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Shattered Dreams

Page 26

by Shirley Wilkinson

  She paused when she picked it up and changed her mind again. She hadn’t talked to her parents or Lissa since before the ball, and she was sure they would love to hear how it went. As expected, both her parents were apologetic again for not being able to go, but she reassured them that she had thoroughly enjoyed herself, so it was no problem.

  Lissa wasn’t as willing to let it go. She had to hear every detail about the dress and the dance. She was even more excited when Avila told her about Nathan. It made Avila laugh when she was forced to detail nearly line for line all of her interactions with the young man before Lissa was willing to say goodbye.

  By the time she got offline, she barely had time to start reading when she heard her door open. She looked up to see Galdren and gave him a big smile as she stood. Her mood was still as bright as it had been all day. “Galdren! I’m glad I decided to stay in after all. Do we have to leave right away?”


  Galdren couldn’t help but smile at her exuberance. He had been afraid she would be nervous, so he was glad to see he wouldn’t have to coax her into a better mood before they went to dinner. “We have a little time, but not much. Was there something you needed?”

  “Not at all, well, other than freshening up. I just wasn’t sure about the time. You never told me when I would need to be ready.” She didn’t give him time to respond before moving toward her bedroom. “I’ll be right back.”

  He couldn’t help but shake his head at her bemusedly. He had no idea why she was in a good mood, but was thankful for it. It would make her first meal with everyone go smoother. True to her word, she was back in moments with a bright smile. “I’m ready when you are.”

  “We have a few minutes still before we have to leave. Is there anything you would like to go over before we head out?” He was trying to make sure she was as prepared as she could be.

  She deliberated for a moment before shaking her head. “The only question I have is if there will be any visiting dignitaries. If not, then I should be fine.”

  It was Galdren’s turn to smile. “None that I am aware of.” He didn’t lose his smile, but he still gave her an evaluating look. “I’m not sure why you are so much more confident about it tonight than you were when we last spoke, but I am glad to see it.”

  Avila’s smile lessened some as she answered, “I thought about it and realized two things. First, I will know most of the people there, if what you explained holds true. Secondly, I know you would not willingly put me into a position that would harm me or cause me embarrassment. As long as you are guiding me, I know I can’t fail.” Avila snapped her mouth shut as soon as the words were out.

  Galdren was stunned at her words; he understood precisely what kind of boon she had just offered him. He had not exactly given her many reasons to trust him, and it took him a few moments to formulate a response. “I am glad to hear you think that. I will do everything in my power to make sure you have every reason to continue to believe so.”

  A bit of color came to her cheeks at his words. She turned from him to try and hide it, changing the topic while she did so. “Will I need to bring my coat?”

  He couldn’t help but chuckle at her obvious embarrassment. She never liked it when her softer emotions showed openly. He found it amusing, as she never had a problem with openly showing her anger. He didn’t push her, though, and allowed the change of topic with no comment. “No, we are only going down the hall. We can go ahead if you are ready.”

  By then, she was back under control and had turned to him with another of her brilliant smiles. “All ready.”


  He offered her his arm. This was new for her, but she knew he was only being polite. She knew her face warmed some when she tucked her hand into the crook of his arm but couldn’t help but smile anyway.

  He had been correct in that it wasn’t far. He led her back through the double doors at the end of the hallway before turning down the hall to the left. She realized this was the hall that ran the length of the garden. She was pleased to note that although it was considered part of the commons, it was still not a high-traffic area. She had not seen anyone other than the five of them, as Randy, Baxter, and Angelo had followed them as soon as they left her rooms.

  When they entered the dining hall, she almost paused in the door when several sets of eyes turned their way. Galdren didn’t allow her to. His hand was firmly over hers on his arm, and he pulled her forward. She couldn’t help but wonder if they were late, as both the king and queen were already there. Her unease faded when she caught Nathan’s eyes. He gave her a big smile, and she couldn’t help but return it.

  When they reached the table, Galdren left her at the seat next to Nathan while he moved to sit across from her, next to his mother. Once he released her arm, she turned to the king and queen with a respectful bow. She didn’t move until the queen spoke up. “Avila, I am so glad you could join us! Please take a seat.”

  She sat at the queen’s insistence and gave her a smile at her warm welcome. “Thank you, Your Majesty. I am thankful for the opportunity.”

  Her words caused the queen to frown slightly, but Avila’s worry wasn’t allowed to blossom, as the queen quickly let her know why she was displeased. “How many times must I tell you there is no need for that? Ma’am will be sufficient, no matter the company.”

  Avila was a little embarrassed by the slight rebuke, but was more than glad to hear she had blanket permission to not address the queen by title. “My apologies, ma’am. I had thought to err on the side of caution, but I will keep your words in mind.”

  At her straightforward answer, the queen gave her a big smile. Her gaze was drawn to Nathan when he chuckled and said, “The same goes for me. I would hope we are past the point of needing such formality.”

