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Risqué 3

Page 20

by Perri Forrest

  “Again… I didn’t mean that in literal terms.”

  I sat back in my seat and clasped my hands in front of me. “Figurative, literal… whatever. You still said the words. So, I’m saying that if you felt that I was a child because I didn’t look older than ‘twenty-something’, then what does that say about your sexual preference? Should we be concerned at all? As in Cicely and me. Because the women that we employ are like family to us. We take care of them. We have their best interests at heart. So, if we’re dealing with a few men who like their women young because they—”

  “No, no, no…” he said, eyeing the tables several yards away from us, as though they could hear any of what we were saying. “I meant nothing by that. I was just…” He shrugged his broad shoulders. I saw clearly, how uncomfortable he was by his shifting demeanor, and the diminishing confidence that he originally came into the meeting with. “It was just a statement. I’ll go on record and say that I should’ve kept it to myself.”

  Yeah, motherfucker, humble yourself…

  “I’ll accept that and we can move on.”

  “Thank you for that. And now that we’re here, can I ask you a question?”


  “Is Kameelah no longer in your employ? Because for myself, that’s who I would’ve preferred. She was always my favorite. Is she doing other things now?”

  In my mind, I was formulating a response. But then I knew that there was really no answer that I could give this person in all honesty. Why? Because I didn’t know myself. CiCi dealt with that issue; I never questioned it. Kameelah was the source of a lot of bullshit, primarily the attempt on my life. I knew she wasn’t necessarily guilty, but CiCi saw it differently. And she dealt with the situation, accordingly.

  “CiCi would have a better response for you, about Kameelah. Maybe you can ask her the next time you speak to her.”

  “I’ll do that.”

  “All good, Davis.” I raised my hand to flag the server. “Let’s get business out of the way so I can devour this spicy lamb burger.”

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  “That guy was an asshole. Where the hell do these people come from? Do you know that he had the balls to call me a child? But then in the same breath, the women that him and his pervert-ass friends want off the menu, are younger than me?”

  “And I’m guessing in true Trevor fashion, you had to call him on his shit, right?”

  “CiCi… what else was I supposed to do? He gave me shit the moment he got to the restaurant. Almost ruined my appetite.”

  “Yeah, right!” CiCi laughed aloud. “Like there’s a person powerful enough to do that!”

  Laughing out loud, I confessed. “Yeah, you’re right.”

  “Just so you know, I did have a talk with Davis, when he left your meeting. He was extremely apologetic for his actions.”

  “Only because he’s a pussy fiend.”

  “Well, we both know that sex is what makes the world go around.”

  “And apparently, the sex that made his go around, was Kameelah’s.”

  “Yeah, he asked about her. I told him he could see her soon enough.”

  “Right. I’m…” My words stopped. A smile spread across CiCi’s face. She already knew what I was thinking. I wanted to know in what way she was talking about. Would he see Kameelah in this life, or the next? “Uhh… So—”

  “You thought I got rid of her permanently, huh?”

  I tilted my head, still trying to process. “You didn’t?”

  “No. I didn’t. It almost came to that. But I reconsidered. I was livid. But then she pulled at my heart strings. For one, I never felt negatively toward her. I always felt like Kameelah was who she was unapologetically, and I admired that. A smart businesswoman with a good head on her shoulders. Not to mention she was good for business.” CiCi shrugged nonchalantly. “My problem was when she put my daughter’s life at risk. And her desperation for a ‘girlfriend’ title almost cost you your life, which in turn… almost cost her, hers.”

  “So, damn.” I blew a huff of air from my mouth. I was shocked. “Where has she been?”

  “Around. She’s repaying her debt to society—in Reno. She’s been doing ‘special’ favors.”

  “Special, huh?” I laughed. “I don’t even wanna know.”

  “It’s nothing horrible. It’s work that she enjoys. And I already promised her that she can get back to her life if she wants to; before Christmas—which is right around the corner. She’s remorseful. I’ve heard it in the conversations that we’ve had. And like I said, she’s good for business.”

  I nodded in agreement. “Yeah, she’s definitely that.”

  “So, as far as Davis goes, he’ll be fine for now. If his old ass was so enthralled with what Kameelah had between her legs, and it’s what made his world go around, then he should have taken steps to bag her before that bum, Solo, got his claws and his dick in her. That crazy, ghetto piece of shit. It’s so sad what pussy does to a man. For something that feels so good, it can certainly have negative impacts.”

  “Pssh, don’t I know it.”

  “Thing is, it used to be that money was the root of all evil. That’s changed drastically, with sex being a close second. Saying that to say that it was exactly for that reason that Davis’s ass was sorry for his actions. But what mattered was that he was sorry. What won’t be tolerated is these clients treating you any kind of way based on looks, or what they misperceive as youth. And frankly, I don’t see it. You don’t look anything like you’re still in your twenties. Couple that with you being far beyond your years, in intellect.”

  I rubbed my hands down my facial hair, and smiled. “You saying I look old?”

  “No sweetie. Not at all. I’m saying that you’re wise beyond your years. And not that you look old, but we both know you don’t look like you’re twenty-six. Maybe… two or three years older.”

