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Ciao Bella

Page 6

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Forget it. Just get the other things here and delivered. I’ll take care of the boxes.” She ended the call and was totally annoyed. She closed up the laptop and put things away and then headed out of the office. One look at the main dining area and her brothers completely swamped, and she knew she needed to take care of this. She saw her mom first.

  “Mom, I need to go into Fayetteville. Fred left the warehouse without the boxes of supplies needed for the party tomorrow.”

  “What? How could he do that?”

  “I don’t know, probably in a rush or something, but he’s in Crescent Valley so he can’t get to the warehouse today. I’m going to take the Jetta and go get the boxes so we have everything. You wanted to set things up first thing in the morning, right?”

  “Yes, are you sure you can go? I can ask one of your brothers.”

  “Don’t be silly. They’re all busy. This won’t take long.” She said headed back down the hallway to grab her purse and keys and headed to her car.

  * * * *

  “Hurry up and get these into the other truck before someone sees you,” Pino said to Fred.

  “I’m hurrying, and because you’re in such a rush, I fucking forgot some boxes at the warehouse.”

  “I don’t give a fuck about restaurant supplies, just as long as all the product we need for Trevor is here,” Pino said as he sliced open the seals on the boxes with a box cutter to make sure they had all the items. “One, two, three, four, five, six…where are the other two?” he asked.

  “Everything is fucking there. The other boxes in the back are for the restaurant,” Fred told him.

  “What the fuck? We’re missing two of them.”

  “No way. I pulled up to the back entrance of that store, and the guys had everything ready,” Fred told him.

  “God damn it, they fucked up,” Pino said and pulled out his cell phone.

  * * * *

  “Mr. Garcia, what a nice surprise. We didn’t know you were coming,” the warehouse manager said to Feluppe.

  “That was done intentionally. Mr. Punzini is very concerned about your capabilities here. He wanted a good look at the facility to see if it can continue to accommodate his needs.”

  “Of course, of course, whatever you or Mr. Punzini need.”

  Feluppe looked at Trevor. “Let’s take a tour and then sit down and talk business,” Feluppe said and as they started to head through the warehouse, when Feluppe noticed the open bay door and a guy helping a woman with boxes. Just then the warehouse manager, Perkins’ cell phone rang. Feluppe had to do a double take as the brunette turned in her tight-fitting skirt and cream blouse as two men helped carry boxes for her.

  “Bella?” he said and then looked at Trevor who squinted and started to walk that way. Feluppe stopped him as he also heard Perkins on the cell phone. Something was wrong. Perkins ended the call and looked scared. He started yelling in Spanish to the guys helping Bella. He knew what he said. They needed to check those boxes first.

  “What’s going on? I just need the shipments for the restaurant that the driver forgot to take,” she said to them, and Perkins approached.

  “So sorry, miss, but there was a mix-up. Let us make sure you have the right four boxes,” he said and then gave orders for them to check them, but then Feluppe approached and Bella widened her eyes and stepped back.

  “Easy, Bella,” he said and got closer. He couldn’t believe it was her. It had been months, and neither he nor Costano could forget her or get her out of their heads.

  “What’s going on? Why are you here?” she asked but started to backstep toward the door and ramp that led to her car.

  “Stop,” he ordered and she did. Immediately. He walked closer, looked her over and smiled.

  “My God, you look incredible, Bella. Costano will be so pleased.” He reached out to touch her and she stepped back. He firmed his lips. Then he licked his lower one.

  “How have you been? How is your family?” he asked, taking in the sight of her sexy body.

  “Fine.” She was definitely scared of him and he liked that. He closed the space between them, rubbed her arm up and down.

  “I can’t believe it. I mean I knew your family had a restaurant in a town not far from here, but to see you like this, it’s fate.”

  “No it isn’t. I don’t want any trouble. Please.” She went to step back but he couldn’t resist. He pulled her against his chest. She gasped and placed her hands against his chest, her keys in one hand. He grabbed her wrist and wrapped her up tight. He inhaled.

