Keep Still

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Keep Still Page 9

by Janet Gillooly

Accept Me As I Am

  Accept me in this moment as I come to you . I do not come to you in glitter and gold, but in the quiet of your heart, mind and soul. I am hidden, and I do not choose at this moment to be uncovered. Your heart seeks me out in this silence and we are as one.

  I give you struggles to help you grow. Pain and suffering are part of your walk with me. Saints have suffered much to gain the freedom of my kingdom. I give you peace, love and joy to comfort you.

  It is not about the prize that awaits you, but the walk to get there. Dreams are my message to you. I want you to have hope of reaching your destiny. Be satisfied with all I give you and where you are now. I do not mean that you should not wish to grow, but

  be happy with this moment.

  This moment I come to you in one way and the next shall be different. Enjoy each moment with me and how I feed you spiritually. You are hidden in my heart and your life shall remain also. I need only be the one to see your changes and you shall have freedom. The wings of a butterfly are like my angels , who must crawl in order to fly.

  My saints suffered much for the visions they had . I suffered much but yet much was given to me by my Father. We three share are love with you and this is your reality. We visit and sup with you in order that you may believe and hope in our eternal love. You are my vessel but you must me molded in every way.

  Your body is my body and your blood is my blood. Your eyes shall see me more clearly. You shall hear the truth which is my heart. The Holy Spirit will possess you totally in mind , body, soul and spirit. This transformation takes time. This transformation may continue in the next life. Know that I am happy where you are at this moment.

  I have a time when you shall receive your wings, but crawl like you can fly. Fly like you can crawl. Do not be frustrated for my timing is perfect. Be open to my spirit and will. Love my will and your attitude will change. My will knows better then yours what shall lead you on in continual sanctifying grace. I have the message and you have the grace to hear it. You can see, touch, smell and love this message.I am the messenger so love me more then the gifts you receive. You have my love now, so do not envy anyone. What else matters but my love, whether you be poor or rich.

  The poor shall rejoice for they are rich. The sad rejoice for they are happy. You have the only heaven you need, time and love with me. I will become more real to you every

  day. You shall reach heaven, but it will be along the narrow path. I love you and I know you love me. I give as the world can never give to you.


  Theorem of Before Then After

  Just as with all the opposites it takes experience. To know patience you must first know what impatience is. If you are going through loneliness, you shall know this opposite. If you are grieving you shall know joy.

  Rest in me. No sorrow or joy is forever. Your life is always changing, but I shall prepare you for all. Each moment is chosen by me. I feed and water you for growth to occur. The joy that shall see you through this life is constant intimacy with me. Nothing in this life is secure but me.

  I want to give you freedom throughout this spectrum of opposites. Your prayers are my greatest reward and so shall they be for you. The world is focused on things that do not last. Look at nature and be still. Your inner beauty is what I count as my treasure.

  True freedom is in your heart. Welcome me there and a whole new world shall unfold before you. I am the magic in a world of tragedy. I am the true light in darkness. The real tragedy of life is that the care of the soul is on the bottom of the list or not even there. Writing your list for the day should include me for at least one hour.

  The opposite of hidden is to be revealed. The opposite of neglect is attention. I make these transitions of life a smoother journey, but without me where is the meaning? Who am I? What is my teaching for the day, meant just for you? Why are you here? The main agenda is to stay close to me.

  I answer your prayers. I love and guide you. I said I love you. Do you know or meditate on my love for you? The tree does not say I am great, but that the creator made me.

  Humans are the only ones who puff themselves up, when every good they have is from me.

  I love a thankful heart. I love a humble spirit that loves me. I reward all, but those who love me receive many special blessings. I am the Santa Clause at Christmas and the love that is shared. It should be Christmas in your hearts every day. I love you. Take the

  time for me and your soul shall bloom in the snow.

  I Am Darkness

  I walk where there is no light.

  It is cold and dark. I am full of hatred and I know no peace. There is no love here. No God is present, which means turmoil .

  I cry for all eternity and there is no release. I have no hope and I am close to not one. I chose this place with my actions and little did I think what I did mattered.

  So many in the world were just like me, so I said it must be okay. I did not think God was there and now I am painfully wrong. I no longer have the choice to reach out for love and now I am an island . I am lonely and alone.

  All who are here are moaning and weeping. It is bitter tears and there is no release nor healing . I was blind to God, to myself and others. I now need no eyes to see for only darkness surrounds me. I need not have ears for all I hear is vile and ugly. This fire is torture and there is no way out.

  I walked in life asleep and my soul was dead. I knew no life and death covered me. I was cold and indifferent to the spirit, which seemed so far away. You cannot hide from God , for even in hell is judgement is upon you .

  I was lukewarm towards God and relied on my own goodness which I was convinced of. I made a choice each time I refused the grace and love of God. I paid no heed to the life after death and invested my time in useless endeavors.

  I wanted to learn, but that learning did not include my soul.

  Now I know since I am here that the only true knowledge worth having is of God's love and grace. There is the knowledge of God existing here, but there is no grace for the weary. This burden is eternal and now my cold heart shall never die. Wake up or else you shall see me soon. I am an example of what happens to those who neglect their soul and reject God. God was not a popular word for me on earth and less so now. I wish I could sleep and escape this madness, but there are no more dreams of glory here.


  The Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius

  Albert- I read his book before, but now I am on the videos about these exercises which are very helpful. One thing the priest said to reflect on is What is hell? Hell is not my favorite topic, but I lit the candle and asked God what is hell? The candle went out and I want you to know it was spooky. Then even though I did not want to write about hell, in was inspired to write "I Am In Darkness."


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