Arrogantly Obsessed: Those Malcolm Boys Book 3

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Arrogantly Obsessed: Those Malcolm Boys Book 3 Page 5

by KL Donn

  “What do you know?” I know she hasn’t told a single person about her past. Not here.

  “I grew up in Florida, man. Everyone knows her name. The media were vultures and made her life miserable until that son of a bitch finally did one right thing in his life.” Todd’s anger about what happened to her is genuine, and I appreciate it.

  “What do you know?” I got a report from Zack on her past this morning. Not what I asked for, but he wanted me to be informed. I haven’t read any of it yet because I want Li to be the one to tell me everything.

  “She did tell you, right?” I nod. “Her father agreed to a plea deal only if the paparazzi left her alone. Once they did, her name kind of fell off the map. For the better, I hope.”

  “Not really, no. There are far worse things hiding in the shadows than serial killers for fathers and media who have no concept of personal space. Maybe if they had kept her in their sights, then the world would have known about her ongoing torment and done something to help her.” Fuck, that angers me. I hate that she was exposed to the media the way she was, but, for once, they could have been useful.

  “Son of a bitch,” Todd mutters while shaking his head. “Anything I can help with?”

  “Nah. Li’s stronger than anyone knows.” He nods. “There anything else?”

  “Yeah. We need to hire on two more full-time crews.”

  Raising my brows, I ask, “Why’s that?”

  “The workload.” He grins. There’s nothing better than keeping busy. “We don’t have any crews left to begin working on the Cole’s construction unless you pull my guys from their vacation and push their next job.”

  “The Coles need a six-man crew. You got anyone in mind?” I ask. I had planned on working on their restoration myself. A lot of it will involve restoring old brick in their nearly hundred-and-fifty-year-old mansion.

  “I do. I have another crew lined up for the Lovato deck in two weeks too, just need your approval. I’d like to keep both crews part-time for the winter as well.” Handing me the workups on the guys he’s already chosen, I’m impressed. Todd has been with me from the first project, and when it comes to hiring, there’s no one I trust more, other than Li.

  “Hire ‘em. Our current part-timers have jobs for the summer, right? I don’t want to be handing out their work to some new guys. That won’t sit well with anyone.” I look up at him.

  “Everyone’s busy into November. I would like to hire a couple of the guys’ high school kids to work in the yard, though. Keep inventory, help with loading and unloading supplies. Easy shit that will keep them off the job sites.”

  “Are you trying to take over my business, Todd?” I laugh. “How many do you need?”

  “Three to start. Maybe a couple day projects when we’re moving between jobs.”

  “Do it.” Glancing up, I see Li walking past with a stack of folders in her arms. “Anything else?” I stand, needing to be near her.

  “Nope.” He’s barely got the word out before I’m following after her like a dog.

  Finding my woman in the kitchen, I watch as she slams the folders on the table and snaps at whoever is on the phone. “I don’t care who or what you think you know. Your guys were short eighty pieces of lumber. The PO says one thousand pieces, not nine hundred and twenty, and I paid for one thousand. Get the other eighty pieces here by lunch, or I’m coming down there and dragging you through my yard so you can learn to count again. Got it?” He must say something because she stops talking for a minute, and when she spins to face me, her cheeks turn a sexy shade of red before she snaps out, “My gender has nothing to do with how Malcolm’s Restorations is run. Listen, you have two choices, get me my lumber here by noon, or you lose your largest buyer in the state. I’ve already gone to your competitors, and they are prepared to give us every piece of material at ten percent less than you. Then you’ll have all your other customers wondering why your largest buyer has pulled their business. I’ll be happy to let them know you ripped us off.”

  Ending the call, she slides into a chair and places the phone down. “That was hot as hell.” I grin, and she shakes her head at me.

  “Did Todd come talk to you?” Walking to the fridge, I grab her a water bottle before sitting next to her and pulling her closer.

  “Yeah. He’s hiring two new crews and some kids to work in the yard. He and his guys are on holiday the next week, but I think his wife will boot him out in two days, three tops.” Todd doesn’t do time off very well. If I had to guess, he’s already got a project in mind to begin. “Want to tell me what that call was about?”

