Keep Still

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by Janet Gillooly

St. Theresa of Avila

  I once said that no wonder Jesus has not many friends, for the heavy trials I endured. I deep down knew his great love, but life can be such a burden. I wanted many times for this life I led to be over, but I had still much work to do.

  God gave me the gift of writing and he used this gift to give hope and to promote

  growth in his servants. I am so proud to of done good, including the many monasteries I founded. Not all have such things to leave behind, but there little acts will mean so

  much in heaven. I was blessed by God, but it was he who really did the good work, using me as his tool.

  A tool needs to be sharpened and put in the fire, in order for it to continue to be a useful instrument. I suffered in many ways including my health, but God sustained me through it all.

  It took me all my life to reach the center of his castle. St. John the Cross wrote a lot about the dark night of the soul. We want the consolations, but many times we must be in this place of darkness. I do not state these things, but to assure each one of you that God is always faithful. We must suffer trials in order to reach the perfection he desires for each of us.

  I want each of you to know of the great love God has for you. The flesh is weak, but God shall win all your battles for you . You may lose faith due to your weaknesses, but

  it is God's grace that you must count on. We are not the strength here, it is God. He has chosen everything in our life, including the crosses to bring us closer to him. He has his own time to heal us. He knows what each can handle daily.

  When you marry you must accept the hard times as well . You would not be marriage material if you leave when things are difficult. Marriage to God is loyalty, love and a promise to stay united to him. He wants happiness and peace for all. Our sins block out the joy and peace he is trying to give. God's love is perfect and with this comes perfect joy.

  I had many consolations from God and true peace. Each one has the grace of God, which you must open your heart to.

  He gives freely and wants each to be open to the supernatural peace and virtues he offers. Not one good deed alone means anything without the grace of God. There is so much to God and in the silence of your room is where you will find him.

  I regret not one thing I did for God. I regret not one act of kindness, nor one tear shed. I am in heaven and believe me when I say it is all worth it. I knew not the true measure of God's love until I reached his throne in heaven. It is a joy and love beyond words.

  Don't lose heart, especially during suffering for you shall have your reward. Your loved ones are so happy here, that you would not want them to leave this paradise. Imagine your greatest joy on earth and here in heaven it shall be magnified beyond your fondest dreams. Love with all your heart now and in heaven you shall have everything come together in a most perfect, profound way.

  I shall be watching over all of you and guiding you closer to God. Bless you and I shall see you in paradise.

  My Love

  I find the lost. I heal the sick.I change the sinner in to a saint. I cause the wind to cease.

  I am the creator of miracles.

  I give hope to those who are tiered of life. I give dreams to those who feel no dreams are left. I might cause change as quick as the blinking of an eye. I do all out of love.

  I am the peace in turmoil.

  I am the presence in the quiet of prayer. I am hidden only to be found .

  I shall reward and chastise at the right time. I do not forget one thing you suffer, nor one act of kindness. I give forgiveness to those who are remorseful.

  I am your shield in battle.

  I am mercy to the broken hearted.

  I lift up the humble and bring low the proud. I am the strength if only you comprehend this and not boast of something you have no control of. Give me thanks and many blessings I shall bestow. I provide the right time for you to help others. I send a friendly dog to you when you are sad.

  I send kindness your way, when you feel unwanted. I provide you company when you are lonely. I appreciate your progress, while others are only self- aware. I send you love when you are at your wits end.

  I am always there when others cannot be there. I answer your prayers and bless those you pray for. I care and suffer with you through your day. I understand your confusion and your concerns. I love to see you happy and no greater joy is when you reach out to me for all your needs.

  I only wait for you and when you come I love you so tenderly. I love you even when you are not with me. I understand that you only have so much energy. I am gentle while others are harsh.

  I give you understanding and wisdom. I help you see things through my eyes. I am your best friend and your life.

  I give you mercy, so you may return it.

  I give you love, so you may do great things for me. Not one thing do I not know and yet I always encourage you to keep trying.

  Don't give up for I will lift you up .I will provide all your needs.

  Some day you will receive the crown of life. You are limited here, but when you are home not one thing shall limit you ever again. You shall be free to love everyone the way I love all of you. I love you and many good times are just around the comer. Do not give up the gospel to lies. I shall reward those who live my truths. Be at peace and I will continue to guide you on the path I have set before you .



  My Power

  Be Silent feel my power and strength.

  I give power to those who know I am real. I will empower you to make the changes in your life. Make me real totally and if you have doubt pray I remove them.

  I am the love to draw you deeper in to my peace. I have no beauty that matches me and I give freely. I do not give for certain conditions, but because it frees you. I am the wind that blows gently and freely.

  I am the night that blesses the stars and moon. I give the light to guide you and bring you joy. I teach you the ways of love and it hurts for me not to give. I shine on your soul and it responds as the water, first shallow and then deep beyond sight.

  I am there in the stillness and you breathe me in like a fragrant flower. I am the true hypnotist and you grow deeper and deeper in my love. I have not sin nor stain and my perfect love washes all your stains away and perfects you.

  My light brings healing, peace and power. I will give you the desire if you only ask to bring you so close to me that no evil has reign here. I bring sorrow to teach you how important my love is and that nothing last but me. I breathe life in to you so you have eternal life. My eternal light is a power of love. L want to possess you totally and bring you to the complete awareness of my love.

