Best Friend's Boyfriend (Be My Boyfriend Book 2)

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Best Friend's Boyfriend (Be My Boyfriend Book 2) Page 19

by Victoria Snow

  I arched my back, taking him in even deeper but the unyielding wall behind me held me still from behind as Nate pistoned in and out of me, faster and faster until all I could do was hold on to him, taking every inch, every thrust.

  My fingernails dug into his back as his hands tightened on my hips, holding me still for him. My breath caught on his name, over and over again, the only thought my pleasure soaked brain could hold onto as he thrust one more time, so deep our hips slammed together, sending me over the edge as my climax took a hold of me and shook me like a tree in the midst of a thunder storm.

  I felt Nate come inside me, thick jets filling me, triggering another, softer wave of electric shocks thrilling through my hypersensitive nerve endings.

  His head dropped, his forehead resting against mine as we both drew in deep, gasping breaths. My legs were still shaking so badly that I couldn’t support myself yet and I was grateful for Nates strong arms holding me up.

  After a long moment, he dropped a kiss against my neck, my shoulder, finally making his way to my lips but this time the kiss was softer, slower, more gentle, and so sweet it brought tears to the corners of my eyes.

  I gasped again as he pulled away but then he was moving back, lifting me in his arms as he carried me down the hall to his bedroom. He laid me down, crawling in beside me, and for the first time I could see the exhaustion in his eyes, and there was something else there too. Something heartbreaking.

  “Nate, what happened?” I asked. I didn’t want to talk about my day. I wanted to pretend that it hadn’t even happened. And I could see it in Nate’s gaze, he needed to talk.

  “There was an accident today. It was…bad.” He wrapped his arms around me, spooning me under the blankets.

  “I’m sorry,” He whispered gruffly, pulling me even closer against his big, warm body.

  “For what?”

  “I didn’t even say hello.”

  “Oh, you said a lot more than hello,” I answered with a husky laugh, turning to lay a kiss against the scruff of his jaw, “Besides, I liked your greeting a hell of a lot better.”

  It got a small smile out of him, but the shadows were still there.

  “Nate, you can talk to me. I promise, whatever you need to say, I’m here.”

  I heard him sigh, felt him move behind me as if he was trying to get comfortable, and finally when he started speaking, all I could do was listen as my heart broke right along with his.

  “Five cars and a semi crashed on the highway. It was bad. Really bad. There was a little boy, maybe eight or nine. His mother survived the crash but he…He had a head injury and by the time the ambulance got to the hospital it was too late to do anything but make him as comfortable as possible. There wasn’t any time. Three didn’t make it. There’s a fourth still in critical.”

  My heart broke even more at the raw sound of his voice. He sounded as if he was reliving every terrible moment and I did the only thing I could to comfort him. I held on. I listened.

  And as he spoke, everything that had happened to me earlier at the photoshoot, as bad as it had seemed at the time, all shifted in my mind. Because nothing was as bad as what Nate described. Nothing was as bad as waiting for the doctor to come out and tell you that they couldn’t do anything more to save your child.

  Just the thought had me wrapping my arms protectively around my middle, shielding our baby, all my protective instincts rising inside me.

  My day sucked. That was true. But listening to Nate talk, I realized then, it could have been so much worse.

  I turned in his arms, wrapping him up in a hug and holding his body close, sharing the moment with him, sharing his pain, taking some of his burden. I looked up at him, kissed him hard once.

  “I love you, Nate.” I told him, and saw some of the tension leave his shoulders, some of the shadows lighten in his eyes. He tucked a stray lock behind my ear.

  “I love you too, Poppy. I’m so glad you’re in my life.”

  I smiled at him and kissed him again, determined to do whatever I needed to make the rest of those shadows disappear completely. I had a few ideas.



  “Damn it.” I muttered as my rounded belly hit the edge of the sewing machine, knocking the fabric swatch I was working on askew and the needle loose. “How am I supposed to make anything when I am the literal size of a planet.”