  Blowing out a frustrated breath, she glares down at the phone before explaining. “Jack’s guys are stealing from, I guess, and he didn’t want to believe me. So, I fact-checked him.”

  “How long’s this been going on?” I won’t hesitate to switch suppliers.

  “Hal’s wife over at Comar Rehab called this morning and told me to check our next delivery to see if there are any missing pieces because they’ve been getting shorted on their last few orders, and she said that Jack had some new guys delivering. So I counted every single piece delivered this morning, and eighty were missing. I don’t know if they thought we wouldn’t notice because it was so large of an order, but Jack is living in the dark by ignoring Hal and a couple of other builders.” Her frustration is laced with concern. Jack is getting older and is one of the nicest men I’ve met in the business. It isn’t a surprise to me that he doesn’t want to believe someone he’s trusted would do this, but I’m going to need to have a talk with him.

  “I’ll go over there this afternoon and have a chat. See if I can meet these new guys too.” She smiles with relief.

  “Thank you, Crew. I hated talking to him like that. He’s like a grandpa to me, and it didn’t feel right.”

  “You’re too damn good for me, Li,” I murmur as I lean in to kiss her. Wrapping one hand around her neck and the other into the small of her back, I drag her onto my lap. Uncaring about where we are or who might walk in, I need to taste her again. I’m addicted to her flavor, and as the hint of coffee and strawberry jam explode on my tongue as I tangle with hers, my cock flinches against her round ass in my lap.

  Digging her fingers in my hair, I groan as she pulls on the thick strands while pushing her generous tits against my chest. Feeling the stiffening peaks of her nipples through the fabric of our clothes, I want to taste them. I want to run my tongue across every inch of her entire body, but I know she’s not ready to expose herself to me like that yet. Especially because of the scars on her back.

  “You keep saying that,” she pants as we break apart. “But it’s not true, Crew. I don’t know why you think it is.”

  “Because you’re the best thing to ever happen to me,” I confess.

  Chapter 6


  Pulling into Jack’s Lumber, I can see I’m not the only one here with a problem as three other company trucks are here as well. The difference between these guys and me is that they’re all hotheads and likely being dicks to old man Jack. Striding towards the back lot, where the lumber is kept, I can already hear raised voices as I enter the lot.

  “This is bullshit, Jack. You better reimburse me or compensate what you fucked up!” Stan from S&L Constructs shouts.

  “All these years, you want to be a cheapskate now,” another man throws out.

  “Gentlemen, please, I’m looking into things. Trying to find out what’s happened.” Jack tries to calm them down.

  As Stan’s about to open his mouth, I interrupt. “Guys! Give Jack a chance to explain what’s going on because from what I understand, he’s just been dealt a shitty hand.” I’m always going to give someone I know and have trusted for years the benefit of the doubt. And Delilah was right. For years, Jack has been like a grandfather to a lot of companies in this business. It doesn’t make sense that he would start stealing from all of us now. Not when we keep him in business.

  “Oh yeah, what do you know, Malco
lm?” The second guy, Cameron Height from Heights Building, spits out my name like an insult. He’s been a thorn in my side for years because he undercuts his construction when and where he can. I’ve been called in to fix his mistakes more times than I can count.

  “A hell of a lot more than you do, Cam. As proven by all your work I’ve fixed.” Ignoring him, I speak to Jack. “I heard your conversation with Delilah this morning.” He swallows visibly. It’s been no secret that I’m protective of her. More so now than ever before because I’ve convinced her to give us a chance. “I stand by any decisions she makes, Jack, but she also knows you wouldn’t do anything to hurt any of us on purpose when it comes to supplies. In fact, Hal and his wife are concerned about your new guys as well. What’s going on?”

  “It’s under control. The guys have been fired. All your missing lumber is on the trucks to be delivered today.” He hooks his thumbs in his belt, looking every bit his sixty-eight years.

  “Did you press charges?” I want the product I paid the man for, but I also don’t want to see his bottom line hurting because of a couple of douchebags who thought they could make a quick buck.