  I want to bring you more fervor then when you first drew close to me. I want you on fire for my love and dipped in the blood of the lamb. My blood has become your life and you shall drink of it to be perfected in my image. I give glory to my creatures who started out as dust, but once there was no creature . I made life and I do not destroy that which I make.

  Do not destroy me with your indifference. I would rather have you cold. I give you the fire of the Holy Spirit to mould you and draw you near. I have all knowledge and wisdom which I want to share with you at the level you are capable of understanding . No matter, the troubles of the world I am in control. Do not worry, but draw close to me.

  Being with me can change things and make things new. I give you the power with your prayers to bring food to the hungry, compassion to the lonely and salvation to the lost. You have the power in your room away from the noise to change this world. If everyone did their part there would be no one hungry or poor. There would be no blood shed and then my love would reign the way I wanted it to when I created the universe.

  If you want to be complete and everything in your life to add to your wholeness come to me. See me in everyone and everything. Remember how you love others is also how

  you love me. I am the creator of all and I am in all. Take the time for others and this will mean being a friend to
me. Fools do not rush in, but most of you move so slow that I could create the world faster. Where is the intimacy for each other that I taught you

  and gave you freely? You must take risks in order to make a difference in lives.

  If you barely spend time with anyone, you will not influence them the way you could. Where is the trust in me to guide you to your brothers and sisters so you may love them?


  I went to a place of stillness. I went to a place of quiet.

  My mind was emptied.

  I was in a place of darkness.

  Be still and know I am God. Be not afraid of the enemy.

  I am with you.

  I will draw you close.

  I was afraid, but I traveled deep in his love.

  It was a place of peace and darkness, but the light was there, like a burning candle.

  He was my anchor in a world of insecurity. He would teach me to not fear. He would love me without reproach.

  He was a gentle spirit, in a chaotic world that surrounded me.

  There would be not outward signs

  of his love for me, but a yearning that would grow deeper, as my eyes were closed in a world of light.

  He would guide me while I left the world behind in his silence. There is no friend who can reach my inner depths the way he can. He knew me and was a part of me in a most profound way .

  Silence is trust.

  Words need not be spoken.

  I was not trying to add up words, nor mark the time.

  I was with him, because I wanted to be. It was not duty nor was it fear.

  It was where I belonged my whole life.

  He will guide me slowly into this abyss of love, for he wants me to see my seed grow. He wants me to know it is him who makes this all possible.

  He has taken me far, but still he wants me in a place of repose, sleep and safety.

  I have time to be with him .He has marked this time out from my very beginnings.

  I will travel the way he wants me to go and though it may be slowly, it is sure as the wind blowing. Nothing will deter him from bringing me forth in this sea of hope. It is eternal and I am walking my path towards my heavenly goal.

  He only wants me to be a willing vessel. I feel my arms are his.

  I feel him using my temple as a light to the world. My mind and heart being molded into his. My soul is the salt he uses to awaken all my senses.

  I close my mind and he opens it to his love.

  He is my final chapter. He is where I am going.

  My feet may stumble, but

  he will keep me on my chosen path.

  It is not for me to say how he is to use me, but just that he does.

  I will write more as the journey unfolds and as his love inspires me to do so. By Janet Gillooly

  "It is better to desire to lead a good life, rather than a long one."


  Angels are our guides to salvation. They put holy thoughts in our minds. They stop our feet from slipping.

  They bring God's message of love to mankind.

  They love us like their own. They take no reward.

  They do it for love of God

  And for love of us.

  They do not force their hand but their message is strong. They want us to love the Lord and to love each other.

  What we drive does not matter to them. What we wear is of no consequence.

  What job we do is not their priority only that we treat others as if they were angels or the Lord himself.

  We are not here to gather riches which only turn to dust, but we are here to love and this should be our priority. Our treasure is in heaven and our soul is the only thing the angels care about.

  Looks only fade. Lusts become a burden.

  Our bodies become a prison and we must provide our needs. The only freedom is God, who loved us first, which allowed us to love. The angels no better than us how short time is.

  They travel the seas looking for souls to be saved and to help the saved grow.

  In the end their trumpets will blow, one of salvation and one of warning to those who remain blinded in their shallow shell.

  Let us not forget our angels, for they guard us day and night.

  They watch over us and guide us to eternal life.

  Oh, angel of God please help us to be holy and bright.

  Teach us the ways of love

  so that the Lord may say to each of us, come your work is done

  and hold us tight


  He does not force himself upon me. He only wants love freely.

  He wants to free me of all my cares

  and woes. He wants to give me his lasting treasure.

  He remains hidden from me to see if I will take the time to seek him out.

  He wants to be appreciated for giving me life. He wants to care for me forever.

  I do not always please him but I never give up trying. I would rather be with him, then to be alone, which is nowhere at all. He wants me to love him for who he is not what he can give me, although he has to give for it is his nature.

  He never turns his back and he always puts me on my chosen path. I love to discover him and he uncovers me, so I may keep my soul.

  I never run out of words to describe him, but I do not really have the words I need. I love you Lord and may I love you more deeply with each new day. Amen



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