  I pushed the stool back and stood, waddling away from the machine and the fabric that was supposed to be turning into a blouse and instead was just three wasted hours. I wished it was easier to walk away from my frustration but that stayed with me, a sour taste in the back of my throat.

  “Here, let me help you,” Jefferson said as he stepped in front of me, guiding me back as he took my spot in front of the sewing machine. I shot him a grateful look as he fixed the needle and reset the fabric.

  “Thanks, Jefferson. What would I do with you?”

  “Probably have a lot harder time getting these garments ready for the runway,” He softened his words with a smile and I returned it, even if I was still frustrated. But still, he was right. This pregnancy was delaying me more than I had anticipated. With the morning sickness, constantly running to the bathroom because the little tyke was pressing on my bladder or all the other aches and pains that came with growing an actual human being inside me, I was way behind schedule.

  It was becoming harder and harder to get work done and it didn’t help that I felt uncoordinated and cumbersome in my own body.

  “Well luckily I have such an incredible assistant.” I patted him on the shoulder, “I’m making myself some tea. You want any?”

  He grimaced, shaking his head, and secretly I agreed. I would have killed for a hot americano but Nate had told me to lay off the caffeine so green tea it was.

  Jefferson really had been a lifesaver over the last few months. As my belly continued to grow and it got harder to work on the machines, and the tiny detail work, he had swooped in like a avenging fashion angel.

  “I owe you a raise.” I said as I blew on the hot tea, leaning against the tall work table and trying to ignore the growing pain in my feet. I had given up heels weeks ago but even the flat boots I was wearing were starting to pinch my swollen toes. I eased one off, then the other.

  “A big raise. A giant raise.” Jefferson said, still working the machine, all his focus on the seam he was finishing for me.

  I was still trying to work out the ache in my feet when the studio door opened and Thalia swept inside.

  She stumbled to a halt in the doorway, staring at the back of Jefferson’s head and even though he didn’t turn, I noticed the way he stiffened like a mannequin at the sewing machine. I just shook my head. They had been acting weird around each other for months now. I didn’t know what had happened between them, but if neither wanted to spill the beans I wasn’t going to pry. Besides, I had a lot on my mind already, with getting ready for the Midsummer show and the rapidly growing baby at the same time.

  “Thalia, I’m so glad you’re hear. Robert from the Daily Journal has been asking for our press release for the runway show to include in the write up they’re doing about it.”

  She didn’t look at me, didn’t blink, just stared wide-eyed at Jefferson. With a sigh, I stepped in front of her, waving my hands in front of her face.

  “Earth to Thalia,” I lowered my voice so only she would hear me, “You’re gawking.”

  “I am not gawking,” She whispered back, then gave herself a shake. “And I have your press release right here.” Her voice now overly loud and overly casual as she handed over a stack of papers.

  “Uh, Poppy, I’m, um, I’m going to go take a lunch break.” Jefferson said suddenly.

  “Okay.” I watched him walk around the perimeter of the studio, not once glancing in Thalia’s direction as he slipped out of the door. I shot Thalia a look and she shrugged. I wasn’t going to press, but then she suddenly let out a giant sigh.

  “We slept together.”

sp; “What?!” I gasped at her. I thought maybe Jefferson had finally worked up the nerve to ask her out and she’d turned him down, but this…I never would have guessed. “How? What? When?”

  “That night at the bar.”

  “That was months ago!”

  “I know.”

  “And that was the only time?”

  “Yes,” Thalia nodded and then gave me a look, “Poppy, it was amazing.”

  “Well, that’s great, right?”

  “I told him I didn’t want to date him and he kind of, well, he kind of freaked out.” Thalia’s expression dropped, “He said he wanted to be with me, and he was serious, but…”

  “But what?”

  “I don’t know, Poppy. You know I don’t do serious. I guess I just…I got scared.”

  I patted her shoulder.