  She gave him a smile. “Thank you!” She turned her gaze to Galdren at that point. He was smiling at her as well, but for some reason, it looked forced. She couldn’t help but wonder what was bothering him. She couldn’t allow his mood to worry her too much, though. She had to focus on getting through the meal. The first one would be the hardest. Once she had an idea of what was expected, she would be much more comfortable.

  The only person that had yet to say anything was the king. Avila remembered Galdren’s advice to not speak unless spoken to and tried to avoid catching his eye until or unless he addressed her first. Her unease was halted when he finally spoke up. “Lady Durant, we are pleased circumstances have allowed you to join us. I am sure I speak for all of us when I say we are grateful for everything you have done and look forward to aiding you in your future accomplishments.”

  Avila could feel her face burning up to the tips of her ears, though she knew she couldn’t reprimand the king for saying anything. The fact that it was coming from him in the first place made it almost surreal. She also knew she couldn’t remain silent. She gave him a respectful nod before responding, “Your words bring me honor. I only hope that I can live up to such high praise and expectations.”

  She was amazed when he gave her a small smile in response. “I have no doubt you will more than excel in anything you put your mind to.” He then turned to glance over the rest of the table. “Let dinner begin.”

  When the first course arrived, Avila was a little worried to note that it would be a larger meal than she was used to. She only hoped it wouldn’t be considered rude if she couldn’t finish. There was no way she would be able to. At least she knew which fork to start with. Her worries about the meal were interrupted by Nathan. “I must say, I had not been joining these dinners since I came back. Normally they go off into political tangents I would rather not follow, but when I found that you would be joining us, I couldn’t resist.”

  Avila was certain that the blush was not going to leave her face by that point. “I’m glad you find my company pleasing. I will admit that having you here does make it easier.” She looked away from him to try to hid
e the blush that still dusted her cheeks, so she only caught a glimpse of the way his eyes flashed brighter for a moment before she was looking across the table.

  She noticed Galdren was frowning until he caught her eye. The expression was erased immediately and replaced by a forced smile. It made Avila wonder if she had said or done something wrong. Had she already embarrassed him and not even realized it yet? She thought back over the last few minutes and couldn’t think of anything. If she had, she would just have to ask him later, as no one else seemed worried and now wasn’t the time.

  It looked like Galdren was about to say something, but he paused when his mother lightly touched his arm. The woman gave him a reprimanding look that made Avila’s eyes widen, but she didn’t have long to wonder what it was about before the queen looked at her and asked, “Avila, how did you enjoy the ball?”

  That question started a trend for the rest of the evening. Avila soon found herself part of multiple conversations, some of which included Galdren. He finally seemed to relax and enjoy the company and meal. By the time the last course was finished and the king stood, Avila felt a warmth fill her that she hadn’t felt since her life was changed. She didn’t feel like she was a prisoner. Instead, she felt human again, with worth due to her own personality and not because of who she knew. It was a nice feeling, and one Avila was glad to note would probably continue. The irony of the fact that it was due to the royal family did not escape her.

  When the king and queen turned to leave, Avila made sure to give them a deep bow along with her smile. A part of her had a hard time believing the meal went so well, but she wasn’t going to voice that feeling. Instead, she turned back to Nathan and Galdren. They both seemed to be waiting, although Galdren didn’t look pleased about it. She ignored the tightening of his jaw and turned to Nathan with a smile. “Thank you for once again providing such engaging conversation. I can almost see the way the savannah looks from your descriptions.”

  His smile only widened at her remark. “You should never take my word for it. I promise that it would be much more wonderful for you to see it in person. My invitation still stands. If you are interested, I will be going back on business eventually. You would be welcome to join me.”

  Avila couldn’t help but feel a spark of excitement at the offer. She hadn’t taken him seriously the first time he mentioned it, but after speaking with him extensively, she understood the offer was real and open. However, that didn’t mean she could say yes on her own. All of her actions would depend on Galdren’s approval, so she glanced over at him. She almost flinched at the sight of the storm in his eyes. As she realized how he must feel about the request, she found it was much harder to keep her smile up when she turned back to Nathan. “I will keep the offer in mind. Maybe someday.”

  All the joy she had felt during dinner was fading fast. When she noticed Nathan’s brow furrow slightly, she turned back to Galdren. She could tell Nathan had picked up on her mood change and didn’t want to discuss the cause. “Galdren, I wanted to thank you. This was an amazing opportunity, and I am glad I will get the chance to do it more often. For now, though, I find that I am quite worn out. Could we go back to the rooms?”

  “Of course.” Galdren gave Nathan a polite nod before continuing, “I will extend my appreciation for the invitation as well. I am certain your father would love the opportunity to meet Lady Durant. We can discuss the idea further at some point. For now, we must go.” He didn’t wait for Avila to take his arm that time. Instead, he reached for her hand and tucked it into his arm before turning and leading her away. She looked back over her shoulder one last time and gave Nathan a wave as they walked away.