  “I’ll take that. At least it’s not me in my twenties, looking late forties.”

  She chuckled, her cheekbones coming to life. “Not at all.”

  “CiCi, I appreciate you for treating me like family. For watching out for me like a mother would.”

  “No need to thank me. I do that because you are family. And you are like a son.”

  “It means a lot.”

  “You mean a lot.” She grew quiet on me for a few seconds, but eyes never left mine. “Can we chat about something kind of serious?” she asked suddenly.

  “Aww man. What’d I do?”

  “You didn’t do anything, babe. It’s just something I’ve wanted to talk to you about for a long time.”

  “Wait. Are you okay? I mean, are you feeling okay?”

  “I’m fine. It’s about you. I wanted to ask you about your future and what you see yourself doing?”

  I blew out a huff of air. Partly, in relief that she was okay. But then partly because I saw the direction of the conversation. So, I asked, “You’ve been talking to Skai, huh?”

  “I’ve talked to Skai. Absolutely. But not about this. This conversation is between me and you. I’m asking as someone who cares about you and your future.”

  I got up from the chaise lounge, and went to lean against a nearby wall. First Skai with, ‘You have a whole Master of Science in construction management, and do nothing with it.’ And now CiCi with this. I got the feeling that she’d discussed this with Skai, and just didn’t want to tell me.

  “So, are you feeling like I’m on some white privilege shit too?” I shot, feeling slightly betrayed. “Just because I have a degree that I don’t really feel a connection to?”

  “Babe, don’t come undone. Not for one moment do I feel like that.” CiCi came and stood next to me, then rubbed my back softly. “What I feel is that you have so much to offer. I think that with your degree, your charisma, your intellect… that you could really make an impact. You’re a young talent, with years of specialized training under your belt. And I’m not disputing that you have specialized training under your real belt
… but you know what I mean.”

  She laughed at the light-hearted joke. I couldn’t help but laugh along.

  “There was something a little poetic about that,” I said to her.

  For a few seconds my mind became prisoner to the words that CiCi had spoken. When Skai made her comment, it was a jab. At the time, it brought back memories of the numerous knock-down, drag out arguments I’d had with my parents about my schooling. So, I was used to being on the defensive when it came to discussions surrounding the subject. But with CiCi, I believed that she was genuinely concerned.

  “Look at you,” she continued. “You’re under thirty, you’re successful, you own your own home, you look like you could grace the cover of GQ Magazine. I could go on and on. That degree that you have, holds weight. Not just here in Las Vegas, but everywhere. Why not at least give it a try? Nobody said you have to leave the business cold turkey. I know you enjoy the perks. But it’s always going to be there.”

  “You involved with anybody seriously? Exclusively? That would be news to me, if so.”

  “You would know first.”

  “So, that’s a no, right?”

  “That’s a no.”

  “Then like I said, the perks will always be there to enjoy. They don’t call it the ‘City of Sin’, for nothing. We live it, we run it, and we have full access to it…”

  I raked my hand through the front of my hair in contemplation. It was a lot to take in. I wanted to think on it long enough to convince myself, that I was already right where I needed to be. That I was already doing exactly what I was born to do. But telling CiCi ‘no’, didn’t sit right with me. So, instead I told her, “I’ll give it some thought.”

  “I think that’s a great idea. You know I love you like I gave birth to you, and that I’d never lead you wrong, right?”

  I nodded in affirmation. “Absolutely.”

  “Good. And with that said, I think giving it some thought is a good idea. Can’t wait to hear what you decide…”

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  One month later…

  Christmas Eve

  I put on and took off my fedora three times before I finally decided to go without it. I loved hats. I had been collecting them since I was a teenager. Then, and now, I had a whole shelf dedicated to hats inside my walk-in. All different types, and all colors. I didn’t know if it was some kind of weird security blanket-type situation. Or if I just felt they added extra style to my chosen outfits. Just that I usually preferred one as part of my ensemble. When I dressed down, I liked a snapback. But whenever I dressed up, a fedora was the choice.

  The one that I went back and forth with tonight was aqua blue. That might be why I ultimately decided against it. For some reason, it seemed like a major conflict with the green of my eyes. Yeah, not only chicks think about fashion that way. Men had that issue sometimes too. I might’ve been paying a little bit too much attention to the details tonight, though. Because a part of me didn’t even want to go. The crowd was new to me. It was a party I had been invited to, to hobnob with some of the people that I would be working with in the new year.

  I glanced across the room at the time, and noticed that it was right at nine o’clock. That meant it was half an hour later than the time I had RSVP’d for. But whatever. Who arrived to parties early?

  Shit, I mumbled. Might be better to just not go, since I’m already late.

  Suddenly, my loud-ass ringtone screamed into the air, jolting me out of my thoughts. I turned the light off in my ensuite, then grabbed my phone as I headed out of my bedroom.

  “Yep,” I said into the phone.

  “Oh, brother… must we go through phone etiquette every—”

  “What’s goin’ on, Skai?” I found myself smiling, like always, when she decided to make me a thought.

  “Wow. Like that? Are you not happy to hear from me?”