  “Maybe it’s time to give serious a shot. You never know, you might actually come to care about him.”

  “I think…that’s the problem. I think I already do care about him. I just don’t know!”

  “Have you told him that?”

  She shook her head and I gave her a quick hug.

  “Don’t worry. Someone very wise once told me that everything will work out for the best.”

  She smirked at me. “Ha ha. By the way, are you still on internet hiatus?”

  I nodded emphatically. It had been over four months since the fiasco with the photoshoot, and the terrible tweet from Grant Davis. It had gotten even more views over the next week and I was sure our business was done. For my own sake, I gave myself a self-imposed restriction from all things social media. I had even stopped reading the fashion blogs I usually kept up with because the comments had been so hurtful.

  The whole stupid thing had blown over eventually but I had no desire to relive any of the negativity that had swarmed me after that.

  Thank god I had Nate with me, to keep me balance, to be my sounding board when I needed to vent and a shoulder to cry on when I just couldn’t take it anymore. Imelda had written a scathing critique of me and that had hurt the worst. I didn’t care about the other random comments, but Imelda was a giant on the fashion scene. Her words carried a lot more weight.

  My whole focus had been getting ready for the Midsummer show, which was only a few short weeks away. I put my hands on my large, round belly. So was my due date. And I was growing nervous.

  But my dreams were so close that I could practically taste them. All I could do was persevere.

  “Here is the list of everything I need for the show,” I handed the list over to Thalia, “Do you think you can have everything here by next week so we can do a test run before the final set up?”

  “Aye aye, Captain!” Thalia said with a salute and I grinned, shaking my head at her. She turned to leave but froze before taking another step.

  “Nate? What are you doing here?”

  Thalia’s words froze me and it took every ounce of will power that I had not to jump up and spin around. Slowly, I drew in a deep breath and then turned around. Yep, he was really there. Really standing there looking so terribly handsome and just as unsure.

  Damn it. I’d gotten so distracted, lost in my work, that I’d completely forgotten that he had texted me earlier and said he was going to come by the studio to check on me and baby.

  I forced myself to sound as casual as possible as I waved at him.

  “Hey, Dr. Williamson. Glad you could come by.” I racked my brain for some excuse, any excuse that Thalia would buy, “I just, uh, had some questions about the pregnancy and Dr. Williamson offered to help answer them for me, isn’t that right?”

  * * *


  I stared at Poppy, and then at Thalia, who was looking at both of us with growing suspicion and then back at Poppy again. I hated this. I hated the lying, the sneaking around. I knew it was my idea at first to keep our relationship quiet, but it was going too far. It was also obvious that Poppy wanted me to play and along and I shrugged. What else could I do?

  “Um, right. Well, here is that morning sickness medicine you asked for. Everything else looks good. I’ll just…go.”

  I handed over the small, white paper bag that had Poppy’s prescription of neo-natal vitamins and medications and then turned to leave, ignoring her wide eyed look. Thalia and Poppy where both staring at me like I was insane, and honestly I felt a little crazy as I walked as slowly as I could force myself towards the door. I didn’t stop until I was down the block and heard Poppy calling out after me.

  I slowed down, waiting for her to catch up with took substantially longer.

  “What the hell was that?” She demanded, squinting up at me and she was so beautiful I couldn’t stop myself from leaning down and stealing a quick kiss, and then a longer one because I needed more of her.

  I held out my hand to her. “Walk with me?”

  She gave me a suspicious look but my kiss had affected her just as much as it had affected me and she nodded, sliding her palm against mine.

  We walked together down the street to the little park at the end and I told her about my day, how things had gone at the hospital, nurse Barbara’s latest antics and finally she relaxed, laughing and smiling up at me.

  I waited until we sat on the park bench before speaking again.

  “Poppy, you need to tell Thalia the truth. Hasn’t she asked you about the baby? Who the father is?”

  She shrugged, looking out at the green, blooming park.