  “Incredible. Costano is coming to town and has plans with your uncle to discuss some things.

  “We got everything set. We’ll put the right boxes in her car,” the manager said, and the men started loading up her car. She went to pull back. He shook his head and stared down into her eyes.

  “This is such a surprise indeed. I guess your father got a hold of his senses and decided he could make some money with us after all?”

  “I don’t know what you’re taking about. My father isn’t involved in anything.”

  He smiled.

  “We’re doing business with them. I’m surprised he would send his only daughter to come gather those shipments.”

  “No, no, I’m not gathering anything. I’m picking up supplies for the restaurant. The driver forgot them when he was here earlier.”

  “Fred missed the boxes. I’m sending my men to deliver them now to them,” Perkins told Feluppe. Now Feluppe was confused, but he wouldn’t let onto that. He would handle it later. Right now he wanted to ensure Bella knew she was on his radar and Costano’s too.

  “I’ll walk you to your car,” he said and she walked with him. She looked right at one of Feluppe’s men who was doing surveillance in Warriorville for him and Costano.

  “She recognizes me,” he said to Feluppe.

  “Good, so she will know she has eyes on her at all times then. That one order and she will be taken to us.”

  “No, I don’t want any part of any of this. I don’t understand what’s going on. I—”

  He gripped her jaw and she gasped. He pressed her up against her car.

  “You don’t need to understand anything, Bella. Just comply when spoken to. Soon enough we will be visiting the restaurant. When we do, you be ready for us. Now not a word to anyone about these shipments here. I’d hate for something to happen to your family.” He moved closer to her cheek and ear. He inhaled against her hair and he could feel her shaking. When he slowly stepped back, he wanted nothing more than to kiss her, to feel her in his arms, but he knew he couldn’t. She was Costano’s first.

  He watched her get into the car and speed out of the parking lot. He gave a nod toward Trevor’s guys. Then he pulled out his cell phone and called Costano.

  “Bella was here,” he said and explained about seeing her at the warehouse, about how beautiful she looked, and about how her uncle was one of the people organizing the shipments of product through his business, and that Luigi was part of it as well.

  * * * *

  Bella couldn’t stop shaking as she hurried out of the parking lot and down the road. She couldn’t believe that Feluppe was there and the things he said to her and what he revealed. Why would her father and uncle be involved with some kind of illegal activities? They were helping them to sell and ship out drugs and guns? She could see the cases of ammo when the one guy opened the box and then the other with guns in it. Holy God, they almost put that in her car. What if she got pulled over? What was she going to do? As she thought about what Feluppe said to her, and how he mentioned Costano and also coming by the restaurant, she knew that they were going to put pressure on her father again. They would try to make him help them. But was he already doing that with Uncle Antonio?

  She felt like crying, and she wanted nothing to do with this or the way Feluppe touched her and told her how beautiful she was. He was crazy and a bad man. Costano was clinging to the restaurant, but why?

  As she headed onto the high
way she felt a bit calmer and the fear was lessening, until the police lights went on and an unmarked police vehicle began to flash their lights and indicate they wanted her to pull over. Her heart raced as she signaled to get off the exit and then pulled over on the side of the road.

  Thank God the drugs and guns weren’t in her car. Holy shit, what if they messed up and there were more in the boxes they just added to her car? What if her dad knew and her uncle and now she became part of their smuggling thing?

  Two men in dress pants, dress shirts and ties got out and one had his hand on his gun. One approached on the driver’s side and the other on the passenger side. She looked out her open window. “Miss, please step out of the vehicle.”

  “Why?” she asked.

  “You’re in no position to ask questions.” He raised his voice at her.

  “How do I know that you’re legit? Where are your badges?” she asked, and the one guy have her a look and then pulled out his ID. Sure enough they were federal agents. Now she was really scared.

