins. They’re thick. Heavy. Pulsing.” I don’t know what brings me to say this; I just can’t stop it from escaping. “Oh god,” I moan as he continues to move with agonizing slowness. “You’re trying to punish me,” I accuse, a lazy smile playing at my lips, even as my eyes remain closed. Wanting to feel this entire experience.

  “No, baby, just own you. Every sweet inch of this pretty cunt of yours. The peaches and cream taste, the silky way you take me all the way in. I’m fucking addicted.” With one last aggressive shove of his hips, Crew fits exquisitely. “Fucking perfection,” he grunts, holding still.

  Needing more, I squeeze my internal muscles, and he slaps my thigh, shocking me into opening my eyes. Leaning up, I brazenly whisper, “Again,” watching as the lust pooling in his eyes grows darker, reaches deeper.

  His breathing turns savage as he does it again and again, gliding farther down my body, never hitting the same spot twice until he’s at my ass. “You’re a fucking dream, Delilah.”

  Wildly bucking his hips, I can already feel the threads of my orgasm beginning to unravel as he buries his face in my neck, sucking on the corded flesh. No doubt leaving a mark. As my final crest of pleasure hits, my nails scrape down his spine, and I let out a scream to rival all screams as I’m awashed in sweet carnal decadence.

  “I love you, Crew Malcolm.” I’m not sure if it’s the orgasm that gives me the courage to say it, but it’s true. I feel it to my bones. “I was always meant to belong to you.” His arrogant smirk as he drops a turbulent kiss on my lips warms my body into the perfect crescendo.


  * * *

  I’m the luckiest man in the fucking world as I watch Delilah sleep. I refused to allow her to put the blanket on because I want to stare at her. Admire the way the rise and fall of her chest jiggles her round tits. The twitch in her toes while she’s dreaming. Fucking better be of me. Brushing my finger tenderly across her belly, from hip to hip, she moans and turns her body towards me.

  When she confessed her love, I wanted so badly to say it back to her. I didn’t want her doubting for one second that what I feel for her isn’t encompassing and obsessive. But the truth is, I don’t love her. Not like she loves me.

  What I feel is more profound, fiercer. Just. More. It’s more than love, more than desire. And until I was nestled within her body, taking what rightfully belongs to me, I had no idea how deeply my addiction to her was. But it’s there now, sitting just below the surface. So extensive that I was jealous of a fucking blanket touching her flesh when all I want is for me to be touching her.

  Nobody and nothing else.

  The fact that she has to be dressed for work only serves to piss me off because there will be barriers, so I can’t admire and touch what’s mine. She’s going to think I’m fucking nuts when I toss out every pair of panties and every damn bra she owns.

  Leaning down, I kiss across her shoulder before rolling her to her side. Wrapping one arm under her neck and using the other to lift her leg and place it back on mine, I easily slip inside of her again. I know she’s going to be sore; she is so tiny compared to my overly large size, but I need inside of her. Not to fuck, not yet, but just to be.

  Holding her as tightly to me as I can, I breathe in her sweet scent and fall asleep with my dream in my arms. Her ass wiggles back into me as one hand seeks me out, and that’s how we fall asleep for the night and wake up in the morning. I’ve never slept so well in my life.

  Chapter 7


  Pounding on the door startles me from a sound sleep. Crew is wrapped around my body, and I can feel his cock resting inside of me. It’s weird but oddly reassuring. Knowing he wants to be so close settles the doubt in my heart after he didn’t reciprocate my proclamation last night. I know he feels deeply for me and hasn’t been shy about sharing it with me, but I have to wonder if maybe that’s the one thing that could make him run.

  “Whoever that is, is going to fucking die,” he groans as he rolls away from me. I miss his body heat already. Watching him slip into a pair of shorts, I sit up and search for my shirt from last night. Spying it tossed haphazardly on the dresser, I walk over and put it on.

  “What the fuck!” I hear Crew shout as there’s a loud crash and yelling.

  Rushing out to the living room, I’m hit with a flashback of when my father was captured and am momentarily stunned as I see Crew’s prone form pinned to the ground with an officer on his back placing handcuffs on his wrists while another reads him his rights.

  As yet another offi
cer removes his helmet and begins walking towards me, Crew bucks wildly. “Don’t fucking touch her! Stay the fuck away from her!” Another officer joins the fray, trying to secure Crew.