  “Always happy to hear from you. Just because I asked, ‘What’s up?’ doesn’t mean that I’m not happy. Just means I’m curious. So... what’s up?”

  “Nothin’. Just thought I’d give you a call on this fine Christmas Eve. I wish you had come to New York to go to that party Dionne threw for my birthday. My mama, Grams, and Zane came. I thought for sure you were gonna surprise me.”

  “You got my gift and my flowers, right?”

  “I did. And I thanked you for that. But I thought I was gonna see you.”

  “Well, I’ll make it up to you when it warms up. Maybe jet you off somewhere for a belated birthday celebration. I’ll right the wrong.”

  “Okay. I’m holding you to that, best friend.”

  “If you want, we don’t even have to wait until it warms up.”

  When I heard silence hit the air, I shook my head. Skai was good about leading conversations to places she couldn’t make the whole trip to. But I’d stopped even letting it be an issue. She was who she was.

  “What are you up to right now?” she asked.

  “Remember that party I told you about the other day?”

  “Oh yeah. For your new venture. I remember that. You got a date?”

  I laughed. “Not at all. I’m a big boy. I can—”

  “Want a date?”

  My eyes squinted in confusion, right before I burst into laughter. “Woman, what? You want me to take you to the party over FaceTime?” I shook my head. “Not interested. Last thing I need is to come off as some weirdo to these people.”

  “They don’t already know you’re weird?” she teased.

  “Ha! You’re one to talk! As much as I’d love to continue this, I gotta head out. I’ll call you when I get back… if it’s not too late.”

  “Okay. Have fun and be safe.”

  “Will do.”

  I grabbed my keys and put the code in for the house alarm. I was almost an hour late, but at least I was finally on my way.


  “Hey handsome…”

  “Whoaaa!” I had just pulled the key from the front door when I heard the familiar voice. I spun around, thinking that maybe I hadn’t hung the phone all the way up, and that maybe we were still connected. “Skai?”

  “In the flesh…”

  I was shocked as hell seeing her standing there, under the light. That skin, her figure… her face. This woman was beautiful as fuck and knew it, man. She wore all-black, even down to her high heels. She looked stunning. The dress wrapped around her like some sort of protective shield. It stopped right above her knees, and had long sleeves with a scooped neck, meeting her cleavage in the middle. Her hair was in one of those twist-out styles, falling seductively around the frame of her face.

  “Hey you.”

  “Hey.” She smiled wide and took steps closer to me, her heels sounding off against the pavement with each footfall. “You said you didn’t have a date.” She outstretched her arms, a small purse gripped in one of her hands. “Here I am.”

  I shook my head and smiled. “I thought you weren’t coming until tomorrow—Christmas. What are you even… doing here?”

  “Waiting for you. Been here since earlier today waiting for that upstairs light to go on, so that I would know when you were getting dressed. When you got dressed, I got dressed.”

  “What?” I choked out, still surprised as hell.

  “You didn’t think that I’d missed your introduction to your new world.” She shrugged and bit down on her lip, then held out her hands, gesturing for me. I walked to where she had stopped, instantly grabbing her hands in mine. I couldn’t take my eyes away from hers. “See, here’s the thing…” she started. “We need for everybody there… specifically, the girls… to know that even though you’re in a long-distance relationship… you’re still in a relationship.”

  I shook my head, not sure whether to believe that Skai knew what she was really signing on for. “Skai…”

  “No, wait. Let me finish. I already know that you’re going to think I’m playin’. I’m not. I promise you. I said some shit about being too young to settle down. But that was fea
r. And not fear of being hurt, because I know you wouldn’t do that. It was the fear of losing my best friend. I thought that when we crossed the line and touched on each other in all those intimate ways that I would lose you. But I just found myself even more drawn to you. I fought it. Trust me, I fought it. But I really wanna see where this can go. Because ever since I went back to New York, you’re all I think about.”

  “Fuck…” came out as more of a whisper. “You sure you—”

  “Hundred percent,” she responded, before I finished. “We’ve got almost 3,000 miles between us, though. So, the question is do you think we can?”

  This woman didn’t even know how much I loved her. Even with all the access I had to other women, Skai was the one that had my heart. Anything else was just distraction and sport. So, there wasn’t even a question of whether or not we could work.

  “I think I’m cool with seeing where we could go.”

  She squeezed my hands in hers, then wiggled her hips like she was about to dip it low. “Whew,” she sighed. “That’s a relief. I thought you might turn me down.”

  “Pssh, you’re crazy, woman. That would never happen.”

  “You promise?”

  “I fuckin’ promise.”

  She smiled big, running her soft hand across the side of my face. “Perfect. So, let’s go make our debut as a bomb-ass, swirly-ass… duo, and let all these people know.”

  I pulled her closer to me and wrapped my arms around her. I held her tight for more than a few minutes. This was a new journey. One with my best friend… the woman who I had always held a high level of respect for. A woman I’d do anything for. And now she was mine.

  I leaned down to kiss her on the cheek. “I guess I’m holding you for the first time as… mine. Shit feels good. With me, is the best place you’ll ever be. I swear I’m gonna see to it.”


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