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Fever Dreams

Page 31

by Nicole Jordan

  His lips covered hers possessively, searing her with warmth and desire and heartfelt emotion. When finally Ryder broke off to stare at her, his countenance turned sober again. “I’ve tried damned hard to become your perfect match, Eve. To make myself suitable to be your husband. For half my life, everything I’ve ever strived toward has been because of you, so I could win your hand in marriage.”

  “Then you accept my offer?”

  Joy lit his eyes. “God, yes, I accept.”

  Eve could not doubt that Ryder loved her. The heated tenderness in his gaze made her ache inside.

  Raising her mouth again to his, she kissed him lightly as she began loosening the cravat around his neck.

  “Umm, Eve,” Ryder whispered against her lips, “what are you doing?”

  “Undressing you.” She wanted to express her own love, to show him how much he meant to her.

  But his hands came up to clasp hers, halting her movements. “We aren’t married yet. We ought to wait until our wedding day.”

  “I don’t want to wait. I need you, Ryder.”

  A black eyebrow rose in query. “Your resident dragon Drucilla might object if I seduce you under your own roof.”

  “For your information, I am the one doing the seducing.”


  Provocatively she drew her fingertip along his lower lip. “Don’t you want me, Ryder?” she asked, already knowing the answer.

  A tender smile eased the hard lines of his face and gave him almost a boyish appeal. “What kind of question is that?” He cut off any further teasing with a fierce, marauding kiss that left no doubt about his desire for her.

  The intensity of his passion stole Eve’s breath. When he raised his head, his dark eyes blazed with a blinding light. Yet she pushed gently at his chest, making Ryder release her. “Not so quickly, my love. We have plenty of time.”

  Stepping back, she went to the door and turned the key, locking them in. Then she brazenly slipped off her dressing gown. Her thin nightdress clung to her form, showing off the curves of her breasts and hips, intensifying the feverish glow in Ryder’s eyes. When she drew the garment over her head, baring her body, the naked hunger on his face made her heart pound. And yet he continued to resist her.

  “I still smell like smoke. You should let me bathe first.”

  “Do you think I care?” Eve shook her head. The scent of smoke reminded her of how Ryder had risked his life for her and her sister. Remembering those agonizing moments, she shuddered, feeling a fierce rush of tenderness for Ryder, the need to cherish him always. “I have been waiting all night for this.”

  Moving to the bed, she drew down the covers and climbed in, then lay back, completely nude, stretching invitingly in what she hoped was an erotic display. “You have on too many clothes.”

  Ryder proceeded to undress, but slowly, as if fighting her seduction. His jaw was locked, evincing his struggle with himself.

  With bated breath, Eve watched him. Even in the bright morning sunlight, he looked hard and dangerous, his sable hair tousled and his jaw darkly stubbled. His bronzed face seemed all hard planes and angles, in contrast to the other soft, fair-skinned gentlemen of the ton, while his lean, muscular body showed the hard usage of his difficult career. Yet he had never been more beautiful to her. He was, quite simply, breathtakingly male. And there was no doubt that he was fully aroused.

  Finally Ryder joined her on the bed. Still reluctant, he lay beside her, bracing himself up on one elbow. “Are you certain about this, Eve?”

  Laughter lit her blue eyes as she trailed a fingertip through the swirl of dark hair on his chest. “Entirely, utterly, absolutely certain. If I compromise you, then you will be forced to marry me.”

  Unexpected delight gathered in his chest. “That will be no hardship whatsoever.”

  He sucked in a sharp breath when her fingers trailed languorously lower, down over his abdomen to his loins. He wanted to be stalwart and honorable and wait for their formal union in matrimony, but he couldn’t summon the willpower. He needed to claim Eve with the same undeniable need she professed to feel for him.

  Accepting that his surrender was inevitable, he eased over her, bracing his weight on his forearms and positioning his lower body between her thighs. His powerful arousal settled intimately against the swollen wetness of her cleft, finding her body not only ready but eager for him.