  “Don’t worry about it. You guys will be getting all your stuff and a discount on your next orders.” That appears to be enough for Cameron and Stan, but it’s not for me.

  Once the other men leave, I can see Jack is a bit more relaxed, so I ask again, “What’s going on, man?”

  “They’re my grandsons.” The hurt in his declaration can be felt. “I don’t want them in trouble with the law. They were only looking to make some money for the summer so they could go on some school trip to Europe in the spring. Their parents can’t afford the entire trip, and they always refuse my help, so I thought this would be a good compromise. I just don’t know what the hell happened to make them steal from me.”

  “I’m sorry, Jack. I can’t imagine how hard that must be for you. You’ve still got our business, and if you need anything, you let me know. I’ll help how and where I can.” Shaking his hand, I take my leave. I got the answers I was looking for, but I have the feeling he won’t get his. Sometimes kids are just assholes.

  Getting in my truck, I call Delilah. “Hey, baby.” I don’t let her answer as she picks up.

  “Did you send me flowers?” Her voice is distracted as she asks.

  “Much as I’d like to take the credit for that, I didn’t. Is there a card?” Suspicions piqued; I regret leaving her now. It could be one of our clients, but she wouldn’t be concerned if it was. “Li?” She’s been quiet too long.

  “It just says, ‘Delilah, see you soon.’” The quiver in her voice has me stepping a little harder on the gas pedal.

  “I’m five minutes out. Lock the doors and stay on the phone with me,” I instruct, ready to demolish whoever has scared her.

  Listening to Li’s breathing as I drive, the only person I can think of that would send her something and leave such an ominous note is Matt. The asshole who decided to hurt her. If it is him, I’ll fucking destroy his entire life.

  Skidding to a stop in the parking lot, Delilah comes bursting out of the building and rushing down the stairs. Picking her up in my arms, I breathe a sigh of relief. She’s alright, alive, and just fine.

  “I’m so silly for being freaked out. It was probably a client, right? As a thank you. Maybe not realizing how odd the phrasing sounds?” Her words rush out, and I know she’s trying to make sense of it and not wanting the flowers to be sinister, but I don’t think that’s the case. Much as I’d like it to be as well.

  “Let’s go inside.” Instead of agreeing with her, I wonder if Zack has found anything on this guy yet. There’s no sense in dashing her feeble hope before I need to. Guiding Delilah to the couch in my office, I put my bag down and head to the kitchen. Grabbing a bottle of water for each of us and staring down at the bouquet of carnations laying on the table, I pick up the card and read the words I already know I’ll find.

  The quick scrawl of writing doesn’t make me feel any better seeing it in person. Wanting to throw the offerings all in the trash, I know I can’t because as soon as I tell Zack what’s been left for her, he’s going to encourage me to call the cops.

  Quickly making my way back to my office, I lock the front door as I pass. I then place the water on the small coffee table in front of Li and sit next to her, turning her face towards me. “It’s going to be okay, little phoenix.” The words are barely out of my mouth before the desk phone is ringing. Delilah moves to answer it when I catch her shoulder and hold her in place. “I’ve got it.” Standing, I pick the phone up on the third ring. “Hello?”

  “Turn the TV on, find a national outlet,” Zack’s stern voice demands.

  “You want to explain?” I ask as I pick up the remote and aim it at the armoire hiding the 24” TV I keep in here and turn it on. Flicking until I find a news station.

  Delilah’s gasp has me turning to face her before the reporter’s voice registers. “The question on everyone’s mind right now is whether Miami’s infamous Eighth Avenue Killer is back? Or could it be a copycat?”

  “He’s still in prison,” Zack reassures, but it’s not me who needs it.

  “Putting you on speaker.” Hitting the button, I place the receiver down and quickly move to Delilah’s side. Wrapping my arms around her, she buries her face in my chest. A strangled cry catches in her throat. “I’ve got you, baby.” Kissing the top of her head, I’ve never felt so fucking helpless in my life.