  “Step out,” he said and opened the door. She released her seat belt and stepped form the vehicle. The agent looked her over, and then the other agent came over too.

  “Miss Puchenzi, you’re in some serious trouble right now.”

  “What? Why would I be in trouble?” she asked them.

  “I’m Agent Keith Andrews, and this is Agent Jerry Ford. How long have you been conducting business with Trevor Vasto and Feluppe Garcia?”

  “I’m not conducting business with them. I went to the warehouse because the driver who picks up supplies for my family’s restaurant forgot four boxes.”

  “You expect us to believe that when the last two weeks your truck from your family’s business has been picking up boxes and delivering them to other locations, and those boxes contain drugs, guns, or whatever else your father and uncle are involved in with these thugs.”

  “No. No way, that isn’t what is going on. I swear I went to get the boxes the driver missed,” she said to him, and he gave Agent Ford a nod. Agent Ford opened the back door and pulled out a pocketknife. He cut the box open, and thank God there were only decorations and matching supplies for the party.

  He closed the door and eyed her over.

  “How do you know Feluppe Garcia then?” he asked.

  “I don’t know him.”

  He gave her the once over. “I mean I’m not friends with him nor do I do business with him. My family and I knew him from back in New York. Him and some friends frequented the restaurant.” She wrapped her arms around herself and was shaking with fear. She didn’t understand any of this.

  “We need to be sure that you and your family aren’t part of this situation. Unfortunately, your dad’s truck has been used to deliver and transfer illegal weapons and drugs across the state and beyond. We have document sightings, surveillance video as well. Our investigation has been going on for months, and ultimately we’re after Punzini and Garcia.”

  “Well I don’t have anything to do with their illegal activities. I was at the warehouse to pick up the boxes. What do you want from me?” she asked, voice cracking. Both agents looked her over. “We don’t want any harm to come to you or your family, but it seems you all are right in the middle of this. We don’t know why Punzini and Garcia are involved in this type of smuggling other than to make money, however, their connections, and the things they seem to be smuggling in, are to aid individuals involved with terrorist activities,” Agent Andrews told her. Her jaw dropped. “What? Oh my God. This is serious stuff. How could some thugs from New York be involved with that?”

  “That is what we are trying to figure out, and also, why these other men are involved, who they are shipping things to, and what the ultimate plan is. I’m afraid we don’t have any choice but to charge your father, uncle, and those other men with aiding terrorist and being part of terrorist activities. They will be imprisoned for life, and with you and perhaps your brothers and mother involved, then you will all be charged as well,” Andrew threatened her.

  She covered her mouth with her hand, and tears rolled down her cheeks. She shook her head, uncovered her mouth, and begged him to help her.

  “Please, please don’t do this to us. We aren’t involved. I don’t understand any of these. Please, if we can talk to my father, my brothers and—”

  He shook his head, and she squinted and stopped talking.

  “You’re going to help us,” he said to her, and her gut clenched.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He means, we want you to find out everything you can about Costano and Feluppe’s dealings with Trevor Vasto and the Valderez family,” Agent Jerry Ford said to her.

  “How am I supposed to do that when I don’t ever talk to these men or see them?”

  “They’re going to come into town. By the way Feluppe was looking at you and handling you, I’d say the man is interested. Use that to your advantage and find out why he is in town, what his plans are, and what these shipments have to do with. We need to know everyone who is involved.”

  She shook her head.

  “I’m not doing that,” she said to them.

  “Oh yes you are, or you, your brothers, father, and uncle are heading to jail. For life. Terrorism is a serious crime in this country and there will be no plea bargaining,” Andrews threatened her. Before she could even process what was happening, they were explaining more to her and making it so that she had no choice. It seemed to her that once again her family was in danger because of Costano Punzini and Feluppe Garcia. What choice did she have?

  * * * *

  Vince and Track were both corresponding with the detectives from New York City, when one of the detectives said that Costano Punzini was heading to Texas this weekend. They heard through informants that some federal agents were watching a shipping facility in Fayetteville.