  Smiling, Eve reached up to twine her arms around his neck. “I wanted this to be my seduction, so I could show you how much I love you.”

  “Not this time, sweeting. This is my moment. I’ve dreamed of this a thousand times…loving you when you loved me in return. Imagining how you looked and tasted and felt. Now it is finally real, and I want to relish every single sensation.”

  He bent his head, possessing her mouth in a warm, softly ravishing kiss. She responded ardently, wrapping her arms around him more tightly to draw him closer, hot skin to hot skin.

  “Then you do want me?” Eve asked breathlessly when he finally raised his head, laughter and love shining in her blue eyes.

  “Sweet heaven, yes. I’ll want you forever…in my life, in my heart, in my bed, under me, over me, around me.”

  Parting her thighs wider, Ryder slowly entered her. When Eve welcomed him joyously, he was swept with such hunger that his entire body shook.

  It was a hunger as primal and fierce as survival. Eve had held him captive for years and would continue to hold him for eternity. Each time he was with her, he lost more of himself to her. She was the fever in his blood, his heart, his life.

  Her back arched as he filled her liquid heat, and she gave a whimpering sigh, enveloping him with a shuddering moan of pleasure as he buried himself to the hilt.

  Savoring the moment, Ryder held himself still, gazing down at her beautiful face, knowing the fire in his heart was reflected in his eyes. “I can’t even describe what I feel when I’m inside you,” he murmured hoarsely. “The contentment, the fulfillment. But I never, ever want to leave you. Never want it to end.”

  “I feel…exactly…the same way.” Her words were whispers that rose between his heart-stopping kisses as he began the languorous, ever quickening rhythm that would sweep them to paradise.

  Together their breaths grew ragged, their need more urgent. Exquisite sensation surrounded them as they moved as one, their bodies straining to meld even closer.

  Ryder felt himself drowning in the fervent emotion brimming in Eve’s eyes; his chest was so full of love, he thought he might burst.

  He did burst moments later when nearly unbearable pleasure broke over them. As her moans turned to gasping sobs, he plunged more deeply, claiming her for his own, branding her, possessing her…and Eve reciprocated, giving back his passion measure for desperate, blissful measure.

  Their joining this time was a commitment, a pledge to love and to cherish, to entwine their lives together. The shattering conclusion was more incredible, more satisfying, than anything Ryder had ever felt in his life.

  For a long time afterward, they simply lay there side by side, drinking in each other’s breath, sharing heartbeats and feather-soft kisses.

  It was a longer while still before Eve gave a faint huff of exhausted laughter. “I consider that a satisfactory reply to my proposal.”

  Utterly sated, Ryder managed to summon a languid, wicked grin. “You are the expert on matchmaking, of course, but I thought the gentleman was supposed to do the proposing to the lady.”

  “True, but I thought you had waited long enough for me to understand that you were my ideal match.”

  “How perceptive of you,” he murmured dryly. “I’ve waited half my lifetime for you, Eve.”

  “I don’t know how I could have been so blind.”

  “It’s understandable, I suppose. After your first marriage, you couldn’t bear to entertain the notion of being controlled by another husband. And I was willing to wait. But I’m damned glad the wait is finally over.”

  “So am I.” Eve s
miled to herself. “Last night I told Lydia of my feelings for you, and she wasn’t the least surprised. She said she had always suspected as much, that she never felt she had a chance with you.”

  “She didn’t. I never even considered marrying any of the candidates you kept throwing in my face.”

  Eve raised herself up on one elbow, staring at Ryder in exasperation. “I, throwing? You were the one who coerced me into finding a bride for you. Under false pretenses, I might add.”

  “I know. But I’ve never wanted any bride but you, my darling love.”

  Reaching up, he caught her nape and pulled her down for an extremely satisfactory kiss. Mollified, Eve gave a contented sigh and snuggled down next to him.

  “What shall we do about setting a wedding date?” she finally inquired.

  “I am not waiting to call the banns,” Ryder said firmly. “We are marrying as soon as I can procure a special license. If you want an enormous wedding after that, you can arrange anything you choose.”

