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Keep Still

Page 11

by Janet Gillooly

Your Heart

  Your heart is precious.

  It is pure and seeks only to love.

  It does not stop beating even when it is so tiered of beating.

  Your heart has been broken and been driven to despair.

  The nights were so long

  and the days linger on.


  You are my love

  I seek you every day.

  I shall always love you.

  You shall weather the storms.

  You have been misunderstood until those looking at your shell see the light shine within you

  a light so pure and full of depth.

  The pain you have endured not too many could fathom nor

  could they stand it without going mad. You have been driven to madness but you are home again in my arms.

  Our love shall endure.

  For we have seen all kinds of weather.

  We have the strength and character to hold each other tight in a spiritual

  embrace and this special light surrounds us.

  When the world can no longer see. When the world no longer listens.

  When they only want to be involved with themselves . We shall be in peace loving like we should.

  I kiss you each morning. I hold you each night.

  We shall be together forever in a world of love and light.

  I see your heart.

  I know your soul. When you turn to dust. There shall I be.



  The Last Supper

  I spent my days and nights preparing for this great event. I lived a life of sorrow, but also one of joy and prayer. I joked and laughed at the wedding feast and many of these gatherings.

  I loved my time with my mother, father and friends. I also of course witnessed to many people and communed with them in prayer. We sometimes would have all night prayer vigils and then other times in front of the camp fire we would dance, laugh and sing.

  Being a part of a community was very important to me and very up lifting . I needed these times as well as time alone in solitude.

  My mother and father taught me to pray. My mother and I would read the bible together and we would on special holy days pray all night. My parents taught me discipline ,which would never fail me in days to come.

  I was born with the knowledge of many things and one of the events was the Last Supper. The night was filled with many emotions. One feeling was that of respect for my Father and the mystical reverence for such a night as this.

  I had to prepare my disciples to say good-bye to me. I had to teach them to spread this

  night to all who would listen. Eat my body and drink my blood I said to them, for this

  was to be my memorial to them and all who would follow. We laughed, cried and sang of the great love of the Father.

  Someday all my people shall see and be a part of this night. You all shall know of my life here in every detail. You will know the things that were not told and then your new life will begin.

  The last supper was mystical, bitter and sweet. This night was the beginning of everything to come. The Holy Spirit would rest upon all who were believers. I welcome all to reflect on my life, so you feel closer to me and my life becomes more real to you. Dwell on the Last Supper and you shall have peace. Get a picture of the Last Supper, light a candle and then be at peace. Read any books that will be helpful for you to better understand this night.

  Eat my body and drink my blood so you shall have eternal life. Amen. Janet- Marie - A part of the Trinity Family.


  I have been with you from the beginning. I led you to the Father and then to my Son. I was calling you when you were lost.

  I protected you because I knew how close you would be with my son.

  I miss our talks and now God is leading you back to me. I always try to draw others to my Son. I am so glad God used me to bring you close to my heart.

  My suffering was much in this life, but the joy in heaven surpasses all that by loving you. God lets me be such an inspiration to so many, who just need love. Trust is so important in a world of deceit and a world of those asleep and knowing not their souls.

  I knew you from the beginning and I am so proud of your heart. I am so proud how you try so hard to draw close to my son and all of heaven. I have known your struggles, but still you have loved me. There is so much to you and I know many will never know. I know and I wish that you knew more and how dearly you have touched my heart.

  You have so much to do for my son and for me and yet time is so short. I am always there for you, even if you feel so alone. You have my love forever and I know how much you love me. I shall lead you to where the Lord wants you to be. Do not lose heart, for how could we fail you my beautiful soul. You have such a childlike faith and such a huge heart. I wait for you to call on me and then I am there to fight off every evil.

  I have the greatest power of all the saints and I just beg to be used for all my children. I want to draw all my children close, but so many are lost. Oh, my joy I have loved you for so long. You will be used and I head up the army to aid you in your missions. You have such power to draw on from God, me and all the angels and saints. Know this fully and there is nothing that you and I cannot do together.

  Your prayers in the darkness, with a lit candle touch so many lives and the Lord is drawing you towards others that will share their lives with you. Your prayers I know are powerful and I have let you feel my powerful presence many times. There are so many more times we will have together and I have so much to share with you. I need to use you in a world that is divided and we are preparing you for a great journey.

  Seek me out in every church, in nature and in your heart for there you will find me. I have so much to give you and much to teach you. You are my special delight and we will fight your battles together and pray madly, mystically and powerfully because our time is grounded in love. I shall speak to you soon and dream of me love as I watch you sleeping.


  The Word of God Perfected Within Me

  I am Mary the mother of all .

  Color is the perfection of my Son's soul. His white light is such perfection, that color is the result of his perfection .

  When you see color you see his soul.

  I lived here on earth as his perfection. He reigned within my heart and his word was my living flesh. I came to save souls through his love. I now reign in heaven and I am forever leading so many to my son.

  I have come daughter to seek out in every dark crevice and shine his light here in these hidden places. I see the evil and it flees from me, for they all know my power. Evil shall not remain in my presence. It shall spew out its own vomit and as the Holy Water touches it with the blessing the evil shall feel safer in the fires of hell .

  The Sacraments shall be the strength of this country, the word and my blessed Rosary. You have silent prayer, which is a result of all these endeavors. I come to bring my Son's love to all and I weep for those who refuse him. I still suffer for all the lost and the suffering for heaven does not make me indifferent to so much loss.