  “Stop it! You’re going to hurt him!” I cry, moving forward. Stopped by a hand on my arm that causes Crew to make the most animalistic sound I’ve ever heard before.

  “Stay back, miss,” the man says, and I glare over at him.

  “No! Why are you here? Why are you arresting him?” Pushing past the memories and panic, I keep my eyes on Crew’s. Needing him to see I’m in control and can handle whatever this is right now. He’s seething, nearly foaming at the mouth, and the closer this creep cop gets to me, the angrier he becomes.

  “The kidnapping and unlawful confinement of Delilah Henderson,” he says, and my jaw drops, nearly hitting the floor, I’m sure.

  “The hell he did,” I snap, giving him my complete attention now. “I’m Delilah Henderson, and I promise you, I’m here of my own free will.” I can feel every eye in the room on me now. “Who told you I was kidnapped?” Annoyance is beginning to take hold of me now.

  “We’ll get this figured out at the station,” the officer closest to me says, and my glare intensifies.

  Gazing between the men in the room, I know I’ll never win a fight here. “Fine, let me get dressed and him a shirt.”

  As I turn to leave, I hear Crew threaten again, “If you follow her, I will rip your fucking head off.” Gazing back, I see his eyes lasered on the man standing a ways behind me. I close the door over and quickly slip into a pair of Crew’s joggers, rolling the waistband up so they don’t hang off me and grab him a shirt. As I enter the living area again, I notice nobody has moved.

  Seeing Crew so ready to defend me, even while cuffed, my body heats up, more than eager to show him my appreciation. Slipping the shirt around his shoulders, I whisper, “It’s hot, you know.” His stormy eyes cut over to me. “The way you’re ready to battle an entire police unit for me.” The anger rapidly shifts to lust as his gaze trails down my body. “Don’t do anything to get hurt, Crew. Please.” Placing a kiss on his cheek, I step back, knowing this is where we get separated, and I’m furious about it. “Who do I call for you?” I know he’s not getting out of this without an attorney.

  “Zack. His number’s in my phone. If you can’t get him, call Cross or Crux. The fucker’s going to call them both anyways.” There’s amusement in his tone, and I know I’m missing something.

  “Guess the last Malcolm boy has fallen off that pedestal, huh?” one officer smirks.

  “Shut the fuck up, asshole.” Aaannd...he’s back to pissed off again. Idiots should have taken the advantage I gave them to get Crew cooperative. Even if I only did it so Crew wasn’t hurt.

  Grabbing my purse, his phone, and keys on the way out the door, I lock it behind us. They take Crew down the elevator separately while one officer stays behind with me. Once we’re downstairs, I see Crew being stared at by people in the street, and I just know they’re judging him. They have no idea how good of a man he truly is. They’re only seeing someone’s vindictive accusation, and that’s how they’ll forever brand him now.

  Shame and mortification exude from my pores. Not because of the situation that’s unfolding but because it’s my fault. I hate that I’m the cause of any misfortune that’s about to explode into his world.

  “This way, miss.” The officer extends an arm, expecting me to ride in a cruiser with him.

  Shaking my head, I back away, telling him, “I’ll drive myself. I need to call his lawyer.” Turning away from them, I watch as the car with Crew pulls away, and he’s still inside cursing.

  Unlocking Crew’s truck, I slip behind the wheel, barely holding my emotions together as I pull up Zack’s number. Nerves on fire, I listen to the ringing until he finally picks up.

  “Crew, I’m almost done with that background check.” He pauses when I don’t say anything. “Crew?”

  “It’s Delilah,” I breathe out.

  “What’s going on? Where’s Crew?”

  “Arrested.” My chest squeezes with the knowledge.

  “What the fuck for?” His anger is palpable.

  “Me. Someone told the police he kidnapped me. I tried to tell them he didn’t, that I was with him because I wanted to be, but they won’t listen, and now they’re taking him to jail, and it’s all my fault. I don’t know what to do.” I’m hyperventilating now; stars dot my vision.

  “The first thing you’re going to do is breathe. You won’t be any good to our guy passed out where you are.” I nod, but he can’t see me as I try to concentrate on inhaling and exhaling. “Do you know which precinct they took him to? I’ll need to call.”