  “I don’t want anything large. My first wedding was in London. It was lavish and pompous and cold and impersonal, attended mainly by strangers. I hated every moment of it.”

  “We can hold a small ceremony for your family and friends, and perhaps a wedding breakfast afterward.”

  “I would like that,” Eve said softly. “What about once we are wed? Would you mind very much if we lived on Cyrene?”

  His thumb came up to stroke her lower lip. “If I have you, I don’t much care where we live, but I admit I have a decided preference for island life.”

  “So do I.”

  “Then it’s settled. We’ll live on Cyrene. We can sail as soon as you like—although Sir Gawain would be pleased if I returned to my duties as soon as possible.”

  “Once Claire and Macky are married, there should be nothing keeping me here.” When Ryder’s eyebrow rose, Eve expounded. “I have given them my blessing. I couldn’t possibly refuse when they claim to love each other so completely.”

  “What did the aunts say when they learned about your sister’s marriage plans?”

  “They don’t yet know. Claire and I agreed we would break the news to them this morning, but now they will be receiving a double shock when they hear our plans.” When Ryder’s brows drew together, Eve reached up to stroke the furrow there. “I don’t expect they will object too strenuously. Drucilla is wallowing in contrition and wants to offer you her heartfelt apologies…just as I want to offer you mine.”

  “You already have, love, quite convincingly.”

  With that she received another breathtaking, heart-stirring, passionate kiss. When Ryder finally broke off, it was to glance at the windows, where morning sunshine was pouring through. “You had best return to your own room, sweetheart, so you won’t be seen leaving mine by any of your servants or houseguests.”

  Eve sighed. She yearned to stay here in his arms forever, yet she saw the wisdom of trying to maintain at least a modicum of propriety. “Very well, though I doubt my houseguests will rise early, since they retired so late last night after all the excitement.”

  Rising reluctantly from the bed, Eve crossed the room to fetch her nightdress and wrapper. Ryder lay back with his hands laced behind his head, watching her dress.

  “If you like,” he offered, “I will join you downstairs later this morning so we can inform the aunts together about our plans. What do you say that I meet you downstairs for breakfast in an hour?”

  “An excellent notion,” Eve replied, realizing she was suddenly famished. “I have scarcely eaten anything since yesterday. First I was too terrified about Claire, and then I was terrified to think I might have lost you.”

  The tenderness returned to his dark eyes. “You could never, ever lose me, Eve. You’ll have me forever.”

  She savored those words as she kissed him deeply one last time—and carried them with her when she slipped out to return to her own bedchamber.

  Thankfully the corridor was quiet and deserted. Once she reached her room safely, Eve shut herself in and leaned back against the door, hugging her joy to herself. Her feelings for Ryder ran all the way down to her soul. He filled her aching emptiness, made her complete, and she would do the same for him.

  She stood there for a long moment, hearing the echo of his promise. You’ll have me forever.

  Forever. A future filled with years of love and passion and happiness with Ryder. Eve smiled secretly to herself. The blissful prospect was almost too much to comprehend.

  Eve had difficulty containing her smile when she went downstairs an hour later, washed and dressed and still thoroughly exhilarated.

  To her surprise, the breakfast room wasn’t empty as she’d expected. Her entire family was there, along with Beau Macklin. Even more surprisingly, Macky was sitting at the table beside Claire.

  What was astonishing, however, Eve realized as she paused in the doorway unnoticed, was that there were no footmen in attendance. Instead, the aunts were performing the honors of filling breakfast plates from the sideboard. It was perfectly reasonable for Claire to be pampered after her ordeal, yet the elderly ladies were serving not only Claire but Cecil and Mr. Macklin as well.

  Meanwhile, Cecil was proudly regaling the aunts with tales of how Sir Alex and Mr. Macklin had foiled the villains and saved the day, with a bit of help from himself and the estate tenants. His account was regularly punctuated by gasps of alarm by Beatrice and expressions of amazement and wonder by Drucilla.