  The next several days passed in peace. During one dinner, Queen Lorne mentioned that she was expecting a shipment of new plants from off-planet and asked if Avila would like to be there when they were added to the hothouse. Avila had enthusiastically accepted the invitation, and that was precisely where Galdren found her on Thursday afternoon, talking excitedly about the new shipment with the queen.

  The two had their heads together and were looking at all the information that had come with the exotic flowers when he walked up. He couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight. “If I were to guess, I would say you have found a new species. What did you find this time?” He leaned down and gave his mother a quick peck on the cheek to take any harshness from his words.

  If she noticed he was teasing her, she didn’t show it. Instead, she held up the report they had been pouring over. “Look at this. I have never seen this variety of colors in one plant. They are called sun lilies because of the way they emit light. Have you ever heard of a plant that can produce light on its own? Isn’t it amazing?”

  As amused as he was at his mother’s enthusiasm, he couldn’t help but agree. It was a plant unlike anything he had seen before. “They do seem unique. Do you already have a place for them?”

  “Yes, I had to set aside a separate section for them. There is the possibility they could harm some of the other plants, or even be harmed by some of the more aggressive growers. Their light is supposed to not only attract bugs, but—” She stopped speaking when a group of men carrying several open crates stopped in front of them, catching her attention. “Oh, they’re here!” The smile she shot both Avila and Galdren before she turned back to the men was brilliant. “Please follow me. I will show you where they should go.”

  Avila moved to follow the queen when Galdren put a hand on her arm before calling out to his mother’s retreating form, “Mother, I need to speak to Avila for a moment. I will send her in as soon as we are finished.”

  The queen turned back to him with a slight frown. “Don’t keep her long. These flowers are from Talamh and I told her she could be here for this.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I will have her back to you shortly.” He gave her a respectful nod before pulling Avila a little farther away from the bustle surrounding the hothouse. “I do apologize for interrupting, but I had something important to ask you.”

  Avila gave one wistful look back but was smiling when she turned to him. “That’s all right. I would most likely have been in the way while they are transplanting anyway. So, what did you need to speak to me about?”

  Galdren couldn’t help the smile that came up at her question. He was excited to see how she would respond. “I have been working on something this week, and I finally have everything completed so I can be free this weekend. The only thing remaining is you. Would you like to go to Nerada this weekend? We can visit one of the other nearby Talamh communities as well.”

  Avila looked stunned. “This weekend? It isn’t too short of a notice?”

  His smile softened at her questions. “That is why I have been working on getting everything finished and set up. I didn’t want to say anything if I couldn’t get it done on time. If you would like to go, I will have everything ready.”

  She flashed him a radiant smile. “Of course I would love to go! Thank you so much!” She looked like she might hug him, then seemed to think better of it.

  Galdren returned her grin before responding, “Good. I will get you all the details by tonight. For now, why don’t you rejoin my mother before she comes looking for you? I’m quite sure it would be unpleasant for me, at least, if it comes to that.”

  She shook her head at his teasing. “She is the second sweetest woman I have ever met. If it came to that, it would only be something you deserved.”

  “The second sweetest?”

  “Well, I may be a bit biased, but I think Lila is the sweetest. She did raise me, after all.”

  He chuckled at her response. “I will allow that you are indeed biased, but it is understandable.”

  She started to reach out to smack his arm lightly but caught herself at the last moment. Instead, she took a step back and grinned up at him. “I’ll see you later. Be prepared to hear all about these wonderful new specimens! I was even
told I might be able to keep one in my room if we can manage the right setup.” She didn’t wait for a response before she turned and headed back toward the hothouse. He could only shake his head with a chuckle at her retreating form.

  29. Nerada

  Saturday morning found Avila up and ready early. Galdren had told her they would be leaving just after dawn to try and get to their destination before it was too late. They would be taking the royal family’s private telepad to Nerada, but from there, they would need to use hovercars.

  She also double-checked her bag. While winter was in full swing in Arinel, in Nerada, it would be summer. Nerada was in the middle of the southern continent, so she would need to be prepared for the immediate difference when they arrived.

  She couldn’t help but check the mirror one last time as well. It wasn’t that she was trying to primp, but she still didn’t feel entirely comfortable in the clothes she was wearing. When Queen Lorne had found out they were going to the spaceport, she had ordered a few sleeveless summer dresses sent over. When Avila had tried to object, the queen was quick to point out that the dresses would be much cooler than pants. Avila had never been to the southern hemisphere and had no idea how hot it could get in summer. She finally relented and agreed to wear them, but she couldn’t quite get the feeling that she wasn’t fully dressed out of her mind.

  Her thoughts were interrupted when Galdren entered. “I see you’re ready to go.”

  She gave him a smile that answered his. “You told me we were leaving early.”

  Galdren had been about to respond when he suddenly stopped, and his eyes flicked down to her legs. They widened for a moment, but he shook his head and looked back up. Avila couldn’t help but wonder if she really looked that strange, but wasn’t about to ask. Thankfully, Galdren had already started speaking. “We will be expected at the telepad shortly. Do you have everything packed?”


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