  I shake my head. “No. I didn’t even think about asking.”

  “That’s alright. It’s likely the closest one to you or the downtown district. I need you to go to the closest one of the two and call me once you’re there. Can you do that, Delilah?”

  “Yes, I can do that.”

  “Good. They’re going to give you the runaround, so I need for you to get yourself together and be the fierce woman Crew brags about taking over his office. Are you ready?” I wish I didn’t have to be.

  “I am. I’ll help.” After hanging up with Zack, who assured me he’ll be here within two hours, I drive to the precinct closest to us. After fighting with the desk sergeant, producing tears to gain sympathy, and threats of going to the media, I was finally told that Crew was taken directly to the holding center downtown.

  Texting the number to Zack, I stop at home before continuing on. Needing to shower and run a brush through my hair. I want to look presentable and professional before I begin dealing with even more people who have the power to tell me no. My threats at the first station weren’t just something to say. I have no problem going to the media. And I know that as soon as they learn what my name is, they’ll come flocking because everyone wants a piece of the story. It could become national news before the end of the day instead of just local because Florida reporters always want to talk to me.

  Parking in my driveway, I exit Crew’s truck in such a rush that I don’t notice the obvious signs of a break-in until I’m standing in my front room. Shattered glass from the window litters the floor. Furniture is tossed around and broken, and my plants are trashed on the floor. The pots broken and dirt everywhere.

  A rush of panic and fear slams into me as I drop my purse and clasp my phone tighter in my hand. Instinct is screaming at me to leave, but I get the feeling this occurred last night before whoever broke in realized I wasn’t here. And this is the reason for Crew being arrested. Pushing everything to the side, I head to my room and change quickly. Ignoring the destruction in here is hard because this is my safe place, but for Crew, I can do almost anything at all.

  Knowing I can’t leave my house like this or risk someone coming in, I call Todd. “Hey girl, miss me already?”

  He sounds relaxed; I hate to stress him. “I need a favor, Todd.”

  “Name it.”

  “Someone broke into my house last night. I need a window boarded up, and some stuff cleaned up in my living room. Do you think you and one of your guys could do that for me?” His questions fire rapidly.

  “Shit, are you alright? Were you home? Have the police come yet? Where’s Crew? You know he’d do that for you in a heartbeat.” Blowing out a deep breath, I dread answering him.

  “I’m fine. I was with Crew last night when it happened.” His long whistle says so much. “I haven’t called the police because they are currently holding Crew under arrest, and I need to get down there to help get him out.” My chin wobbles with the desire to cry, but I can’t. I must remain strong. For both of us.

  “Why was Crew arrested?” I knew he was going to ask.

  “I don’t have time to explain right now. Could you come, Todd? Please.” If I have to beg anymore, the tears might break free.

  “Yeah, I’ll be there in thirty minutes. You want me to call the c
ops too?”

  Shaking my head, I whisper, “No, they won’t do any good right now,” and hang up because I can’t deal with this at the moment. Not with Crew’s future on the line.


  * * *

  I get it now. I finally fucking get it. Why Crux killed a man. Why Cross was willing to spend any time in jail. For the right woman, you’ll fucking do anything. And Delilah isn’t just the right woman; she is everything to me. If putting up with these jackasses to get back to her is what I have to do right now, I’ll do it a thousand times over until she’s in my arms again.

  I can only imagine what she’s thinking, how she’s feeling as she waits for word on how to get me out of here. The truth is, I don’t think these cops have a desire to let me out. The asshole who tossed me to the ground has some bone to pick with me. Like I slept with his wife, but I have no idea who he is or why he has beef with me.

  Zack will find out, though. As soon as he gets here. The man is a wizard when it comes to digging up dirt on people. I don’t know who he hires to do it, but he’s one of the best I’ve ever seen.

  “You ready to talk, Malcolm?” The detective assigned to me comes back in. I’ve ignored him enough that he’s left three times.

  “You gonna let me see Delilah? Make sure your officers didn’t hurt her with the way they were grabbing her.” I’ve been asking for Delilah or Zack since I arrived. Until they give me one, the other, or both, I won’t speak about anything else.

  “She’s not here,” he says again. I’ve been here for almost four hours; I don’t believe for a second that she hasn’t gotten one person to tell her where they’re holding me.


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