  “He’s still in prison,” Zack repeats so she hears him. “Delilah. Oliver Henderson is still locked up. I called as soon as the news broke. He’s behind bars.” Her entire body vibrates as she looks up at me, and the torture in her eyes is nearly my undoing.

  “Did you hear him?” I’m not entirely sure she did.

  “He’s still in prison,” she repeats. I nod. “He can’t hurt me.” I nod again. “I’m safe.” The last two words are whispered so quietly, I have to read her lips.

  Leaning forward, I press my head to hers. “You’re safe. I’ll never let anything happen to you.” If it’s the last thing I do, I’m keeping that fucking promise.


  * * *

  The day passes in a blur of news reports and the stemming of tears that continue to flow because the more I learn about this new copycat killer that’s here in Charleston and not Miami, the more freaked out I become. Crew has remained silent at my side all day, even after I told him I was fine. He knew I was lying.

  At his penthouse now, I’m curled up on the couch with some old movie playing while Crew reads over whatever preliminary report Zack sent him on Matt. I’d almost forgotten about that problem until I took a shower and was reminded of the bruise on my arm and the soreness of my fat lip and shoulders.

  Tracing the scar on my neck with a finger, I feel like I’m eleven years old again and spiraling out of control with no safety net to catch me as I plunge to the ground. Closing my eyes, I remember that day like it was yesterday. Like it lives inside of me every day.

  Dropping to my knees, the kitchen light swirls around the room like a disco ball as an officer catches me. Gently lying me down on the cool linoleum floor, I see his mouth moving as I feel a waft of fire erupt from my neck. Reaching to that spot, my hand draws away with blood coating my fingers. A lot of blood.

  “I’m dizzy,” I murmur. The officer frowns down at me, and I wonder if I said the words out loud or thought them. A commotion to my right grabs my attention, and I turn to see my father face down with a cop looming over him, wrenching his hands behind his back and putting cuffs on him. “Daddy?” I’m so confused.

  When his eyes meet mine, they’re cold. Unfeeling. Blood streaks his face, and as my eyes slowly crawl down his body, I see more on his hands, and everything registers at once.

  The police barging in, him putting a knife to my neck, the excruciating agony that follows as the blade digs into my flesh. The warmth of the crimson liquid rushing down my chest. Closing my eyes,
I turn my head to stare back up at the officer trying to help me.

  “I don’t want to die.” I cough, and it feels like my lungs are drowning.

  “Hey, hey, don’t think like that. You’ll be just fine.” But I can see the panic in his eyes. He doesn’t know that.

  “My mama died. Will she be there? Will I see her again?” Every word hurts. My chest constricts. I feel cold.

  “Sshh, Delilah. Save your strength and keep your eyes on me.” Agonizing pressure again as someone hands him something. “EMTs are here, they’re going to take over, but I’ll still be with you.”

  As he steps back, moving to my feet, I watch as the officer closes his eyes and begins mouthing something. I watch closely through the change of bandages and fiery pain flashing through my body with every movement, and when I’m finally put on a stretcher, I realize he was praying. For me.

  The little broken girl whose father tried to kill her.

  “Delilah!” My eyes pop open to find Crew kneeling beside me, his gaze filled with concern. “You were screaming.” He gently wipes the tears from my cheeks as I sit up.

  With my fingers still on the scar, nearly invisible after an excellent plastic surgeon and so much time, Crew’s eyes travel there. Questions swimming in the dark depths.

  “He tried to kill me,” I croak, my throat dry as the desert. “When they came crashing through our front door, he put a knife to my throat to try and get away. When he realized it wasn’t going to work, he slit me open.” I swallow around the lump fighting to lodge itself there. “He cut deep enough to cause sufficient damage, but not so deep that he hit anything vital.”

  “Jesus Christ, Li.” Pulling me into his arms, I embrace the comfort he offers because after my life was blown up, I never got the comforting hand I so desperately needed all those years ago. “I wish I could take your pain away. But I swear, I’ll spend my life providing you with memories you can smile on. Memories you can cherish, ‘cause baby, you deserve the goddamn world at your feet.”


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