  If only war were not in the minds of men, but love and good tidings. Men could be at peace, but their lust for power, their greed and wanting to be an idol as brought the power of Satan to great heights. God is the ultimate ego that should be in each soul, but all want to drown him out with their pride. Pride is vanity and it has not a place in the kingdom. All could be brought low, with just one word from God.

  Selfish love forbids the Holy Spirit to show his real power. He is the one who makes God real to all his people. Obedience is simply being open to God's Grace, so he may mould you into his perfection . No saint starts out perfect, but his grace makes it possible. Be open my children to his love and be in communion with him. He shall make all your struggles worthwhile. Just have a willing heart and struggle to overcome yourself and he will make your perfection possible.

  Rome was not built in a day and he has a purpose for your struggle
s. You would not appreciate his power if everything came easy to you. He starts you out small, so you may see his progression and then you look back and realize how he has perfected you. All can reach this perfection if they have the right heart and mind and no greater desire then to be close to the Lord. Follow him and you shall know his perfection.

  I followed him every step of the way, even unto death. Do not be afraid to touch every part of his life, for you shall know true joy and peace. I regret not one tear that brought me close to his hearth and the joy is beyond words. Fear not this life, for it is to prepare you for your eternal home. I shall talk to you soon daughter. Thank you for letting me share with others the love of the Lord. Mary Magdeline wants to share her words soon and many of the saints and angels. Thank you daughter for letting heaven use you as our vessel to spread hope to the world. Amen.


  There are golden streets and clear pure

  clean blue water. There are crystal lakes and very bright flowers. The universe is connected in love. My love is everywhere and sung all over.

  Everyone is close and there is no division. No walls which try to block out evil for there is none here. Everyone knows their purpose and they do it with joy. There are no burdens to lay down and no pain.

  We all come together to love. There is no one trying to prove they are better for all are equal in dignity. Each one has his own blessing for the life they lived and no one feels threatened by another's gift. Each feel joy for each other and are proud of all who have lived.

  I share my love with each one in so much depth that each one knows they are loved and in heaven. Heaven is possible on earth to the degree that each one spend time with me in my loving presence. It is not the heaven here, but some day each one will know the complete freedom here.

  Freedom is possible now on earth if each one just embrace my love with all their heart.

  No peace is like what I offer. I am the heart and soul of everyone and everything. If a book has no soul it might as well be in the trash. Where is the soul of my people?

  Heaven is safe and everyone here is as joyful as children. There are no worries, no stress and no spiritual battle to fight for it is won. Evil is not allowed here and there is not one unkind word here. It is loving support beyond your dreams. Your new heavenly body frees you and it is not a prison. You are not weighed down by the flesh and the spirit roams free here like love should.

  The mansion is the center of my love. You are free to love without restriction and no one is turned away. We work together to free the earth of filth and to open up to it my love. I give everyone a free will, but so many do not know the key. The key is my love, which is eternal life. Suffer only a short time and then join us on our mission of love.

  Heaven has so much to give you and yet you choose prison. I am The Way, The Truth and The Light. There is no other road which leads to my kingdom, accept to draw close to me and I shall set you free. Chains are but sins against my nature. I offer my nature to you and then shall you follow.

  The Little Flower

  God begun a good work in me and now my work continues. I do good here on earth to bring souls to the center of Christ's love. I adore my Lord and I want all to know his complete love.

  How could one not love such a victim of love, who shed his blood for no other reason, but to love. He wants our love and wanted to save all from their sins. I was blessed to have found him so young in my life and continue this innocence until death. St. Paul knew not my walk, but his was even more powerful in showing the works of the Lord.

  The Lord treats all the same once they turn to him in love. He does not care about the past and the present moment is the moment of his grace to produce holiness or another Christ. Christ works differently in each soul, but it is his same grace. We each have our own book to write, so not one walk is identical.

  I beg all to come to the Lord in silence. This is the key to all things. His love is the only safety and secure path. I glorify the Lord day and night. My heaven on earth was the only thing that kept me sane and longing for the narrow path. The narrow path is where few will follow, but here the angels are at work in a most profound way.

  Angels fear to tread paths that are of destruction and separation from God. They are not afraid of evil, but afraid for the lost soul. They long to bring each soul to this center, so each may know the true love of God .This place is nothingness, a place of not self- indulgent love, but to forget self. To be another Christ is for Christ to dwell fully in a soul that has emptied itself of all desire, but to love only their beloved.

  I come to say all is possible with God .There is no miracle too great for God and each soul may share in the mystery of God. I know what God did for me on earth and I know what he can do for each one of you . Do not lose hope nor give up the struggle, for your reward will be great. I have a place in my heart for each one of you who turns to me,for I will surely lead each one to the Lord along the narrow path.

  I want to lead all to the Lord, but my special mission is to bring souls to the center of the castle, where all the treasures lie. The Lord is a priceless rose and a pearl of great value. Bring a rose and pearl placing them in front of my statue. This is also true of the Blessed Mother and all of heaven, which will insure prayers being answered and a veryspecial blessing. The Lord will not grant anything that shall be harmful to your soul, but shall grant you true joy.

  Call on me and I shall shower you with many blessings. I want the Lord to be everything to you, the way he is to me. I will gladly do the work of the Lord and when the world here is at an end then my mission shall be complete. We all will celebrate in heaven that all our home in heaven for eternity. Until then use me to draw you in to this sanctity for which you are all called. You are daughters and sons of the almighty God, so nothing less will do, then to love him with your whole being. Amen



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