  “That isn’t fucking good. That means these assholes are doing business around here,” Track said to Vince.

  “What about the Valderez crew or Vasto? Any movement from them?” Vince asked. He was really concerned and especially as these men all had ties to Asid Jhakla who hadn’t been seen in months. He was notorious for wearing disguises and traveling in such a way. Now knowing that Costano and Feluppe were heading this way, it made them have more questions.

  “He doesn’t have anything on them. Said he is trying to find out what feds are involved and what we have authority to do here in Warriorville and Fayetteville so we can assist and be on the same page.”

  “You know how these feds work, Track. They have their own agendas,” Vince said to him.

  “Don’t I know it, but we can at least see what warehouses and maybe others who might be involved so when the time comes, we can get to those locations and plan accordingly for any raids.”

  “I agree. See what you can come up with,” he said, and only a few minutes later Track whispered, “Shit.”

  “What? What did you find out?” Vince asked.

  “Ford and Andrews are in charge. They’re in Texas.”

  “Fuck. Seriously? Those two egotistical assholes won’t share anything with anyone and definitely not us.”

  “You’re telling me. Sodo and Slane hate them and the feeling is mutual,” Track added.

  “Can’t blame either of them. Sodo and Slane watched those two agents nearly destroy an operation, and they got three cops and another agent injured. Those men could have died and all because those two dicks wanted complete control and to be the ones to solve the case. Assholes,” Track said to him.

  Vince got a call from Chord a few minutes later. “Hey, bro, what’s up?” Chord asked.

  “Just getting some updated information. As soon as I have it all together, we’ll meet up and discuss.”

  “Anything bad?”

  “Well, looks like some of our key players will all be in Texas this weekend, specifically Fayetteville if the intel is accurate.”

  “Fayetteville? Why?” Chord asked.

investigation and intel shows some activity in nearby warehouses. Looks like these key players are using some local trucking services and other locations to transport.”

  “Talk about the shit going down in our neck of the woods. What do you need from us? Lucky and Slane got no action on the place they’re sitting on in Lancaster. They thought they saw some undercover agents doing surveillance as well, but then they took off. They got the plates and are running things through the system.” Vince chuckled.

  “That would be their luck, approaching a suspicious vehicle and destroying federal agents’ surveillance detail.” Chord laughed.

  “You know who Slane would love it to be.”

  “Well don’t laugh, but Andrews and Ford are both on this case. That’s part of the iformation Track and I just got informed on.”


  “Exactly. So we’ll meet up in a bit and discuss. Those guys will be heading to town, right?”

  “Within the hour.”

  “Okay so we’ll meet somewhere for dinner.”

  “Ciao Bella’s?” Chord asked, and Vince felt that uneasy feeling. He knew that his brothers all found the young, sexy brunette attractive and apparently Chord had a special encounter with her yesterday at the park, but Vince wasn’t so sure about her, or whether she was playing some kind of game. Could be she was just too young.

  “Is that a yes?” Chord asked.

  “I guess I would be the only one saying no to this.”

  “The others are in.”

  “Okay, we’ll meet there later.”

  Vince got off the phone with him and then got back to work. It was hard not to think about Bella and what she looked like, how sweet she seemed. She was very attractive, but also petite, and young, possibly too young to understand what a relationship with them would be like. Plus it seemed to him she shied away from all men, and especially them when they initiated contact, even conversation. Maybe Lucky was right, and she was just shy and inexperienced. That should make older men like him and his brothers back off, but somehow it made her more appealing. Seemed dickish of him and his brothers to think they deserved such a woman. They all fucked around so much over the years, never taking any woman seriously or for more than just companionship and sex, for the time being. Suddenly they come to Warriorville, see what their friends have, what the town has to offer, and they’re taking about full retirement, settling down, starting a family, and making a commitment. Vince just didn’t think it would work, and the woman would have to be pretty special to snag all of their hearts.


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