  “Yeah, of course she asked. She asked what I was going to do after the baby was born, she asked who the father was.” She reached over and grabbed my hand again, holding it in hers in a way that tugged at my heart. “Please, Nate. I’m just…I’m not ready yet.”

  “You’re running out of time.”

  “I know,” She drew in a deep breath, “Just a little more time, that’s all I’m asking for. I’ve been so busy getting ready for the show–.”

  “But not so busy you’re not taking care of yourself.”

  She rolled her eyes up at me, “No, Dr. Williamson, I have someone keeping a very close eye on me, making sure I get plenty of rest and don’t overstress myself.”

  “Hmm. I know some very good techniques for reducing stress that I could recommend.”

  She grinned sinfully up at me.

  “I just bet you do,” Her smile slowly faded, “I’ll know when the time is right. Then I’ll talk to Thalia. I promise.”

  “Just do it soon, okay? Then, no more secrets and no more sneaking around.”

  “No more secrets.” She agreed, then the grin was back. “So, about those stress reduction techniques.”

  “Well, there’s one I can show you right now.”

  I leaned down and kissed her, the rest of our conversation forgotten.



  “It needs a little more color, dear. Just there.” Nate’s grandma said, pointing at the skirt I was drawing. “A little red would do nicely.”

  I rolled my eyes up at her, but after squinting at the sketch, I had to admit she was right.

  “You’re good.”

  “I know.” She answered with a casual shrug and a grin that had mischievous lights flickering in her gaze that was so much like her grandson’s. I wondered if her great-grandchild would be just as precocious and I had a feeling the answer was going to be a resounding yes.

  “What do you think?” I asked her, handing over the sketchbook full of new designs. But something different this time. I’d spent the afternoon chatting with Isabel about the Midsummer show, and then about the baby, and ideas had just started to flow from my mind to my hand to the paper below. A whole new line of clothes, for children.

  “I think they are marvelous. You are quite talented, if I say so myself.” Isabel leaned forward, smiling at me conspiratorially, “You have gained me quite a lot of points with the ladies on the board for discovering you.”

  “You’re welcome?” I said with a laugh.

  “Quite so.” Isabel nodded,
then tried to hand me another tiny porcelain mug.

  “Please, no more tea. I’m up to my eyeballs in tea.” I pleaded, then groaned, “What I wouldn’t give for a cup of coffee. Nice, hot, black coffee.”

  “Nate said…”

  “I know. Nate said too much caffeine was bad for the baby,” I plopped my hands on my well rounded stomach. “Just two short weeks of tea for me, and then I get all the coffee I want.” I told the baby who was even now kicking me, as if the little tyke could hear my voice.

  “Have you found out yet? Boy or girl?”

  “We are going to be surprised.”

  “Oh, I love a surprise. And that’s the best kind.” Isabel said, clapping her hands and I grinned at her. She had made these last few weeks of pregnancy and getting ready for the Midsummer show bearable. Helping me, guiding me, keeping Nate off my back when he got a little too overprotective.

  A loud thud came from upstairs and I looked up at the ceiling with concern.

  “Oh, what is that boy doing?” Isabel asked and I just shook my head. Nate said he was looking for something up in the attic, but he wouldn’t say anything more than that.

  I was about to try and waddle my way upstairs and make sure Nate was all right when a strident voice stopped me cold.

  “What is she doing here?”

  I turned and looked towards the foyer, where Nate’s mother stood, her blond hair perfect coifed, every expensive thread exactly in the right place.

  I opened my mouth to tell her exactly what I was doing there, when Nate interrupted. He tripped down the stairs, stopping to kiss his mother once on each cheek.

  “Hi mom, thanks for coming.”

  “You invited her?” I asked him quietly. Not quietly enough though, because Beatrice gave me a wide eyed look of affront, as if my very existence offended her. Which, knowing her, it probably didn’t.

  “She’s my mother, Poppy. Whether we like it or not, she’s going to be a part of our lives, of our baby’s life.”


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