  Eve smiled to find such harmony existing between them after the difficulties of the past day. Clearly Cecil’s pride and excitement were infectious, and Claire’s happiness was spilling over. She was literally beaming, while Macky looked a trifled dazed by his good fortune.

  When Eve finally stepped forward, Claire looked up and greeted her with delight. “I have told Aunt Drucilla and Aunt Beatrice about my betrothal, Eve, and they have agreed to lend their support.”

  Taking a seat at the table, Eve gave Drucilla a curious glance. “I own myself surprised.”

  “It is against my better judgment,” Drucilla admitted calmly as she poured coffee into Eve’s cup. “But I have resigned myself to the marriage. Mr. Macklin did save Claire’s life, after all, so he is entitled to our approval.” She cast an arch glance at Macky. “If anyone demands to know why she is marrying our…footman, we will simply tell the truth—that he was posing as a servant in order to capture a vicious assailant.”

  Eve offered Macky a fond smile. “Welcome to the family, sir. And thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you did for us yesterday.”

  Macky grinned in acknowledgment. “I couldn’t allow this pretty lass to be harmed, now could I?” There was a twinkle in his eye as he laid a large hand protectively over Claire’s. “I only thank God that she is safe and that she has agreed to make me the happiest of men.”

  Suspecting that Ryder might also want to lay claim to that title, Eve couldn’t prevent a soft smile of remembrance at his own declarations earlier this morning.

  “I say, Evie.” Cecil broke into her thoughts. “What is to do with you? You are positively glowing.”

  “Yes, Eve,” Claire added more politely. “Does it mean what I think it means? Have you spoken to Sir Alex?”

  Eve nodded. “Yes, we have spoken.” When Claire clapped her hands with glee, Eve sent the eldest aunt a penetrating glance. “Drucilla, I’m afraid there is to be another wedding in the family.”

  “Well, I should hope so,” the lady declared. “It will help mitigate the scandal if you and Sir Alex tie the knot.”

  “Oh, famous!” Cecil exclaimed. “Sir Alex will be our brother! It is about time, Evie—” He suddenly broke off when he spied Ryder standing in the doorway. “Sir Alex!”

  When Eve looked up and met his dark gaze, she felt a spark of fire all the way down to her slippers.

  “Then we have your consent, Lady Wykfield?” Ryder asked casually, entering the breakfast room.

  Drucilla inclined her head regall
y, as if conferring a great favor. “You do, Sir Alex.”

  “You realize we don’t require your consent, Drucilla,” Eve remarked.

  “Well, you have it all the same.”

  “Yes,” Beatrice said with a gentler smile. “Eve is very precious to us, Sir Alex. We would not approve of just anyone stealing her away from us. But we are certain you will take excellent care of her, and we will be happy to welcome you into the family.”

  “Indeed,” Drucilla seconded her sister. “If you are agreeable, Sir Alex, we will let bygones be bygones.”

  Ryder held out a chair for Drucilla and waited until she was seated before he bent to kiss her cheek. “I would like that very well, my lady.”

  Startled by his show of affection, Drucilla eyed him with distrust. Ryder performed the same function for Beatrice, offering her a seat and then kissing her soft, wrinkled cheek. In response, the younger aunt flushed a becoming pink.

  When he had poured his own coffee and taken his place beside Eve, Drucilla eyed Ryder coolly. “I can see how you won Eve’s heart, sir. But let me inform you, your seductive wiles will not work with me.”

  Beatrice lifted her chin in defiance of her sister. “They certainly will work with me, Sir Alex.”

  Ryder returned a slow grin, while most everyone else at the table laughed.

  Drucilla cleared her throat, pointedly ignoring the laughter. “I suggest that we officially announce both betrothals tonight at my birthday celebration. The sooner we put an end to the gossip, the better. This past week”—she leveled a stare at Ryder—“you and Eve have been far too intimate for propriety’s sake.”

  “I think you protest too much, sister dear,” Beatrice intervened. “You know very well you wanted them to wed.” She gave Eve a mischievous glance. “The truth is, we were concocting a scheme to convince Sir Alex to propose to you.”


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