Keep Still

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by Janet Gillooly



  I was born poor, but the riches havi ng the most loving family. I remained chaste to be closer united to my Father. I remained an outcast to so many, to become your best friend. I obeyed my Father to bring all to him, loving his wil l.

  I fought the enemy so all could be free. I was born to serve and save. I was not seen as a success in the worlds' eyes, but to the only eyes that matter, those of my Father. I was perfection, but seen as the most vile.

  Bring me no gifts this Christmas, but yourself. Bring a smile to all and wish them well. Make not this the only time you think of others, but all year round . Forget self and give love freely.

  There is a reason why more believe in me then any other. My Father is at work and does not rest. I gave my life so you could live. I am here waiting for you and so many need your time.

  I wish you good cheer throughout the year. Not one day passes that I am not near. Not one moment have I not been mindful of you . I am the reason for the season and forget not my spirit at this important time.

  I bring families together at this time and loved ones. May you have a song in your heart and beat in your step. May you spread kindness and bring comfort to all. I wish you peace, love and joy. My gift to you is love. I give it freely and hold nothing back. It is my birthday, please wish me a Happy Birthday and then just give me your whole being. The good thing.about Jesus’birthday is- I share it with all. Merry Christmas!

  Watch and Wait

  Watch and wait for my perfect timing. I will lead you on your directed path.

  Be not afraid. I have come to give you life and to save you . Your healing will be as a soft cool breeze, a dream that will awaken you. You have the control with my power.

  I shall not let the enemy defeat you for I guard your brain, heart, soul and spirit day and

  night. You shall walk in the storm with a rainbow as a halo. My love shall penetrate your very being and you shall know my truths. My peace shall comfort you and I am your only reality. I started the church to give boundaries and let not the evil spirits deceive you.

  The church is the root of your foundation and this church is your home. I give the scriptures as a way to increase your faith by hearing . The sacraments are your safety among so many liars. I was perfect and any who say different are not true believers. You must accept all of me and my body will save you .

  The devil will take a truth through people, whom he uses and twist it, but it is still a lie. Those who do not listen to me are not truly in prayer. Conversation works two ways.

  Many are afraid of intimacy with me and therefore never reach their full potential. I shall talk to you soon.

  I Am Rejected

  I am cast down, but for the love of my Father. I thought if I died it would make a difference to so many, but how few reach to me. I hurt when my people hurt for they go through the same rejection. I am so hurt by all the indifference .

  I am treated as a plague . I am seen as a fad and forgotten. I am still seen as crazy through my people . My words do not matter and how may I give to closed doors? The Holy Spirit is just cast aside. My pain is beyond any of my servants, but I ask them to share my crosses as well.

  I do not want any to be forced to accept my love, but without out it they are in darkness. They do not even comprehend this and go on their merry way. I have tried to give sight to the blind, but they refuse my light. The deaf do not want to hear, but continue in their illusions.

  The shallow are worse than those in deep pain, for they are the real lost here. I love my sensitive people for they know my pain and honor me for the many tears I shed. What I ask my servants to share is hard, but the reward shall be sweet. I have been patient waiting for all, but soon justice must prevail. My Mother cannot hold back my judgement for very long.

  I remember my servants who love me and this alone gives me consolation. I hurt for so many and I wait for the day when I can bring my people home. Hell is a choice and I force no one there either. Every choice made in a life is so important. Forgiveness is the key, but I shall gather up the weeds soon.

  I am your heart don't you see that. I love you like no other and I want your love in return. I want you to come to me freely with no hindrance and no act of duty.

  I breathed life in you from your first day and now you say you are not my son nor daughter. Oh, the pain of so much neglect, indifference and rejection . I go away, because it is as you wish.

  The hateful things people do to each other causes me so much grief for I made my family as one and now you stand on division. You have learned so little since I took you out of Egypt. My love could bring all together, but so many refuse my generous gift. I love my servants who feel my pain and comfort me. My true friends shall be called blessed in heaven and they shall have everlasting joy. Build not your house on sand or your soul shall blow away to oblivion. I am the rock .


  First let me tell you of a dream I had. I wondered why I kept waking up first at one, then three with the dream and finally at six. God wanted me to remember my dream. I dreamt that I was in a different apartment, living alone. The apartment to me represents the sanctuary where I get close to the Lord which is usually alone. I am talking to my friend Albert who is really excited about something, but I am half listening for I cannot believe it is him calling so late. Plus in the bedroom which I can see into, I am drawn to it because I am afraid Satan is in there. I hang up on Albert and go in to the bedroom. I walk in and see the end table in between the two beds. I do not notice things, just the furniture there to serve a purpose. I am not materialistic and this is not my focus. I walk in to the bedroom then, on my way out all of a sudden I am levitating in the air and there is Satan's face. It is evil, ugly and I am afraid the closer I get the more ugly will his face be. I now feel as if I am going to fly towards him with no control. I find his face close up is not any uglier, in fact he is about the same. I say, "In the Name of Jesus leave." I say this twice and both times he shakes his head no. The third time I am irritated and I just utter the word leave. I then wake up. I think dreams talk about balance . We strive always to seek balance.

  I am too concerned with my dark side in this dream. Before it use to be denial, but now I need to focus more on the good of myself. I hung up on Albert who is a symbol of a spiritual advisor. I need to focus more on God. The levitation means I am reaching a higher plane spiritually.

  I am brave to face my dark side and to fight the spiritual battle within myself and the real battle that goes on between good and evil. The enemy is distracting me from drawing closer to God. I am a threat because I am climbing to another plane.

  I believe every character in the dream is a part of myself. This keeps the focus on me, not on others. God is trying to give me this lesson in my dream. Dreams are not about others, but about each of us. Just like the bible we are to keep the focus on ourselves and what God is trying to tell us . The devil represents the dark side of myself. Albert represents me the side focused on God. I ask God for help and he will heal me. None of us will ever probably reach perfect balance, for it is like a scale sometimes heavier on one side. The dream may have many meanings and different levels, but if you remember that each character is us. We all have a dark side, which we must look at. Jung was spiritual and I believe he had the right idea with his interpretations.

  I believe God is always trying to teach us and when something happens it is for a reason and the main is of course to draw close to him and trust him. l let fear or anxiety to be my focus at times instead of totally trusting that God knows what is best . I have been able in my own life no matter if it be good times or bad to see some of the things God wanted me to learn. I don't think we know all the reasons, but God will reveal to me what he wants me to know. I am a better person and not one experience was a waste to get me where I am now. I cannot change without God's grace.

  I like what a priest said. He said those who have endless activity are not living in God's
grace. We need that quiet time to reflect. Praying is not doing nothing, but the best thing you can do. Dreams give me glimpses of what God wants me to know about my growth. I hope this is helpful to someone. I just ordered a video of I believe someone Chinese who shows priests and nuns exercises that will help with their meditation.

  Saint Joseph The Hidden

  I have always been a silent man, but one of strength. I have been submissive to Mary and to the Lord. I cradled him in my arms many a night. I worked hard to take care of my family and protect them.I now in heaven wait to be used. Too many have forgotten me and know not my power. I want to be used and be a friend to all.

  I was deemed worthy to be the father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Think about this awesome responsibility, which I did not deem myself worthy to underttake. I am still silent for so many do not ask for my help. Mary is the most powerful, but next to her I come with great love to bring all close to Jesus.

  Many have used me, but not as many do now. I feel sad for I want to do my part . I remain hidden but not out of sight. I love all of you like a father loves his children.

  I would like to see the world shake if I thought it would lift all hearts to the God who is forever. I am eager to bring your requests to Jesus who is open to your love.

  Many have prayed in vain and then turn to me finding their miracles to come true. God has given me even more responsibility now to bring all home. We all in heaven wish all to be home.

  Many I have through the Lord provided them a home, husband and a career they could enjoy. I have so much to give all of you and I want to be your friend. Talk to me and find the truest of friends right inside your heart.

  I have a special place in the Lord's heart for being his father and a husband to Mary. He will not refuse me if it be for the good of a soul and it bring them true happiness. Ask and you shall receive. The Lord hears the desires of your heart and I am in communion with the Lord constantly and forever pleading your causes on your behalf. I help those who do not know how to ask, but oh how much sweeter it would be if they asked me for help.

  You can of course always talk to the Lord directly but we saints just make it easier for you to draw closer to the Lord, making your passing to the next life easier. We intercede for the world and God is pleased to let us help all of you. All in heaven are so involved in the joyful work of bringing all home forever. Jesus, Mary and Joseph is the order it should be. Do not forget the one who was a father to the Lord here on earth. I will be praying for all of you and wish you joy!

  You will know how much we all have helped you when you return home forever. Think of all the ones who will greet you, who you asked for help. We will be together again like long lost friends. The angels and saints will all celebrate with you when you receive the crown of life. Amen.

  Mother Teresa

  I gave until it hurt. I gave and gave until I was spent. The Lord drove me on to do this work and I did it with love.

  I did not try to convert anyone, but just to love them. I do not think it is right to manipulate someone to change, but just love them and let God's love change them. It is not right to take advantage of the ones society did not want to claim.

  I believe all those suffering I took care of went straight to heaven. No one can know the will of God for each person. I was there to love them and let them die in dignity. I educated the young, so they would have a chance to make it in a world of so much poverty.

  Just do one act of charity a day, pray and add on to it every day. Charity may include doing the dishes or letting someone in line during traffic. Let charity include helping others like visiting the sick in nursing homes or cleaning a person's house who is too sickly.

  I promise you before long your life will be one of loving charity. Act now and blossom like a butterfly. This is the year for so much change. This is the time to make a difference in so many lives. Ask God and he will help you make the changes you need to make in all areas of your life.

  There comes a time to act. Do not fix anyone, but just love them. What you think may need fixing God loves the most. Try to see Jesus in every person and then loving will come easier. Ihad a certain calling, but all have something God has placed them here to do.

  Unless someone is hurting you let them be who they are. We are not the judge nor do we know God's will for that person. God is the changer of hearts and we should not think we have not plenty to change of our own. Give and then give more.

  I am here always to inspire you and lead you on to love. God is love, do not use fear to convert. God is perfect love, where fear should not be. Yes examine yourself daily, but never forget God's great love for you. You are his child and you have a right to be here. Love is the key to every door. Use kindness to put an end to fighting. None of you have all the answers. You might learn from the very one you were trying to teach. May God bless you and may his love shine in your hearts.


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